OBAMA resistence formed case anyone wants to peek.

bwnco just admit it...you are a homophobic racist with a god-complex or you simply dislike Obama because he is tall. In either case that site is real piece of trash targeted at simple minded individuals driven by misguided hate issues. Individuals like yourself that are hell bent to dishonor our constitution, veterans, and the voting process by not accepting the fact that President Elect Obama is "our" elected Commander-n-Chief.

Your grass roots movement is all about "money" and "the team"= lobbyist. These guys are praying on sore losing dilusional hate mongers that are addicted to ignorance and fear.

Look at the Talking Points listed on the site then ask yourself the following questions:

What party gave us the E.P.A. and our National Park Service? What type of healthcare system do our veterans, top government officials, and our President receive? What party gave us the Wall Street, AIG, and Citigroup, and Auto Bailout while giving the oil companies the largest tax break in history? What party allowed the largest influx of illegal aliens to ever enter the country?

As for activist judges what Supreme Court gave us warrantless wire-taps, suspension of habeas corpus, torture, Terri Schaivo, and control of the national guard taken away from the Governors?

McCain clucked "time-tables..you said time-tables" at Mit Romney at the Reagan Library, Iraq has now set a time-table.
Speaking of the great conservative Ronnie, did the federal deficit and the size of government grow or shrink during his 2 terms? Were the Bush Tax Cuts Reaganique? Was McCain's flip-flop support Reaganisque?

Ending our current large scale presence in Iraq will actually enhance our military and our national security. Currently China owns 10% of all U.S. debt a percentage which grows by an estimated $10 Billion monthly for operations in Iraq.

The overwhelming majority of Americans support efforts in Afghanistan while being opposed to continued large scaled efforts in Iraq. Public support and re-focus on Bin Laden's capture would embolden our armed forces which are paying out record sign-up incentives while laxing many previous basic requirements.

Amnesty, well under what presidency was the last amnesty? The result...millions of more U.S. tax-payers that pay for same inept government that you and I pay for.

O.K. enough of Poli-Sci 101A bwnco.

Just admit it bwnco you are emotionally invested in a hate campaign based on fear and hyperbale. It is no wonder that site has such a miniscule number of registrants in a country of 200+ million voters.

Obama has selected an extremely impressive cabinet. Where George has given us Harriet Myers and Alberto Gonzolas, Obama has secured Gates, Jones, Keitner, and appointed Clinton.

Nemont I read that same article and I was really happy to see Gates inclusion. I remember when the Dems squeaked about his directorship of the CIA. I think Sr. had enough of Rummy, slapped Jr upside the head, and placed Gates in. In any case this guy is doing a great job and is a true straight shooter.

Oddly enough I find Obama very Reaganisque, beyond being a polarizing figure, he is picking up a top notch no-nonsense cabinet...so far it's looking good.
FTW as far as the bailouts - While I heard several Republicains in congress arguee that we need to let the capital system work. All the Dems I heard or seen where going right along with it.

As far as what caused the banking failure how about looking at what Presidents signed the deregulation? What party forced the banks to make some of these "minority" loans? What party leaders tried unsuccessfully in 06 to install more regulation and warned of the collapse?

"As for activist judges what Supreme Court gave us warrantless wire-taps, suspension of habeas corpus, torture, Terri Schaivo, and control of the national guard taken away from the Governors?"

As for this after 9/11 the wire-taps and torture - Am sure you do not agree but we are in a WAR and it is the US vs terroists. They attacked us and have been attacking us 9/11 was one of the best planned and largest attack in recent history. If some wire-taps and waterboarding stops another attempt at a 9/11 then Thank you Bush. That is your fellow countrymen that died that day, all because of the terroist believes. As long as we are a free country then they want to kill everyone that does not have there same beliefs.

