Obama - Spanish..... yes!!!

To quote the guy we love to bash "#6 Stop immigration, we are overpopulated as it is. deport illegals" I think Dudes solution is way better than Obama's.

But don't forget Overton Dude is only for #6 if he can get #9, otherwise Dudes wants everyone to speak spanish.

"dude, nothing we can say will make us like as childish/silly as the rants you post. We HAVE posted the parts, you chose to ignore them. We get it, you like soldiers that sell out their fellow soldiers for political gain, and you hate or hold in contempt those that take a stand. We get that you manage to see NOTHING but bad in Republicans, and nothing put pure and honorable intentions from fellow limp wristed libs. We got it already, now move on."
(PRO July 3, 2008)
I have some mexicans that work for me (THEY ARE LEGAL)
and I dont speak any spanish. so if they dont speak english I wont even give them the time of day. This is america not mexico so dont expect us to learn spanish......................
Same here clifhunter. Well said!

"dude, nothing we can say will make us like as childish/silly as the rants you post. We HAVE posted the parts, you chose to ignore them. We get it, you like soldiers that sell out their fellow soldiers for political gain, and you hate or hold in contempt those that take a stand. We get that you manage to see NOTHING but bad in Republicans, and nothing put pure and honorable intentions from fellow limp wristed libs. We got it already, now move on."
(PRO July 3, 2008)

I still like #6 but I see your point. I guess my dad has the right saying for Dude getting some things right once in awhile. My dad's saying is " even a blind hog finds an acorn once in awhile".


As far as Dude getting #6 right. My dads old saying is "even a blind hog finds an acorn once in awhile". Seems fitting.

another thing I cant stand is when a mexican hangs a mexican flag in his yard or on his car. I get along very well with my mexican empoyes and consider some of them friends and i will tell them they dont live in mexico any more so there not mexican there americans so act like it..................BE PROUD OF BEING AN AMERIAN I KNOW I AM.................
202 and Ransom, get a room.

Where did you get this from? it sounds like something pretty stupid to say and I can't google it anywhere. is this another fictional story?
Done. Thanks for the tip Obama.

My kids are learning Spanish and Portuguese, I will also teach them some French and they will get exposure to Italian through music and German. Language skills are some of the most important skills your kids can learn as they open abilities to learn other abstract concepts also.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
It's not a fictional story.

Here is what he said, followed by what the $40 million man said.

OBAMA: I don't understand when people are going around worrying about, "We need to have English only." They want to pass a law, "We want just, uh, we want English only." Now, I agree that immigrants should learn English. I agree with that. But, but, understand this. Instead of worrying about whether, uh, immigrants can learn English -- they'll learn English -- you need to make sure your child can speak Spanish. You should be thinking about how can your child become bilingual. We should have every child speaking more than one language. You know, it's embarrassing, it's embarrassing when -- when, uh, Europeans come over here, they all speak English, they speak French, they speak German. And then we go over to Europe, and all we can say is, "Merci beaucoup." (laughter)

RUSH: Now, wait a minute, Obama -- I'm sorry -- Lord Obama, if we're supposed to learn Spanish, how come you're speaking French here? Now, you heard the audience laughing and somewhat applauding, but I have a different take on this, ladies and gentlemen, and it troubles me. This troubles me greatly. As Tom Daschle used to say, I'm concerned. This is not an isolated incident. You know, Obama wants to go over and make a speech at the Brandenburg Gate where elected presidents have made speeches, JFK and Ronaldus Magnus, and the Germans don't want him over there. They don't want that site used for electioneering. One of the German officials says, "What if Angela Merkel, what if she decided to go to the Mall in Washington while running for the prime minister presidency of Germany?" Now, I get the sense that it's not just related to Obama. I think a lot of Democrats are embarrassed of their country. Obama clearly is. He would prefer to be running for president of a Western European country. He prefers socialism over capitalism; he prefers big government over individuality and self-reliance; he prefers secularism over religion, if truth be told. He prefers pacifism and appeasement over a robust national security and military, and now, he prefers European culture to ours, and rather than urging people in our country to speak English, he urges Americans to speak foreign languages, which is perfectly fine, but when put in the context of all his other views, this is just one more indication of where his head is.

