New Utah flag?


Active Member
I know the bees in the hive in my backyard have been offended for years at the state flag.

Perhaps we need to only be in session every other year if we've run out of important things and are left with this?
I had to do a search.

Why did they change the Utah flag?
The senator said he made the change after an American Indian constituent expressed concern about the 8-point star looking like an asterisk from a distance. “Our people sometimes feel like an asterisk on American history anyways,” McCay said the constituent told him.

I had to do a search.

Why did they change the Utah flag?
The senator said he made the change after an American Indian constituent expressed concern about the 8-point star looking like an asterisk from a distance. “Our people sometimes feel like an asterisk on American history anyways,” McCay said the constituent told him.


What a crybaby.
When this was announced and the State had finalized the design, my wife promptly went out and bought a couple "normal" old Utah State flags.

She'll never fly one of those fancy new pansy flags at our house.

I'd love to have the money they spend (squandered) on the new flag design and implementation. What a joke!

When this was announced and the State had finalized the design, my wife promptly went out and bought a couple "normal" old Utah State flags.

She'll never fly one of those fancy new pansy flags at our house.

I'd love to have the money they spend (squandered) on the new flag design and implementation. What a joke!


So did mine. We don't currently live in UT, but we're both from there.
I like this new flag and don't understand the vitriol against it. The old flag was bland, didn't stand out and that's why people wanted a new one. It's not hard to understand and it has nothing to do with transgendered wokeness cancel culture but that's the narrative that so many people love right now on both sides of the aisle.

Ya'll act like their gonna ban the old one--jeeze, turn off the pundits and look at things with a little common sense. Ignore the jokers on the far left and right that are making money off this manufactured outrage.
I like this new flag and don't understand the vitriol against it. The old flag was bland, didn't stand out and that's why people wanted a new one. It's not hard to understand and it has nothing to do with transgendered wokeness cancel culture but that's the narrative that so many people love right now on both sides of the aisle.

Ya'll act like their gonna ban the old one--jeeze, turn off the pundits and look at things with a little common sense. Ignore the jokers on the far left and right that are making money off this manufactured outrage.
Having an opinion and the ability to express it is great!
I've heard your opinion and you've heard mine.... and we're both right.

Ain't freedom grand?

I like this new flag and don't understand the vitriol against it. The old flag was bland, didn't stand out and that's why people wanted a new one. It's not hard to understand and it has nothing to do with transgendered wokeness cancel culture but that's the narrative that so many people love right now on both sides of the aisle.

Ya'll act like their gonna ban the old one--jeeze, turn off the pundits and look at things with a little common sense. Ignore the jokers on the far left and right that are making money off this manufactured outrage.

Maybe hop on a ladder and look over the top of the box you're in?

Just a suggestion. Don't have to take it personally.
The old one was boring and looked very similar to about 20 other state flags. It now stands out and has some personality. Utah has a lot of curmudgeons who resist change even when it's innocuous. They will assign some boogie man cause of theirs to fight the change or grasp at straws.

If you legit think the old flag looked better than the new one--that's great. I think you probably also wear cut off jean shorts and socks with sandals but to each their own.

If you are fighting the new flag because you think the liberal tranny weenies are pushin it through the legislature--well you are being PSYOP'ed and dooped.
The old one was boring and looked very similar to about 20 other state flags. It now stands out and has some personality. Utah has a lot of curmudgeons who resist change even when it's innocuous. They will assign some boogie man cause of theirs to fight the change or grasp at straws.

If you legit think the old flag looked better than the new one--that's great. I think you probably also wear cut off jean shorts and socks with sandals but to each their own.

If you are fighting the new flag because you think the liberal tranny weenies are pushin it through the legislature--well you are being PSYOP'ed and dooped.
No sandals but I do wear jean shorts.
I never though I would become a grumpy old man,
but here I am,
The old one was boring and looked very similar to about 20 other state flags. It now stands out and has some personality. Utah has a lot of curmudgeons who resist change even when it's innocuous. They will assign some boogie man cause of theirs to fight the change or grasp at straws.

If you legit think the old flag looked better than the new one--that's great. I think you probably also wear cut off jean shorts and socks with sandals but to each their own.

If you are fighting the new flag because you think the liberal tranny weenies are pushin it through the legislature--well you are being PSYOP'ed and dooped.
Not one word that is was changed because of lebreral-tranny weenies, until you brought it up.
Maybe you should not be so sensitive.
We already have a water shortage, a housing shortage, and our touristy areas are completely overrun. Why does the state .gov feel the need to make a new flag to try and recruit more people here?

Should have made one with a combination swastika/confederate flag to try and scare some people away ?
Since Utah is not mandating use of the new flag, and even stating that the old flag can be used whenever wanted, this will make for an interesting experiment. I'm betting that 2 years from now, there will be some article written about how the old flag is being sold at 3X the rate of the new flag. Ha!
I got curious and was a little surprised how many times Utah has changed its State flag design. I took Zeke’s wife’s lead and ordered the old one, in case the makers stop making them.

I prefer a State flag that combines the symbols of the State and the Nation. The red, white, and, blue doesn’t satisfy the Nation’s contribution for me. Beehives and Eagles is more my preference.
Wow, I just got a call from the company I order the old flag from and they said they no longer make or sell the old one. Damn!

Liberty Flag at 1-800-314-2392
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As Soon As CHINA Hears About The' Wants' They'll Be Making CHEAP-ASS Old Style Utah Flags And Selling Them For A F'N Nominal Fee To Americans/DRATS!

Wow, I just got a call from the company I order the old flag from and they said they no longer make or sell the old one. Damn!

Liberty Flag at 1-800-314-2392
I like this new flag and don't understand the vitriol against it. The old flag was bland, didn't stand out and that's why people wanted a new one. It's not hard to understand and it has nothing to do with transgendered wokeness cancel culture but that's the narrative that so many people love right now on both sides of the aisle.

Ya'll act like their gonna ban the old one--jeeze, turn off the pundits and look at things with a little common sense. Ignore the jokers on the far left and right that are making money off this manufactured outrage.

Well said. I don’t think we’ll get to see any change happen in government anymore without outrage from one side or the other that it’s because it’s too woke or not woke enough. I know there’s gotta be some normal level headed folks left out there somewhere.

I'm reading that a state flag task force was created, and it reviewed 7,000 flag designs and 44,000 public comments.

I wonder how much money all of that cost the tax victims.
If this new flag is in fact the result of Wokisom.

Then they need to go all the way. The word Ute was a name given to the mountain people by the Spanish explorers.

The people we now call Utes referred to them selves as the “Cesspooch”.

So we should now call Utah,, Cesspoochy
and if you are from Utah you will be a

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