Omission please!


Long Time Member
I've slowed way down but have been a serious shooter most all my life. I like to believe that i've been a better hunter than a shooter but they often go hand in hand.

Guys that come here with their Pic's to share deserve a pat on the back from us guys who like to see pics of big deer and enjoy a hunt tale or two along the way. For those guys who like to or even plan on shooting their buck way out there past 6-7 hundred yards, just leave that part of your thread out and avoid the rough waters.

Long range gun builders and dealers aside, most here, myself included, just don't believe those 1000+ yard shots are ethical and don't need to hear about it. You won't have to deal with our guff and we won't be torn between telling you what we really think and congratulating you.

good idea?


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Shouldn't this Thread be Labeled "SHORT RANGE SHOOTERS"?

You know!

Shots under 700 Yards!:D



[font color="red
So you want people to tell their stories and share pics, but lie about their hunt if it wasn't done by you and all the other MM posse's standards. How about this: QUIT WORRYING ABOUT HOW OTHERS HUNT!! Long range hunting is legal and until it isn't, why don't you worry about something that matters? Instead, you'll just keep beating a dead horse, puffing your cyber chest, threatening to give someone guff if they tell how far they truly shot their animal at. Pretty intimidating!
jray, look who's banging their chest.

Look, i care about deer. Shooting a couple times before starting to get hits, is the exact opposite of what we teach in our hunters education classes.

Some guys have probably gut shot their bucks yet made fine threads here with pic's of their trophy and no mention of it. We don't need to hear everything.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I can see this from both views, but to me its like an ex girlfriend from your senior year you saw at the gas station, weather you said hi or she noticed you or not, you arent going to tell your wife because it will just cause drama
I know of 5 bulls lost in the basin, shot at over 6oo yards, so jray you tell us about it., some of us know the walk. the talk , and the bs like you.if you cant get closer than 3oo yards ect, , you suck as a hunter. shoot milk cans , brag about them!!!
Thanks utarchery! good thoughts there.

You know that this can be about Long archery shots as well?

Do we need to tell how fast our car can go, how far our shot was, or how long our Johnson's are? I don't think so. :)


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Elkun, I shouldn't even stoop to your level but you have me curious. I'm sure you know all about every animal in the basin and what was shot with what and exact distances. So how many bulls or bucks were wounded and got away on the archery, muzzy or even the rifle hunt at close distances?

You're calling a huge majority of the folks on here worthless if you have to be within 300 yards to be a good hunter.
Hey elkun, If you would learn how to shoot over 100 yards, it would make your wolf poaching a lot easier. If you ever see one. mtmuley
I agree Joey and some details could be omitted. No lying necessary just leave out the 99 yard shot with your bow. How far the distance is really doesn't make that great of a story. That risk of getting busted by the critter is where its at, not beating the wind or gravity as both wind and gravity can be calculated and compensated for unlike knowing what an animal is going go do.

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
LAST EDITED ON Nov-25-14 AT 09:08PM (MST)[p]Sage, do you teach the kids in your hunters ed classes how to oppose other hunters (legal) methods if you don't agree with them?

I was taught hunters are supposed to band together whether you're for archery only, muzzy etc.
It's funny how people view long range.. How does 300 yards become the cut off, and how many times do you get busted at 300 yards? Probably a hell of a lot more than you would at 600yds but wouldn't you rather take a comfortable shot at 6 with a rifle you have practiced with and have confidence in rather than a rushed shot or a shot at a alert or moving target. Most hunting bullets will perform better between 3 and 6 than between 1 and 3. Maybe in the stories we should include the fact that we have spent countless hours tuning our guns and hand loads to the point of shooting groups at 700 yds half the size of the groups the LRHC (long range haters club) shoot at 300. We choose to leave that part out we don't need to look like we're having a pecker contest. Those guys who just fling lead and hope for the best will do that at any range any time. I just can't see how someone can hate on a guy that has put in his time and has the confidence to take a animal out to whatever range he feels he can.
$hit! If I make a 99 yard shot with my bow I'm telling the damm story!!

[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I just stir it.[/font]
Just because something is legal, doesn't make it ethical. There is such a thing as Sportsmanship. There is also such thing as respect for the animals we hunt. Hunting is not about machismo or bragging.
Man I'm a little torn on this one because I usually like your posts.