Obama and a lot of Democrats think Americans and America are backwards. You know that they're embarrassed of this country. They think we deserve to be in a constant state of decline because of our excesses and our bullying and our imperialism. They enjoy the suffering of Americans at the gas pump because they think it's Americans' fault. They want suffering and pain going into the election. It is clear to me that The Messiah, Lord Barack Obama, is embarrassed by his own country. That's why he wouldn't initially wear an American flag pin, that's why he constantly complains about America going it alone when in fact we are leading a recalcitrant world against terrorism. We are the solution to the world's problems. We are not the world's problem. Obama and many of his cohorts believe just the opposite. This is why Obama demeans tens of millions of hard-working Americans who have faith, who own guns, and who oppose illegal immigration. This little statement that he made in Powder Springs, Georgia, is not isolated. At a fundraiser in San Francisco, the bitter clinger comment, you remember that. He looks over people in the heartland, flyover country, he looks at the people who make this country work, and he is embarrassed, and he demeans them.

Obama does not want to lead. Obama wants to follow. Obama wants to follow the European left, and he wants to do it faster and more comprehensively than any of his left-wing predecessors. He's not about change, folks, he's about following. Who is Obama today? Who is The Messiah, Lord Barack Obama today? Is he JFK? Is he FDR? Is he Lincoln? Is he Jesus? This man has more personalities than Sybil. How many personalities did Sybil have? Sixteen? Thirteen? He's got more than that. What just happened here? Obama tells us it's embarrassing we can't speak Spanish. He lectures that we have a responsibility to teach our kids Spanish. He can't speak Spanish. He can't. He tells us we can't drive our SUVs as much as we like or eat as much as we like, and we can't heat or cool our homes at the temperature we like, but he does all of that. Obama says public financing is the best way for candidates to run their elections, but he refuses to accept public financing for his campaign. The Messiah, Lord Barack Obama, tells us that every American should devote a few years of their life to public service after college, but he didn't. He was a community lobbyist for liberal causes.

The Messiah, Lord Barack Obama, says he's proud of the American flag and now wears a flag pin, but his buddy and co-board of director member at the Woods Fund, Bill Ayers, stomps on the American flag in photos for publication. The Messiah, Lord Barack Obama, wants to bring fairness back to the home lending industry. But he got a preferential loan rate and his convicted buddy Tony Rezko helped the Obamas purchase a house in a way the little guy would never do due to their own ethical standards. Obama tells us, the little guys, during the Democrat primaries he doesn't support NAFTA, but he tells Canadian officials that he does. Obama tells us he is a postracial transcendent political candidate, but his church, which was central to his life for 20 years, is based upon racism, bigotry, and liberal, if not Marxist, politics. Can a messiah, just once, not take responsibility for his own words? This messiah doesn't. Okay, you gotta go out and take Spanish, folks, get your kids speaking Spanish while he tells you to speak French because we can't afford embarrass these Europeans.

Do you know why they speak English? You know why they speak English? They have to communicate with us. We are the dominant language -- not in terms of population numbers and people who speak it -- we're the dominant language of power. When you get on an airplane from any nation and you fly to any nation, do you know what the language spoken at worldwide air traffic control centers and control towers is? English. There's a reason these things happen, and it's not because of our arrogance. It's not because of our size. Well, it is in a way. It is not because we are bullies. It happens because the rest of the world needs to be able to communicate with us. We are the focal point in the world. I don't care what anybody wants to try to tell you, and it is people like Obama and the American left that are trying to change that very fact.


RUSH: Is it just me, Mr. Snerdley, or does it seem that more and more when Obama opens his mouth, he is criticizing this country? I know it's not me. It's him. I've been fed up with it for a long time. It's almost the identity now of the Democrat Party to rip this country, from the US military on down to any institution you can think of, and the Democrat Party's presidential nominee is leading the pack on this stuff. I'll tell you what, you go back and remember -- I don't know if you do. Some of you are probably old enough to remember the Jimmy Carter campaign back in 1975 and '76. Remember when Carter aides sort of started referring to him as J.C. and he was promoted as this wonderfully religious man, devoted to his faith and so forth, and you got those initials J.C. out there. They're doing the same thing here. This is the Carter second term. I don't know how it could be, but it could end up being even worse. But there is a massive ego behind this guy. I mean all of these pictures with him in light that reflects a halo or looks like a halo is not by accident.

