
Long Time Member
First off I'd like to say I met Will & Heather A Few Years Back on the San Juan!

They've always been Decent with me & I've always admired the Bulls/Bucks they've taken!

In Monticello/Blanding during Season You'll see alot of Respected Hunters/Guides on the Mountain and at the Cafe's at night!

Recently I posted a couple of Threads wondering if Heather had taken a Bull or not,just Curious,I know for a Fact She released some amazing Bulls earlier in the season!

When I Posted the "HEATHERS MEAT BULL"??? Thread I didn't Post it to make anybody mad,was just curious as to what kind a Bull She ended up taking?

When I was down on San Juan this Last Fall I talked with several Friends & locals,just about every Conversation there was Talk of the Big Bull Will had already taken and talk of Heather & the Tag She had,they told me about some Awesome Bulls Heather had already Passed on,and I'm thinking:Damn Girl,what you trying to do?Out-do Will,Lol!

Anyway,Laughing & Joking,several of the Guys I talked with said:Oh Hell,She can Harvest a 380"+ 'MEAT BULL' the Last Day of Season if she decides to,again just laughing & Joking!

When I & others have Mentioned/Posted 'MEAT BULL' I didn't mean anything Rude(I Hope You Know this Heather?)The Bull you took this year was an AWESOME Bull,I've said it many times & I'll say it again,Wished I had one to my name just a little smaller than the Bull you took this year,Again,NICE JOB on an AWESOME Bull!

Most people that know me,know that We go for a Good Time & Joking & Laughing & having Fun in Life is what some of us Live for,I've been JOKING & RAZZIN People all my Life,even on MM,when you see me Post something with a: :D Smiley Face this Indicates I'm RAZZIN You,I thought everybody knew this but apparently not?

Anyway Heather & Will,I didn't start the Threads/Posts to make anybody Mad or for anybody to start THRASHING anybody,just Curious about your Hunt!

I received the Pic's a few Days before Browtine Posted them but I quickly seen they had Doyles Trademark on them & decided I'd RESPECT EVERYBODY & not Post the Pics,Decided I'd just wait for somebodyelse to Post,sure enough,Browtine Posts them a day or two later!

I did Post(Jokingly!)something to do with Heather looking at Will's Wallet on one of the Threads with a: :D Smiley Face,I guess this made some people mad?Just wanna Say I'm SORRY Heather & Will,I surely never Posted that to STIRR anything up,again,when I Post something with a :D I'm just RAZZIN People,Surely never meant anything Rude by it,I Hope you Understand?

I Hope to see Heather & Will on the Mountain again doing what We all like to do again in the Future,I'm sure We will!

Again Heather & Will,I Apologize if I caused any Problems,I surely never Posted anything to intentionally cause anybody any Problems,I hope you accept?

bobcat,over & out!
Will's lawers must have contacted old Bessy ! :) (Notice smiley face) haha(Noitce haha) Lol ( Noitce lol )
It was a great gesture, and hopefully well received. Its nice to see someone own up when its called for or a misunderstanding has taken place that may offend. We have all made mistakes and upset others with comments + 1 for clearing it up.

I think he was truly afraid of Heather, a girl that can kill like that is not one to mess around with. (smiley face here).
LAST EDITED ON Jan-22-13 AT 11:53AM (MST)[p]Geez, I don't know any of them and I took both threads for just that "having fun"! Life is too damn short to do anything otherwise!!!
>Will's lawers must have contacted old
>Bessy ! :) (Notice smiley
>face) haha(Noitce haha) Lol (
>Noitce lol )

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
LAST EDITED ON Jan-22-13 AT 12:58PM (MST)[p]The faceless anonymity of the internet(and especially this forum) seems to breed disrespectful, rude comments from some heartless souls. But I have never taken any of Bess's posts to be of that nature. I for one, appreciate the clarification, whether it was warranted or not. (no lawyer necessary)
It is unfortunate that more posters don't follow suit on some of their mindless rants! :)
Well Bess it takes a big man to apologize when he is wrong, and it takes a lot of other big men to laugh at him for getting him to the apologizing situation in the first place!! ;-) ;-)

(Yep, I am one of the "BIG 'OL BOYS" and I'm not afraid to get laughed at either!)


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If your REALLY sorry, you'd shave 1/2 the foo man choo off as a way to prove it to all of us. Anything less, and IMO isn't truly heart felt. And would be a great way to pick you outta the crowd at the expo next month... ;-)
I dunno, but I can sense the presence of an attorney type looking over your shoulder as you were pecking out that apology Bess.
Who did Bess pay to write and type that up? I didn't think he knew how to turn the caps lock off! If he keeps that up the DWR is going to issue him a tad some day.

Well done Bess.
Maybe I don't see the whole picture, which is genereally the case on an internet forum like this. But i didn't see where Heather and Will got offended on the other "Meat Bull" post. If that is the case then I think it is quite ridiculous to get offended for something like this.

