Possible Assault weapon ban


Long Time Member
As some of you know, I do not own any so called "assault rifles", but I support the right of other law abiding citizens to own them.
I am addressing this to all of you that do own rifles that our goverment consider being "assault rifles".

It has come out now that the school shooter did in fact use his bushmaster 223 cal. rifle to kill the children and school staff. Because of that, I do forsee a concerted effort on the part of our liberal members of Congress and the President to make a serious attempt to out right ban any rifle that they can describe as a "assault rifle". If they follow the example of CA. when Gray Davis was Govenor, that description could include semi auto hunting rifles such as the Remington 740 & 7400 and Browning BAR. Semi auto centerfire with detactable magazine and 2/3 portion of the pistol grip laying below a horizontal line below the upper trigger guard.

Our liberal anti gun lawmakers in CA. tried to sneak that description though in a bill after Gray Davis stated as Governor he would not pass any bill that would take away hunting rifles from hunters. Only a last minute letter writing to the Governor by law enforcement agencies was able to have that portion dropped where it did effect hunting rifles mentioned above. I was one of those officers that drafted the letter sent to the Governor by my department stating it was not effective in curbing violent crime and it was a sneaky attempt to include certain hunting rifles. Hunting rifles won out, but we ended up having to register the black rifles and a 10 round mag only allowed in this state.

This battle over the so called assault rifles is going to be a battle fought in Washington D.C. with Obama and Congress. Only the NRA has the power to fight for us there, not so much our state organizations. I look for the Democrats to go with Obama, even the ones from western states. I also look for some GOP members to go along with it for fear of being branded that they are blood thirsty minons of the NRA and condone the shooting down of 20 children ages 5-6 years old. A title they would fear having when coming up for re-election and you can bet the Democrats would use it to defeat them.

At best I am hoping the NRA has enough strengh in member's voices to check Obama at a outright banning of all assault weapons, but I do feel there will be restrictions on assault rifles and high capacty magazines.

At best I look for Obama to kill two birds with one stone if checked by the NRA voice. First would be a ban on new assault weapons and hopefully the ones here now will be grandfathered in with some restrictions.

That second bird will be that the owners of assault rifles will have to register them and Obama will gladly place a fee on them similar to the one on full auto weapons and that fee is $200.00 to the owner and everytime they change hands.

I know some of you will pi$$ and moan that it could not happen, I think you are going to get it shoved down your throat this time as most voting citizens will buy into Obama's plan as a way to curb mass killings of our children. What we know as gun owners will not amount to a pot to pi$$ in as the average voting non gun owning citizen thinks banning them will work and facts will not change their minds because they will not get involved enough to check facts.

So now is the time to decide if you want to fish or just cut bait and rant and rave while your assault rifles are placed in jeopardy. You have the choice of giving the NRA 35 bucks in membership fees or risk losing, or having to register your rifles and possibly paying a 200 dollar register fee to the Feds.
Your choice! As for me I a NRA member for the past 30 years and I am going to sign up my son who is a school teacher and feels the same as I do about firearm ownership. My other son, the cop, is already a NRA member.

I Agree RELH!

But I think as Americans We need to take it one Step further & let people/JACK-ASSES like RUS'S Buddy know first Hand that they Ain't gonna take Our Guns!

There'll be HELL to Pay if they Try!

This World is F'D Up!

What's Scary is there was enough Idiots to get this JOKER Voted back in again!

I Expect to see another Gun/Ammo/Magazine Craze just a little worse than the last one we seen just a few short years ago!

I don't Own an AR-15 niether but by GAWD I might buy one off the Street this afternoon & then they can Guess rather I own one or not!

If I had Listened!
I wouldn't be here today Living & Dieing with the Choices I've made!
Excellent post RELH! I hope anyone reading this thread listens to your message and joins the NRA if they aren't a member already. IMHO they go to extremes at times, but as you mentioned, they are our only real means of attacking stuff like this at the National level and why guys still have the stuff in their safes at home that they do. Everyone needs to be rational about this whole thing and see that it's probably going to be an all out effort by BO and Company after this latest tragedy!
I think bess and RELH are correct. I think it is coming, most likely a tax stamp or another version of the 94 bill.

