Montana refunds


Very Active Member
Is any body else still waiting for Montana sheep and goat refunds ? I remember from a past post there was a few people that said they had received the refunds . I tried calling , however I'm getting a answering machine . Let me know I'm not alone .
No refund check in the mail for me . I was finally able to talk with a real person at the Montana Fish and Game the other day . I was told that the refunds were mailed June 23 , and they confirmed my mailing address . I knew they had the correct address because I recieved the conservation license .
I was advised to wait until July 23 or 24 for the check . If no refund by then I was asked to write a letter explainimg no refund with my A.L.S. number . The person I was talking with said they had a lot of refunds from the post office that were being returned to the fish and game for no good reason .
A big run around for a lot of money that isn't doing me any good right now . I think I will right the letter now , and get the ball rolling .
I just hope the refund didn't get sent to the wrong address , and then cashed by some idiot that didn't check i.d .
Good Luck on your refund .

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