I don't condone posting someone else's pics cuz they're not yours to post. But I sure as hell don't condone bringing lawyers in the picture for something this stupid. People are too sue happy now-a-days.
I wasn't offended nor did I see anything to be really offended by. This is the reason why I stopped posting on these internet sites years ago. NOBODY can take a little or alot of kidding and joking around without taking it serious and getting into a typing match of insults. GEEZ relax people. Can't we all just get along swap stories, BS, and have camp comraderie over the net. I sure as H hope Will and Heather were not insulted. They are about the last ones they should get insulted over something like that. Did I miss something that's not being said. I don't think they are too straight laced about anything. Lets all just breathe. Quack Quack. Remember who we are. Most uf us is jst huntrs now cmon on!
No one should be offended by this, unless the truth hurts!! It is a Meat Bull. It would be a awesome LE Wasatch bull, It's not a awesome governors bull.
It's a 375ish bull which is a far cry from the governors bulls of recent. I posted the truth about how it got pushed off the g_lf cours_ and how it was a lot of glassing from trucks and chasing them around in deep snow and my post got deleted because sometimes the truth hurts and it makes people look bad. Besides who reply cares is it life changing? No it's just a elk if someone is upset by others exercising their freedom of speech then they live a sad sad life...
Score is over rated IMO. It's a great Governors bull. It sounds like they had a great hunt. Passed up alot of bulls. Ended up shooting a dang nice one. I would rather have that bull than some 400 inch bulls. Congrats.
bigdogphilj (5 posts)
Jan-23-13, 08:44 AM (MST)

No one should be offended by this, unless the truth hurts!! It is a Meat Bull. It would be a awesome LE Wasatch bull, It's not a awesome governors bull.
It's a 375ish bull which is a far cry from the governors bulls of recent. I posted the truth about how it got pushed off the g_lf cours_ and how it was a lot of glassing from trucks and chasing them around in deep snow and my post got deleted because sometimes the truth hurts and it makes people look bad. Besides who reply cares is it life changing? No it's just a elk if someone is upset by others exercising their freedom of speech then they live a sad sad life...

Now that, Sir, IS an offensive post to call that bull a meat bull! GOOD GAWD!!! Some just don't know when to keep their yapper shut and you have now changed the whole positive tone of this thread. Maybe a Mod will delete it too!
Topgun- compare it to the last 8 governor/Sportsmans bulls... It is a dang nice wasatch type bull but it is a far cry from the governor/Sportsmans bulls of recent times. I am not discrediting it as being a good bull but it is a meat bull when you have the governors tag. You should be killing one of the biggest bulls that the state has to offer. Especially when you have the added help of a guide service... This bull was bedding down on the gol_ cours_ and staying in a park just to be pushed off 2 days before so she could shoot it. You are ok with that, just don't call it a meat bull. But I'm some insensitive jerk who has changed this thread. There should have never been a apology.
Ya mine too.

Who is anyone to measure someone else Bull, Buck, or any game animal. especially trying to justify, by measuring some statistics of other animals killed with the same tag. This was a fine bull, huge in my opinion and represents the trophy class animals in the state.Yes there are bigger, yes there are those that score more. You might measure the Horns using scientific data, but you will never be able to include the scores that are added into the hunt. I am sure this bull and many others would score somewhere in the upper 1000's when the fun, time, and everything else that goes into a hunt like this is included.

Again Congrats on a great bull. That things head is simply huge. and I would score it in the upper one thousandish

Many of my greatest trophy's are rag horn bulls forked dear, 12 inch goats, cows and does. The memories of some of those hunts score more than is even measurable with a tape.
Here is a one thousand inch doe

bigdogphilj is correct everything he has said on the matter is how it happened. Sorry but the truth hurts
still a nice bull though
I don't give a rat's azz if bigdog is correct in what he stated! There was just no reason to come on this thread to spout what he did about that huge bull that is absolutely gorgeous and also perfectly symetrical. It's good to know that some people like the gentleman who posted the boy with that doe actually know what hunting is all about!
Well Guys!

I never ever thought I'd be Giving an Apology for the Threads & Posts I made!

But According to browtine I basically called Heather a Gold Digger when I was Teasing when I made the Post about Heather Starrin at Will's Wallet,I was only RAZZIN & it was followed by a: :D!

Maybe I did Offend Heather & Will?

I surely never meant to!

And I surely never started the Threads for people to start THRASHIN Heather & Will!

I've HASHED & THRASHED it out with MM'ers for years,Never once Alerted any of them,I take care of my own Battles!

I truly think Heather & Will are a little Tougher than what browtine is claiming,but if I'm Wrong,I just want Heather & Will to know I surely was only RAZZIN/TEASIN,I think most MM'ers here can & have figured that out!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-23-13 AT 08:07PM (MST)[p]Yes Elkassassin (better spell that out) that a big 10-4 we have it figured out ;-)
Love ya brother and Will and Heather to !
Dont worry, I'm sure they still like you... You are once again in the "IN" crowd... :D

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24

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