More Privatization of animals...Sheep again!!!


Long Time Member
I really hope we can get the word out and show some opposition to an alarming trend happening under the current commission. The issue really started a while back with the approval of the BSAP (Big Horn Sheep Access Program).

A little history on the BSAP can be found on the link below. In summary there was a movement away from the already lucrative Ranching for Wildlife Program to a system where private land owners gained further control over tags. Ultimately here is a longer thread concerning the issue, but in summary we lost more public sheep tags to land owners as vouchers. It is a disturbing trend through out the state. Here is a link to the first round where they increased private land owner vouchers at the cost of public tags, essentially creating a new level of privatization above and beyond the RFW programs. It off course creates a pile of issues from cost to hunt, decreased licenses in the drawing, increased point creep etc. All in the name of profit.

This month on the agenda the commission is considering an amendment to the original BSAP program. In this amendment, they are now proposing relocating sheep onto these BSAP properties or virtually any private property property with sheep habitat, in order to grow the herds and increase private vouchers. It is essentially a 1 page paper with absolutely no details on where the sheep will removed from, where they maybe placed and no details on how the cost will be shared etc. On its face it may seem like a good thought, but we are essentially going to pony up the sheep and who knows how much money to ensure further privatization of the resource at the cost of public opportunity.

At the very least there should be very clear specific writing on the cost sharing. Also the only sheep that should be considered for transplant should be sheep from herds that live virtually full time on enrolled BSAP properties or other private lands. They should use herds already privatized and not remove sheep that can otherwise be publicly accessed.

Here is a link to the action papers for the November Commissioners meetings. The additional BSAP information is on the 2nd and 3rd Pages....

Please review this issue and make your voice be heard. It is becoming apparent that in Colorado the public hunter is slowly experiencing a death by a thousand cuts....
Corruption follows hand in hand with rarity.


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