
Active Member
Sorry folks but I need to vent......I had other titles for the top of this post but refrained. As a few of you may know from a previous post of mine myself and a friend drew cow tags for the Kamas Oakley unit. This past Saturday we decided to make a run up to the unit as more of a check it out/get out of town day. As expected, lots of other people out enjoying their time on the hills, hunting, camping and just out for a drive from what it looked like.
We headed up Mirror Lake highway to Upper Setting road and headed for the top well before sun up. After getting up in there quite a ways and having no idea of where we really were we decided to wait a few for the sun to put a little light on the subject. To get to the heart of this post I will skip the morning hours as they were uneventful, just a nice long hike seen some awesome country!
It was the ride down off the mountain that made me sick and the disregard for nature people have and accountability for oneself and there trash!! We passed one campsite that had mini propane bottles, beer bottles, cans, and cardboard and trash stacked in the fire pit for the next person to burn or pick up. Heck there was even a large Rubbermaid trash can full of crap on its side with stuff spilling out of it! One spot even had what looks to be someone's old sleeping bag that they didn't want to haul home! I couldn't believe it, but wait it gets better!! A little further down the road after seeing a little more of the same here and there at other camp sites we came to a spot where I had seen on the map that I wanted to hike into. To my finding this was the idea of many others in the recent past as well. Not 30 feet after leaving the road on a heavily traveled trail someone had used a log on the trail as there personal throne to drop a deuce. Now ill admit when nature calls you gotta go you go but for gods sake on the trail!! Wait it gets better..... for probably the next 30 feet or so it continued!! Someone had been using this trail as their personal restroom for what seemed a good few days. We had just walked into a mine field and it was only two feet across!! Sh*t paper everywhere, baby wipes blowing was disgusting!!! Seriously, on the trail?! We pushed on through the mine field and get to where we wanted to be. Spent the after noon glassing and seeing a whole lot of nothing but a few people here and there. Just before we decided to call it a day and head back 4 individuals had hiked up out of the bottom, wearing orange and carrying rifles. From our vantage we watched as they head to the trail that brought us in and then they disappeared into the trees. These were the only people we had seen all afternoon use that same trail. We worked our way down and across and not long after we got into the trees there lies a fresh empty water bottle laying in the brush, that's when I started to get Pi**ed! A little further candy wrappers, a little further and more candy wrappers and then another water bottle. These items were not there on our walk in. Yes I picked them up but I drew the line when we came back upon the mine field and Sh*t paper everywhere. I was really hoping those individuals were still at the trailhead when we came out because I was going to give them there trash back! Its Bullsh*t what people do and have no second thought about it. Its really saddening that that's what some of our wilderness areas are turning into. I haven't hunted or camped in the Uintas for years because I hated seeing what people were doing to the land up there and that trip Saturday just confirmed that this is a disease that will never die. I know it happens everywhere but for GODS sake people its not that hard to pack it out if you can pack it in. Im no saint and will never claim to be but I make an honest effort.
Ok im done, ill step off my soap box now but let me say one more those that do make the honest effort may the best of luck find you in all you do and to those who don't.....well.....I only hope karma catches up with you because Ive heard its a B*tch!
It is sad. I use to really get worked up. Now I just clean up what I can. The older I get the less I believe in Karma.
>It is sad. I use to
>really get worked up. Now
>I just clean up what
>I can. The older I
>get the less I believe
>in Karma.

Karma is just a word nice people made up to give themselves hope and a reason to stay calm.

That much crap, a person should go through and take a video of each camp while they are there, then a video post departure. Turn it in and see what happens, I highly doubt anything would come of it but who knows..

Its sad the amount of trash people leave out in woods, I almost always have trash shoved in my pockets or pack when I go out hunting/scouting/shed hunting. People deserve to be kicked in the B**lls and then forced to eat the trash they leave behind.

As far as taking a #2, dig a hole with your boot! I always the lay a rock or log back over top of dirt too.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
Yep, some real idiot out there. I always leave a camping spot better than I found it. All we can do is set an example and do what we can.

Yes it does piss me off to see it also!!!
You aint seen trash until you visit the American side of the border in AZ, it is truly indescribable until you walk for miles of it to get the scope of it.

Under the mesquite trees that are big enough to give shade it is usually 18"-36" deep, they dig beds in it for day sleeping/night walking. Locals call it "la tienda Mexicana" (the Mexican store)

If you need it you can find it if you look around a bit, but the clothes are a bit under sized for us "full figured" 'mericans...
I Get back from spending a couple days with PUNK on His Hunt only to find out browtines Son had already punched his Tag,So I Wouldn't be heading to the Book Cliffs on Sunday!

So I decided to Ride up where a Friend of mine was Camped to see how they did/were doing after I left!

Pristine High Country!

Since I'd been in there a few days earlier,Some LOW LIFE PRICKS Had Throwed Trash every-f'n-where!

We've got it narrowed down to a couple of different ASSSHOLLES!!!

I only had one Heavy Trash Bag with me & I Filled it up!

I'll get some more picked up next time I'm in there!

Some Real F'N Dandies out there Amongst us Ain't there?