Most of the hunters that I know that are true long range hunters rifle or archery are more dedicated to their passion than your average hunter. I don't think this has anything to do with the distance an animal is harvested. Is an animal wounded at close range more forgivable than an animal wounded at long range? I would bet a shinny nickle that more animals are wounded every single season at close range than are at long range. Bad ethics unfortunately span the spectrum of our sport.

The act of hunting in general is offensive to a portion of the public. To get on a hunting forum and ask someone to omit part of their story doesn't fly with me. Do I like to read about bad ethics? Not at all. I dislike fellow hunters passing judgement on other hunters even more.

LONG RANGE HUNTING IS NOT UNETHICAL!!! Shooting beyond your personal skill is, regardless of the distance!!!
>$hit! If I make a 99
>yard shot with my bow
>I'm telling the damm story!!
>[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I
>just stir it.[/font]

Just in you case we will make an exception. But trust me you will, just because its you, receive some banter.

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
Ok sage since you didn't like my response. I'll go into detail here. ..

There are some people that can shoot better, quicker kill At 700 then some at 200. Bottom line is know your limitations as your handle says...

Yep I kill animals at 700+ yards, yep I have the setup and ability to do it. But i don't say hey, I'm going to shoot an animal at 900 yards.
I'm all about getting as close as possible and making a clean kill.
Bottom line is this. Hunt how you want and let others do the same. Just because you think 600 yards is too far doesn't mean it is for the next guy. Know your limitations. If you don't like somebody saying they killed a deer at 1, 000 yards, sorry. I'll post it how it happens and I don't care what others think.

That is my omission I'm sorry if you don't like it. I'm not attacking you as you seem to always think. You have you opinion and that's great. Let others do the same.
73 said, " I dislike fellow hunters passing judgement on other hunters even more."

73, are you going to sit there and tell me that you haven't done just that at times?

This thread was started with no pic of a big buck and no story to tell. Those are my favorite threads here, i'd like to see more of them but seems we all get to enjoy a darn good place to come and check in, talk about who got what and so on, as it is.

What i have been thinking on for some time though, is that many come here and Post up a Hunt Thread with pic's, tell their story, and then proceed to get dumped on by the masses for their efforts. So, don't tell all the whole story.

I gave up on the long range stuff. Guys are going to do it, nobody is ever going to stop that but at the same time, nobody is going to stop those that believe in their own "different opinions" of that game ...and so the difficulty which i thought i might try to rectify.

If you want, tell it that you shot it from Montana and he finally dropped in New Mexico. It might be better if you didn't mention it though, just sayin.

Why try to make more of this than it is?

Boot, thanks for the clarification of posts #12 and 14


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Regardless of my views, I find it ironic that the guys that practice the most have the capability to shoot that far. Most of the guys that I have seen that have set self imposed yardage limits can't hit the broad side of a barn at any range.!
LAST EDITED ON Nov-26-14 AT 03:03AM (MST)[p]Here we have the "it's Legal" defensive theme again.

In reply, please refer to deadi's excellent response to "it's legal" in post #20

I have popped in and out this evening and hope my not being present to timely answer all your concerns hasn't messed up the thread or stirred anyone up too much.

I understand you guys being proud of what you're doing out there a long ways away. Shooting accurately at distance is a grand and nobil thing.

Maybe someone else would like to address ELKOHOLIC's experiences with guys shooting abilities? I'm tired guys...


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
LAST EDITED ON Nov-26-14 AT 03:34AM (MST)[p]So it got to a point where we are telling our fellow hunters HOW to Hunt and Now on How to tell the story of that hunt, IF you don' like hearing about a guy sitting over a corn feeder or shooting long distance, or chasing deer with dogs JUST DON'T say anything why pipe up and post YOUR own opinion if it's legal what gives you the right to try and change his way of hunting.
THIS RIGHT HERE IS WHY PEOPLE ARE SHY ABOUT POSTING ANYTHING HERE. I hunt archery, ML, rifle and I'M a LONG Range Shooter. This starting to sound like AAA. LOL.
I will just keep my photos and stories to my self and friends.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]

I shouldn't be taking Shots in to Next Week?

One of these Days it'll be just put the Lazer Dot on the Animal/Target & Pull the Trigger!

Gonna Piss a whole bunch of people off when it happens!

Mostly the people that won't be able to afford the New Technology!

[font color="red
If it weren't for assholes and opinionated blowhards this site would be boring. One wonderful poster faded away because of being hammered when he posted. Sage I like you but think you should let people "BLOW".
j ray. yes I am . mtmuley I can if I have to. and is that pet sheep tied up in your barn really for wolf ?????
"One wonderful poster faded away because of being hammered when he posted. Sage I like you but..."

