My 2011 Stallion Range Oryx Hunt


Long Time Member
I just want to thank all of you on MM who offered advice for my 2011 oryx hunt (especially Kevin and stinkystomper).

I had learned about this hunt a while back and my friend Kevin suggested I apply for the Stallion Range. With difficult draw odds, I never expected to draw. I was lucky and drew the last hunt of the year on the Stallion Range.

After months of preparing, asking a lot of questions, I was ready to go. We left Northern Utah/Wyoming at 3:30ish Thursday morning. We drove all day and arrived in Socorro later that evening. It sure was nice getting there a day early. It allowed us to rest and get a few additional things ready for the hunt.

I was allowed 3 guests on my hunt. I decided to take my son, dad, and Tony- AKA stinkystomper. My friend Kevin, who suggested the hunt, was there as well. His friend had drawn a tag.

Tony was nice enough to drive down to Socorro and stay with his family. That next morning we left our hotel and picked him up. We then headed for orientation. After orientation, we were off to hunt. I will say that I am impressed with Gilbert, the base, and the NM Fish and Game. They were very friendly and treated us well!

As I am sure all of you know it was a two day hunt. Therefore, there was pressure to get a good oryx as soon as we were able. Right from the start, we saw a few good oryx. Tony glassed up a small herd and we thought we might be through, early. However, some other hunters bumped the oryx and we had to go try a new place.

We saw other oryx throughout the day. They were very nervous and would not stay still. It was difficult getting on them to say the least. Finally, I had a chance at a great bull later that afternoon. I won't go into detail but I was totally disgusted with myself on missing out on a great bull.

So, Saturday we came back with nothing. I was starting to feel the prssure for the next day hunt. We were able to start hunting right away the next morning and immediatlely we were able to glass up 2 broken horned oryx. I decided that I want to get up on them to get a better look. I actually was pretty happy that hese were some of the few that I found before Tony did...

As we were walking through the Yucca, we would stop and glass the terrain. As we were glassing, Tony spotted about 8 oryx moving our way. We pushed ahead, hoping to cut them off. We came to a good point, stopped and set up the shooting sticks. Tony said there were three shooters and some juveniles. I raised the gun and quickly found them in the scope. They were about 450 yards away. Two of the big ones left my site, and the other shooter was milling around and feeding with three juvenile oryx. I kept trying to steady the rifle, and hoping the oryx would position for a good shot. Finally, it stood quartering away and I got the gun steady and squeezed off a shot. I thought I heard a hit but wasn't sure.

I don't think Tony thought I hit it lol... If I had hit one, I think that he thought I shot one of the juveniles. He pulled up his glasses and it was down and still trying to get up. We moved quickly and I stopped at about 100 yards and shot again to finish it.

I learned a lot on this hunt. These oryx are extremely difficult to see in the Yucca. Tony helped a great deal, helping us learn about hunting oryx. I really appreciate how he was able to find them (glassing); Thanks!!

Congrats. NIce oryx.

The voices in my head may not be real, but they have
some good ideas!
woodruffhunter...Congratulations!! The Stallion is getting tough so you did great!! Thanks for sharing.

Hunting is Life...everything else is
Just details.
Ol' Buzztail...
Nice looking animal,nice that it all worked out good for ya.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Great story Jason!

I really enjoyed spending time with you, your Dad and son. And it was also a pleasure to meet Tony, aka, Stinkystomper as well....Great hunt with some great friends!....It's all about the journey, right!

Kevin is dead on. Any hunt with guys who can enjoy the chase is always a great experience. Now when do we start planning our alaskan moose hunt there kevin?
Agreed; what a great time. It sure is fun planning, and hunting with friends and family! Killing that oryx was just icing on the cake!

That was only the second time I had ever been to NM and the first time I had hunted it! Great people, and great weather lol.. I hope to get back there again.
Hey jason, check out this site. I signed up a while back and if your gonna go on a safari its an extremely useful website. They have all the before and after the hunt info you need. They have a special travel agent that supposedly saves you tons on your airfare if you use her to book your flights (haven't used her so I can't give a refrence). They also have links to the malaria maps and times of the year its around etc. Check out the trophy judging on eland and kudu they are spot on and beyond helpful especially if you've never killed these types of animals, much less hunted them.

Anyways, the website is

An added benefit is that these guys are classy guys. They aren't these low rent hillbillys that thinks the world owes them a free hunt like you see on this website. They are a very decent crowd and several classes above the lowlifes on this website. Check it out. You'll love it man.

I'll give the website a try. I have been looking at that link on judging and I now know what you meant about the Eland. I didn't realize their horns could get that big. It looks as if they would be hard to judge since their large bodies make their horns smaller than they really are.

I wished I would have found the website sooner; I already purchased our tickets. Of course, I chose the worst time of the year to travel (for cost). But, thats usually my luck lol...


Its an unbelievable hunt. Looking back now, I got a little too caught up in the harvest. The two days go by so fast, sometimes you can't just stop and realize how amazing these animals are to hunt. Now, after the fact, I can really appreciate how fun of a hunt it really is. Too bad its once in a lifetime!!

It definately should be at the top of your list when you are applying for hunts. My wifes already talking about the bull she is going to kill lol. Just like her elk, she will shoot a bigger oryx than I did!!

Thanks for all the nice comments/advice!
Nice Job woodruff!

Sounds like you had a great Hunt!

That looks like some Tasty Meat?:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Thanks woodruff!

I might be going out Saturday,not 100% sure yet?

I could meet you in Heber in the evening on about any day of the week that would work best for you?

We'll Swap some Vitals!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!

I'll be in Logan over the weekend. Lets meet up next week, if possible. I could head down there in the evening. I owe you dinner for packing out that elk quarter in a snowstorm!!!
Sounds good woodruff but you don't owe me Dinner!

Ya,on an evening it works for both of us that'll work!

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!

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