One Hunter To Another


Long Time Member
Camp Fire question, hunter to hunter, because hunters come from all walks of life and are some of the most informed people I know. MM his it’s share of bright people, in the field and in the business world.

So here goes, factual or fabricated global warm is a crisis. The current way of thinking is to never waste a crisis. That is; there are opportunities that come with every crisis, real or imagined. There are people making billions of dollars, leveraging global warming. if we’re going to have to live with global warming economics and business ventures for the next 100 years, more or less, we aught to benefit from it, like some folks have all read been doing for a decade or more.

If a guy had….. say $20,000/$30,000 to invest. What are your serious suggestions where it should be parked, at the moment, recognizing some risk is expected.

Serious dialogue would be appreciated.

Bonds six months 5 1/2 % that's 5 thousand 5 hundred dollars on a 100 thousand. It's been since I was a kid seeing those rates....... Very little risk good return
Investing in gold certificates is one thing, actually buying the metal is another.

While investing in something of intrinsic value is sound practice, it too can lose value rapidly.

If things went to hell in hand basket, or hyperinflation took off, a handful of antibiotics from FFA or some disinfectant could suddenly cost almost everything you have in gold.

As far as the climate crisis goes, as many solar and natural gas generators that $30k could buy to produce 10kW.

The price of fuel will fluctuate like someone's heartbeat when a 210" muley is teasing you with a shot opportunity.
Not advice:

The VTOL and UAM market, in my mind, will explode in a decade or so. As with all emerging markets (think electric cars 5 years ago) the early movers and shakers will be highly overvalued. That industry loves to tout their electric "save the planet" credentials, which makes them favs of that crowd. But there is real utility in them if the FAA and EASA can get around to redefining airspace in large cities for efficient use. The trick is to pick the right one or two, ride it until everyone figures out that margins aren't coming as fast as investors want, and get out just before then. Easy peasy.

BTW- all my money is in managed funds :ROFLMAO:
Like in the movie waterworks- dirt.

I mean that as a joke and literally in land. It was the best thing Iv done with money I don’t want to loose. Having that asset helped me get my house and has the option to become more valuable by building a home on it or a place to retire when I’m over winter.

Edit to add: iv made some good money investing in tech over the years but to be honest I’m really unsure currently where to invest in the next Amazon, google etc. so iv gone back to boring things like energy, healthcare, etc- anything with a dividen and a company that’s always increased it. Get the dividen reinvest.
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The old rule thumb is to subtract your age from 100 and that’s the percentage you should have in growth stocks.
Easy to see the logic in that. If the market takes a ten year downturn and you are 75 years old you will probably be dead before it comes back.
But if you are a younger person growth stocks have always made the most money over the long run.
Thank you for the investment conversation, very much appreciated. I thought JP’s bomb shelter was particularly interesting, but I do think he was only half tongue in check serious. Two thoughts on that as an investment idea, with regard to global warming, one: a nuclear war will cause global cooling and we can’t have that, it’s counter to the global warming crisis plan, especially if all the world leaders are investing warming. two: it might not be a bad idea as an investment, not in a bomb shelter for ourselves but in investing in companies that supply parts and products for bomb shelters. I’m guessing the Middle East bomb shelter builders have turned a healthy proof. (That’s not intended to be funny or sarcastic. There’s absolutely nothing funny about what is going on in Israel right now.) Ya, I know investing incsomething so ugly it’s wrong but in reality, it’s investments that make it possible to have bomb shelters for those that need them. No entrepreneurs ….. no advanced bomb shelter products, if that makes sense.

The other suggestions are mostly the more standard kinds of things, however, it is the global warm stuff, that the one world order guys are pushing that I’m referring to. As I said, fact or fiction, people are making billions of dollars on the products that are being pushing through political systems, banks, national and international financial conglomerates, etc. Futuristic electrical production, solar energy, nuclear energy, emerging food production, futuristic super drone transportation, nano medicine, second and third generation crypto currency? What technologies is the military plowing research and development money into, especially products that have both military and public benefits.

What podcasts, what twitter feeds do investors (you) watch and investigate. What are others, that are watching these immersing companies, investing in. Who have you all found to be reliable, who has screwed investors that’s still gigging folks.

Knowledge is expanding rapidly and the global warming community is funding and driving new global warm solution products to market. What are they. Who are the companies and which one are likely to grow in value.