I probably won't buy anything, as I learned my lesson during the 94 AWB and during the 08' shortage and acted accordingly...although I may get a stripped lower, just to keep my hands working.

I have a few of those nasty black guns, but really prefer to feel a nice Pre64 M70 in my hands.

Been a member of the NRA since they allowed me in as a Jr. Member in 67 or so.
It's going to be like ...gay marraige..like it or not we're going to get it.

If they ban certain guns they should ban spoons and forks also so people over weight will slim down.
Rod, the phone number for membership is 1-877-NRA-2000 and the address is:

National Rifle Association of America
11250 Waples Mill Rd.
Fairfax, VA. 22030

It's all going to be on the table boys so it's time to ante up to protect your right's. If you want to keep your guns it's time to support the only organization that has fought for you to keep them!! There's a link below

Just joined again this time for 5 years.

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
>Just joined again this time for
>5 years.
>Government doesn't fix anything and has
>spent trillions proving it!!!
>Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday,
>even the calender says WTF!

I decided to go with the 40 month life membership set up... I will pay a little more than I would just doing the 5 year memberships, but I also believe that $25 a month is not that bad.. I had intended on doing this a while back, but put it off... Now with all the crap I believe we need to fight...
I agree, It will Happen this time boys!

I am TOTALLY AGAINST a Gun Ban, but I've noticed even people that are pro gun/gun owners talking about it being a good idea. As much as I try to explain it has nothing to do with the gun.

It seems like "word on the street" is The majority of people are now FOR some assault weapons ban. I don't know if anything can be done this time around.

Similar to voting in "OBUMMER" this second time around, It seems that we are simply out numbered now. Pathetic....
Thanks REHL

If anyone thinks a BAN on semi auto weapons, and Capacity Guns is not coming sooner than later, you are WRONG.

People are now saying, including the President, that Obama may make a Ban on his own, a declaration, similar to declaring Wilderness Study areas, or National Monuments.

It would then go to court, but could take years to sort out.

SO, better step up and get something done about it now.
I am in the same boat here. Been meaning to do it for sometime, but I truely feel it is coming this time so I just signed up. Were going to need all the help we can get.
Dont be afraid to buy friends/family memberships for a christmas present!

Those and 25 round 10/22 mags..bastids were worth their weight in gold during the clinton era..Dont know what ya got till its gone.
If I am wrong in this statement please state so. There was a very long full 2 page article in our local DEM RAG PAPER here and stated that the MOTHER was the OWNER of these said rifles and ammo.

If so, and according to the paper, she did a lot of shooting at a local rifle range/gun club but would not state which one. She KNEW that her SON was a problem and would treating him with taking him back to the "PLACE" and he would beg her not to and guess most of the time she would give in he his whimpering.

Then he said he was going to KILL her and all of the others in the medical ward.

She paid for it with her life and 4 or 5 bullets into her head as she slept.




Already a NRA member. I got my FFL license right before the election just because I had a feeling this was coming. I can tell you the week after the election, the amounts of AR's in stock plummeted. This weekend pretty much emptied what was left. Everything. High end, low end, hi-cap Magpul mags, pretty much everything..sold out. I picked up a few more for my personal collection, but if you want one, you should probably go and pick one up. I'm not a big tactical guy. I like shooting prairie rats with my AR and have taken my AR-10 elk hunting. (haven't shot a elk with it yet) But I love shooting them.

They might not be able to come and take them, but they can tax them to where they are not economically feasible for most people or put some crazy ban on them. And after the "assault weapons" then any weapon that can be used by the military. Downhill from here.