When this guy stands up there and says that he will see to it that rising seas begin to recede, I think half of him believes that he has these mystical powers. He can't speak Spanish. Your kids should. He also says that immigrants, they can learn English, they'll learn English. Is that why we have all these multiple language signs all over the country, Obama? Try going to Miami International Airport and getting a plane reservation in English. I'm not being critical here. He doesn't know what he's talking about. We have bent over backwards here to accommodate Spanish-speaking people by seeing to it they don't have to learn English. He doesn't have the slightest clue what he's talking about.
When I read That All I think of is what an idiot Rush is, and how he incites hatred in all his ditto heads,
Yes I couldn't care less what Rush pill pop has to say as well. but for Obama I have to say most countries do speak more than one language, I have one relative that can speak 5 well, I don't see that as a bad thing infact I wish I could. I don't even have a good handle on English.

This isn't a case where Obama said we're going to have to conform to Mexicans he said our kids should speak more than one language. what an awful thing to say,kids should be dumb right? I didn't read Rush's drivel and I don't care what the dope addict has to say it's of no importance. no wonder this didn't make the news.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-09-08 AT 08:49PM (MST)[p]As much as I agree with what Rush usually says (90/10 split), I can't stand the guys way of saying it. I'm as far from being a Ditto-Head as possible, but he nailed Obama on this one. My kids are bilingual, but not because they need to make immigrants feel at home. Their mother is Latina.

The reason "Dude" it did'nt make the mainstream news is they have given him a free pass on EVERYTHING unless it is so over the top they have to address it and then they cleverly diminsih its importance. It was on FOX and youtube. That explains some of your delusion. If the mainstream media is not feeding the ignorant uninformed masses food pellets they won't run on thier exersise wheels and it must not have happened. I read you top ten list on another thread and you sound like a libertarian, which a I agree with much of what they stand for and sadly have some how convinced yourself that nothing could be worse than Bush. You are so wrong. Obama is a nightmare beyond anything EVER for this country
You know, it is just light weight grand standing on Obama's part. It seems pretty silly to me to assume he is talking about learning a foreign language -- be the foreign language French, Spanish, German, Italian, Japanese, Manadarin Chinese, Farsi, Hindi, Arabic. I don't think any controversy exists in our body politic about children studying a second language. Au contraire, mes amis, what Obama is talking about is the resistance many tax paying adults feel to having core subjects taught in Spanish in our public schools. And the resistance is based on having to give these immigrants special treatment. We DO receive immigrants from many nations, many immigrants arrive from asian nations. As far as I know, there is no demand to teach the core courses in Mandarin or in Japanese or in Hindi in those areas of California with large populations of Asian immigrants. The grand standing part is the "shout out" to the Hispanic voters by advocating that WE, rather, ought to study Spanish rather than complaining about teaching core curriculum courses in Spanish.
" My kids are bilingual, but not because they need to make immigrants feel at home. Their mother is Latina."

Same here luckless.

"dude, nothing we can say will make us like as childish/silly as the rants you post. We HAVE posted the parts, you chose to ignore them. We get it, you like soldiers that sell out their fellow soldiers for political gain, and you hate or hold in contempt those that take a stand. We get that you manage to see NOTHING but bad in Republicans, and nothing put pure and honorable intentions from fellow limp wristed libs. We got it already, now move on."
(PRO July 3, 2008)
The point is not learning a language the point is we have an invasion happeing right now that is having huge imapct on our economy. And Obamas arrogant comment with his smug grin was all about get used to it...get over it...learn to speak spainish
>The point is not learning a
>language the point is we
>have an invasion happening right
>now that is having
>huge impact on our economy.
> And Obamas arrogant comment
>with his smug grin was
>all about get used to
>it...get over it...learn to speak

You just nailed the whole point of this topic!