I’d find it interesting to keep an interchange and open discussion active on the Camo Fire, on what the power brokers are buying and selling. Like I said, why should only the big boys have all the fun and all the return on investment for themselves.

PMs work but I’d prefer an open sharing.
lithium recycling

Black and decker for all the window air conditioners that are gonna be selling while the globe warms
Also the AI company snowflake seems promising.

Also NOC Northrop Grumman with all these mussels flying
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If your gonna buy dirt (or anything else) be smart.

In 96 I bought the place my son lives on now from our family. Desert stuff mostly, but close to an industrial zoned area. On a sorta hunch I bought a bit over a thousand acres near a place what is now called called RTIC....Reno-Tahoe industrial center. Dirt cheap back then. Notso anymore.
thought JP’s bomb shelter was particularly interesting, but I do think he was only half tongue in check serious
Totally serious. I can’t think of anything in these current times better to invest in for the consideration of improving your life in the future
Totally serious. I can’t think of anything in these current times better to invest in for the consideration of improving your life in the future
What are the key components in yours and who makes those parts. Did you hire it done by a specialty company? How large and how much have you tied up in it?
We were talking about your investment. My plan is the mad max war lord armored car approach. I’m just welding plates on the old Chevy to get ready
Renewable energy is kind of risky at the moment, IMO.

Wasn't there a bank in Silicon Vally that went **** up awhile back? They were almost entirely invested it wind/solar.

Solyndra was Obama's sweetheart and they left us taxpayers on the hook for a half billion dollars.

On the other hand.....

You could follow Elon Musk around. He seems to pull a rabbit out of a hat a lot.

My property taxes and truck insurance are due next month so I'm tapped out. I might invest in a solar powered generator for when California shuts off the power because they ran out of electricity and they raise the rates. That's looking like a good investment in the short run.
What are the key components in yours and who makes those parts. Did you hire it done by a specialty company? How large and how much have you tied up in it?
There are some different ways to do it. Some dudes bury a couple conex boxes. But then you have to support the walls of the boxes from collapse....they will do so if you just dump dirt around them. Some guys just build a cinder block/cement wall. If you have earth moving equipment and some construction skills, this may be the way to go.

Some guys just buy the reinforced structures pre-built, dig the hole and set in place.

Water, air, food concerns are about the same.

Bomb shelter? Probably not a valid concern unless you are very near a prime target.

Radiation concerns? Same as above, but with the added concern of contaminated goods/food/ water.

If either of the above, I'd be more concerned about folks raiding my stash of gear than direct hits or radiation.
Has anyone looked into this company. This article was published in September 2023, so it’s current but it’s got limited supply of scarce materials. If a guy could make a small investment, now, it could explode…….. IF they can over come their scarce material problem. High risk, no doubt but it’s targets an electric access solution that the world is chasing. Again, I’m will to take some risk, if anybody here has researched this company for its probability of succeeding.


This could research could go public and break through some types of cancer.

I'm not sure which one is more over-the-top obnoxious- solar farms or wind farms. Both take natural landscapes to looking like some sort of sci-fi nightmare. And to boot, they kill copious critters. Eventually, even the eco-crowd is going to realize it. I am dumbfounded that nuclear has not made some sort of renaissance rebound amongst the woker elements in our midst. Dollar for dollar more effective and does not "warm" the planet.
I’d say dirt… but I’m also 34 and have seen one of the fastest run ups of real property probably ever…. Heck if my dad would have bought land where I grew up for around 1-10k an acre it is now 200-500x’s that now… hard to get advice from the internet though haha I have a pension, a 457, and some other things on auto pilot but if it all goes to crap none of it will matter…
Lots of good info in here. Hard not to give consideration to the bond market right now with what may be coming next year. Last year I bought an i bond when it went to I think 9.62 percent. 10k max per person over 18. 10k for you 10k your wife etc per year. I figured 1k guaranteed was not a bad deal. Govt likes a low cap anything decent. Roth etc.
Lots of good info in here. Hard not to give consideration to the bond market right now with what may be coming next year. Last year I bought an i bond when it went to I think 9.62 percent. 10k max per person over 18. 10k for you 10k your wife etc per year. I figured 1k guaranteed was not a bad deal. Govt likes a low cap anything decent. Roth etc.
You know things are going to shot when you start to consider bonds : /

A type of bond to consider is a municipal bond from your area. The money goes where you want it. It’s the only type of bond iv bought and some have fairly low minimums like 1k and less.
It’s very obvious I’m a terrible communicator. Let me hit the reset and try this again.