JtB, excuse me? I'm trying to keep people here from running away mad because they were being hammered!

You guys ever have what you thought was a decent idea and you run it thru the guys? That's all i'm doing here and some, serious, some of you need to take a chill pill! lol

So, one guy posts up a pic and story of his hunt, killed a monster a 1200 yds, emptied his gun, finally got him on last shot, he's all happy.

Other poster, has every right to his own opinion, shares it, big argument gets started but both guys have the right to their opinions.

Remember, i started this thread to talk this out on a thread that doesn't involve a particular hunt. Don't get mad at me because i'm trying to


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Lets not forget running shots? " I shot the big buck running at 250 yards." It's close enough, but is it a shot you could hit vitals 80% of the time? Just shoot what you think is ethical.
I agree if a hunter empties his gun and finally gets lucky and gut shoots the animal, then track it for miles, never should be shooting that distance. And made the wrong choice. I also feel if a guy comes on here and posts a bad story, he deserves to be ridiculed for making bad decisions. And he deserves the beating.
Sadly there are folks that post pictures, a story and they get their ass reamed because they said the buck scored 190 but the MM experts say 160 tops. This is what keeps people from posting and runs them off. The stupid nagging of my way is better, your way sucks blah blah.
I have no issue with guys taking long shots, but if it isn't a hit on the first shot (2nd max), it's not a shot the shooter was capable of consistently pulling off in the first place, and they should have gotten closer before taking it.

A shot that is ethical for one hunter is not for another; it is purely up to that hunter to know their own abilities when under stress and stay within them (even if it means they walk away with an unfilled tag) for the sake of the animal.

I think what Sage is saying is that if you decide to take a 1000 yard shot and it takes you half a box of shells to get it done and you post that story on here, just expect to get razzed a little bit about it.
I've nothing against guys who can hit a dime at 1000 yards. But the technology that allows long shots has to some degree supplanted woodsmanship. Perhaps Joey is just looking for more hunting stories and less shooting stories. I support that.
Do you really think you can reach and change the guys who make posts like you described? You might cause maybe one of them to edit their posts but I doubt sincerely that you will change their behavior.I once made a post and added a picture of a nice Bull. The criticism came quick......I shot another one this fall.....I don't need another round.....I do like to read most posts here.
I pretty much agree Sage, and what others have said in past few posts.
I have some friends that are long range shooters.Ranchers and trappers and such too. They consistantly can shoot at those distances. 600-800 is long to most.
The difference is they can do it in the field,most can't.

I can hit 400-600 targets at the range,but would never take the shot if conditions weren't perfect in the field.My farthest kill in 35+yrs is 375 yrds,my friends say it was 450.
Point is most guys might be pretty good at the range,but are lacking in real field shooting ability.IMHO
Maybe I'm just an old fart,but I think some these days are too confidence in their woodsmanship,but are only schooled in a new world of videos,hi-tech,latest new gear,tv show hype.

I like Sages idea of talking about it in an open forum with out the pic hype.

Here it comes,Bring it, I'm not on FB,twit or?
Rather certain Joey started this thread so in the future we can avoid what is exactly happening in this thread on success story threads...
He simply was saying he would only like to see positive responses to someone punching their tag vs a bunch of people criticizing their shooting abilities...
I agree with him, not saying some people can't shoot at 900 yards better than I can at 250 yards but why beg and plead for criticism and negative comments when you can just leave out 2 words (xxxx yards)....


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

>wah wah wah......
a certain individuals response on 8/12/2014 to anyone that commits suicide.
There are many things that would be nice to wish for or say but then I would be just like him.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-26-14 AT 01:10PM (MST)[p]Sage,
I'm afraid MM has turned into more of battle ground of sorts as opposed to picture and story telling. It's sad to say because that's what originally drew me in and I'm as guilty as anyone and more so than most for waging battles.

If its pictures of big bucks and big bulls you enjoy, I'd suggest Instagram! Honestly I follow everything from the big name guides, to the small timers, but mostly just individuals that love hunting. A little banter back and forth but mostly pics and a bragging board for every kinda of hunting across the globe!! It kinda crazy how quick and the volume of pics there are. I see the smokers literally mins after they hit the ground on IG. If the occasional one makes its to MM it's usually a day or two later if at all. I spend my time there enjoying what originally drew me into MM. When I want to fight I jump on MM or another interweb forum. Times change in a hurry with technology.
You last bunch of guys sure helped smooth the waters, i thank you!