Both parties have had some very large mistakes and judgement on some major issues. However there are 3 issues that Obama has prommised to do that I believe will HUGH MISTAKES. 2 of them are releated to National Security which as Commander in Chief should be his number one priority. Guantanamo Bay should continue to hold the prisioners of war or otherwise known as terroists. At least there they cannot plan or commit terroists acts against our country and fellow countrymen. Second is his anti nuclear policy. Currently Russia is updating there nuclear arsenal while we keep the same 1970/80 technology. For a country to stay as a big boy on the block WE MUST keep and update our weaponary. Our Nuclear capablity has kept many nations from attacking us. Without moving forward with the new smaller, portable more accurate nuclear arsenal we are asking for trouble in the future. Third issue is Goverment Health Care this is going to be a joke. It has not worked anywhere in the world. We have the best system currently so why fix something that is not broken. Why not fix things that are broke? Social Security, economy?

There is too much pandering to the really ignorant and lazy people in this country and not enough telling the facts as facts.
>bwnco just admit it...you are a
>homophobic racist with a god-complex
>or you simply dislike Obama

Damn this is so funny, typical liberal. First thing you do is start calling people names.

First off, racist? I have a black brother in law, and when i rode professionally I traveled with a black guy for 2 years. No not a racist.. I do hate liberals and there socialist views though. Whether there white,brown or pink.
There is black colleges, black miss americas, black rodeo assocations, black magazines.. Now, try having one white only any of the above, and see whom is racist. I adore Condolece Rice.. Sentor lott from Oklahoma, and Clarence Thomas.. ALL BLACK LEADERS, ALL CONSERVATIVE LEADERS!!
God Complex... not hardly. There is a thing called History that if you do your research, all you have to do is see why things fail. Very simple.. But simpletons like yourself are to ignorant either one to read or two to digest what you read.
Simply dislike Obama...... I think he is bad for american and what it stands for. He is a socialist. Anyone whom says are military is bombing innocent civilians over the air waves, and making it sound like it is on purpouse, after what happened on 9/11 does not have any business being in leadership position in the USA. I hate Reid, Polozzi ( how ever u spell her damn name) and Marfa equally as well.....Race has no factor..
bwnco, you are just wasting your time with these liberal imposters. They ignore the facts and spread the same BS.
I love it when they call us racists without even seeing our family or the friends we have in our circle. Your right it is the first thing they use nearly always!
The reasons for not liking obama are valid reasons. I loved his pick for secretary of state! MMMMMM good one there, Any corruption specifically in that family? Nah. LOL
And the Gov from AZ, for homeland security.. Uh what kind of experience does she have in that Dept? none absolutely none. Im not sure I am bedazzled by the picks of his cabinet as much as others.
Has nothing to do with his race, color, choice of his clothes. I could care less. It is about other more important things however. Now im not saying that Bush has been the best we ever had by any stretch of anyone imagination.
If Obama is about real change the real change we need right as of the moment is our economy. I don't feel more gun control is good, we already have laws. How about making people take responsibility for their illegal actions, howd that be for change? Remmove us from the UN that'd be a switch...
Provide for the "common defense" and produce our own goods and services for awhile. Ya ya I know what you libs are gonna say but you know what It doesnt mean crap right now. Were being exploited from outside and from within, and will come dangerously close to losing our foundations and possibly our freedoms should this continue down the path we are headed.
We are self destructing to a point and the world is wringing their hands waiting for it.
I suspect both parties will be voted out to the ash heap of history in 2012 as Americans come to realize big government in any form is not the answer.
Rum, Bugler, 3blade.

Agree with all your points, sure gets frustrating. I try to use facts when debating with the left, but nothing seems to work. I wasnt even a Bush or McCain fan. To moderate in my book, but they are far better, in my opinion. Biggest point i can not seem to get across, is the economic mess we are in, is largely directly caused by our gov't under Carter and again with Clinton, forcing banks to give loans to unqualifed borrowers in innercities....... facts are facts. I'm not saying GOP is that great, they have been spending to damn much money also..... im saying Conservatism is where its at... Wished we could clone Reagan!!
It's probably a good thing we can't clone Reagan. Our debt would be skyrocketing and we would be secretly arming Iran in order to pay for our war in Iraq.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-05-08 AT 07:42PM (MST)[p]Well 30inchbuck here is the official tally


2 out of 3 Dems, a little less than half of Reps.

