More Wyoming Moose Pics


Very Active Member
I made a post with the story in the moose forum about this bull but I got some more pics and these are better. It really gives you an idea how big this dude is. Hope you like them....



Here I had already shed the camo and was preparing myself for the many trips with a full pack to the truck.


As I was taking the pictures I had to keep telling myself that we were in Wyoming and not the Yukon:). I was standing in the trees right above Butch"s head when the Bull got arrowed. As you can see he didn't go far.


This is my fav.........Congrats to Butch and thanks for letting me tag along. I'll pack meat out any day to be a part of something so cool!!!!!!

"That's a special feeling, Lloyd"
I don't know a heck of a lot about Moose but i got to say that, that sucker looks like it could be a world record or something such! Don't know that i've seen a better one posted from the lower 48. Congrats to the hunter!!

LAST EDITED ON Sep-21-11 AT 08:18AM (MST)[p]Holy @#$#$#, you sure that is a shiras? Looks like one for the record books. Tell your buddy congrats.
Huge moose, That is one of the best racked Bulls I have seen.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Great bull, love those huge paddles! Gongrats to the hunter on a great hunt, must have been intense with him that close and a bow in hand!

?The bugle of the bull elk echo?s through the pines, the north wind moans her lonesome lullaby, he hungers for the freedom of an eagle as she flies?somewhere beyond the great divide?

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