73, well said, i agree, thanks for the tip on IG, i too think less fighting would be a good thing.

By 7 or 8, i was a top notch BB gun distance shooter! We had little money for BB's, yet i'd gladly waste hundreds of them, shooting at the blackbirds in the Walnut and fig trees way out at the borders of our yard. I say waste but i got hits on a few of those long shots. Sometimes i might have to aim more than a foot or two over them but if i missed, i got to where i didn't miss by much!

It's just a idea guys. No rule, no law, nobody says you have to, i even included the word, "please" in the title of the thread.

If a guy chooses to omit a few things in his hunt report, no biggie...and maybe a better overall thread as a result.

I never hardly seen Gator so riled up. I hope you ain't still mad Gator!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Wait a minute! Where is Prostate? The argument isnt complete without his wisdom and that of his friends.

[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I just stir it.[/font]
LAST EDITED ON Nov-26-14 AT 02:39PM (MST)[p]Sage, you asked the question, "good idea?"

As is usually the case, some believe leaving the yardage out of their story is appropriate, some seem to believe including the distance is an important part of the story, because it represents their hours of preparation and skill development, not unlike some do with personal conditioning and stocking skills. Different skills, yet to get proficient with either takes a great deal of dedication and investment, both in time and money. It seems part of the story is, "what I did to harvest this deer, which infers "what I did long before I actually pulled the trigger". Of course there are exceptions, like the guy killing a deer at 900 yards after letting 10 rounds fly, with no idea of what he's doing, or a guy that has no idea how to use the wind and good stocking skills then having a buck run up to him while he's crunching leaves and popping twigs, walking along with the wind at his back. Somebody get's lucky all the time and they become the exception.

The guys that can stock in close, on a predictable basis, have developed a very valuable skill. Long range shooters, who can hit vitals at a long distance, on a predictable basis, have also developed a valuable skill.

On the negative side, hunters with undeveloped stocking skills often spook game before a reliable killing shot can be made, and they'll take a low percentage shot at an animal charging through it's cover at 30 miles an hour, at 50 yards, missing or wounding the animal. So too, do unskilled hunters, shot at deer at distances beyond their developed skill's distance. To me, both seem to need a little encouragement to change their hunting behavior, but like you, I don't do it on the hunting forums, nor do I appreciate others who do. I simply don't like the negative image it creates.

Regarding long range shooting and it's ethics. It seems like some hunters are challenged at hitting vitals at 200 yards, (I've hunted with folks who can't do it at 200, in the heat of battle) other aren't challenged until its past 400, some at 500, still others are highly reliable beyond 1000. For me, it's not the distance, ethics has everything to do with each hunters individual skill level and their have the integrity to behave with in their skill level and the self-honest to know what their skill level is.

Some folks, who read our posts believe hunting and killing by any method, is unethical. Heck, some think it's unethical to set foot off the road, to take a photo, because we're disturbing wildlife, unnecessarily. Still others (the very extreme), believe we shouldn't even put a plow in the earth, to grow our rice or corn, because it kills bugs and other insects.

I understand your personal preference, Lord knows I've got mine, but I wonder how far we should go asking folks to omit certain language from their stories. Political correctness seems to a growing scourge in out country, I think, for myself, I'd rather preserver your right to say it, even if it's intended to offend me. What I'm saying, I guess, is: "I rather be offend than you loose your freedom to speak your mind."

To your question Sage: I'd prefer to let the folks speak their mind, in the language they choose. I understand those that would prefer otherwise.

Your a good guy Sage, I believe your intentions are the very best, I hope you have a great Thanksgiving, even if you ate your dinner a little early this year. Peace Brother!

As stated above, check out IG you'll love it. Lots at people don't post because they are waiting on magazine deals, outfitters own the rights, blah blah, the truth is there are just better outlets to enjoy pics and avoid the trolls. My son killed a smoker 190 type typical this fall, wife decided to get behind the gun for first time in 13 years, she killed a great 4x4 at 457 yards... oops is that too far?? Again up on IG but not here, too much drama. Posted it on IG that night. I've post pics in the past here. Not any more, too much drama. What if Tri liked the pic and posted a congrats? Would NV or others get negative because he commented? What if I put the yardage and it turns into a pissing match on my tread I started? No thanks. I'm pumped for their bucks and their success, I don't need opinions from the peanut gallery on how I chose to legally hunt. Others feel the same, they just disappear rather than post like I have.
I'm Tellin Ya!

