More LASIK questions


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So I am scheduled to get my surgery after talking to all of you and hearing from you. I have a few more questions. I may be getting cold feet. I'm not worried about my distance vision being corrected I think I can plan on that. I have a large amount of astigmatism I am 40 years old. My worry is that the surgery is going to mess up my nearsightedness to where I will not be able to function on dialing my turret, looking at crosshairs/peep sight reading the GPS looking at my phone without readers. I know my nearsightedness will go more and more every year as I age. I know the surgery will not fix my near sighted vision which is fine I just don't want it to make it worse. Would love to hear any of your experiences.
I would have the same concern, as my eyesight is the same... crappy far, crappy near, with astigmatism. I worry about being able to see my peep sight, and if you fix one (far), still needing glasses for near. Toting around glasses for near, far, or both, kinda defeats the purpose in my book.
May be a question for your doc before you get it done. has a few good threads on the topic, but still would be a pretty subjective question for your personal situation for your doc.
My understanding is that LASIK doesn't have much effect on presbyopia, which is the age-related vision change resulting in the inelastic movement of the focusing muscles.

Almost all of us will deal with that, which is why reading glasses are cheap and next to the cash register at Walmart ?

Run it by your doc
I had a astigmatism as well and did PRK best money I’ve ever spent my opinion is do it!!!! I’d do it 100 times over
So I am scheduled to get my surgery after talking to all of you and hearing from you. I have a few more questions. I may be getting cold feet. I'm not worried about my distance vision being corrected I think I can plan on that. I have a large amount of astigmatism I am 40 years old. My worry is that the surgery is going to mess up my nearsightedness to where I will not be able to function on dialing my turret, looking at crosshairs/peep sight reading the GPS looking at my phone without readers. I know my nearsightedness will go more and more every year as I age. I know the surgery will not fix my near sighted vision which is fine I just don't want it to make it worse. Would love to hear any of your experiences.
Hey Grizz I hate to break it to you but that is what happens once you turn 40. Both of my kids are going through it now and both are carrying readers around with them.
I on the other hand went with Mono vision contacts and they work great. My shooting eye is for distance and my left eye is for up close. It seems weird at first but after getting used to it I really don't even notice it. I wear gas permeable lenses as they breath and I can read blueprints up close and still see distance.
My son came in the other day and he has a job close to me and is working out of my office so we can share a little more time together. He forgot his glasses and freaked out as he had a meeting, I fumbled around and found an old pair of my British nose hangers and he got through the meeting. LOL
How was your nearsighted vision before surgery?
Never had an issue seeing close, before or after the surgery until the last 6-12 months. Even then it is not bad enough to use readers very often.
Alot worse when I am tired or have had to do a bunch of reading on my phone.
I just went in for a consultation, I was told I would need readers the minute after surgery but my distance would be corrected. Im heavily leaning towards what deerhunter 53 did, two different contacts.
I had consult and they repeatedly said you’ll need readers for close up. So! I needed readers if i wore contacts for distance correction! In reality I got about 10 years with adequate near vision and 20/20 far vision then progressively worse on near. Sucks to get old. Now I wear readers for fine print... they are cheap and I just keep a pair in my pocket. all in all I’d do it again in a heartbeat. Last 15 years not having to mess w contacts has been a dream.
Yea, what he said. I had mine 20 years ago. I still see 20/20 from about 5 feet out to wherever. Up close, I have been using readers for about 4-5 years.
Similar to my experience. I had mine done about 15 years when I was 43. After the surgery my vision improved to better than 20/20 in my right eye and the left was at 20/20. Now 15 years later its still the same but I do need readers most of the time for reading. I can read some things if I'm not tired or there is good light, but you can pretty much figure on needing readers as you get older. Still glad I had it done though.

But when I shoot my rifle I'm fine seeing the reticle without any readers/glasses and also when I use my binocs all is good.

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