obama's future in 2012?


Active Member
Just wondering what everyone thought about the obama's future in 2012 with regards to the election. Will he run? Who will be his running mate? Will he be challenged in a primary? Will he win and if so by how much? If not by how much? What factors will infulence your vote?

My prediction, he runs with biden in 2012. He runs an easy primary, pretty much unchallenged by a major candidate. His loss in re-election is by a slim margin and blames Bush for loss and crappy economy that doomed his presidency. Says healthcare and the economy are much better now that he became president in 2008.

The economy will rule the day in Nov. 2012. If you don't believe me just ask obama, look at the staff he has assembled since the last election. High unemployment, low chance for re-election.
You better hope for a crappy economy this year, and the economist aren't predicting it. gains in the market and modest improvement elsewhere, will it be enough? The market is at a 2 year high, Obama's ratings are over 50% for the first time in a year.

So it hangs on two things, the economy and who the republicans nominate. only a moderate republican can beat Obama no matter where the economy is in 2012. Obama might not be able to blame Bush for the economy in 2012, but he will be able to say the economy better today than where it was when the people who want the whitehouse back handed it to me.

There is one interesting if not scary possibility, George Clooney isn't happy with Obama's efforts in humanitarian areas and has told some he may run if he isn't satisfied in 2012. Is he serious or just trying to push Obama? I'd guess he's bluffing but if he does run he'll be our next president I'd bet on that.
george glooney! thats funny. barry will have a tough road to re-election. I think the economy will worsen and he will be in a tough primary. I think clinton will be in.. the GOP does not need a rino to win.. not sure who.. maybe palin?
As far as it being a Obama-Biden ticket, I am 80% sure it will happen.

If the economy is where it is at or better, my money is he wins.

All of this I agree with 440.

Clooney??? Come on. Cant be serious. I do not think the Democrats would let him in. He is to unpredictable.
If Obama is sitting the same on the economy why would they not stay behind him.
If it is worse, I do not see a Democrat winning, let alone Clooney.
So with the economy at 9.4% unemployment and GDP running less than 3% he wins re-election? That is what our economy is today. If those numbers don't improve he WILL be thrown-out.

Clooney, who knows, but the far left really doesn't like obama so a liberal candidate is likely for the primary. obama is not liberal enough for them, they want all of our money.

Barney Frank could be a running mate and the queers would be a heart beat away from the top spot. If his numbers don't look good I believe Hillary will come to the rescue as v.p.
I do not think the economy will help Obama. On the local news today they stated that home forclosures had taken a big jump and they do not see it peaking until 2012.

The reason that it is going bad for home forcloures is the owners losing their jobs and there is a big jump in home loans that are two months behind in payments.

If that trend continues as they predicted, Obama is in deep trouble for re-election and so are many other liberals in Congress. I would think that some GOP that love to spend with earmarks might just be in trouble also as they should be.

Is the economy improving? Yes. Who has it improved for? The richest. Who has Obama attacked? The rich. 98% of Americans are not seeing much improvement in their economies and if that doesn't happen by 2012 his goose is cooked. The stock market is totally disconnected from main street this time around.
the stock market has always been disconnected, the phoney lending boom, was just that, phoney. As long as a large percentage of working class Americans vote against their own self interest, its not gonna change. Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, and the rest of the right wing have been very successful at rolling back the middle class and promoting the concentration of wealth. I think history will tell you, once that happens, it takes something very big to ever get it changed. ( like the great depression and WW2)

The Depression was stopped by the start of WWII as men went to fight in the war or work. WWII ended and our economy roared on for years because at that time we, the US, was the manufacturing engine of the WORLD. We rebuilt the same countries we were fighting as well as our allies. The US was the only country that had goods that people wanted and the manufacturing skill to make it happen. That will not happen this time around.

Something to bring our country together, another tragic event like an earthquake would change peoples thinking. Hows that global warming thing working out? Throwing another log on the fire here, pretty snowy outside. Guess we'll have to wait for that tragic event.
I am very interested Piper to have you further elaborate on your views of what the two different ways of thinking will bring in the future. What kind of utopia do you dream about at night?

I for one do not watch Fox news nor do I listen to the guys you listed nor do I listen to the equally poisonius left personality like Mathews,Schultz etc.

The thing I find most interesting is that most of the leaders of your chosen movement have made millions and some billions in our capitalistic system yet I haven't seen a one of them forfeit their fortune to the less fortunate. If it is gonna be a utopia when there is no more wealth concentration lets see some of them get the ball rolling. Please explain what you envision.
I'd vote for Trump, he's one of the few who think we can't survive a global economy by rolling over. but Clooney would kill him.

What is so impossible about a Clooney run? no actor has ever won office? Clooney is a big time humanitarian and he doesn't think the world or the US is doing it's job. some close to him say it's possible he would run if his causes are ignored again. in the past he has said he has too much party history to win so he wouldn't run.

I don't know the guy or his intentions I just know he's passionate about his causes, and if he ran I think he'd win because elections are are basically a popularity contest . I'm not saying he will run .
I think that the economy and goverment spending will play a big role in the 2012 election for Obama and many congressmen up for re-election.

Dude I disagree with you about using the stock market gains as a measure of what the economy means to the average voting citizen. Jobs and taxes is what will decide their votes.

Obama somewhat painted himself into a corner on his SOTU speech when he stated he will veto any bills that have earmarks attached. It appears that statement made old Harry Reid and Pelosi somewhat upset. If Obama delivers on his threat, he will be losing the bent wrist liberals that have supported him.

If this is just more hot air from him again on ear marks and does not veto the bills, he will be raked over the coals by any candidate that runs against him and made out to be un-trustworty as a lot of people already believe about him, and goverment will go ahead with big spending under his watch.

There is a effort by him to become more central, but so far I have not seen anything with any substance to it that will appeal to the average voter. Just more promises that may not be worth anything after his speech ended and he walked off stage.

Time will tell, but the clock is ticking fast and any mistakes he makes will be exploited to the full limit. His only problem is that he has to now watch his back from the left as well as the right.

> nfh- Why is he a

just dont agree with his ideas.

"proud of my country and ashamed of my president"
Clooneys utopian visions of saving the world is exactly what we dont need..god I hope he dont run, cuz there just may be enuff dumb people out there to elect him.
KYjeller, that comment says all anyone needs to know about you. what a loser.

Reddog I really really doubt he will, I think his intentions are good but even he has to know there is no way in hell we could come up with the money to even begin to make his dreams come true. if not him it will be another celeb one of these days, you can't beat star power with BS.

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