Support the NRA.
Lot's of mental heath issues facing the country and it is going to get worse. Very sad days ahead for sportsman. There is no way the politicians are going to be able to back down from the gun control measures that are coming our way. Washington always over reacts and they will again. But to be honest I would gladly give in to a assault weapon ban if it would prevent this from happening again.
>Lot's of mental heath issues facing
>the country and it is
>going to get worse.
> Very sad days
>ahead for sportsman.
>There is no way the
>politicians are going to be
>able to back down from
>the gun control measures that
>are coming our way.
>Washington always over reacts and
>they will again. But
>to be honest I would
>gladly give in to a
>assault weapon ban if it
>would prevent this from happening


You think if all the 'Honest' People hand their Assault Weapons in everything is fixed?


It's not quite that Simple!

If I had Listened!
I wouldn't be here today Living & Dieing with the Choices I've made!
I know it wouldn't do any good. My statement was a WISH that I wish could come true. That was the point of my statement. Don't get excited.
My wish is that the NRA would actually be part of creating legislation that would help keep guns out of the hands of those that should not have them instead of just planting their feet in the ground and saying no regulations should ever be created on gun ownership. I also know this is a wish that will never come true because it is much easier to just get the american public scared of the boogey man that is "coming to get your guns" or just waiting to break into your house. Until the NRA becomes part of the solution to the problem of how easy it is for anyone in america to get a gun they will never see another dime from me. I fell for their scare tactics before, not again. They are just as much a part of the problem as the fools that want to ban guns altogether.

BTW, I watched all the sunday news shows and i never heard one credible source say they wanted to come get our guns. Actually it was the oposite. All i heard was people talking about respecting the 2nd ammendment, the rights of responsible gun owners, recreational shooters and hunters while trying to craft sensible legislation that may possibly help solve some, not all, of the gun violence that happens in this country. I am confident that the NRA will never be involved in anything that involves the word sensible.
Totally agree with kilowatt. It only takes one irresponsible gun owner. Or someone to let their guard down momentarily. I know I was better at locking guns up when my kids were younger, not as educated and the curiosity factor was higher. I over look they have friends that come and go all the time and do not have the same respect or education towards firearms. As well as the off chance someone may break in and try to steal them.

All the facts are still not known at this point, but it is looking like the guns were not locked up. Good reminder to us all and something we can do right now, before we jump all over the protecting our rights band wagon to take this reminder and ask yourself if you are doing everything you can to keep your guns safe.

mulecreek---The NRA may be a little extreme, but they ahve nbeen involved in a lot of things that you say they haven't as far as legislation, etc. If it wasn't for their clout we probably would have lost a lot of our sporting guns already. You are one of very few that I see saying negative things about them right now and we need EVERONE that owns a gun in the NRA whether you think so or not!
Mulecreek, you and your thinking is the other half of the problem that faces us on losing our rights to keep our firearms. Your half does as much damage as the devout anti gunners that want to take the firearms.

For your information it was the NRA that caught the fact of some dirty dealing CA. democrats had sneaked in their description of assault weapons that included semi auto hunting rifles and assisted CA. gun organizations in fighting it.

So continue with your thinking and many of us will consider you as much of the problem as the anti gunners that want your guns. If you do not want to join the NRA as a member, at lease send them some funds to fight this action in Washington. Lawyers do not come cheap, advertisements do not come cheap and is needed to get citizens on our side for a sensible solution.

I dont think it would make a difference if they were to take our assult rifles away. These crazy people will still get a hold of them no matter what.

I would not mind too much if they made us take like a class or test or something to own them. Taking them away (which will be hard to do) wont solve the problem.
TG - Please educate me as to what legislation the NRA has helped create to make it harder for those that should not have guns to get them? Seriously, I would be interested to know. The biggest battles the NRA has fought in the last 20 years are the Brady Bill and Assualt Weapons ban. Both of which they lost. They tried to scare gun owners into thinking these would lead to the loss of our 2nd amendment rights. I'll ask you, did that happen? We both know the answer. Neither of these pieces of legislation resulted in the loss of our sporting arms. I'll give you that neither of these bits of legislation helped stop gun violence either. All the more reason for the NRA to start becoming part of the solution to our problems. If they do that then I will gladly support them.

