Out of State Draw Liscenses


Does anyone know if there was ever any changes made to the percent of out of state hunters who drew tags? I know it was on the table earlier in the year but never heard of any results.
Very nice, I am sick of not drawing tags in my backyard while people who have never set foot in this part of the country have better chances than I do.

Do you know the magnitude of the reduction?
"Very nice, I am sick of not drawing tags in my backyard while people who have never set foot in this part of the country have better chances than I do."

Dude, cry me a river. You live in one of the best states in the entire West to hunt and you can't draw a tag? Maybe you should start exploring more than the units Eastman's or Huntin Fool list every year as the "best units to hunt".

Here's a real shocker, there are several big deer, elk, etc that get taken every year in your backyard that are not in any of the "primo" units.

Better luck in the future. I'll be thinking of you while I'm hunting the Gila for the second year in a row......as a non-resident.
>Very nice, I am sick of
>not drawing tags in my
>backyard while people who have
>never set foot in this
>part of the country have
>better chances than I do.

Dude, cry me a river. You live in one of the best states in the entire West to hunt and you can't draw a tag? Maybe you should start exploring more than the units Eastman's or Huntin Fool list every year as the "best units to hunt".

Here's a real shocker, there are several big deer, elk, etc that get taken every year in your backyard that are not in any of the "primo" units.

Better luck in the future. I'll be thinking of you while I'm hunting the Gila for the second year in a row......as a non-resident.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-17-11 AT 10:01PM (MST)[p]Counting landowner tags, guide tags, and regular draw tags, NM was effectively issuing nearly half of the better tags to nonresidents...That's high. It will still be high...But 6% to the regular draw is low... I'm not sure I can see any winners out of any of this, odds for the more in demand tags aren't changing much, except for the nonresident regular draw. 84% vs 78% isn't really getting residents very many more bull tags. But 6% or 0% is a huge cut from 10%...
EF---Why would you even count landowner and guide tags in the equation when those can be purchased by anyone? IMHO it was strictly a lose situation for the nonresident who doesn't have the big money needed to use those other high-priced tags and then on top of that they passed the requirement that you have to buy a license to even apply for the draws! To me, this is just another example that is similar to the way all the states seem to be going and sooner, rather than later, it's pricing the average Joe right out of hunting out of state.
New Mexico has the right to set it any way they want and the NR will have to deal with it. If they want to give 0% to NR then go for it. But remember a lot of that land in NM belongs to 310,000,000 people who do not live in NM. And like it or not WE can make rules on how our land is used and NM residents will have to deal with that too. Not fair but that is the way it is.

I have a couple great friends in NM and love the state. What I get tired of are the people who call NR whiners for complaining about the change in the draw and blaming them because they don't draw tags. In the mean time LO tags are available to anyone so go buy one and hunt!! ( I've never bought one) I am more than willing to say the average NM Res makes what I do and I have a whole lot more invested if I have to drive 5000 plus miles. (Did you know that NM has more PhDs per capita than ANY other state?)

It will take several years to see how the stats work out. Res who complain about not drawing a unit with 5% odds every other year will still be complaining when they don't draw every other year when the odds skyrocket to 7%. There will still be some lucky SOG from MO who draws a prized tag the first year he puts in. I am willing to bet next spring there will be a Res jumping up and down cheering when they draw a tag they have been trying to draw for the past ten years and thanking the new law even if the stats show draw odds went down for that particular hunt. (More Res putting in cause they now "know" they can draw) In the end it will all work out the same. Res will be complaining and NR will be complaining. The only thing that bothers me is NM took the easy way out....and attacked the DIY NR while leaving the guides and LO tag system in place. But that is politics.

I haven't seen the list but I bet there are leftover tags agian this year for deer and at least cow elk. Maybe not in your backyard or in trophy units but hunting is hunting. And yes I will be there this fall to hunt. I didn't draw my elk but did draw deer.....my third choice in a unit that usually has leftovers. Hope everyone has a great hunt.
Maineflatlander that was exactly right. Love it when they act like only a nonresident can buy a LO tag. Even better when somebody asks how it came out months after they voted in the change. Definitely a serious hunter! lol
Let me tell you bmack, the units I hunt are not on your, or many other of the keyboard kings' radar (thank heavens), but the NR still has twice the odds I do. I don't apply for a single high demand hunt, and still kill trophy animals most every year I draw a tag. It's frustrating to see your state giving your tag to someone else simply because the price they pay is higher. Luckily our new governor is slowly changing that process.