Remember it failed at the 700 Billion mark due to Nancy Pelosi hurting the House Republicans feelings...John Boehner is a pretty sensitive guy. When it came back at 800+ Billion it was passed by the Republicans with provisions to up the AMT levels and increase the FDIC to 250K. (I agree with the added 100+billion)

Yes, what did cause the banking failure? What party leaders tried unsuccessfully in 2005, the last year of an 11 year Republican dominated congress. Nice try but sorry to say it wasn't in 2006, it was before the 110th congress. Check your records...and post it!

"As for activist judges what Supreme Court gave us warrantless wire-taps, suspension of habeas corpus, torture, Terri Schaivo, and control of the national guard taken away from the Governors?"

Any acceptance of torture on behalf of a free nation is a complete abomination. It is your like-minded rational that allows hangings in soccer stadiums, electric shock, stoning, or beheading. Afterall, it anything can fall under the guise of national security. We are not our enemies and there is such a thing as honor in warfare, that is why we do not torture, nor should we as a nation advocate the use of torture.

How did our founding fathers feel about a federalized army? What would they think of a government that invades the basic right of privacy, has secret torture sites, or suspends habeas corpus? I guess it does not bother you guys that during a time of national crisis the military can now be called in to police the civil populace. Ops, that's right I forgot, you guys just complain about Dems and do not answer questions that pertain to Reps, especially Bush.

So here we are, the first week of December 2008 and now you are concerned about Obama not upgrading our nuclear defense systems or a proposed national health care system plan. Business wants an affordable national healthcare system that results in lower premiums. Without it there can be no reform to the fraud-plagued Workers Compensation system.

Amazing that for 11 years of Republican congressional domination you guys were quiet as church mice until George is one foot out the door. George is still the president boys and Obama has yet to do a single thing as President. Not a peep from the GOP sheep while the Bush Administration trampled on our constitution. I guess you guys must agree with George that "the Constitution is just a god daxned piece of paper" or Alberto when he said, "the constitution is outdated".

Guantanamo is simply a rallying cry for wannabe terrorist everywhere. It is a shining beacon of the failed foreign policy of the Bush Administration. More Freedom Fries please Pierre! Torture and indefinite detention without facing charges by your accusor is simply Unamerican. I am saddened to actually have to write that sentence in this day and age.

"They" who they? Al Quaeda? Wahhabeist? Iraqi-Sunnies? Sadr-Shiites? Poshtuns? Talibs? Iranian-Shiites? Hamas? The Basque Resistance? Somali Pirates? All these guys were not in on 9-11 so which "they" do you mean? Be specific...

Government Health Care is apparently o.k. for our seniors, troops, congress, and first family but it's not o.k. for you...got it.


"bwnco just admit it...you are a homophobic racist with a god-complex or you simply dislike Obama because he is tall."

I believe that is the full quote, not some hacked piece of Hannity tripe cut in mid-sentence to be taken out of context to fit a blatant agenda. So I guess it's the latter of the 2 you don't like him because he is tall.

As for Reagan and conservatism, I highly suggest you donate some of your whittlin' time to educate yourself about the Reagan years. The last thing you want bwnco, Rum, 3-Blade, or Bugler is to stimulate factual debate or provide referenced facts. At least 30inchbuck has the cajones to actually address an issue or two, allbeit he as well could not answer a single question either.

