More Liberal Crap


Very Active Member


How ironic is this??!! They don't even believe in Christ and they're getting their own Christmas stamp, but don't dream of posting the ten commandments on federal property?

USPS New Stamp

This one is impossible to believe. Scroll down for the text.
If there is only one thing you forward today.....let it be this!

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of PanAm
Flight 103!

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the World
Trade Center in 1993!

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the Marine
barracks in Lebanon!

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the military
barracks in Saudi Arabia!

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the American
Embassies in Africa!

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the USS COLE!

REMEMBER the MUSLIM attack on the Twin Towers on 9/11/2001!

REMEMBER all the AMERICAN lives that were
lost in those vicious MUSLIM attacks!

Now the United States Postal Service REMEMBERS and HONORS the
EID MUSLIM holiday season with a commemorative first class
holiday postage stamp.

REMEMBER to adamantly and vocally BOYCOTT this stamp
when purchasing your stamps at the post office.
To use this stamp would be a slap in the face to all those
AMERICANS who died at the hands of those whom this stamp honors.

REMEMBER to pass this along to every patriotic AMERICAN you know.
Thanks Wes! I really cant believe it! Just goes to show how whacked our government is. I wont be buying it and should email the PO to express my disdain.




Guys.....I gotta jump in here. Sorry.

If any stamps are to have religion, then all religions should be included(mainstream religions, anyway)

Muslim religion is not the cause of the terror, it is the whacko extremists within that religion(few). Kinda like David Karesh(Waco, TX) type, the type that bombs abortion clinics because they are PRO-LIFE. etc.... The terrorists that cause all this crap happen to be Muslim and hate the U.S. they bomb us. They are the ones that need the one-bullet solution.

The 2nd largest religion in the world is Muslim-at over 1 billion and growing. Catholics number about 1.1 billion(that's me). Muslims are catching up. Muslim relgion is based on all people being equal, indifferent and peaceful. Hating all Muslims or any religion is ignorant. Ever heard of Hitler and the Jews.

The radicals need to be mopped up, no doubt. As patriots we need to stand by our President....George W. Bush. GET OUT AN VOTE THIS YEAR THE "RIGHT" SIDE NEEDS ALL THE HELP WE CAN GET.
I don't normally enter into discussions of this type on MM, but I've got to jump in here too. My official duties with the U.S. government in my current and past life have led to more familiarity with this issue than I'd sometimes like, but life is what it is. I've sworn an oath to support the Constitution on more than one occasion, and I maintain full respect for the "non-establishment" clause in the First Amendment regarding religion (which does NOT mention "separation of church and state").

In this case, however, I have to respectfully disagree with Elmacho and the popular media. The religion is, in fact, the problem. Neither Islam, nor any "Islamic country" has anything even remotely resembling the First Amendment; church and state are joined, if not one and the same. Without going into an in-depth discussion of history and Koranic admonishments regarding other religions and "infidels," here are the facts regarding modern Islam, which is what we are facing today: 1) I can count on one hand the number of imams (religious leaders) and mullahs (religious and community/political leaders) - here in the United States or anywhere else - who have criticized any acts of terror anywhere in the world or called on the "faithful" to root out members of al Qaeda and other terrorist groups; 2) Over 80 percent of the imams of mosques IN THE UNITED STATES are members of, and adherents to, Wahabism, the second most radical Islamic sect, which originated in Saudi Arabia and is the most missionary (widely taught) sect of Islam; 3) Not one single imam of any mosque in the United States was born here; 4) The madrassas (religious schools) you've heard about on the news that are teaching tomorrow's terrorists also exist here in the United States and teach the same philosophies as those in Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc. - the biggest is in Reston, VA, immediately outside Washington, DC; 5) Among the "faithful," mosques are the preferred location for the planning of terrorism and other criminal acts; 6) One of the single greatest border problems facing the United States today is the illegal crossing of the U.S.-Mexican border by - not Mexicans - but Muslims, not all of whom are "Arabs"; 7) Christians are presently being slaughtered by the tens of thousands in countries throughout Africa and Asia - in the name of Islam. Those are the undisputable facts about Islam today, but come to your own conclusion as to whether or not religion is the basis of terrorism...

Venado muy grande!
For those that say Islam is not founded on or doesnt promote violence/terror. Here is one more bit to chew one. The root meaning of the word "Islam" in arabic means surrender or submit (not peace as some people say. If you don't believe me ask someone who speaks Arabic who is impartial). History states that the early founders of the religion would go from village to village on horseback yelling "Islam, Islam" or for everyone to surrender or submit. If they didnt comply.......well you know what happened with those swords they carried.
Wow Randy!

That was an eye opener. What little I knew came from a college course I had re "world religions" taught by an impartial professor of philosophies.

I usually try to look at things from all angles to avoid being an ignorant "sheep" and buying into everything the media puts on the TV.

Do you think the problem is Religion-wide or just certain sects?
(kinda like the various off-shoots of christianity, not to compare the christian religions to Islam). Maybe they do need nuking.

The lack of seperation of church and state is likely a big problem. A governing power can perform "any" act in the name of their God.

Thanks to God we are in the USA.

Never thought I'd be discussing this on any forum.......

Thanks Randy and good luck this year.

And good luck to you as well, Mark. Please don't take my diatribe as an attack against you. Some people (like your college professor), in their quest to be "impartial", manage to lose their objectivity and good sense in the process. And, in their quest not to offend anyone, somehow manage to overlook the truth. Governments everywhere, of every stripe, are difficult to limit in their power and some use religion as a tool to maintain that power. (Even 220-plus years ago, the framers of the Constitution recognized that truth - and thank God for it.) Modern Islam, whether wielded by a state or a bunch of wannabe's like bin Laden is about maintaining or establishing power over a group of people, and its proponents can turn to many verses in the Koran to convince the people that they're right. In truth, that has been the practice of Islamic "leaders" for over 1,500 years...

Venado muy grande!

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