My 2009 "brush buck"


Long Time Member
It was a tough season this year in Kali. We had hot weather early and the deer were really laying tight. It seemed the first two hours in the morning and the last hour before dark were your only chance to catch one out in the open . In between, you either have to push them out, or just go sit somewhere and hope one decided to get up and move a little and give you a shot.

I tried still hunting an old cut over one day and did jump a few deer. I could hear them moving out ahead of me, but never laid eyes on any of them. It was logged about 8 years ago and it's almost too thick. The cut over is on a fairly steep hillside that runs down to the creek. The opposite side of the creek is just as steep, but is solid timber.

Well, being the intelligent, experienced, and cunning hunter that I am, I formulated a fool proof plan. Instead of hunting through the cut over, I decided to take the opposite side and find a spot in the timber where I could sit and watch the cut across the creek. I would sit there and glass the last four hours of the day. I found the perfect spot with a blow down to use as a rest, and started glassing. A quick scan revealed nothing, so I did what every great hunter does. I made a grid in my mind and started picking apart the landscape. Nothing! So I did what every patient hunter does, and took a nap.

I woke up about an hour later and the sun had gone down over the mountain behind me. This gave me a fresh look without all the shadows. Within about two minutes, Bingo, there he is! Bedded in that thick Manzanita brush under that big rock! Right where you'd think he should be! I can't tell how big he is because all I can see are the main beams. This late in the season I decide to take him and be happy! My rangefinder says 233 yards, and one shot with my .300 Winny lays him down.

Thanks for letting me share my 2009 season!

The first photo is a backlit photo through my fiberglass garage door. Cool photo, I think.

My 2009 "brush buck". If you look close, you'll see that he is actually a 4X4!


Wow what a trophy. :) thats quite the hunt it sounds like. The only reason i laugh so hard is because its happened to me before. I didn't acctually "lay him down" but looked at that darn branch for a good chunk of time before i realized i was about to shoot at a stick. Thanks for the post.
I really like the first abstract photo. It really
adds to the story and is a fine specimen of
..I hope you have all your affairs in senile old bastard..lmmfao eel...nice.

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

LAST EDITED ON Nov-07-09 AT 09:39PM (MST) by Founder (admin)[p]littlebuck2, no sense of humor huh?

No, I didn't shoot at it!


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
this is one of my favorite posts of the year.

i love it when a good plan comes together.

well done.

Nice EEL!
No tag soup this year...
Those brush bucks are best cooked under a dutch oven, after a good roasting in an open fire.

"Yeah, I'll shoot him"
Eel, You ornery old $hithead. Just admit you made a buck out of a doe. You are one fine story teller.

dammit eel!
you kali boys have been to tardville again hunting haven't you?
last time you guys were here you wiped the deer & donkey herd out!
now you've taken a protected species of sage brush.
you guys are gonna get caught one of these days.

Pretty weak forks, but look at the mass on that thing!! I'm guessing he was a really old buck past his prime.

Did you have him aged?
littlebuck2, no sense of humor huh?

No, I didn't shoot at it!


NOW if the truth was really known, I would bet that that FOG INDUCED eel emptied his rifle into that bush and that is all that is left. Nice try...LMAO

I think Eel, got himself one with a 15 inch base. Strong work, I had faith you'd pull it off. Thanks for sharing.
damb, i don't feel so bad not scoring on my buck this year, thanks EEL.....good story tho
Now there's a rack that will give ya wood!


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Yeah baby!! Good job eel. That is truly a unique trophy! Looks like you truly got to the root of things with that one baby!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Can't read the zone on the tag. You going to keep that secret? Awesome job, think I'll try for one like that next year.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-08-09 AT 07:15PM (MST)[p]Thanks for all the kind comments. Feleno, I went out to count the growth rings and found termites! Good greif, now what? Anyone have a solution?


Elmer, all I will say is B zone. I'm pretty protective of my firewood....I mean honey holes!

Tell the truth Eel, it was a walking head shot with your bow @ 65 yards. You un-ethical SOB.

"If it moves shoot it again"

Eel, A little early in the week to start smokin' a little home grown isn't it? He is a dandy though!!
I have glassed a few like that. Even a couple much bigger. But I have chosen to look for something that may be better eating.

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