It's all about fear-based post-election menstrual hyperbale, if it was not you could at least answer 1 of my inquiries. The Answers: Republican Party

Reagan re-instilled nationalism, brought unity to the country, broke the Russians financially, picked a strong cabinet, and held high respect for the office. However, both government growth and the federal deficits increased tremendously under his terms. His policies of deregulation, trickle-down economics, and free markets have been embraced for the last 28 years of presidencies. Unfortunately issues about Medicare, Medicaid, or Social Security financial instabilities were unaddressed then, as they currently are now.

Take a look around, how's all that Reaganomics working out? Bush gave the wealthy tax breaks, how did that trickle-down thing work-out? Deregulation in all industries, let alone the financial industry has proven to be a real winner. How many banks, oil companies, or airlines are there now, compared to 30 years ago?

Ross Perot asked during a presidential debate in 1979 on NAFTA, "Do you hear that sucking sound, that is the sound of middle class jobs leaving America to foreign soil?"
We have been warned about this sector-wide house of cards for years and now that we are neck high in it an all you boys can do is whine about a guy that has not, cannot, and will not do anything until he is sworn in on 1-20-2009.

Instead of seeing the flaws and utter lack of conservatism during an 11-year congressional republican reign or 8 years in the Whitehouse you want to blame Carter, Clinton, and the Democratic Controlled 110th congress.One only needs to look at the historical high number of filibusters on behalf of the republicans since the 2006 election to understand why the 110th congress has been ineffective.

Neither party is completely innocent of embracing the failed policies of the last 28 years that are currently bankrupting the country. However, Reaganomics is the brainchild of the rightside of the aisle no matter how you slice it.

Reagan....what an insult to core conservatives everywhere. If you want a conservative Republican president role model try Lincoln, Eisenhower, or T. Roosevelt. Ike once asked the American public during a radio address, "Do we want to live in a world where Humanity is placed on an Iron Cross?" Ike warned the public about the Military Industrial Complex's desires to feed off tax payer funds. Tax-payer funds that could actually provide hospitals, job-training, schools, roads, mass transit systems, homes, free college educations, etc. Now take a look at the federal budget and see what percentage goes to defense.

If you boys want to High-5 each other by living in denial more power to you. Continue to live in a world of am radio sound bites and redirect all debate away from simple fact. Until any of you realize the inherent flaws that exist in both parties and the election process you cannot fix the system. Republican, GOP, Democrat, Dixiecrat, Conservative, Liberal, Constitutional are all fluid definitions. You want to fix the party, then take some responsibility, identify it's flaws, understand it's direction, and elect effective representatives.

Or depending on where you stand you can surrender the party of Lincoln and freeing the slaves to the religious right and start a viable fiscally conservative, moderately social 3rd party.

Whatever you do, please don't actually waste time researching or verifying facts, you'll rob me of the pleasure I take in responding to your pedantic posts.

Read this top to bottom and you might factually understand how, where, and what led us to this crisis. You probably won't understand it since it's in plain English.


Now you know!

what are you saying here with this article? That this whole problem started in 1863? Or with the establishment of the unconstitutional Federal Reserve System under Woodrow Wilson?
LAST EDITED ON Dec-06-08 AT 08:26PM (MST)[p] Hmm never bring up any actual issues huh. Well hows this one for size "hit your head on the wall."
In Arizona as we speak a bill is on the table for coded ammunition. Soon no one in Arizona will be able to legally own, obtain or have anything to do with ammunition taht is not stamped with a numerical code on it. That means reloaders as well. Im sure that your Obama brother is squarely against this he just has to be "because he is tall" on American freedoms right?

I could go on and on but why, none of the sheeples care. It is aslippery slope and other things will follow. Oh did I mention AZ is not the only state facing this?

Now send me your debates on this. Whats to debate? It's on the table we are facing it period. You're probably going to say something like well its just number on a bullet casing etc. right?

Anything else you would like to debate go ahead bring it up. Im not some kind of right wing crazy schmuck, I just dont like giving up real estate that has been paid for in the blood of countless Americans and is my birthright. Guess you dont have any problems with these things.
"Individuals like yourself that are hell bent to dishonor our constitution, veterans, and the voting process by not accepting the fact that President Elect Obama is "our" elected Commander-n-Chief."

