nevada lock horns latest


Long Time Member
Just read the post on the death of the two lock horn bulls in Nevada. I seen it on the news. I as a hunter and sportsman am outraged to say the least. I don't know all the picticulars on the matter but I do know. (1) The elk didn't belong to the Rancher. Not his call to say. (2)He wouldn't let the fish and game do there job. They are Wildlife managers hired by the state and chosen by all to represent and protect the elk.(3)Wene the Rancher knowingly and willing had all control of life and death. He the Rancher made the decistion to let them die. This is wantfull and willingnes distruction of wild life. It sounds like he was advised by all parties involved. Not only is it wantfull and willingness distruction it also imposes the fact that they were Trophy Class. This in it's self carries it's own punishment. In my eyes this is worst then poaching. To think that he can get away with it is the worst thing that can happen. More will fallow if that is the case. To think that this same rancher wants landowner tag's. The same rancher that would let two bulls die intentionly. Even though it is a natural cause. We as Sportsmen & Woumen, Ranchers, Animal Actvist Nature lovers, Hunters and Chosen Goverment Officials All share the same common intrest and that is to portect the well bing of all wild life and to insure it's survival. Bull &@#% is my toughts. The elk don't belong to the rancher neither does the water the air or the fish that swim in it. I don't care if the Elk ate his grass that was his choice. It is our responsiblity to see justice be served. We spend millions a year Hunting Fishing and I am one that won't stand by and let my opion go unheard and I would expect the same from all of u that have a say in the matter or care about the Elk. Let your officials know. Let the newspapers know let the judge know let the magazines know. Any information you might have we can use post it here. I will do my best to pass it along. And to see the right people get the info. I want to know the county the ranchers name and location. And what city it is close to. See this is not about 2 dead elk
it is about. Right and wrong. It can't hold a value of 100's 1000's or two dead elk. It is millions in damage. We have been trying to incorporate elk for going on 50 years and spend billions doing it for what ever reason. He stole and killed from all of us he should pay. Stand up speak out or forever hold your peace and hope some one else will do something about it. WE all seen it and disagree now do something about it.
What is the latest on the development. Who know's we want to know???
They sell these landowner tags for $10,000 or more! Why do you think he did what he did. Landowner tags in Nevada is big money. Greed is what killed. Remember that incident in New Mexico around 2000 where a rancher shot a complete herd of elk. What did New Mexico Fish and Game do! That will be the same that Nevada does. I e-mailed them and ask why. I still haven't gotten my reply. This is BS and they had enough time to free the one elk. What is the world coming to.
First of all, its sad to see to great trophy's go to waste. Howevel, the rancher didn't kill them, they died of natural causes. He did have the right to denie access to his property. The news report stated that the officer said the rancher has never applied for tags. I remember in Yellowsone a few years ago when two bulls got locked the the park biologist said let nature take its course. Poeple had to watch for 15 days while these two bulls died a slow death. Sad that the rancher didn't want to help, but thats his right. Some people don't want to hunt, thats their right. We all have rights and we all have to respect those rights. Even if we disagree.
I'm with YELUM on this one. Landowners have rights too. I am sure that he has his reasons for not letting F&G on his land. We should all be on the ranchers side and not on the government side.

Not to disagree guys. Yes the Rancher had rights. Did the elk have rights. Guess not. It's gods will that we protect them. That is why we have brains. To protect the foul and beast provided. It is our right to protect them. For they have not the ablility to. However not to disagree guys I like the rancher and his rights just he made a bad call.
I'm kinda with rottinbuck on this one-- the elk sould have had a more honorable ending-we will all answer in the long run.
I have to say that I agree that the rancher has rights. We must remember that there are always two sides to a story. Two magnificent trophies dying is a bad deal and we all hate to see it. But we as hunters and sportsman must remember that the rancher has a right to deny access to his land.
No one knows the full story behind any of probably stems from long time dealings between F&G and this rancher thats left a bad taste in his mouth. I've seen it all to many times before.
I guess everyone knows about the same as I Dont know the whole story. Any info would be nice. Hard facts and what is the latest on it? Anyone know?
My understanding was that the rancher killed several elk without tags and that resulted in the "bad taste in his mouth" as he was in some trouble.
The reason this was an issue is because it was caught on film and then put on TV. The cameraman probably got a few bucks at the expense of a fight to the death. I have no problem with that. It was a natural thing like a fawn being killed by a coyote. But do you see on the news, the deer that got caught on the barbwire fence or the deer killed daily on the highways? All animals do is try to survive and reproduce. In todays world animals can use all the help they can get from man. They have rights too.
Ranchers have rights to...... cheap grazing on National Forests. Where their cows compete with animals for drought stricken blades of grass all the while providing more than an ample supply of flies to ruin anyones camping experience.
Willful waste of wildlife should be the charges. I wish we could do what Gomer would do and put him under "Citizen's Arrest."

"The more crap you believe, the better off you are." - Charles Bukowski

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