Need your prayers



Hello all. Some of you long timers know me as its been awhile since Ive posted. Some of you know of my daughter Katheryn. She has not been feeling well for the last couple of months and I took her to the Dr. on Wednesday for an ear infection. They took and the results werent good. The Dr. made arrangements for her to go to Doernbecher Childrens Hospital/OHSU in Portland. After a bone marrow biopsy, she has been diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukiemia. They are starting chemo tomorrow morning. For those of you with kids, its unimaginable. I would give anything to trade places with her. I have been having conversations with people about things that I never imagined that I ever would. Please say an extra prayer for her if you all would as she needs them right now. I will keep you posted of her progress as I can. I have e-mail access and she will be able to read your posts on here so any encouraging words to her would be awesome. Thank you all so much. Lisa Thomas
I've added Katheryn and the rest of the family to my prayer list.

Katheryn, try to keep a positive attitude. There is power in prayer. I've seen many people get well from things much worse than what you're going through. It won't be real easy, but many, many people are on your side and asking God to heal you. Take care.
Lisa, My prayers will be with you and Katheryn. I have three kids of my own and can't begin to imagine the fear you are facing. God works miracles everyday, keep your faith strong and hand over your fears to God. " Father, give Lisa the strength to put all of her troubles into your hands". Katheryn, be strong we are all pulling for you....P.T.L.
Lisa, please keep us posted... Keith.

I'm so sory to hear this news, will keep Katheryn and your family in our prayers. If there is anything I can do to help drop me a line or give me a buzz.

Mathew 11:28

Then Jesus said, " Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest."

We will pray that God's hand will protect her, and be with you and your wife. We lost our daughter 5 yrs ago. I wish for no one to go through that.

I wish her and the family the best of luck through this. Many prayers will go out for her. Be strong and don't give up hope. There will be many monster mulers praying for her.


Updates? I cant get through on your e-mail, drop me a line. Still thinking about you guys daily and hoping/praying for the best.


rest assured that i and my family will be praying for you.


i can identify with having a child with a serious illness. the stress level is incredible, but prayer will help!
Doernbechers is a wonderful facility. They will treat your daughter very well and give her the best of care. Your daughter is in our prayers.
Thanks to all for your encouraging words and prayers. We left the hospital last Thursday and Friday morning woke up to a fever. Spent the next 48 hours in Bend (What a joke!!)at the hospital on IV antiboitics. Released just in time to get home and pack to go back to Portland. She had surgery on Monday to implant a catheter in her chest, another bone marrow, a spinal and her second round of chemo. Good news is that they saw only a few cancer cells in her bone marrow in the preliminary test on Monday. She started this whole thing with 85%. This means that 85% of her cells in her marrow were cancer. They are hoping to find none left on day 14 of her treatment. Then the trick is going to be keeping her in remission for the next two years. Shes tough but I cant imagine what its like to be 10 and dealing with cancer. There are a lot of emotions!! There are way too many details that I could go into but in a nutshell, all of the tests so far have been in our favor. Thanks to all for the thoughts and prayers. We look forward to coming here and seeing notes from new and old friends. Oh, Katheryn says hello and thank you too. Last but not least, I can not say enough about the Doctors and staff at Doernbechers, every one of them deserve a special place in heaven!! Thanks again,,, Lisa Thomas
p.s. Mike, I get the same message when I e-mail you. Ill give you a call later this week.

So glad that the news you are delivering is positive. From what I know of the type of cancer Katheryn is dealing with it is a very treatable/cureable (sp) form. Sounds like she is doing terrific. You guys are on our minds on a daily basis. Check your PM's, I think I sent one to you earlier this week.

Hang in there Katheryn, we're pulling for you!

My thoughts and prayers are with you. I've had friends and family members that have gone through this, but I still can't imagine what you're going through. Count on the fact that my Bible-study group and our local prayer chains will be called into action... Hang in there.

Venado muy grande!
Good news! The latest bone marrow results are officially in and the cancer is down to below 5%!!! Two more weeks on the induction phase and it should be to zero. Then the trick over the next two years is keeping her in remission. She is the most incredible kid I've ever known. Definitely my hero!! Lisa
Kathryn-Prayers are on the way from Texas. Sounds like you are quite a fighter, keep up the good work.
Its things like this that put everything else in perspective,that makes you realize that drawing that coveted tag or someone riding their atv through your favorite spot just as the big uns starting to move in is really not that important.I have three kids and worry everyday for their wellbeing, I dont think I could handle what you're going through. I admire you for your strength. I'm a pretty strong man emotionally but things like this tear me up. I wish you the best.
Lisa, I just saw this on here, I don't get on to often in the summer, I hope all is still going well for you and your daughter. I will be sure to keep both of you in my prayers, I have 4 children and can't imagine what you both have gone through.

Katheryn, Keep your chin up and hang in there, life is full of hard times. Just remember to enjoy the good things and know that you have many friends on your side even if you don't know all of us. Good luck and let us know how things go
yahooooooo!!!. Lisa, I just got back from a two week vacation. Great news!. I am so happy things are going well for you and Katheryn. I just spent two weeks with my three teenagers and thank the good lord everyday he blessed me and my wife with these kids. God is good!. Keep us updated. PTL.
Hello all. Well the latest news is not what we were hoping for. After her final bone marrow last week she still has between .1 - and 1% residual disease left in her marrow. Technically, she hasnt achieved remission but close. Because of this, she will have to go through delayed intensification and consolidation twice and will have to recieve radiation to her brain. This is a precaution because if/when the disease shows up again, that is where it will go. This next phase will take 30 weeks. Radiation is something we wanted to avoid at all costs but the dosage will be much less than if they were to find the cancer there and try to kill it. There will be permanent side effects that she will have to deal with such as memory loss and loss of some thinking skills.
On a brighter note, this weekend is the last Pee-Wee rodeo for the season and Katheryn wants to carry the American flag during the grand entry. It helps her to feel that she is still a part of things and can still do at least some normal stuff. She went fishing with my brother-in-law and sister last weekend. The fishing was great, but the catching was another story....
Thanks again to all for your notes and prayers, it is comforting to know that there are so many pulling for her. I will let you know as time goes how she is doing. Meanwhile, its back to Portland tomorrow for the start of round two. Thanks again, Lisa (and Katheryn and Kelsey too!!)
Lisa, I hope you don't mind if I recommend a book for you to read. It's called "A PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE" Why are we here anyway.
It's authored by Rick Warren. It's a great book and I believe will help keep things in perspective for you while you go through these scary and uncertain times..Try it I hope you like it.. Keep the faith!!!. Keith Fish.

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