Plumbing Question


Very Active Member
Question for the plumbers on the forum. I am removing a bath tub and replacing it with a free standing tub. The existing vent line connection was hidden behind the tub and did not stay entirely within the wall and the joist bay. With the new tub this will be exposed so i want to run the vent under the floor and entirely within the wall.


Here is what it currently looks like. For some reason, not sure why, they had the vent stack bump out 45 from the wall and then Y into the drain line as shown. What I want to do is take almost this same setup in regards to the 2" to 1 1/2 reducing tee but move it down the 2" drain line a few inches and rotate it to the left 90 degrees. Then have the tub drain run off the Y and have the vent line just connect inline with the drain line. This will keep it under the floor, within the joist bay then i will come up through the bottom plate and connect to the vent line where its already in the wall.


I also wont need the two tub drain connections since the new tub has the overflow drain connecting to the main bottom drain with in the tub. Similar to how a bathroom sink works. So i will just run the p trap under the tub and not have the additional 1 1/2" line running up to connect to the overflow.

My change seems simple and straight forward and keeps air behind water the whole way. I am not changing the pitch of the drain line. I just want to eliminate the Y from running up.

Does this seem correct? Am I missing something? If I am not explaining this correctly let me know. The only reason i am wondering is my way seems easier than what they had originally done so i am not sure why they did it the way they did. Seems like all they avoided was drilling a hole in the bottom plate. Your thoughts?
They just saved time by not drilling a hole. You can just run it straight and tie it back in to the vent. With some tubs you have some room around the edges like you had with you old tub. No need to drill out all of the lumber in your house and turn it into Swiss cheese if it's not necessary. If there was a micro lam beam there or a truss they couldn't drill . Then you would have to do something different. But from your pictures its just looks like a normal plate 2 x 4 there.
Thanks for the feedback, BigJohn. It is just a normal 2x6 bottom plate so drilling will be straightforward.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-02-19 AT 07:34PM (MST)[p]
Looks like the Horizontal section of the Vent coming out of the Street 45 and the 90 Might be at an Elevation that Gouges in to the Plate?

(I Can't tell for sure from the Pics?)

If Not,you could Drill the Plate & Floor & Run it up to the Vent in the Wall!

Ya You Could do what you said in your 2nd Paragraph,But No Horizontal Venting,LOL!:D

You got a Crawl Space or a basement?

You're gonna need some access underneath to Hook the Trap up on your New Tub!


I Didn't see where He Said 'Walk In Tub'!:D

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
I shall always agree with Mr. Paul C... The 1st to reply.

I also have very STRONG feelings that BIGJOHNT is "ALWAYS CORRECT".

My next question is to Elk'y. The question is: Are you Elk'y aligned with BIGJOHNT or, not confirming with BIGJOHNT (Plus his HIGHLY "EDUCATED" Ladies & "SONS" )...?

Woe Tiz Elk'y if he is not adjoined with Other Men + (Families) in the TRADE. Se, again PC is correct. :)

Unity among friends is void of Arguments.

PS: After the New Walk In Tub is finished, could you come to my Home to help out a Broken Down, Fallen in the Line of Duty maybe have a better Bathroom..?

REHL & His Fallen Strangers Like; Jagerdad

Jagerdad :)

PSS: Eel and especially HOMER, I'd suspect your best off by not posting... as you haven't Yet. Hence, You,ve had a protected position.
Homer, I agree with YOU "FULLY". I was totally confused and afraid to give any advice. That's hard cuz I have overcome many endless Home Challenges yet, would not have a good reply.

Dear Uncle Hugging Homer, "PLEASE" Visit me + Bring me a Honda Trail 90. I have been very kind to you. "WE" have serious matters to talk about via 1 person. Love is always on my Home and front Porch for YOU (and others).

Jagerdad :)

If I get rid of the Y and the jog out into the room and just tie into the vent with a 90 under the bottom plate I will have plenty of clearance.

The basement is finished and drywalled, (prior owner). But under this bathroom is a utility room and I have already cut out the drywall and replaced with an access hatch so I will have access for the final hookup.

Definitely not a walk in tub. My wife is only 36 so she is about 4 decades from needing that.

Jagerdad, all I can say is that while I recognize all the words you type as English, I have never seen someone put them in that order. WTF!
I've purposely stayed out of this conversation because it's too emotional. Plumbing for me is a form of PTSD. Ask Elkassassin.
>Jagerdad, all I can say is
>that while I recognize all
>the words you type as
>English, I have never seen
>someone put them in that
>order. WTF!


BOHNTR )))---------->
>Jagerdad, all I can say is
>that while I recognize all
>the words you type as
>English, I have never seen
>someone put them in that
>order. WTF!


>BOHNTR )))---------->


My gut hurts now
>There are two thing you need
>to know to be a
>1- Sh!t runs down hill
>2- Payday is on Friday.

Hey Elkantlers!

Somebody Lied!:D:D:D

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
The last time I did plumbing I ended up with a leak under the bathroom sink. I decided to hire a plumber to replace the sink and all the water lines and drains. Within a week I had another leak. I called the plumber and he promised to come by and fix it but he never did. I just keep a bucket under the trap and dump it once a week or so. Fixed it!
Hey Eel!

Job Security!:D

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Elkantlers you left off the third and possibly most important thing you need to know to be a plumber......Don't chew yer fingernails!

If it wasn't for elkassassin my wife would have to get up an hour early just to fill up a glass of water in the kitchen sink. California low flow restrictions got Utarded. :D
My favorite plumber joke:

Fancy lawyer was having a superbowl party when the guest toilet became plugged. He scrambled around and found a plumber who would come by, but he warned that it would be expensive being a holiday and all.

The plumber finished the job and the lawyer was very pleased that he had saved the day. Until the plumber handed him the bill.

The lawyer: "Judas!!! F'n!!!!! Priest!!! I'm a blue chip lawyer and I don't even make that much!!!!

Plumber: "I didn't either when I was a lawyer":)

Splitting my time time between the winter and summer range......
May you live long enough to cash in those preference points. Amen
>My favorite plumber joke:
>Fancy lawyer was having a superbowl
>party when the guest toilet
>became plugged. He scrambled
>around and found a plumber
>who would come by, but
>he warned that it would
>be expensive being a holiday
>and all.
>The plumber finished the job and
>the lawyer was very pleased
>that he had saved the
>day. Until the plumber
>handed him the bill.
>The lawyer: "Judas!!!
>F'n!!!!! Priest!!! I'm
>a blue chip lawyer and
>I don't even make that
>Plumber: "I didn't either when
>I was a lawyer":)
>Splitting my time time between the
>winter and summer range......
>May you live long enough to
>cash in those preference points.


I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D

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