As far as the LO tag price, I don't really have any sympathy. I'm sure your state is doing the same thing, if there is even any wildlife in your state. After all, it is the fault of the NR who has created a demand comparable to Disney World. Why is the price so high? Because you keep paying it.
exactly, for you residents who didn't draw your beloved tag, go see one of your rancher buddies, I'm sure they'll give you a good deal on a LO tag..... we NR have just as much right to have access to FEDERAL land as you residents do!
LAST EDITED ON Jun-20-11 AT 05:50PM (MST)[p]The land is Federally owned, but the animals are NM State owned. No one is arguing whether you can access the Federal land, just whether you're allowed to kill a NM State owned animal. FWIW, I'm otherwise fairly neutral on this issue.
what about the elk that live close enough to cross state lines, do they claim dual residency; we can beat this dead horse all day long and get nowhere! For those of us who live in states that have no elk hunting, we have no alternative but to apply for tags in a western state. I for one am very grateful for the opportunity to hunt as a NR, but to listen to some residents act like we're stealing their opportunity to hunt, it just gets a little old. NR's get very few tags compared to residents and are paying out the nose for them,$$$. Maybe I'll ask the elk first if he's from Colorado and I'll shoot him instead of a NM elk!
Many of us residents appreciate the NR dollars you out of towners bring to our state's economy, and provide directly to our Department in exchange for your hunting opportunity here... and I for one certainly don't mind sharing our resources in fair ratio

I NEVER supported 196, and am disappointed to see that our state has taken the rather myopic 'me first' approach to 'solving' the 'problem'...

Do away with the Outfitter subsidy, and get rid of all Unit Wide allocations, revert to somewhere between 80/20 and 85/15 and I think we'd all have us a pretty fair deal

There are quite a few Resident and NR bone heads on here that don't understand the greater scope of things, and probably never will...just don't let either or the other of them skew your good judgement concerning this issue
LAST EDITED ON Jun-20-11 AT 09:46PM (MST)[p]See post #16!!!

Edit to Greatwestern---I like your approach and I think what you mentioned would be more than fair in NM or any other state. I've always felt that a resident deserves precedence, but to cut the nonresident DIY guy down to 6%, plus charge him a license fee to apply for a tag just to tell most they aren't going to hunt just plain sucks!!!
"what about the elk that live close enough to cross state lines"

When they're in Colorado, they belong to Colorado. When they're in New Mexico, they belong to New Mexico. This is fairly common knowledge though, so I think you're just trolling for an argument.
For all that don't know, the NM Game Commission is in the process of receiving comment on making the "GAME LICENSE FEE" refundable for both Res and NR. There is significant push to make this happen. Many don't believe that it is anything but stealing to get someone to buy a license they won't use. I've heard the well "other states do it" crap. Doesn't make it right.
eliminate what few tags we NR's get and there will still be residents who don't get drawn, who will they blame then? Some first time new resident will get drawn over someone who's been applying for years, its a shame but thats just the way it is! If it ever coms to that I'll just move on somewhere else.
JFWRC---Thanks for the update on the license requirement possibly being changed. That would at least soften the blow a little bit if unsuccessful in the draw and all you lost was the application fee. I still feel a 10-15% share of the licenses for nonresidents in all the states would be fair when a big percentage of the land they are hunting is Federal BLM or NFS land.
Ahhh yes....let's re-open an old wound again. Just when it's been beaten to complete an utter death..let's beat it somemore for fun eh! You friggin NR's are frustrating. You have 16% of New Mexico tags....which is more than a few of our neighboring states hand out. Do you realize that 10% of that pool is allocated to guided NR hunts??? That..in a nutshell..is the entire problem. I'm sorry but 16% of NM tags going to NR's is completely fair...no matter who you are. If you don't agree..you're a dolt and a greedy one at that...simply put. Get rid of the locked in 10% for guides, make it a standard pool of between 10-16% for NR's and call it a day. 22% was outrageous and I'm extactic that nearly 3000 tags will be going to NM residents.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-21-11 AT 06:33PM (MST)[p]
That's correct and why sportsman01 is blowing smoke out his wazoo! We are not dolts or greedy or whatever other nasty name you want to call us nonresidents---also simply put! We are passionate hunters that want to be treated fairly and 6% of the total allotment of tags isn't fair IMHO. You have made that 10% guided tags statement like it's just for us and gives us 16% of the overall tags, when it also includes residents that can afford a guided hunt and definitely lowers our percentage below your whoopdedo statement that we are really getting a deal, LOL! PS: I don't even put in for NM tags any more, but will accompany and help a buddy who drew a 2b tag in November. I hope sportsman01 won't have a problem with me spending a little money in his home state without even having a tag, LOL!!! Hey, maybe the real dolt is the OP who is a resident and knows less about what's going on in NM than us nonresidents!!!
After its all said and done,go ahead and take back all the NR tags, and there still will residents who won't get drawn! Who you gonna blame then. I'm sure Colorado with their OTC tags will be happy to take my money, and I've been saving points in Wyoming. This may be last year to hunt NM. Good day gentlemen!
What is NM paying for the grazing rights for their deer and elk grazing on My share of that federal land. Maybe they should be sending a bill to NM for 300 million for land use for starters. I bet everyone tags would go up.
Here we already have a adventure pass ($30)just to park in the local forest.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Guarantee that the 10% guided pool will be "manipulated" worse than it is now and NR will be receiving drastically less than 10%. Does not really matter to me...I will be in either way, but cannot wait for the 2012 draw results to see how this shakes out? My guess would be that NR (w/o LO tags) will end up with about 10" of the tags guided+DIY.
Some of you guys can't stop picking scabs. This wound was on its way to healing. I hadn't heard a complaint in a good while. I guess some of you residents like to see NR blood. LOL
The issue is not that a resident will magically begin to draw when less NR's receive tags. The issue is that in a lot units (that aren't high demand units), an NR has a greater chance to draw than a resident. That is unfair as a good percentage of hard working New Mexicans' money goes to the state government for purposes such as managing "State Owned" wildlife. Residents of any state deserve just as good a chance, if not better, to hunt the wildlife in their respective state where they pay taxes. Period. These law changes are not intended to weed out NR's completely. Personally, I don't think its right to not refund license fees for undrawn tags, but if it were me who's undrawn license fee was not refunded (NR's), I would never consider putting in for a New Mexico hunt again and take my money to CO or AZ. ;)
You non-rez. keep crying that are in the public pool!