If the NRA, yourself or anyone could show me where the NRA was going to act sensibly towards gun access or reducing gun violence in america then I would support them. We go through this year after year, the continued death of our children and all the NRA does is scream "they are coming for your guns, give us your money to help fight them". Don't you think you deserve more for your donations? I keep saying it but give me a sensible solution from the NRA and I will support it. Meanwhile, I will keep listening to the crickets from the NRA solutions group.
Outlaws are just that. It has been proven time and time again that you can't legislate away an evil or unbalanced person's decision to kill or harm people. Gun control laws that we already have are what insured this freakshow a completely undefended target(the school) in the first place. Two of my sons are in an elementary school where the principal is an avid hunter and recreational shooter. I for one would feel alot better if I knew my boys were going to school where the administrators had the possibility of possession weapons. Norway has some very strict gun-control laws and that didn't prevent the deaths of 69 people at the hands of an evil murderer with legally obtained weapons. Trying to make the world safer by legislating humans evil/convoluted choices is and will always be a fools errand. Just my .02
NRA member for about 8 years now and just extended my membership.

I have to say though that I kinda hear where Mulecreek is coming from.

I struggle with this one cause I know more legislation is a slippery slope but I also feel that people should be held accountable for stupidity. My point being with those that allow someone to get a hold of weapons they shouldn't be in possession of.

I know that would take more legislation but do any of us seriously believe that we shouldn't be held accountable for keeping guns out of the hands of those that shouldn't have them?

In this case specifically, if the Mom didn't take measures to lock up her guns so her mentally unstable son couldn't get to them then she should be held accountable for that. In this case she was held as accountable as she could be (death) but you get the point.

Emotions tend to rule in cases like this and I don't have the answers but I can't believe that all of us honest and responsible gun owners feel that absolutely nothing should be done.

Not a lot of other options out there to fight for our second amendment rights and I strongly believe in them so I will keep supporting the NRA, but I do believe they should start becoming part of the solution. I truly believe they would actually increase their memberships with those "fence sitters" that just don't know who to believe or who to support. In times like these those fence sitters will almost always side with the emotional solution and not the reasonable one.

Just my $0.02

"The problem with quotes on Internet Forums is that it is often difficult to verify their authenticity." - Abraham Lincoln
Though my hope is that the NRA and other gun rights organizations can overide this onslaught of impending worthless feel-good legislation, I fear the rest of the United States will become just like California, 10 day waiting periods on firearm purchases, black gun bans & full on gun registrations.

