Pine Valley Archery - Help!!! 🙏🏼


New Member
Looking for advice and some minor help!

My 17 year old son drew the Pine Valley archery tag. Last year he tagged out on the Wasatch, and in a last ditch effort to keep him hunting one last year as a youth I threw him in for archery close to where we live.

The problem!! I have never hunted Pine Valley. I know this unit is step, rough, hot and rugged!! I have heard the deer will stay in certain areas depending on the time of the year, i.e., summer pattern, early fall pattern, late fall pattern, etc…… I have the gear for my son, just need to put in some time shooting and prepping.

Just to be clear I am not looking for any honey holes or special spots. I am just looking for general areas and I know that some hard work and hiking will be needed. (which my son and I are actually excited for)

I am open to a guide or even paying to hunt private property. Would love to tag out on a 140-150 buck for his last youth hunt.

Any advice is much appreciated. Thanks and good luck to everyone this year.
Lol, put the kid in for an archery tag when he's never touched a bow at the age of 17, doesn't own a bow, in a unit you've never hunted or scouted? If you're willing to pay a guide to shoot a 140 buck just call them up and they'll take you to their honey holes. Also, no need to make clear you're not looking for honey holes (because you are). You've obviously not put any effort or thought into this so why would you start now? Let us know how many deer get wounded if you happen to get a shot.
Putting in the work scouting and finding the areas is half of the fun and makes a successful hunt much more rewarding. Pull maps of the area, and start looking for good access points, parking spots, trailheads, and areas that may hold deer. Put in the work scouting in June/July and I'm sure you will find some deer. I have never personally hunted that unit, but scouting any area or unit is the same. Do your homework and research, and you should be able to find deer. Start by searching all the posts on here with the word "Pine Valley" and see if you can pick out any info that leads you to a good starting point. Look up on youtube "Pine Valley Deer Hunt" start looking at videos. There's a whole internet full of info, you just have to go search for it.

Good Luck
There are lots of deer on the Pine Valley unit. It is the same as many other places where mule deer live. During the archery hunt most of the deer are at high elevations. Early October they begin migrate to lower elevations. By the first of November most of the deer are at the lower elevations.
My experience is that for the archery hunt you will find deer just south of the Enterprise area. That is a good place to start. There are other areas (like Pine Valley Mountain) that also hold good deer numbers during the archery hunt, but I have never hunted there.
I have seen a lot of deer (including good bucks) using the spot and stalk method, but haven't been able to connect. We have had some success sitting water, but we have also found three blinds on the same water hole at times.
I apologize if you came here looking for insults and ridicule and all I could provide was an attempt to help like you asked for.
I realize that the traditional response to asking for help here is to not fully read your post, insult you, insult you again, misquote your post, accuse you of being ignorant and lazy, and then follow it all up with another insult, but I decided to try something new.
You seem like you are willing to put in some effort. I'm glad you are doing what you can to help your son have good opportunities.
Good Luck,
Thank you for you honest kind reply. I knew posting and asking for advice on this website would bring some critics, so again thanks for the general advice it is very appreciated.
We have lived in St George for 7 years but never hunted down here. I have been intimidated, I have heard this unit can be a difficult one due to the heat and the deer patterns. I’ve have hunted northern utah for 24 years where deer migration is in my mind “more traditional and predictable.” Not to mention this unit is quite large and we didnt know where to start. I’m sincerely not looking for any honey holes or handouts, but the information you provided is exactly the advice I was looking for. We are excited for the challenge and look forward to learning how to bow hunt. (Gotta start somewhere and sometime) Spotting and Stalking!
I think if he gets the chance to draw on a good 3x3 it’ll be a great way to go out as a youth. He is 3 for 3 so far with a muzzy, two of his own tags and one mentor tag. I want him to get one more before he experiences the disappointment of Utah hunting as an adult, hahahah!!
Again, thank you for the input. We will be starting to scout and glass soon. I’ll update my post as I go!
I drew dedicated and hunted the archery on Pine Valley last year for the first time. There are deer all over the unit. You can drive the main highways and glass up bucks. Or pack into the wilderness. You will have no problem finding deer.

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