It is going to get you far!

Most public land residents do not agree with the %, but keep whining! No one will care much longer!
Gator, you generally seem like a reasonable dude. Why would you want to throw out a silly & unrelated straw man like that? I am now stupider for letting myself be sucked into this stupid debate. If you're looking for an injustice to fight, go take on WY's law that requires NR's to hire an outfitter in order to hunt all of our public wilderness. I suppose you think WY should be paying me a fee for all the bufflo, elk, deer, etc, that are grazing on my Yellowstone National Park, no?

I'm an NR too whenever I hunt outside this state. That has included CO, TX, UT, and WY. Not too pleased with the way WY treats NRs and I've personally decided I'm through with that state.

But if I had my way there would be a reciprical agreement between NM and all other states based on the number of tags they award to NRs. If your state gives 20 percent to NRs, than you get to participate in the draw for up to 20 percent of NM's tags. If your state only alots 10 percent, then you only participate in the draw for up to 10 percent of NM tags. Want to increase your odds for a NM hunt? Then work on increasing my odds for your state's hunts. See how that works? Should not be that hard to do... ;-)
mozey---You touched on another sore spot with me when you mentioned the Wyoming requirement, as I hunt that state every year. That is just more political BS, just like we are talking about here with the tag percentages. Your idea would be great, but obviously it will never fly. If it did, I guess I would be happy since Michigan has no tag restrictions or percentages on nonresidents and it would help me on out of state draws if your concept was in place. All the states have their own way of doing things and every one of them has an awful lot of politics involved because of the big money we are talking about. We will just have to live with what is there and be happy there are so many states we can apply to hunt in for a lot of different big game animals.
Mozey you are a stand up guy it not really aim toward you, But the view isn't far from either side of the issue. Just pointing out where it really can get stupid and cost the sportsman a huge cost.

Yellowstone park would fall in the same deal if we could hunt it.I know for a fact they would charge a busload of money to hunt it Kind of like (Antelope Island Ut)

I have been fighting the Wy deal for a long time, But there is a loophole around it, Like take a Wy friend,relative,Heck even hire a homeless person(as long as he can sign and is a resident) to go up into the mountain with ya for a week.

The deal here is the lumping of the LO tags with the NR tag draw is flat wrong BECAUSE all the poor residents can buy those LO tags as while so why put them with NR draw because it makes it look better? So let the poor resident have them in their draw.

The guys that are saying the ranchers shouldn't be allow tags are one-sided(Why can't I hunt his land) showing the other side is THAT those animals are on Fed. land (Blm,NF,)and maybe they shouldn't be allow to hunt those animals in those area's either, unless they PAY a trespass fee too,(Ca adventer pass just for parking $30) Now wouldn't that be a nice steady income for the fed's. I bet if that happened the screaming and hollering would be on the other foot, I can see a bunch of $$$$ signs right there, You have hunters on here all talking about State owned animals, BUT where are those state owned animals roaming and eating mostly Fed. land so why should they be allow a free pass shouldn't the state be made to carry the food bill, same as them animals feeding on private.I know I can't feed my animals on Fed ground without paying for it,Can you see the state having to give up $$$$$ or tags for the feed they are eating. I'm sure you see the question here .
Like they say you pay to play. LOL