There were technology companies that sold stock in their companies in the 1960, 70, and 80s. Yet in the 1980s technology exploded when the personal computing modifications completely blew the lid off and the world has never and will likely never be the same again. People began to in invest in Apple, Word Perfect, Lotus 123, Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, Novel, Adobe, Epson, INTEL, etc etc. This boom was an entirely entrepreneurial effort, grown and paid for by investors and the profit from products the world wanted and bought.

We’re now a ways down the road into a new era, it seems. This era is different than the last, in that it is primarily being promoted and the new companies have been, to a great degree, sponsored by governments. Buyers have been motivated by the government’s claims, there will be a world wide disaster or and end of civilization as we know it, if we don’t stop using coal, crude oil and natural gas produced etc. Like IBM, Digital Corporation, and others that existed before Apple and Microsoft, electricity, solar battery systems, etc. existed before the global warm crisis. We had wind mills for decades previously, but we’re now using solar, wind, hydro in far different and in more ways than ever before. To say, it will never be the same again, seems like an understatement. And, government stimulated or government forced or somewhere in between, the fact is new companies, much like the MicroSofts, Novels, Oracles etc of the past are entering the market place. Like Apple, Word Perfect, Adobe, etc, their stock values are going to increase in value exponentially too. Elon Musk is but one example.

The people involved in this global warming crisis and the current and likely expansion of the number of new companies are making huge investment profits and I can’t see it is going away in the foreseeable future. I believe this to be true regardless if the Democrats or the Republican are in the White House and Congress. The search for and desire for independent personal energy and renewable energy drive is now imbedded in consumers minds, for better or worse.

That being the case, I thinking I should be watching for and learning about investment opportunities in this industry and specific company’s where a $2,000 to a $10,000 stock investment could rapidly grow into hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The people pushing and promoting this era of change are making bank, already, we should be too.

I have no problem with traditional investments in bonds, dirt, utilities, medical, pharma, etc but the big, rapid growth looks to be in the new era global warming solutions. Justifiable……. the jury is still out in that. Risky, yes. So was Apple, Microsoft and Oracle, many lost their butts on tech stocks. I get it. I’m not looking for long term security, I’m looking for new companies with new solutions, and I know many will go bust but some are already exploding and others will.
That’s the kind of investing I’m looking for, in small increments.

There’s a true story that is burned in my memory. Three good friends and small business partners pooled their money and bought $10,000 at $13 per share, in Apple stock, in 1983. Apple stock promptly dropped to under $7. They panicked and sold out, at a loss. No harm, not that big a deal, but had they held on, they’d have made over 10 million, today. Years later in 2013, a family member begged me to buy bitcoin when it was about $100 a coin, I could have easily afforded 8 or 10, I passed. Another family member bought a bunch and when it $20,000 the first time, he sold 20 and apparently, still has a bunch left, or he did last time I asked.

Dirt is great but I can’t buy much dirt for $20,000/$30,000……. but I could buy a few different companies stocks in $2,000 to $5,000 investments. If I loose it, nobody is going to feel much pain. I’m on a fixed income, does that make any sense?

Again, everybody’s made good and worthwhile suggestions, all valid and if I was 35 years old, it would have significant relevance.

What I’m looking for are the new Microsoft or Apple, with a focus on renewable energy products and solutions. These companies are out there right now…….. I just don’t who or what they are. It seems like other MM would know or would like to know beside me. Curiously looking for ideas along those lines.
Could just buy carbon credits, if I had gotten solar panels I would have earned a few a year and could sell them on a site. Think they were like 70 to 130 dollars each.
Hell man, if I knew what the next apple or Tesla or bitcoin was I wouldn’t be a fireman, I’d be living like a king on a giant property somewhere getting back massages from large breasted women on the regular
Ha….. I believe you. So both you and I need the same information from the brothers on MM. It’s not like asking for a honey hole for a monster buck. The more we invest, the more the information sharers stocks go up. Seems like a win win to me.

Spread the word HuntHard! ?
Funny enough chevron is the biggest leader in carbon removal, who would have guessed.

hyperbole dose not make money. Elon
Musk didn’t save the planet, he sold cars very well and knows where to throw capital.

The hype in the market is thick or frothy as they say.

