

Very Active Member
Anyone else having a hard time fitting your political views in a neat box? I’ve always been a registered Republican. However I’m finding a disconnect with both parties now. It seems like it’s all identity politics and gaslighting. I think we all need to remember these idiots are supposed to work for us.
Anyone else having a hard time fitting your political views in a neat box? I’ve always been a registered Republican. However I’m finding a disconnect with both parties now. It seems like it’s all identity politics and gaslighting. I think we all need to remember these idiots are supposed to work for us.
For sure, both parties seem to be in it for themselves. I would say most Americans agree on more things than they disagree but we are led to believe the opposite. I doubt it would happen but it seems things are ripe for a good independent to get elected.
I talk to a lot of people with different views. And what I have seen is it’s not nearly as divided as it seems. One of my co workers is about as liberal as one can be, but we manage to get along…. More or less.
I identify as "conservative" vs. straight-up Republican. Not sure I'm Libertarian either. I just know the things I'm passionate about, don't seem to fit with mainstream, old school R's.

I'm definitely feeling more of the new school "quit appeasing the mainstream and fight for what's important to save the US"-type of guy.

Out with McConnell, in (tentatively) with new-McCarthy, the one who worked with the MTG/Gaetz/Jordan's to get elected speaker. The Paul Ryan/Mitch McConnell/John Boehner days, I think and hope, are past us.

Ben Sasse who? Mitt Fraudney? George W? No thank you. We need to fight, not appease.
I identify as "conservative" vs. straight-up Republican. Not sure I'm Libertarian either. I just know the things I'm passionate about, don't seem to fit with mainstream, old school R's.

I'm definitely feeling more of the new school "quit appeasing the mainstream and fight for what's important to save the US"-type of guy.

Out with McConnell, in (tentatively) with new-McCarthy, the one who worked with the MTG/Gaetz/Jordan's to get elected speaker. The Paul Ryan/Mitch McConnell/John Boehner days, I think and hope, are past us.

Ben Sasse who? Mitt Fraudney? George W? No thank you. We need to fight, not appease.
I agree with all this. I think we need a legit third party. I would say due to the last couple years I’ve become more libertarian. But I still wouldn’t say I fit in that box either. All I know is every time I hear a politician I feel sick. For about a year they promise, promise, and promise. Once they are elected it’s back to sitting at idle. In the mean time they are also prompt up as celebrities. I don’t think anyone should afford the more respect than your local post office worker.
Politicians should be viewed as rental cars that work for the American people for a limited amount of time. Unfortunately they work for themselves, and to get re-elected once they get there. Far too many are permanent detestable fixtures. Term limits might help
Politicians should be viewed as rental cars that work for the American people for a limited amount of time. Unfortunately they work for themselves, and to get re-elected once they get there. Far too many are permanent detestable fixtures. Term limits might help
We have no way to prevent it. based on a hundred thousand years of trial and error attempts.

Term limits could be like a “one time thought buffet” they’ll just make sure they pile it higher and wider!

Jefferson told us the answer but the burial budget would be bothersome.
Yeah I'm struggling with that a bit myself. There is a lot of posturing but not much actual action.
Hence, my slight modification to “our” party name: “Republican’t”.

Appropriate…… don’t you think?

I should include, accurate too…… it takes me awhile to see the big picture.
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I identify as "conservative" vs. straight-up Republican. Not sure I'm Libertarian either. I just know the things I'm passionate about, don't seem to fit with mainstream, old school R's.

I'm definitely feeling more of the new school "quit appeasing the mainstream and fight for what's important to save the US"-type of guy.

Out with McConnell, in (tentatively) with new-McCarthy, the one who worked with the MTG/Gaetz/Jordan's to get elected speaker. The Paul Ryan/Mitch McConnell/John Boehner days, I think and hope, are past us.

Ben Sasse who? Mitt Fraudney? George W? No thank you. We need to fight, not appease.
None of that matters with a fully weaponized DOJ......THEY will tell us how it's going to be.
None of that matters with a fully weaponized DOJ......THEY will tell us how it's going to be.
The only way things are going to change is if the 80% collectively stand together and let it be known we aren’t taking this **** anymore. People have to realize we are being divided purposely so we don’t come together. Keep us busy fighting each other about crap that doesn’t matter so they can continue ruining this country.
The only way things are going to change is if the 80% collectively stand together and let it be known we aren’t taking this **** anymore. People have to realize we are being divided purposely so we don’t come together. Keep us busy fighting each other about crap that doesn’t matter so they can continue ruining this country.
I agree. When you figure out how to do that…… let the other 7,499,999 of us know how too.
I agree. When you figure out how to do that…… let the other 7,499,999 of us know how too.
I don’t know how that would be accomplished but I think it’s the only way to save what we have left and rebuild to what this country originally represented.

So much stuff has happened in the last 20 years that those in power would rather burn it down then have what they’ve done come to light.
I don’t know how that would be accomplished but I think it’s the only way to save what we have left and rebuild to what this country originally represented.

So much stuff has happened in the last 20 years that those in power would rather burn it down then have what they’ve done come to light.
It'll never happen when the opposition is blind to it......they see it....but like it because it only harms their political enemies.....
I feel like the voting process is a fraud, so no help there, and we're not that much into organized protesting, and when we are, we get set up like Jan. 6th. Lots of tough talk on social media but that's all. I thought the courts were about justice but the joke was on me.
And if Trump knows he got ripped off in the 2020 election what makes him think he can win in 2024? I haven't heard of any election reform with drop boxes or absentee voting or vote counting. I hope that's coming but we better hurry. If Trump gets the nomination and then loses, people will just drop out, me included. I'll go underground and take care of myself, at least until they control all the buying and selling. I might feel a little better if someone else ran and lost.
Our fathers, uncles and brothers that stormed the beaches of Normandy & gave up their lives on Iwo Jima, Battle of the Bulge, The Pacific, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Korea, Iraq and countless other conflicts... got nuthin on the bravery of a Biden Trans activist according to Joe Biden. The Bataan Death march was a drop in the bucket compared to what a trans activist has to endure. Hey Joe Biden... F you!

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