Sorry if I upset a few of the ME ME ME guys but it IMHO that this could come back( screw it up even more) and they can now see the other foot,its the same one the NR is standing on.
Heck I hate that SD waterfowl seasons are a draw now for NR, so it isn't just one state that has its problems.
Welcome to the world of people changing things for better or worse.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

Yup...I stand corrected. I misread the Final resolution for the guided pool. It is open for residents as well. I apologize for miss speaking on that aspect. However, doesn't change my follow up statement of eliminating a guide pool altogether and allocating that 16% to NR's. Anything from 10-16% is fair. After that though I stand by what i said. Greedy. But as the current system is, NR's are being shafted a bit. Now my question is (which I'm guessing only actual numbers will tell) is what percentage of guided hunts within that 10% would go to NR's and R's? ( For example 5%/5%, 6%/4%, 4%/6%) Being that it's a lottery draw I would hope that it would be a close 50/50 split in the allocation of those tags. Second question is, do you think more Residents or Non- Residents are applying for guided hunts? I would lean to NR's...but I don't have any factual info to back that up.
So when you set up subsidies like Guided draw pools you are basically setting up a subsidy for the rich and LO/Guides. Is it right? NO, let the market dictate and not subsidies.
sportsman01---I would not say a word if the overall pool for residents would be 10-15% in a state and the guided pool was dropped completely like you mentioned. I have never felt that outfitters/guides should receive any preferential treatment, whether it be guaranteed tags or taking nonresidents into the wilderness like WY requires, as it basically is a subsidy to keep some of them going. IMHO if they are doing an overall good job they will have plenty of repeat business, referrals, etc. Cripes, they need to worry more about the wolves and/or grizzlies eliminating all the animals in their area, which would definitely put a lot of them OB. Also, I think it's rather ridiculous to allow landowner tags in any state to be sold for use on public ground. If they sell them to the public for a big profit they should be restricted to their deeded ranch property and any public land encompassed within the ranch boundaries. That is one subsidy that I could live with if done that way.
Pro- NR, Con- NR

If we don't get some good rain, the Forest service is going to put a lock on the gate with fire restriction III and NO ONE will get to hunt!
LAST EDITED ON Jun-22-11 AT 04:34PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jun-22-11 AT 04:33?PM (MST)

I cannot even begin to express the wonderful experiences I had in NM while I was stationed there from 06-10, allowing me 3 seasons. I had no trouble drawing a tag as a resident. In fact, I drew 16B rifle elk three years straight, 2 bulls down that did an excellent job of feeding my family and a nice 320 rack on the wall. But I live on the other side of the world now, and to be honest...theres a snowball's chance in hell that I could afford the NR tags and logistics that go with it on a military budget. Old system or new. And yes, I firmly believe in States right to govern their own resources and a LO's right to do whatever the hell he/she wants to with their property.

However, I have a few concerns with NMdoghunter's statement.

"The issue is that in a lot units (that aren't high demand units), an NR has a greater chance to draw than a resident."

So "Unit X" has 10 Sasquatch tags to be issued. 8 to residents and 2 to NR's. 100 residents apply for their 8 tags and 10 NR's jump in for their 2. Math tells us that any one of those 100 residents have an 8% chance to line sights on ole Chewbaca and the NR's 20%. Now all the residents are furious! How dare the NR's be allowed a 20% chance to hit the woods and bag a fuzzball when the residents can only pull 8%. No worries, there are an amazing amout of intelligent folks in NM (that part I actually believe) who can invent a NEW MATH that will solve EVERYTHING! With their "new" math, the Resident will dominate...taking back what was rightfully his and the SOB NR's will fearfully shrink in his shadow! What could this "new" math be? "Why...we will take 1 tag from the NR and give it back to the residents...Now all residents will get to fill their freezer...HEAR ME ROAR! You bastard NR's only have a 10% chance now. Transfer the other 10% to us and that means we get 18%. Gotta love our "new" math!"

Really...no no no...Really?

And then there is the "That is unfair as a good percentage of hard working New Mexicans' money goes to the state government for purposes such as managing "State Owned" wildlife."

Hard earned NM dollars huh. Dont get me wrong...NM has plenty of hard working people and yes...most pay taxes like any other American. But...when it comes to doin the greater good for the financial health of the great US of A...would you agree that NM isnt exactly known for its federal cash donation. I believe the latest numbers put NM at the very top of the list! #1 out of 50 States!!!! For EVERY dollar that NM pays to the Federal Govt, they only take back little over $2. That money has to come from somewhere! Could it possible be from OTHER STATES?

So another way to look at it is, "That is unfair as a good percentage of hard working Americans' money goes to the federal government for purposes such as subsidizing/managing or otherwise assisting your state"

my 2 cents

New Mexico Guides & Outfitters

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Offering a wide array of hunt opportunities and putting clients in prime position to bag a trophy.

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