Long story short I raised cash a while ago and have yet to figure where to put it. I’m figuring after a sell off like we are gettin now
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Funny enough chevron is the biggest leader in carbon removal, who would have guessed.

hyperbole dose not make money. Elon
Musk didn’t save the planet, he sold cars very well and knows where to throw capital.

The hype in the market is thick or frothy as they say.
Always is. Some see through it better than others.

News media is chirping that the EV vehicles are not selling right now. Dealers with unusually large inventories are make people nervous. Tread lightly…… but don’t be deterred. As feddoc said, be smart.
Always is. Some see through it better than others.

News media is chirping that the EV vehicles are not selling right now. Dealers with unusually large inventories are make people nervous. Tread lightly…… but don’t be deterred. As feddoc said, be smart.
Sold Tesla a while ago. I’m with you in sniffing out a new honey pot
It’s very obvious I’m a terrible communicator. Let me hit the reset and try this again.

There were technology companies that sold stock in their companies in the 1960, 70, and 80s. Yet in the 1980s technology exploded when the personal computing modifications completely blew the lid off and the world has never and will likely never be the same again. People began to in invest in Apple, Word Perfect, Lotus 123, Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, Novel, Adobe, Epson, INTEL, etc etc. This boom was an entirely entrepreneurial effort, grown and paid for by investors and the profit from products the world wanted and bought.

We’re now a ways down the road into a new era, it seems. This era is different than the last, in that it is primarily being promoted and the new companies have been, to a great degree, sponsored by governments. Buyers have been motivated by the government’s claims, there will be a world wide disaster or and end of civilization as we know it, if we don’t stop using coal, crude oil and natural gas produced etc. Like IBM, Digital Corporation, and others that existed before Apple and Microsoft, electricity, solar battery systems, etc. existed before the global warm crisis. We had wind mills for decades previously, but we’re now using solar, wind, hydro in far different and in more ways than ever before. To say, it will never be the same again, seems like an understatement. And, government stimulated or government forced or somewhere in between, the fact is new companies, much like the MicroSofts, Novels, Oracles etc of the past are entering the market place. Like Apple, Word Perfect, Adobe, etc, their stock values are going to increase in value exponentially too. Elon Musk is but one example.

The people involved in this global warming crisis and the current and likely expansion of the number of new companies are making huge investment profits and I can’t see it is going away in the foreseeable future. I believe this to be true regardless if the Democrats or the Republican are in the White House and Congress. The search for and desire for independent personal energy and renewable energy drive is now imbedded in consumers minds, for better or worse.

That being the case, I thinking I should be watching for and learning about investment opportunities in this industry and specific company’s where a $2,000 to a $10,000 stock investment could rapidly grow into hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The people pushing and promoting this era of change are making bank, already, we should be too.

I have no problem with traditional investments in bonds, dirt, utilities, medical, pharma, etc but the big, rapid growth looks to be in the new era global warming solutions. Justifiable……. the jury is still out in that. Risky, yes. So was Apple, Microsoft and Oracle, many lost their butts on tech stocks. I get it. I’m not looking for long term security, I’m looking for new companies with new solutions, and I know many will go bust but some are already exploding and others will.
That’s the kind of investing I’m looking for, in small increments.

There’s a true story that is burned in my memory. Three good friends and small business partners pooled their money and bought $10,000 at $13 per share, in Apple stock, in 1983. Apple stock promptly dropped to under $7. They panicked and sold out, at a loss. No harm, not that big a deal, but had they held on, they’d have made over 10 million, today. Years later in 2013, a family member begged me to buy bitcoin when it was about $100 a coin, I could have easily afforded 8 or 10, I passed. Another family member bought a bunch and when it $20,000 the first time, he sold 20 and apparently, still has a bunch left, or he did last time I asked.

Dirt is great but I can’t buy much dirt for $20,000/$30,000……. but I could buy a few different companies stocks in $2,000 to $5,000 investments. If I loose it, nobody is going to feel much pain. I’m on a fixed income, does that make any sense?

Again, everybody’s made good and worthwhile suggestions, all valid and if I was 35 years old, it would have significant relevance.

What I’m looking for are the new Microsoft or Apple, with a focus on renewable energy products and solutions. These companies are out there right now…….. I just don’t who or what they are. It seems like other MM would know or would like to know beside me. Curiously looking for ideas along those lines.
Just watch where goobermint funding goes then. Almost without exception, Congress chooses the winners and losers in the modern economy.

