Planning for Next Year!!



Hello All:
I am brand new to this forum....and this is my first post, although I have been actively and obcessivly hunting sheds for the past 35+ years. You should see my pile of fresh Brown! Never sold or misplaced a one.
I live in Northwest New Mexico - and NEEDLESS to say, know numerous places for HUGE elk....and HUGER deer. My daughter and grandaughters now hunt all the time also.
I am already planning excursions for next year! I only work two days a week so have more time than you can imagine to shed hunt. This year alone I have found 3 matched deer sets in excess of 200 points. One going 215+. And 6 sets of very large matched elk. This does not count all the singles.
Next year the first 3 weeks of April I will be in Botswana hunting elephant. Does not matter - the BIG FRESH SHEDS are all to be found in March anyway.
Why am I writing.....well - I would like to find someone who would be interested in a little swap of good places to hunt sheds. MOOSE is what I am looking for.
If you turn out to be the right kind of person. I would be willing to host you in my home. Take you to unbelievable places to hunt Elk and Deer sheds. Work your bottom off, and have one heck of a good time. And we WILL find great sheds!
In return, you would have to be willing to do the same, with the possibility of GOOD Moose sheds....not just 'bullwinkles'.
Let me know if you are interested. This will take some time. Planning....and relationship building. Who knows??
Please do not respond unless you 'know your stuff'.
im sorry i am going to be the first that " dosn't know his stuff" to respond to this post. i also share your love for antlers and our enchanted home in northern NM. i just was hoping that you would be willing to share some pics of your successful shed addiction. good luck with the wild moose chase!

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