Well said FTW.... Reminds me of how some on here treated GWB our current Commander in Chief......Can you spell Hypocrisy?.. Terry
Bugler.... Are you registered on ALIS? The best way to have an impact on legislation like this is to get registered and make your comments part of the public record. I will be marking this legislation and tracking it and commenting when and if it hits committee.

The Bill is HB2833 and it is currently in the House Natural Resources and Public Safety Committee. It is now in Rules for review and will then require The chair of the NRPS committee to put it on the agenda for consideration. If he chooses not to hear the Bill,the Bill will die in committee. The good News is Jerry Weirs is the chair of the committee and is a very strong Sportsmans advocate. Please take the time to contact him via e-mail at [email protected]
and phone at (602) 926-5894.
Please contact the other committee members as well.

I have worked with Jerry as a member of local conservation groups and also to get legislation passed in previous sessions. If you or anyone else out there is serious about having an impact on Arizona's future get familiar with this site http://www.azleg.gov/ Get on there and register with the ALIS and e-mail and call your legislative leaders often, post comments to committee, and get your voice heard..... Terry
Wow I hope the hypocrisy barrel wasn't pointed at me AZstickman. True I have taken the administration to task, as a tax-payer it's my duty to scrutinize the President. At the time in 2003 it was a very unpopular position and I suffered the cyber slings and arrows for the last 5 years (wah). My criticism of the Bush & Co. follies have left me labeled as unpatriotic, unamerican, gay, a friend to illegal aliens, and of course a limp-wristed liberal democrat.

I accepted the results of the election and as such considered George right or wrong as my President. I have always stated that I hope George has a good day, everyday, if he fails, we fail. I will, until 1-19-09 take a bullet for George any day of the week out of respect for the office...after that he's on his own.

AZstickman I don't make it a habit to get involved in out-of state politics. I looked at this awhile ago and it appeared that under a Republican Gov. there is not enough votes in either house should this bill get passed rules and review. A large amount of Republicans would have to cross the aisles in order for this proposed legistlation to even be voted on. The sponsors are a who's who of political ultra-liberal light-weights in Arizona politics that lack any bi-partisan support.

The fact is any group of legislators can write the looniest, outrageous, and morally offensive legislation they want. Occassionally it gets pointed in the direction of Gun Owners, usually by the ardent non-gun owning left. AZstickman do you really think this bill has enough legs for the Republicans to pass?


Why do you keep evading the subject, have you accepted the fact the we as citizens have lost many Rights under the 109th congress. How many of those rights have you lost during the
110th congress?

You deviate away from the subject of your biased premature Obama criticisms to a completely different subject. Rather than stimulating debate, you bring up a totally different topic, then run away from your own post.

Before troubling yourself with what Obama might do, what about restoring or at least acknowledging the Rights you lost under Bush. How about restoring those rights and stripping any additional powers provided by presidential order over the last 8 years in the Executive Branch?

Amazing that the Armed Forces, under the guise of a national emergency can now serve as a policing authority over the civil populace...hello. But Obama might take your guns or explore a proposed Univ. Health Insurance plan. I think he has more than enough on his plate at the moment.

Fact is you would rather cry, cuss, and moan than really be concerned about protecting the Constitution, your Rights, and restoring a truely conservative party.
"AZstickman do you really think this bill has enough legs for the Republicans to pass?"

I would hope not.I think with Jerry Weirs as head of the NRPS committee it should die right there. As I stated above Jerry has been an advocate of sportsmen and women throughout his career. But I also have enough experience dealing with the legislature to know it never hurts to do a full court press no matter how you think the cards are stacked... Terry
FTW... Yeah the Hypocrisy comment was directed at you...But I'm willing to watch and learn and possibly change my opinion... Terry

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