nanny vs billy


Active Member
what are the pros and cons of hunting billies versus nanny's? I am sitting on about 10 points trying to decide whether to go for a nanny hunt or if there is a reason to hold out for a billy tag. Thanks in advance
a nanny tends to have longer but less massive horns. a bigger gap between the horns. a billy has shorter and thicker horns with a gap that is less. when i was goat hunting i was watching a stud of a nanny, she had super long horns and were thick. i watched all through acouting season and would of not of hesitated to shoot her. i would say i think it would be easier to shoot a nanny at least the area i was in cause they travled in big bands to where as the billies travled alone or with another billy.
Thanks for the info. Are nannys scored in the b&c record books or just the billies? Any other opinions?
both are scored. the bigger part of the trophy in the mountain goat is the hide. th meat is really tough but i been cooking my steaks in pot roast in the oven all day and has turned out to be awesome eating.
I hunted nannies this year and it was an awesome time. You'll be hunting goats that much sooner, look at it that way.

If you are worried about score, wait for a billy tag. You'll lose too much on the mass on a nanny. I shot a 10 incher (which is big I think) and She still probably won't book.

It was the hunt of a lifetime tho and I would take another nanny tag in a heartbeat.

If you end up putting in for a nanny here in Utah let me know, I'll be happy to head up with ya.
It's interesting that it is almost a crime on this site to take a female of any species, except when it comes to goats.
I am certainly not against you going after a nanny, and I have seen some impressive nanny mounts. Perhaps it might boil down to having the right mind set...knowing you are taking a female animal.
The point is, LBH, that the F&G offers the nanny tags rather than just being the choice of the hunter.

If the F&G offer the tags and you feel like the population can stand the pressure then there's no reason not to take one.

99.9% of the big game hunters out there can't tell the difference..... until they educate themselves or actually hunt them.

Go for it!
I understand the tag and the legitimate reason for issuing them.
My point was simply the irony of the choice, given the often taboo mind set of shooting females of other species.
For instance, if mule deer does had nice racks, other than maybe they were not quite as heavy, would we more readily go shoot them...or question whether it is a worthy trophy?
I will say, I have seen some impressive looking Nannys...and you are right about most hunters not being able to consistently tell the difference between a billy and nanny.
I am also not opposed for him to Go for it! Just think it is an interesting question.
I would rather go on a nanny hunt than go to my grave without ever having the chance to hunt goats.

If you are building points in several states, then burn some on a nanny hunt and keep working on drawing a billy tag in the others states.

For me the trophy of a goat is the long white hair. 99% of the people don't know the difference between a nanny and a billy, let alone the difference between a book goat and a non-book goat. However, everyone thinks a mountain goat is pretty neat in any trophy room.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-12 AT 03:04PM (MST)[p]WOW, this topic has been covered well and to the point by numerous peoplem that know what they are talking about.

First you will hunt years sooner, 95% of the people that look at your trouphy will never have any idea if it is a billy or a nanny and the nanny tags are issued to control the herd numbers.

All the other regular tags are hunters choose, not billies and numerous nannies have been taken with the regular tags, with some hunters not even knowing their trouphy was a nanny until they roll them over!!!

I believe the fish and game could issue a few nannies in other units as they reach good numbers also. This would help draw odds and control numbers and there is units where nannies are dieing of old age and could possibly be taken by a hunter. Don't get me wrong, the numbers should be few and only in the units with very large numbers!!!

My statement on the nannie tags is not because I want better odds for myself, just my thoughts. I have already draw my once in a life time goat tag five or six years ago. I believe I had one point under max at the time of the drawing (13) and know that it was quit a wait. However, it was a great hunt with some great memeories I shares with great freinds.

Some people would never shoot a nanny, just because it is a female, but like has been stated about goats, the nest trophy with them is a coat/mount. Not to mention some nannies have scored very well.

Great question and some great advise by some knowledgable people here at MM.
I drew a nanny tag last year and had an awesome hunt. I believe Muley_73 posted pictures under Willard Nanny. Here is my worthless opinion. She was a great goat, but it was sure a lot fun watching some of those big billies. During the hunt I was really wishing I had a billy tag not a nanny. Now that I've drawn I started reviewing the odds and I may never draw another OIL tag. If I were to do it over I would hold out for a billy. Either way you should have a fun hunt, there really is no right answer.

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