Member: RMEF, SCI, and NRA
The utter arrogance and ignorance of Obama. He in his normal condescending way tells us somehow Europeans are more sophisticated because they speak several languages. If your from Colorado and they spoke different languages in the surrounding states you likely would speak several languages......but they don't so we speak ENGLISH....his smug way of telling us "unenlightened" ones we better get used to it and learn to speak Spanish......makes my blood boil. and keep in mind this guy is still campaigning....saying what he thinks will get him voted in...imagine if he gets in and has a free reign to do and say what he wants......
If saying what he thinks gets him voted in isn't that the way it's supposed to work? or is the least popular candidate the winner in your system? maybe it worked in 2000 but don't plan on it working again.
Gore lost let it go. I'm generally a pretty understanding guy when it comes to other view points, but you guys really make yourselves look like fools with this "Bush didn't Win" crap. You belittle every argument you ever make in my mind when I see you spew this junk. Gore lost. You can say what ever you want about how bad Bush has been as President of our great nation, and I can try to see it from your viewpoint, but the "Bush stole the election" chit sounds like a bunch of little league ball players saying the umpire wanted the other team to win. If you wanted to take the "umpire" out of the election, Gore should have gotten more votes.

If you took the time to read what fictionwriter said " if saying what he thinks can get him elected ....."

That means a politian should not say what he thinks, better to lie, or that saying what he thinks makes him popular enough to get elected is wrong. to that I say what's wrong with the most poular guy with the most votes being elected? it didn't happen in 2000 that's a fact, I made a comment, you made a rant.

get it now? whats wrong with Obama saying what he thinks and being elected for it? you and fictionwriter need to figure this one out.
?HuntinDUPE? I have been trying to pick a fight with you since I got here....I would try and post something thing you would jump and you seemed to scamper away to another thread. But now I am feeling a little hesitant seeing some of your shallow responses and it might not be a not be a fair fight. Tell you what I will try my best to?..hmmmmm simplifiy it

What I wrote was ?saying what he thinks will get him voted in..? DUPE you might be fixable?.but we have to take this one step at a time. Take a deep breath?. the line ?SAYING what he THINKS will get him VOTED IN, Really read the sentence again real slow is not even in the same ballpark?not even the same game to saying what he thinks. You make it sound like he is baring his soul for all to see no matter what the consequences when he is all about smoke and mirrors. If you can't grasp that I might have to re-think the fixable part.

He knows he has the mush minds already in the bag and is trying to appeal to the Hispanic voters as they will be a key in the election. But you might not know this. It appears your hate for Bush has taken away any objectivity.

The head in the sand attitude is usually kept a little bit more to yourself?..you know to try and leave people with the impression you actually have a broad view of the situation. Your comments about not wanting to read the long post from Rush saying they were worthless without reading them makes my case.

Tell you what I know how to keep you busy..this is a chance for your to embarrass me. How about addressing my other thread ?Obama most dangerous Politician ever? POINT BY POINT??not a ?liar liar pants on fire? or ?I'm rubber your glue bounces off me and sticks to you? response. Point by point if you have the khoonas. If not and my guess is not continue to slink around these threads throwing around emotional bumper sticker responses and shallow thoughts. I just called you out DUPE?
"It appears your hate for Bush has taken away any objectivity."

Adventure, I have been saying this about Dupe for years.

"dude, nothing we can say will make us like as childish/silly as the rants you post. We HAVE posted the parts, you chose to ignore them. We get it, you like soldiers that sell out their fellow soldiers for political gain, and you hate or hold in contempt those that take a stand. We get that you manage to see NOTHING but bad in Republicans, and nothing put pure and honorable intentions from fellow limp wristed libs. We got it already, now move on."
(PRO July 3, 2008)

I just got to this site and wanted to talk huntin but when I saw the political forums I can't help myself I care too much about this country and can't keep away from issues.... But what your telling me is Dupe is beyond repair....sort of sad I guess. Gosh darnit they all can't be saved.

Maybe Dupes vying for a teaching postion and tenure at a Obama re-education camp if Barry gets in the "formally called white house now called the house of all colors" as not to offend anyone. But then again he better be part of a special group or he will be out in the cold like the rest of us....
Hmmm, fictionwriter you sound a lot like 202's last imaginary friend , but a little smarter than both of them so for now I'll assume you're not 202.

I can't put into words how little I care what you think of me but you're a good extremist so you might be fun.

All of your babble aside do you really think Obama is in the wrong to do the same thing every other politian since politics began does? say what it takes to win, now that's some new stuff right there. you aren't one of the whacko morons thinking he's the anit christ are you? lots of " evil " type stuff in your post. another thing , if Obama is so awful and scary how do you explain him leading in every poll? have we become an evil nation? why else would he be ahead of a good old conservative? do tell.
Dupe,(the liberal formally known as dude) golly gosh bob I am going to have to simplify it even more and I don't know if I am able to lower my lowest denominator low enough to communicate. The quickest way to get to your ground zero would be a lobotomy?.but not gonna do it.

