Nevada shed hunters


Active Member
Just wondering what everyone is seeing as far as if their were a lot of boot tracks made before the season started. The one area I like to hunt there were plenty of wheeler/motorcycle tracks prior to the opener. This is in a wilderness study area also, tracks drive right between the two signs. Just bothers me that if they cant enforce driving on a wilderness area, how can they hope to enforce shed hunting. I understand the reason for the law, but it bothers me when they make a law that is not possible to enforce, and the guy that follows the law is the one is punished. Is this law really helping the animals in the long run? Maybe in some places, but not most. Nevada is so remote, it is almost impossible to catch a shed hunter.
Coyote..... How did you end up doing?

We are headed out tomorrow for a few days. I'll let you know what we see.

90% of places in WY and NV got poached!


Hey homer go ####
Boot tracks. Atv tracks. Shed impressions left in snow where they were removed. Several hard days of goose eggs.
I didn't even attempt going out this year because last years was a complete waste of time. I love the outdoors and shed hunting but with an 8 hour drive and taking a week off work it's just not worth my time.
Well we are back. I hiked 26 miles over three days and found 1 decent elk shed, 1 chalk raghorn shed, and a few chalk deer sheds. Really poor compared to years prior. We did see several boot tracks and some ATV tracks criss crossing the sage.

On a better note, I did get to spend some time in the hills with one of my friends and aslo my father.

Played by the rules, and waited until the opener and got screwed. We were in WP County and it was a joke. Foot tracks everywhere and watched a group of guys grab a couple of cached piles that were obviously stashed. The fact of the matter is this is an unenforceable law and the honest guys/gals lose! I really hope this gets repealed so that it's an equal playing field in the future. What a joke.
The same thing has happened in wy since the law started. The game and fish catch a few guys each year and think they have done the job they was hired to do!

It will never end iether. I keep telling myself next year will be better nope steadily gotten worse!

Guess I'm the only one who's spot didn't get picked clean....not even by me. I went to one of my spots I found last year and found that not only were there a few browns on the ground, there were tons of chalky ones I missed last year.

Nevada Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Big Bucks & Bulls Timberline Outfitters Guide Service

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Western Wildlife Adventures

We offer some excellent mule deer and elk hunts in northeast Nevada.

Currant Creek Outfitters

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Nevada Outfitters & Guides Association

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SilverGrand Outfitters

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Hidden Lake Outfitters

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G&J Outdoors

Full time outfitter with 20+ years hunting mule deer, sheep, elk, antelope, lion and chukar.

Mountain Man Outfitters

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Urge 2 Hunt

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White River Guide Service

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