Magnificent Desert Bighorn - Nevada



Giant desert bighorn recently taken in Nevada.
Over 180....
I need help getting them on MM.
Seen that thing last, just a perfect ram in every regard, magnificent is right!

just click the 'upload your photos' when you make a post, browse your files for the desired photo, click Upload, and then copy the bold title that appears and paste it into the text body...repeat for each pic, you can put em all in one post if ya want

Good luck!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-20-11 AT 09:23AM (MST)[p]>Giant desert bighorn recently taken in
>Over 180....
>I need help getting them on
LAST EDITED ON Dec-20-11 AT 09:38AM (MST)[p]I think I saw a photo this morning of that ram.

Words and score will never properly describe the magnificent ram. Only a photo or two will do.

I hope some tech-head will help you get them posted (I'm just a dough-head so I can't help)

I got the same pic that Zeke did and it is as pretty as desert sheep get!
And Zeke you'd best stop using your noggin as a rolling pin, cause you ain't gettin any smarter!

Thanks for the help!
Yup, that's the one.
Pretty darn sweet.

Congrats to the hunter and the outfit!

WOW...that is a beutiful RAM.....makes mine look like a baby, LOL.....that is about as perfect of a ram as you can get..
What a beautiful ram! They don't get any prettier then that.


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