When the next few Rounds of Technology Show there's gonna be some Feathers Ruffled!

Especially the ones that won't be able to afford that Technology!

Won't be long & 800 Yard Shots will be considered only Average!

[font color="red
Here is how I look at LR Hunting personally..... If I am hunting a once and a lifetime mule deer and I have a 900 yard shot at the buck, I will pass everyday. I will pass because I shoot at 900 yards and beyond enough to know how many things can go wrong out of the control of my rifle, range finder, Kestrel and personal skill set. I will take my chances at getting closer and spooking the animal. For if I mess up the stalk, I can come back another day and keep in the hunt. If I mess up the shot by just a little, the buck is wounded and the hunt is over forever!!!! Plus stalking an animal to me is where the real hunt is.

Now if we are talking WOLVES....lead will fly until the pack is out of sight or the barrel of my gun melts down!!! My furthest confirmed wolf kill is 609...I have missed some at 900, 1200 as well as 300 and a 100 yards... YES, I THINK WOLVES ARE A LOWER FORM OF LIFE!!! AND IF I WOUND A WOLF IT'S STILL A GOOD SHOT!!!! THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN FURY POACHERS AND BIG GAME UNGULATES...
You write well 2Lumpy, always have. You just may have missed your calling or maybe you just haven't got really going on it yet. Thanks for taking the time and thought that went into your post.

The only concern i have is in this, " I'd prefer to let the folks speak their mind, in the language they choose. I understand those that would prefer otherwise.

That's what we've been doing. Good guys like your own Son, don't like to come here as much because of the insults and mud slinging festivals that arise on many otherwise good hunt threads. I know that there are some who dwell on drama, i'd just prefer to pass but i too get sucked in at times and i'll want to give my $.02. I realize that i've been as much of the "problem" as anyone here... so i'd like to help if i can. I like this place.

Old saying 2Lumpy, i know you heard it many times before and it only partially applies here, "what we don't know, won't hurt us". lol

Peace to you and yours 2Lumpy!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Muley, are you stuck in Texas away from your Family for the holiday? I follow your comments but you don't seem like you're in a very good mood.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
No I'm home in Montana. Just don't like poachers that's all. mtmuley ps Sorry Joey I know your thread isn't about poachers.

Let's say it's a Fishin Story!

Would the Length of the Pole/Rod need to be left out/Confidential?

My Longest Pole is 9'!

Leaves me at a Dis-Advantage if other Anglers are using 12'-13' Fly Rods when mine is only 9'!

Just Askin...............?

[font color="red
I'm not mad I just think some of the guys don't need to post crap about another hunters right to take game and post his story on how he did it without a bunch of armchair hunters slamming his story or his animal.
That old saying should be foremost in everyone mind.
" If you can't find something nice to say DON'T say anything"
It doesn't bother me at all if some decide to shoot a deer close or long distance, I wouldn't try and change their way to my way.
How about if you don't like something just post your name and nothing else then everyone will know you disagree with the OP.

Now a couple of weeks back I took some long shots on birds that most don't take and I did fill my limit every day.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]

Is your Scatter Gun a Short Range Gun?

Or a Long Range Gun?:D

[font color="red
I would leave a long shot out of the story these days If I was describing my own hunt to the rest. What about missing a booner coues at a 150 yards 7 times, cause that was me once. I'm not sure If I should limit the shots to under a 100 yards or go for broke at 750. Lol. I shoot better when they're father away. Fever gets the best of me at close ranges.
Gator, i get the idea that you are preaching to the choir. I think we basically agree and i seen where you Posted but didn't leave a comment on a different thread. I couldn't figure which post you didn't care for?

MtMuley, point noted!

73, Why do i get the feeling that you want people to do as you have done and don't come here or come less often? There are few rules here but i think one of them is not to try and lure guys to a different website. I think your message might be more welcome if it was received in a PM. I'm sure you have your reasons and look forward to your visits here from time to time. I'm sticking around.

As a general observation, it's really tough to ask guys that are really passionate about their hunting, to not have comments, both positive and negative, when they see something that they don't think is in the best interests of our hunting heritage. Seems we all want to get in there and make it right and no doubt this place could use improvement, a lot of guys also like it the way it is.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Totally different things. IG is and app that you can view pics. MM is much much more. Still hands down the best hunting forum in my opinion. Just giving you some insight as to why there's less pic and stories posted here. If I get in trouble for that so be it. Lol

My point is crappy attitudes and judgmental clowns cause less stuff to be posted than before. Example...guys asking the forum to omit the yardage they harvested an animal. Just to name one.
"My point is crappy attitudes and judgmental clowns cause less stuff to be posted than before. Example...guys asking the forum to omit the yardage they harvested an animal. Just to name one."