It's coming unless all gun owners unite.
I could not agree more. I do think that most, if not all, impending legislation will do nothing to improve the problem. All the more reason for the NRA and its members to get out in front of this. While no legislation will stop all instances of mass killings if we do nothing then we are admiting defeat and that we are helpless. I cant think of a better time for the NRA to stand up for law abinding gun owners and help stop the ease which criminals and those that wish to do harm to the innocent have to getting a tool to help them kill our kids. There are many things that can be done. If the NRA does not get involved then we will end up with foolish legislation like restricting guns that look a certain way or waiting periods.
Just Joined the NRA sadly for the first time but its a start and I will continue to support this Org. We are in for a hell of a fight boys. These politicians wont stop at AR-15's theyll look to take em all eventually. The Hell of it is 99.9% didnt do anything to wrong deserve it.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-18-12 AT 10:35AM (MST)[p]mulecreek---Please read again what RELH posted and think about this a little. You are attacking the NRA and without them fighting for our rights we would have lost a lot of different bills regarding guns, ammo, clips, etc. over the last 20 years or so. They go to the extreme at times because it seems as that's the only way to get anything done up in DC. Look at the polarization between the Dems and Republicans on damn near everything they discuss up there nowadays. If a lot of those legislators weren't so fearful of the NRA and it's clout, I can guarantee you we would have not only lost these black rifles years ago, but also all the rest of our semi-automatic rifles and shotguns that we've grown up with and love. It could still happen now with this latest carnage. Please don't sit there as an outsider and tell the NRA what they should be doing. Join the NRA and as a member then send them whatever message you want as to your feelings on how they should proceed!
>My wish is that the NRA
>would actually be part of
>creating legislation that would help
>keep guns out of the
>hands of those that should
>not have them instead of
>just planting their feet in
>the ground and saying no
>regulations should ever be created
>on gun ownership. I
>also know this is a
>wish that will never come
>true because it is much
>easier to just get the
>american public scared of the
>boogey man that is "coming
>to get your guns" or
>just waiting to break into
>your house. Until the
>NRA becomes part of the
>solution to the problem of
>how easy it is for
>anyone in america to get
>a gun they will never
>see another dime from me.
> I fell for their
>scare tactics before, not again.
> They are just as
>much a part of the
>problem as the fools that
>want to ban guns altogether.
>BTW, I watched all the sunday
>news shows and i never
>heard one credible source say
>they wanted to come get
>our guns. Actually it
>was the oposite. All
>i heard was people talking
>about respecting the 2nd ammendment,
>the rights of responsible gun
>owners, recreational shooters and hunters
>while trying to craft sensible
>legislation that may possibly help
>solve some, not all, of
>the gun violence that happens
>in this country. I
>am confident that the NRA
>will never be involved in
>anything that involves the word

Here's my response to your ideas;
"And he leadeth you carefully down to hell"
"A little here and a little there"
Pretty soon you can't have a gun! That's the reality of where we're headed with ideas like that.


My idea is to have the NRA help craft sensible legislation and regulations that helps keep guns out of the hands of those that should not have them. I know its a Crazy idea isn't it.

You may be right about americans eventually not be allowed to have guns. I don't believe it not for a second but I could be wrong. Heck, I am wrong twice before 9:00 am most days. Hard to say. The slippery slope arguement has been used alot with little evidence to prove it is correct. Brady Bill passed, I can still get any gun I want in under an hour. Assualt weapons ban passed. I could still get more guns than I could ever shoot. Not sure I buy the SS arguement but I could be wrong. One thing I am positive I am not wrong about is this, if we do nothing and continue to allow it to be as easy as it is now for any old dipchit to get any kind of gun they want then we can expect the same result we have now. The price of in-action will be paid in the blood of innocent people. That is a fact!
I respect your ideas, opinions and passion but I'm pretty sure that new laws, which will restrict ME, will not do any good when dealing with a deranged killer. I honestly beleive that video games have more to do with our sick society than black guns!

More and more laws with greater restriction just don't seem to work. Isn't there a law that says that you can't go into a school and kill people?

We have a sick society and it will be hard to legislate that problem away.

We already have laws against this!


Maybe we should start exposing kids, communities, schools, to that LAW.

Get God, and Goodness back into society instead of Legislating it out.

Same respect here. In fact I respect the ideas of all that have contributed to this thread. I agree that laws prohibiting an act will not prevent a deranged individual. I also dont think its the laws that stops your average person from killing his neighbors dog when it craps on your lawn. I think it is a sense of decency and a society that says those acts are wrong that keeps most of us on the straight and narrow. I beleive the only way you can prevent a deranged individual from doing things like what happened in Connecticut is through treatment and by making it harder to get his plan accomplished. The second part is where the NRA should step in in my opinion. I also do not agree with bans on guns. I dont think bans on anything work well. Whether it is guns, alcohol, drugs, etc. Bans don't work but surely we could make it harder for the deranged to access the tools they need. The reason they use semi-auto guns is because it is the easiest most effective way to get there plan accomplished. If it didn't matter what the tool was then you would see at least one of these crazy bastards using a flintlock. If we can find a way to decrease the ease that the deranged can get these type of tools then we can decrease the level of occurance and severity. It wont wipe it out completely but its a start.
I certainly understand your logic but I still take exception.

