OnX vs GoHunt?


Long Time Member
I have subscribed to OnX in the past and it came in handy. When in familiar country, is it really needed? Do new water sources pop up in OnX that may not have been there a couple years ago?
Do you use both OnX and gohunt together? Is one better than the other? I haven't subscribed to gohunt but will be using OnX this season on an OTC elk hunt in CO. Is gohunt a better resource or is OnX best? Thoughts?
I use just the free version of onX, think you have to pay to get more than 1 state though. It's worked perfectly for me. Spot on for Land boundaries and water holes and such. Only thing I've noticed is 2 trackers or other small bushwacked trailes show up on OnX, but aren't always really there anymore.
Do they have the same features? Does OnX have online capability of looking up stats for various units/states? I just use the OnX basics so never have dove in too deep.

Don't know, have never used the other so not much help I guess.

OnX does not have the ability look up stats for units as far as information that youay get from a game and fish web page to the degree I've used it.
Don't know, have never used the other so not much help I guess.

OnX does not have the ability look up stats for units as far as information that youay get from a game and fish web page to the degree I've used it.
I looked up what the premium package offers on OnX and they offer access to 3 other sites which contain hunt prep and draw stats and such.
I'm Onx premium and love it. I usually hunt a few states each year so the land ownership feature is nice. I use the tracking feature every time I go out. It really helps me keep track of where I want to go and if I need to get back to a specific spot I have my bread crumbs to follow. I just delete the track when I'm done unless there's a reason to keep it. If you only hunt 1 state or land ownership isn't important then just do the regular subscription, there's no difference on how it works other than the ownership function.
I have been using OnX now for a number of years & spend hours on it researching hunting areas. It helps me tremendously especially when you find yourself somewhat close to private property. They do updates regularly & create additional filters fairly often. I haven’t ever used gohunt, so I really don’t have an opinion on it.

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