73, Wow, Insults! I like it when i know where i stand and disagree that there are less pic's and stories. There are plenty, way more than other sites i've visited, and i'd like even more. You have made your points over and over again where you do go and why not here. i hope you are satisfied with the showing and result of you too being a "judgmental clown" and a first class hypocrite.

I regret your strong negative opinion on my idea on such thin waters but you are welcome to it. It was just a suggestion and i believe some here might make note of it to good use and in a few hunt related threads, the negative comments won't arise.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I have always enjoyed your posts and usually agree with your views. Don't start a tred like this and get sensitive on me now!

I gotta Question?

A While Back I Posted a Pic of some Damage My Gun/Bullet did!

Got My Ass Chewed by a few!

Are the Damage Pics gonna be Out-Lawed too?

[font color="red
Ya guys, saggy doesn't like hearing stories from other hunters because of how far they threw a cylindrical piece of metal at an animal.

For wanting to avoid the drama you sure stirred the pot. You're a plumber so being neck deep in ##### isn't new to you.

Why don't you omit posting to this site saggy? Sure would save on a lot of wiener whining.
Just wondering if Pics like this will be Out-Lawed?


[font color="red
By the Way!

I mighta been within Ethical Range?

378 Yards!

300 Grain Bullet!

[font color="red
LAST EDITED ON Nov-27-14 AT 05:36PM (MST)[p]73, sensitive? no. Just calling it as i see it.

Though i do suspect that your heart is in the right place, you have made best your opportunity to put down Monstermuleys and then directly insult me so please run along to where you like being and be a good boy.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Ah ol Butthurt Travas,

Never let it be said that Travis let slip a chance to try and ram a stick in ol Sage.

Travis, "saggy"? really? lets see how you look and feel at 61. If there were many more like you, i'd loose all faith in humanity.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Because I enjoy more than one outlet doesn't mean I don't still enjoy MM. Seriously man you're being awful sensitive about a tred you started. You know nothing about me other than what I show on the interweb. I'm a big enough boy to give you some insite. No insult intended, if you took it that way I apologize. But telling me to leave, nah I think I'm also a big enough boy to stick around if I want.

Take care chief, if you're ever in Utah hit me up and I'll buy you beer and we can tell stories by a campfire, I prefer that over anything! :)
Oh, so is this where we continue to insult each other? or worse? I'd like to avoid that if possible.

If you are near as smart as you claim, you got your shots in, why not just bow out? I think being you are your Dad's son, i gave you too much credit!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I honestly think you're a little confused about my intent. Either way. Tip of the hat my friend, hope tie holidays treat you well!
By now!! Sheesh! LMAO!

Hey Bess! I see you flirting around this thread like a butterfly that forgot where his home is. Did you want to add something? :)


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Hey Uncle sage!

Not really adding anything!

Just trying to figure out when it becomes a Perfect World/Website what I'll be able to Post or what I won't be able to Post?:D

[font color="red
As you were soldier. Wouldn't do no good expecting you to change Bess.

So guys, is it really a bad idea to leave out parts of a hunt story that might rile other folks up? I don't think so. I think it's a great idea. You can include everything, some info, or hardly any right now the way it is and the emphasis would stay on the hunt and animals taken instead of a huge gripe session.

It's up to those that post here. If you want a nice clean thread, maybe go light or omit on some of the controversial details. It's just a idea! :)


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Travis, "saggy"? really? lets see how you look and feel at 61. If there were many more like you, i'd loose all faith in humanity.

I am not sure how big and bad you are at 61, but one thing is for sure you must have strong hands and fingers for 10,500 posts.
Hi ELKMAN, do you have anything constructive to contribute to this thread or are you just a continuing part of the problem?

"...not sure how big and bad you are at 61..."

Rest assured, i had my time and made the most of it. Now i'm broken up some and am just happy to get out on our local hunts hereabouts but still do physical work for a living and get in a outa state trip every few years. As far as typing, i'm a hunt and peck guy, my middle finger gets most of the work! :)


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I know some may not agree with it!

But there are Hunters that are in to Long Range Bangin that won't even take a shot on Antelope unless they are 700+ Yards!

