New years day Lion


Very Active Member
Well the day started a little colder than I am used to.


-31 degrees according to the F150, holy smokes.

We had been down hunting for lions two other times and had yet to find a track. When we arrived in my unit we found that there was about 9' of snow ontop of the pass. As we sailed down the canyon we were not really looking for tracks, no critters would hang out in this much snow right? Wrong!


Sure enough, a good sized lion track trudging through about 6 feet of powder. We made a game plan and decided to wait for about an hour so the temps would increase. We waited and when we were tired of sitting in the truck we decided to put out on it. The track paralled the road for about 100 yards before turning uphill to the south. Thats where we dropped in. There was a small creek at the bottom of the canyon the lion was in and we let the dogs go there. We had made it about 50 yards down the trail and could see one of the dogs up ahead of us about 100 yds. She looked as if she was coming back to us. We waited and saw that she was actually circling the bottom of a very large pine tree. Then we could see the other dogs barking up the same tree. I thought to myself "there is no way that cat is already treed". Sure enough the cat was up the tree not 150 yards from where we let the dogs go.



I looked it over and decided that I would be very happy taking this lion. I had a narrow window to shoot through, but I felt good about taking the shot. Here is the view I had of my shooting lane.


The tree that he was in was HUGE. My rangefinder said 17 yards. It doesn't sound like a very hard shot. Well 51 feet strait up at an angle like this was pretty tricky.


I let fly and my arrow met its mark. If you look close you can see the arrow coming strait down out of his chest.



I am way stoked about this tom. He ended up being right at 7'



A very large thanks to my dad, Randy, Brad, and shedseeker for making this happen for me. It will be a hefty taxidermy bill, but an experience I'll never forget!

Those are some awesome pics of what appears to be a very
demanding hunt. But, the end result was definitely worth
the cold and snow. Congrats on a beautiful trophy.

That is a great hunt documentary. thanks for posting. those pics are stellar.... Congrats on a great lion.
Nice Job, and thats a great cat. I have been packing around my DXT as well looking to do that same thing as you. Way to go
Nice pics and story. Congrats. I want one to. Someday but we can't use dogs in Oregon. Such BS.
Now that a great hunt and a good looking cat.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Way to go Buddy. I am proud of you as always. That was a difficult shot but you landed it well. Thanks for letting me be part of a great hunt.
Nice pics and great story. Thats awesome,, just swallow the taxidermy bill.... I promise a great lion mount is totally worth it.
}}-SLIVER--> .....Great story telling and pictures!!! Congratulations on a great Lion!! Thanks for sharing!

Hunting is Life...everything else is
Just details.
Ol' Buzztail...
Great story! Thanks for sharing photos Priceless feeling when ya got a big tom like that And you didn't have to trudge that deep snow to far Not many cat hunts like that
Wow, what great photos and what a great shot. I've been bowhunting for over 50 years and the shot you made under those condtions, (so steep up and so cold) is just awesome. Congrtas on a great lion and a great camera man. He did a great job of capturing it all. Thanks for sharing. BB
LAST EDITED ON Jan-05-11 AT 06:36PM (MST)[p]Thanks for the kind words guys. It was an awesome experience for sure. I owe my dad big time for the great pics. He had a great point of view and has an awesome camera. His pic's will make the memories of this hunt all that more special.
Thanks Dad.

The shot was not easy to say the least. It will probably be the hardest 17 yard shot that I will ever have to make. When I took the shot it was -16 degrees.

the elk thank you '; the deer thank you hell we all thank you . great hunt. great pics..
I was just searching for this thread and thought I'd resurrect it to pump up people who applied for mtn lion this season. I am still waiting on my mount, and when it gets done I'll post it for sure.

Been there and done that many times, and it's always a blast to drive onto a set of tracks like that in fresh snow cause you know you've gonna see a tom in the tree. Lion hunting comes in many forms, from overnight snow, to melted out tracks and frozen ground, to open ground and dry ground. Lions are even hunted off the rig in warm weather like bear which is also a great way to hunt and has it's own excitement to have those dogs go off on the box, but standing under a lion like that is tops.......congrats!

(here are some more photos that will pump you up with the coming lion season)
Congrat's awesume Pics and story. Great archery shot and kill...I can read this post and look at these Pics more than once every 9 months...It is great everytime :)


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