ODFW calling my children!



I put in the kids for the Mentor Youth program every year. This year I filled out a questionnaire regarding whether or not they hunted etc. We didn't do any "mentor" hunting because we all had the same tags essentially, so I marked "NO"....they did not participate in any "mentor" hunts.

A few nights ago I get a call from ODFW asking to speak with my 13 year old. And a couple days later I get one for my 11 year old. WTH? It took me a few minutes to figure out what they were after.

They would not ask me ANY of the questions.

They insisted on talking to my children.

They wanted to know when they could call back to reach my children.

Bottom line is they were very pushy and I let them know we didn't do any "mentor" hunting this year. So what else do you (ODFW) want to know? They wouldn't tell me ANYTHING! "My daughter can't remember if she did the dishes yesterday, so what good would it do asking her questions," I asked.


Is this really where we need ODFW resources to go?

They already have the information at hand.

I'm not really comfortable with these guys talking to my children for any reason.

Is it good practice to call minors?

What do you guys think? Is it just me?

LAST EDITED ON Apr-23-10 AT 10:49AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-23-10 AT 10:48?AM (MST)

This is not to you HKS, but just my personal feelings. I would think more kids would tell the truth than adults. I would have no problem letting them talk to my kids. I wouldn't have anything to hide and don't need to pound my chest to show ODFW anything. The more we can help ODFW the better they can manage our game. There are lots of people out there that would lie or poach. Just my 2 cents. Everyone can do as they please.
No offense taken. What does this have to do with managing any herd? I answer every question they have ever asked me.
Children have no business being on the call list of ODFW IMO.

My guess is you don't have children or they aren't old enough to get the phone call from an adult who says they can only speak with your child.

Case and point, just ask any 9-17 year old how many months, weeks or days ago they went deer hunting. You might be surpised what responses you'll get on a seemingly simple question. All I'm saying here is the info will be highly inaccurate, especially on the younger kids.

What info could they possibly want from my children that they couldn't get from me. I help out all I can with the ODFW, but this is a waste of time and money, since they already had the information at hand that we did not go on any Mentor hunts. Just my .02.

if i had nothing to hide, i wouldn't mind at all.

i can see both sides though, i dont want anyone talking to my kids without me knowing what they are talking about, but it is ODFW, and you do have an idea what they are going to talk about , so let them have at it. they have to know that it isn't the most reliable info they can get- but it is ODFW so maybe they dont:)
It really has nothing to do with "hiding" anything. It has to do with..

#1 Wasting ODFW resources (they already had the info). As was stated before, we didn't go on any Mentor hunts and the info was supplied to them on a written form.

#2 Not being upfront with the parents and filling them in on what info they were after. What is so secret that they can't ask the parents? I don't trust ODFW.

#3 Inaccurate data collection at best.

I guess it is just me and my protective nature of my children and my distrust of gov't. The older I get the more I cynical I become. I think it was also how they approached me on the phone...it rubbed me the wrong way. To each his own.

If anybody other than family or friends want any info from my under 18 year old children they can talk with me or my wife!!The more I learn about the Chumps running the ODFW the more I believe they should find new work. I'D BE PISSED IF THEY CALLED MY KIDS!! BH1
If I was a kid I'd be pumped to get a call from ODFW, no matter their reason. It would validate hunting for me (in a house where my mom wasn't psyched about it) and make me feel awesome that somebody cared about my opinion.

I am not a parent yet, but I would gladly hand the phone over to my kid. Who knows why ODFW is soliciting the conversations - it could be they need quotes for a further funding request or it's a requirement that was set up when the Mentor hunting program was started or they want to ask why your kids DIDN'T participate in the program this year ("did you still go hunting, just not in the mentor program?")... any number of reasons.
I hear ya HK. It was probably just an ODFW employee or volunteer doing what they were told. Hopefully the phone calls will disappear when ODFW gets almost triple the returns from hunters reporting. They are probably still using both because they only got somewhere around 34% total or hunters reporting their hunts. Maybe after a couple of years of ODFW using a stick to get hunters reporting all tags and hunts will the phone calls end. We shall see.
As far as contacting the Kids it was because of a federal grant that the state got to research the Mentored youths. The People who were calling your children were not ODFW employees just hired company. I talked at length yesterday with ODFW and the company made mistakes. That issue has been addressed. So if they call you all they are trying to do it get info if the kids are using it and what they think of it nothing else.

I can say this I am glad that the state is trying to get more info and make this program grow because it is a great program

Thanks a ton Dave. I'm assuming you are an employee or have a direct connection with someone who matters at ODFW? I think most of us try to do what we can to help ODFW. I know I do. I'm glad to hear they know of this and will fix it in the future. It is a great program and I am thankful the ODFW has it. Personally, it is one of The Smartest things ODFW has done in a long time IMO.

I'll bet they choose their phone callers a bit better next time and I'll bet they train them better too. Calling for someone's children is a touchy subject, but my guess is ODFW has learned that.

Thanks for informing ODFW and addressing it here.

I am not an employee of ODFW I am a hunting guide and I have a few friends I have made over the years at ODFW if I have a question or see an issue I make them aware of it. They had already addressed this issue before I called them. I will not contact them about monatary issues or anything like that. That is policy that is determined by the higher ups but if there is a question like this I let them know. I was called by the head of head of this at home and told him what I saw and what I had heard and he was grateful. But too many people are about me me me me and not about the big picture I am about that. I appreciate you thanking me and hope you and your kids have a great hunting season.

Coincidentally we received the call tonight, for my 11 y.o. son. I was outside doing a few things (in the rain), came in and the wife was on the phone with a wry smile on her face; whispered to me that it was ODFW and that our son was on the phone in the other room; all she seemed to be doing was listening in. After a minute she said a couple quick things (assisting my son in answering from the other phone), and that was it; 13 minutes in all!

My wife said the interviewer required her to be in on the call, which we both thought was great. Also, we both felt it was a great experience for our son. As was mentioned earlier, it helped validate for him his importance to the ODFW. I have received several of these calls over the years which he has witnessed, now my son is getting those calls; I think that's pretty alright.

Very good point muley. I would defiantly have a problem with them calling and wanting info from my daughter without explaining things to me. To many scam artists out there not to be careful.
We got "the call" last thursday night!!! Asking to speak to my 9yr old son who is going to use my deer tag under the youth mentorship program. I wasn't home and my wife told them to call back when I was. They told her that they didnt need to speak to me, but only Tanner. She said who gave them permission to speak to our son. They didnt know the answer she said! WOW!!! They said they would call back, but haven't yet. I can't wait to give'm a piece of my mind, if they call back! LOL

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