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
It only takes a few individuals to give a bad name to an entire group. This type of behavior is why agencies like the forest service makes rules that pi$$ off good folks that don't need a new rule or law to know the difference between right and wrong.
Thanks for your thoughts on this. I was feeling like I was the only one that must care. Glad I'm not, but from the looks of things, there must not be very many who do care. Makes you real proud to be a Hunter sometimes doesn't it. I know it's not all from hunters but most of it is.
This last early summer, my family and I were camping on Skyline drive. As we were driving the road down to Goosberry, we noticed a TON of garbage. So one afternoon, I dropped the 4 kids and wife off at the parking lot at the top and we walked .5 miles down to our camp spot. I drove the Ranger along side them, helping them pick up garbage, tossing it in the back. I made a goal to iick up atleast 50 garbage itmes, thinking that was a little high. Well, when we got back, I used to 2 med sized garbage bags and counted 110 pieces of garbage. Mostly beer cans/bottles and a few plastics. But wow, IT is so bad. Come on people, we can do better than that.
Beer drinkers are the biggest pigs/abusers of all - can't believe how many beer cans and bottles I see in the woods. Makes me sick!!
My son and I just got back from So Id, and I came up with the new term "beer can to buck ratio". I had truck problems with very few tools but what do you know, I find a socket set in the midst of beer cans at a camp site.
" I find a socket set in the midst of beer cans at a camp site"

one man's junk is another man's treasure!

We need to stop this, littering tickets might help, but I think we need to start with education in the schools. This needs to be hammered into kids throughout school, so when they grow up they at least think about it.
For some reason, here in California there has been a major improvement over the past 10 years. It used to be as bad as Utah. I think I only saw one beer can all season.

You just have to keep picking it up and keep educating people. If there is no trash, people are less inclined to start.

Now if we could just stop the illegal weed grows along with the environmental destruction associated with it......
My Dad was on us from an early age to make sure we left our camp sites better than we found them.
In Fish Lake I few years ago my kid and were hunting there and there was a large party of resident hunters in the spot we used to camp in. When they left on Sunday my kid and I went in there to hunt the area. We found three large bags of trash we picked up. When we were done we were walking out past the camp and there was a doe standing there and she wouldn't move I walked right up to her. She was munching on soft water salt balls the camp had put out as bait.
I got the game warden there to look and what happened after that I don't know.
Hey Eel you may not have to worry about the pot grows after next week maybe it will all be legal and hopefully it will stop these grows. I ran into three of them this year
In my family, we were taught that even burning combustible garbage was not the way to do it. We leave nothing behind when camping. It's obvious some people just never got that message.

I'll never understand dropping any foreign item while out on the hill...

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
It's sad this is so common. I drove up to some Utah public land to sight in my bow recently. Found a nice quiet spot on a closed road that was starting to grow over. Shortly after some jackass went bombing through a nearby self made access path and ran over a sign the USFS put up to curtail their damage. These guys were lazy target shooters that couldn't walk 100 yards and left a bunch of trash. Ironic part is these guys move huge rocks to drive in 100 yards!


I find this crap in Idaho all the time and it's mostly Utahns violating the OHV restrictions that can make the hunting good. I turn them in, they often get fined but the'll be back to ride around and leave trash up there again.
>You need a 2x4 and nails
>behind those signs.

Somebody actually did that on some closed roads just west of Colorado springs, last year or two years ago. Should have seen the uproar on social media about how the person should be punished! They were pissed at the 2x4 guy not the one driving down closed roads... shows how stupid society is today.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
LAST EDITED ON Nov-04-16 AT 12:12PM (MST)[p]I feel for you mtnman. I once came across a camp in a location that I used to hunt. Someone had completely trashed it. Among the trash they left behind I found an envelope with their name and address. It wasn't far off the road home and so I dumped all of that shirt on the porch, rang the bell and wished him Merry #@%$ Christmas.

There are too many people growing up with the "it's all about me" mentality. They feel no need to compromise their own wishes in order to respect the rights of others. It starts at the very top. Our current candidates for presidents and the parties they represent are perfect examples. Should we be surprised that many people adopt the same attitudes?
I hope you are right, Eel. The highway near my town is cleaned periodically by the CDF Con crews or the Adopt-a-highway volunteers, but it is trashed again within a month. I hate to say it, but the worst of it appears in the spring time when the turkey hunting crowd comes sniffing around.
>AT 12:12?PM (MST)

>I feel for you mtnman.
>I once came across a
>camp in a location that
>I used to hunt.
>Someone had completely trashed it.
> Among the trash they
>left behind I found an
>envelope with their name and
>address. It wasn't far
>off the road home and
>so I dumped all of
>that shirt on the porch,
>rang the bell and wished
>him Merry #@%$ Christmas.

That's great!

Back in the early 80's, my dad and I spent a few hours cleaning up a trashed out campsite. It had a partially burned box with a name and address on it, from Kansas.

When I got home, I called information for the phone number of the name on the box, and the operator asks me if I want his home or office number (he is a lawyer, by the way). So, I call his home and the wife answers. I tell her I am "Joe Smith, with the Colorado DOW", and did her husband come out to hunt this season? She say's he did. I asked a few more basic questions and hung up.

I then mailed some 'souvenirs' to the home address with a letter telling him to stay out of Colorado and that we found the 3pt buck (this was a 4pt unit) they shot. I told him he could call me if he wanted to talk about it, but he never did.

A few years later, I was cleaning up another trashed campsite and the Game Warden comes by. I told him the above story and he said I could have called a game warden and they could have mailed the guy a ticket after the fact.

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