Well you completely ignored my challenge to address my other post and I understand why. You completely miss read and miss interpreted a fifty word post of mine early in this thread so how should I imagine you could read some much longer text adressing numerous issues without completely becoming overwhelmed. My mistake.

Politics today are a combination of American Idol, the Bachelor and who wants to be a Millionaire and the glassy eyed Obama robots thinks a guy with a nice smile just must be the answer. So if you think the ignorant Obamabots are some sort of proof of quality your really are further gone than I imagined. There is a lot of blame to go around much of it with the failing politically correct educational system which is more concerned with making kids feel good than teaching them valuable skills and giving then usable knowledge. The reason companies pay a million dollars for a commercial to sell something is it works. The completely biased treasonous media has backed Obama as this years sports car, or Iphone or whatever people think is going to bring them happiness and clarity in life. The main stream media for the most part has turned it into a 24-7 commercial for Obama. They are completely biased and everyone knows it surely even you.

But I digress when you are able to address my other post ?Obama most dangerous Politician Ever? , remember when I challenged you, was waiting in the school yard sleeves rolled up and you slipped out the back door. My guess is you don't know a brow tine from a rifle sling and are one of the liberal minions cruising the web looking for places to light and any kind of hunting knowledge you have picked up from this site. When you told your liberal buddies?oppps that was sexist... please forgive me if I offended anyone?your liberal ?life partners? your clever tag "huntindude" you all I'm sure had a big chuckle on your ?undercover? espionage.
I'm not sure what any of that proves other than you like to hear yourself talk, but you did well enough I'm pretty sure you're not 202 so I'll take you more serious. your political sense isn't much better than your sense of who I am so I'm going to say you're a hack. how many non hunters collect guns, apply in for tags in 8 states and became B&C Official measurers? not may I'd guess.

Challenged me to what? you babble on so much I must have lost interest before I got to that part. I like a challenge, restate it I'm not going back and read all your crap, I'll play.
I am fluent in English and spanish. Why? Because when I went to Argentina I realized that to be productive there I had to learn their language. Just like if you want to be productive here you need to know english. Is it a bad thing for our kids to learn other languages? No. But it should not be something they are forced to do so that poor little Barack won't be embarrassed when his European role models come over here and see that we know only one language. We have the greatest country on Earth and to hear a man who wants to be our president say that he is embarrassed when he himself only speaks one language is insane. Dude, I respect your right to your own opinion, but I've always wondered how anybody could vote for Obama and frequent a website like this. Which side of his stance on gun-control did you choose to believe? The flip or the flop? Just look at his voting history.
Pill pop? Is that really the road you want to go down trying to defend Obama? Rush isn't running for President but your Golden-Boy Obama is. One of them admitted to being in a "daze" throughout High School and freely admits having delt drugs. Out of curiosity Dude, exactly why are you supporting Obama? I really want to know, not just picking a fight or anything.
"We can have no "50-50" allegiance in this country. Either a man is an American and nothing else, or he is not an American at all".
Theodore Roosevelt
LAST EDITED ON Jul-15-08 AT 03:26PM (MST)[p]I love this stuff.
2 questions.
Why do my children need to learn a foreign language at their age in school?

What is obamas voting record on guns? the ones people cling to because they are afraid of something, or possibly hunt with .

Dude you said you hunt. Use a gun or a rock?
Your responses would paint you as a die hard liberal. The people for abortions, gun control, driving cars into lakes while drunk and killing your passengers etc, higher taxes. You know Libs.

What happened to putting forth the effort in life, making your own path and obtaining the lifestyle for yourself and family without it being handed to you by everyone else? I know it is because of ones upbringing their enviroment they live in that keeps them from doing this, so we should give them govt handouts and programs to make them equal to everyone else in this country that has worked their way up honestly. Soem have not I'll give you that. But this is what the Libs stand for and your posts paint your picture.

Kinda like how Obama paints his picture. He bends with the political winds, all do to some degree. But answer my questions please.

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