Run in to a Guy I know this year & His Dad has got in to Long Range Bangin & was Hoping to Find a Long distance Shot on a Buck & Try his New Equipment out!

Here's the Deal Uncle sage!

Even if you made it a Law here at MM to not Post yardage!

I just can't see how you're gonna Enforce it?

There's alota Sshhitt getting Wounded at short Range shootin too!

You just don't hear about it!

[font color="red
Bess, "enforce it?" No plans here to enforce anything.

It's up to each individual that make a Hunt thread with pic's, what he wants to include as info. Has been that way and it will continue to be. If that individual chooses not to divulge controversial topics, that's up to him but i think it a good idea.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
OK sage!

I'm gonna back out of this Thread!

I have nothing to Prove on it!

There are Hunters with better Equipment than Mine!

There are Hunters that can Ethically Shoot & Kill at distances further than I can!

It's kinda like sayin:

I've got the Fastest Truck on Earth!

Only one Person can say that!

There is only one Best Long Range Shooter on Earth!

For Most Hunters it's gonna Boil down to a few things!

If the Buck/Bull is Huge,most are gonna shoot at it & throw some Hail Maries their way no matter the Distance!

Proud/As well as Lucky Hunters are gonna Bragg they Hit the Animal at #### Yards,just the way it is!

bobcat Out!:D

[font color="red
>bess loves to show that kill
>shot. Burned a lot of
>powder. mtmuley

Looks more like he hit it with a semi doing 80 mph, LOL!
5,000 lbs of Energy!

And as you know elkun, My Truck Packs 11,000 lbs of Energy when it Hits!

That's why the Forts Burgers are so Tender!:D

[font color="red
>I've nothing against guys who can
>hit a dime at 1000
>yards. But the technology
>that allows long shots has
>to some degree supplanted woodsmanship.
> Perhaps Joey is just
>looking for more hunting stories
>and less shooting stories.
>I support that.


I agree 100% with your sentiment, don't call it hunting if you aren't going to make an attempt to get closer than 700 yards. Simply call it shooting. When I watch all these shows like best of the west, extreme outer limits and the like I wonder why they don't just shoot paper the whole show, when you are shooting at a speck on the camera a mile off I don't have much respect for your "hunting" ability, seems they could just as easily sell their long range shooting systems without simply killing an animal for the bloodlust in it. We wonder why anti's think we are nothing more than bloodthirsty Neanderthals.
Interesting to see the various points of view.


I absolutely abhor seeing posts on public forums that detract from or put in jeopardy our hunting traditions; and the variety of those posts seem to run the gamut. Although I agree with your original post to a point, I believe the right to express ones' self however one chooses supersedes the intent of your post.

Hunters and our grand traditions face myriad negative issues on many fronts, most of them exceedingly difficult to counter or even address on a wide public scale. The one issue we can do something about is dealing with ourselves and how we become so divisive and judgemental towards our blood brothers. I suppose if we object to something in a post that goes against our personal beliefs it may be best just to ignore it or not even respond: That too is a personal choice.

It sure isn't easy being a hunter in these evolving times, that's for sure. Happy Holidays to you brother!
I don't get what sage said that made so many so mad. I totally agree with him. It is a function of the people on this site that think it's their way or the highway about several things, and long range shooting happens to be one of them. All Sage seemed to be saying was if you shoot an animal at a super long range it's probably best not to tell everyone about it on here except for your buddies. It would save a lot of arguing on this site if people didn't say anything about the super long range shots, and that's a fact, and we all know it. Instead of bitching sage out , listen to what he's really saying, and that's how much people attack each other on the site cause of their own personal opinions, and could be used as constructive stuff if everyone heard what he was trying to say and not exactly how he said it. If you shoot long range your margin of error goes thru the roof just from the animals side of things, and not necessarily from the humans errors in shooting that far, and there is no arguing with that either. Listen to the bigger picture of what sage was trying to say about any post on this site whether it's his own or someone else's. I know i've been guilty of getting on my horse more than once with regards to governor's tags a time or 2!!!
LAST EDITED ON Nov-28-14 AT 02:16PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Nov-28-14 AT 02:08?PM (MST)

Nice Post Thanks! Does your view address our problems here though? Is it OK for others, in the name of there own "right to express one's self", to bash another hunters thread?

Your conclusion, "I suppose if we object to something in a post that goes against our personal beliefs it may be best just to ignore it or not even respond"

I agree 100%. If you can't say something good,...