Butt seriously, you should spend it on something memorable. Or consider a venture capital adventure where you can help someone else while you dance with Lady Luck.
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S&P 500 or something like the FID 500 that Mirrors it.

Put it in there and forget about it for 30 years if you can.
Just watch where goobermint funding goes then. Almost without exception, Congress chooses the winners and losers in the modern economy.

Butt seriously, you should spend it on something memorable. Or consider a venture capital adventure where you can help someone else while you dance with Lady Luck.
Now we’re on the right track. Somebody on MM has figured out how to watch were that funding is going, on a daily bases, and how to buy into those companies. That’s what we need to be zeroed in on, like a long range PRC.

I’m pretty generous, when I’m flush blue, I think I’ll stick with the government winners, under current conditions, if that makes sense. If Lady Luck comes and dances, I’ll make sure others get to share. That would be memorable…….. don’t you think.

Imagine blue…..if, after this discussion, a MM member shares a government picked winner and a bunch of us ole boys drop a couple thou on it, and it pays a 1,000 to 1, the whole process would be pretty dang memorable. I’d make darn sure Founder got his comeuppance. I’d be telling that Camp Fire story for a looooong time.
Look at Origin is cheap, cheap, cheap right now and has a huge upside.
I’ll keep watching Wiszard, this company it’s playing in the right genre and the price is right, buy low, sell high. I’ll be watching to see if John Kerry and the politicians take interest.

Now we’re on the right track. Somebody on MM has figured out how to watch were that funding is going, on a daily bases, and how to buy into those companies. That’s what we need to be zeroed in on, like a long range PRC.

I’m pretty generous, when I’m flush blue, I think I’ll stick with the government winners, under current conditions, if that makes sense. If Lady Luck comes and dances, I’ll make sure others get to share. That would be memorable…….. don’t you think.

Imagine blue…..if, after this discussion, a MM member shares a government picked winner and a bunch of us ole boys drop a couple thou on it, and it pays a 1,000 to 1, the whole process would be pretty dang memorable. I’d make darn sure Founder got his comeuppance. I’d be telling that Camp Fire story for a looooong time.
The other thread got me to thinking … could have bought the whole town of Moab for pennies 30 years ago.

What’s your imagination say the world looks like 30 years from now?

Thats all it comes down to.
So true, I started staying in The Apache Motel in in 1983, when it was the only bed in town. Long before the remodel/renovation. If you’d have bought dirt in Moab in those days, it would have had a high concentrate of uranium in it. You of anyone know it’s expensive to fix that stuff. Now the folks that visit there mix it in their drinks and bath water.
Do like the Bidens and invest in China. China is building dozens of new coal powered plants.
I do believe he did, one way or another. Probably Mitt too. They say……. Ms. Pelosi bought dirt when Trump left office, alone with all the rest of them.
Buy stock in Disney....I just paid $3,174 for my 4 gkids, my daughter, son, his girlfriend, wife and other daughter to park hop for 2 days while I am hunting G3. I am a sucker!!
Buy stock in Disney....I just paid $3,174 for my 4 gkids, my daughter, son, his girlfriend, wife and other daughter to park hop for 2 days while I am hunting G3. I am a sucker!!
Hunt is expensive. Wild game don’t come cheap Wiszard…….. course I know this ain’t your first rodeo.
Hey Wisz?

I Guess Ms Wisz Didn't Tell You About Some Of The Other Stuff You Bought While You Were Hunting?

Buy stock in Disney....I just paid $3,174 for my 4 gkids, my daughter, son, his girlfriend, wife and other daughter to park hop for 2 days while I am hunting G3. I am a sucker!!
A.I. is going to change so much of the future. It already is.
Thanks for being that up.

Great suggestion

Where can we buy stock in this group of companies. What are some of the immersing companies. Government is all hepped up on AI right now.
Thanks for being that up.

Great suggestion

Where can we buy stock in this group of companies. What are some of the immersing companies. Government is all hepped up on AI right now.

As with all emerging technologies, big tech will lead the way. The “play” would be to find an “under the radar” opportunity that is a future buyout candidate by one of the big boys. I’m actively searching.
As with all emerging technologies, big tech will lead the way. The “play” would be to find an “under the radar” opportunity that is a future buyout candidate by one of the big boys. I’m actively searching.
Well, after you’re solidly bought in, if that should happen, let us know, maybe we can help push your stock higher. ?

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