
Very Active Member
A shout out to all the moms today. I lost mine a year ago and not a day goes by that I don't miss her, so for those that still have their mother here, don't forget to call and tell them. For those who are gone, just remember them. Happy Mother's Day!
Shadow; Your Post means a lot to me personally.

You are allowing some of us who get busy and forget to call Mom, a polite reminder to try. The manner you wrote is a nice reminder we should, if possible; Remember Mom, All year.

If I may please be allowed some wiggle room here, I would like to give credit to Wiszard as he denotes.

"Wiszard: Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says".

Wiszard is correct.

I have had the terrible job as a Sheriff/Coroner to drive to a Home and give a Death Notification, it is a life altering loss.

On a Christmas Morning as our Families Children(s) were all ready to begin opening Santa's Gifts, My Mother, with us, passed away at 8am.

No Christmas or Mother's Day was the same. Time heals...but a Hole is there forever. I don't know Shadow but I will say to him and everyone, Thank You for being the type of Gentlemen who post on this simple website. It strikes me that those of you whom "Read Only" and all of you whom Post, as a group, must be and have been, wonderful Son's and Husband's. It's my opinion if otherwise; you'd be elsewhere, not here on MM's.

I also send credits to those Single Fathers (and Mothers) pulling double duty and seldom if ever, hearing a Thank You....coated with true Love.

Thank You Shadow (and readers who don't post) for being good folks. Like Wiszard says; .... "go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says".

Mom's won't ask for anything....But you/we/us are on their minds every minute. I wish "I could have my Mom back".

LAST EDITED ON May-08-16 AT 08:05PM (MST) by kilowatt (moderator)[p]Sorry for you loss , hopefully you have happy memories that will live forever in your heart .
Thank you Jager for the kind words. I posted the tribute to my mother this morning with a bit of a heavy heart from missing her, only to get a call minutes later from a sister who dropped in to check my dad, informing me he had passed sometime in the night. The irony of it all is he'd not been feeling too well the last few days and called us all (5 kids) yesterday evening wanting to meet around 9pm at his place to get affairs in order and be sure we all had instructions as what to do. That's just how he was, in charge up until the last minute. We're all grown adults with minds of our own but I trully believe it was his way of saying goodbye. He knew. It was his time. Something in me knew as well as we were talking just before I left his house last night. Nothing particular, just a strange vibe. I guess I'm still lacking the wisdom to have connected the dots? He had missed my mother dearly this past year, was quite a lost soul and for them to reunite may just have been the best Mother's Day gift he could give? I'm rambling I'm sure. Really at a loss here. If you all still have your mothers (or dad), be sure they know of your appreciation because you just never know which chance will be your last.
Shadow, My deepest sympathies are extended to you and your siblings. The strange vibe you mentioned is not anything you missed, after all, you were listening to your Father talk. Us OLD Fathers have the stage and no child is geared, to catch us. Every genetic code with in your being, is geared to obey Mother & Father.

So, never gaze back and ponder if you could have done differently; such is impossible.

Sympathetic Passing's are quite normal and, misunderstood by many. When I read your Post, I felt something in your words. Wiszard said I may not learn from him yet, I knew I could, would and; Have. His saying carries weight.

Write me anytime Shadow. You have me as a friend.

Thanks feddoc. Jager, Im sure I'll one day forget your exact words, but the message within them really hit home. Many thanks.
I in no way wish to hijack this post in any way... First, my sincere condolences to those of you whom have felt the loss of your Mom, your Dad, or any other close loved ones of yours.. Shadow, and Jagerdad, so sorry for your loss, may peace find you...

Next, Happy Mothers day, everyday to Mom :)

I only want to share this snippet about me to honor Mom, Dad, and Family!!!! Thanks for reading..

I am very fortunate to still have both parents with me. I absolutely adore my Mom, she is Tops in my book, and I do try and call her daily, even if it's just for literally 2 minutes to let her know i'm here and that i love her, she's 73 this year. :) As for Dad, he's 77 and has really slowed down this last year, I dread the day we lose him, or Mom. The Man has taught me more about life and living than I can recall. Countless hunts and fishing trips, each one I have a memory of, even if it's just a picture, a rock on a hillside that we sat on to look for deer, or the many Aspen trees with our names and dates carved in.

So, I thought I would add something that has brought a whole new meaning to this thing called Life. I have recently divorced after a 20 year marriage, was 15 months of quite frankly, an agonizing, exhausting process. During my marriage, I had the pleasure of helping raise my wifes 2 children from a young age. We also became Foster parents, and helped out some 23 kids who brought both joy and happiness, along with tears and some resentment to my soul, due to some of their stories of abuse and abandonment that rocked my very judgement of some of the humans that share this World with me. During all this time, my Mom and Dad shared in the joy and the sorrow. They were coaches, cheerleaders, life coaches, and most of all showed unconditional love towards all members of the family, be them blood, or not!!

I recently found out that my Fiance,, I know, I know,, "didn't I learn with the first marriage" lmao :),, Jennie is going to have our child this November. Now, I'm 46 years young, this will be my first child that is from my,, ummm, well, you know, my DNA, I am thrilled, absolutely overjoyed at this news. To break it all down as short as possible now, I have what I call "mine" 4 adult children, my 2 step kids, plus 2 foster kids, brother/sister, that stayed with us as Our family due to being left without parents because of Cancer, "it doesn't discriminate". My ex-wife and I adopted 2 of our grandsons as babies, they are now 4 and 6, we have shared/equal custody of them and have kept them from being drug through the divorce. My Fiance, Jennie has an 18 y.o. son that leaves for Army boot camp in July, a 15 y.o. son, 12 y.o. daughter and a 9 y.o. daughter. And now, we will have a new addition to the Family of ours. Through all of these mixed and matched events that have come my way in life, I've had the one constant,, My Family!!!! Mom and Dad,, Thank you for all you've done for all of us kids, thank you for accepting each one for their uniqueness that they bring to the table, and God willing, I pray that our unborn child gets to spend priceless time with each of you before your time here is done. Amen...

I'm really sorry for your loss.

That is a tough read.....the whole way through. I am lucky enough to still have my folks around. I lost a son 18 years ago...lived for 17 days as a primi. His name was Hunter Thomas Wisz. My 15 year old son has his middle name in rememberance of him. I have not lived through such pain but have realized things happen for a reason. Prayers to you Shadow.


Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
Thanks to you all for the kind words. We had a good service yesterday and that helps to bring a bit of closure. We're all grown now, but as my oldest brother said "we're now orphans". That really made me chuckle, but there is a lot of truth to it because we all leaned on my dad for advice and approval right up until the end. I know that a lot of the decisions I made as an adult, I still bounced it off of him to get his perspective. I'll miss the old turd, but feel like they both raised me to be tough, and a survivor, same as they were. Thanks again for a place to vent and the kind words. And don't forget to call your mother or dad.

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