That however is not what is happening here as there are posters lined up to critique and not always in such a nice way. Good luck with your idea, it's far from a new one, but one more try doesn't hurt.

Thanks again!

edit: couesmagnet, Trying to get my ideas across thru the written word is something i only tried later in life and never was much good at it. Thanks!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
If you want to shoot super long shots, is anyone on here actually arguing that the margin of error from just the animals side doesn't go thru the roof with every increase in distance? Leaving out human error, the animal has to be responsible enough for you to hit it in the first place. If you had a shot at osama the loser bin ladin would you rather have it be 400 yards or 900, be honest!! If you answer 900 yards to this please explain why in a serious manner, and all kidding aside.
Niether Nor!

I think the Guy that Shot Bin Laden was at the right Yardage!

Hope He gave him a second or two to do some Quick Thinkin?

But I Doubt it!

Shoulda let a STICKFLIPPER shoot that SOB!

>If you want to shoot super
>long shots, is anyone on
>here actually arguing that the
>margin of error from just
>the animals side doesn't go
>thru the roof with every
>increase in distance? Leaving
>out human error, the animal
>has to be responsible enough
>for you to hit it
>in the first place. If
>you had a shot at
>osama the loser bin ladin
>would you rather have it
>be 400 yards or 900,
>be honest!! If you answer
>900 yards to this please
>explain why in a serious
>manner, and all kidding aside.

[font color="red
Probably so!


Pre 64?

Don't know if the Model of your Gun should be Posted in your Story though!:D

>Ughh! can we go back
>to talking about hunting?

[font color="red
Sage here are 3 stories to explain what the hell you are talking about, it's going to be more reading than most on here are capable of but they illustrate this point...

To the people of which you speak they CANNOT OMIT. It is the only important fact of the story so how can they leave it out??? This is the mindset. Kinda like going out for a night out having a great dinner tasty drinks and just as you are leaving the place a victoria secret model comes in latches on to your arm and insists on going home with you (you are single) (or soon will be). At work the next day you could tell about your night out without the final chapter but HOW THE HELL COULD YOU NOT TELL ABOUT THE GIRL?????

Story #1 I shot at 8xx yds he ran towards me and on the 3rd reloading I took out a leg at 6xx yds... silly me I said so you took out a leg on shot #3??? Oh no CLIP #3...

Her 1st buck shot at 6xx yds, heart shot, much titty thumping about her prowess... Me so how high did you hold??? No hold over I hit him right where I was aiming... Me... I think you missed your point of aim by 4' (243) Her ...R U not listening I hit him right where I was aiming...

Story #3 teller...My wife took her first shot at 5xx yds missed we stalked closer and she whacked him at 125. ( the princess heard this and said did U tell him I can miss every time from 3 times that far) (that's funny right there!)

Follow up info was all about the 1st shot nothing about the stalk, the shot...Keep in mind he was dwelling on a FRICKEN MISSED SHOT...

The whole long range thing becomes an obsession, it is the only fact that really matters.

Couesmagnet, the fever is the objective( for me) not some poor dead deer, big horns or no... Now big horns at close archery range <20 yrds = pour the piss outa my boot and no worries about gutting an animal... he's long gone!!!
Squirrel your dead on with saying the fever is what it's all about for sure. I've killed a ton of big stuff with my bow, but lately the fevers become more prevalent and it should be the opposite as time goes by. I get way more nervous with a rifle for some reason lately. It is about the shaking and loss of nerves and several of my best memories are the ones that got away. What a rush standing there with an empty gun weak in the knees. Priceless for me.
Attitudes like those exhibited on this thread are why I will never post any pics or stories on this site. I'll stick to sharing info and helping out when I can but never will I post the details or pics of a hunt. Not even the whitetail that I called in and killed this year at 40 yards. I'm sure some doosh on here would find something unethical to cry about and I don't want to hear it.

I have NO USE for any so-called sportsman who puts down the legal pursuits of others. In my opinion, an expert hunter can do it all based on the situation that they are in. They can sneak close, they can wait it out, they can move quickly, they can shoot far, they can shoot moving targets, they can read sign, they understand the wind......etc.

I made a longer shot at a buck once and had a guy put me down. I asked him what range he thought was ethical. He said 250 yards. I challenged him to a little friendly shooting competition where he shot at 250 yards and I shot at the distance I killed the deer. When we were done, my group was on center and half the size of his that was centered low. I bet that a large percentage of the ethics whiners on here would get their asses spanked in the same fashion.

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