Nor Cal Buck


Very Active Member
This is a nice foothill buck that I took in 1998. It scored 151 1/8.

Larrbo, I think I'm going to take a drive over to your place and look at your trophy room...You have taken some really terrific blacktail!

For some reason posts numbers 5&6 are not coming up on my screen. Can you guys see them?

You are welcome to my office anytime to see my mounts. It's only an hour away and we can have lunch.

You just think I am too old to beat you, but you had better meet me first. I am a big guy. That son I told you about is 6'9". I am smaller but wider! Ha Ha!

Buying my lunch is similar to an investment!
The more I look at that buck, the more I think I saw him during the winter deer count on Tehama Wildlife Area a few years ago. What year did you shoot him?
I think it was about 2003 when I rode along with Fish and Game on the deer count. He is a beauty!

I think he was taken in 1998 or it could have been 99. For some reason that year had alot of 4x4 bucks running around. I think I passed about 12 4x4 bucks that year before I took this one. He was bedded down on top of a finger towards the bottom of a canyon. I was able to get to about 275 yards for my shot.
Maybe these bucks were much similar.

I Loved going on the deer counts, but they stopped them in 2004. It was enjoyable seeing all the great bucks that migrate through that area. A lot of hunters would'nt believe the caliber of deer that are out there. The fellow that managed TWA at the time was an old friend and it was an amazing experience.


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