Take the ban on drugs... totally banned stuff is still available. I've never used and never will (I have enough bad habits) but I bet that by the end of the day I could get my hands on whatever drug you named. The same can be said about firearms.

Will a deranged, hell-bent killer get slowed down by a total semi-auto gun ban? NO, he'll get whatever he wants and I'll have to watch while my guns are sawed in half like they were in Australia.

The NRA and groups like them are ALL we have.

After common sense legislation fails to protect your rights, what will you do?

If you think that standing in your front yard and refusing to give up your guns, should the law require it, is going to have any effect, you live in Gumbyland! You may have enough firepower to start a war, but you won't have enough to finish it.

We are not in 1776 America here. Our Patriot forefathers pretty much had the same firepower as the British. That ain't the case today.

Any person, with a child's portion of intellect, knows that we are WAY outgunned.

All your friends and all their personal firearms, won't accomplish JACK, when an RPG comes thru your front door.......you got one to shoot back with? I doubt it.

Build a fort and hole up with a hundred of your toughest buddies and they will take you out in 20 minutes from 20 miles away and never set their coffee cup down. Your names will never make the evening news.

The standard comeback here is that, "American armed services people will not shoot other Americans"......The Civil War comes readily to mind. Military people will do what they are told to do, trained to do and PAID to do.

"I could agree with you, but then we would both be
wrong......and stupid"
"NO, he'll get whatever he wants and I'll have to watch while my guns are sawed in half like they were in Australia."

That's exactly right and the same basic thing can be said in the UK. Crimes of all types are way up since guns were seized and destroyed such that the ordinary citizen gets the shaft from the criminals in those countries and can't do anything about it.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-18-12 AT 01:59PM (MST)[p]>My wish is that the NRA
>would actually be part of
>creating legislation that would help
>keep guns out of the
>hands of those that should
>not have them instead of
>just planting their feet in
>the ground and saying no
>regulations should ever be created
>on gun ownership. I
>also know this is a
>wish that will never come
>true because it is much
>easier to just get the
>american public scared of the
>boogey man that is "coming
>to get your guns" or
>just waiting to break into
>your house. Until the
>NRA becomes part of the
>solution to the problem of
>how easy it is for
>anyone in america to get
>a gun they will never
>see another dime from me.
> I fell for their
>scare tactics before, not again.
> They are just as
>much a part of the
>problem as the fools that
>want to ban guns altogether.
>BTW, I watched all the sunday
>news shows and i never
>heard one credible source say
>they wanted to come get
>our guns. Actually it
>was the oposite. All
>i heard was people talking
>about respecting the 2nd ammendment,
>the rights of responsible gun
>owners, recreational shooters and hunters
>while trying to craft sensible
>legislation that may possibly help
>solve some, not all, of
>the gun violence that happens
>in this country. I
>am confident that the NRA
>will never be involved in
>anything that involves the word

Your a fool to believe they are not out to get rid of guns. How is it so hard to understand that the antis do not want any guns in America at all. Why can't you see the bigger picture and how the president and the democrats are about socialism and control.

I do however wonder if you would be interested in some ocean front property in AZ?

Seriously they was going to do everything they can. This will include things like limits on rounds, or banning ammo, etc. It will include the assault weapons ban and by the very words of the democratic party, it will extend beyond the reach of the last weapons ban. What do you not get that the 2nd amendment is not about hunting, but is about freedom. It is the amendment that has allowed all others to be upheld.

go ahead and keep your head in the sand. Notice how the very same people prior to the election we avoiding the topic all together, but now they all seem to be calling for a ban?

Just this last summer Gov. Hickenloper came out and said that no laws would have prevented the Aurora shooting and now with the election not even over a month he was calling for gun control...

They are two faced and they know that now with the fear and outrage they can further their agenda towards control. Heck after all they do not need to worry about getting the president re-elected...
>Same respect here. In fact
>I respect the ideas of
>all that have contributed to
>this thread. I agree
>that laws prohibiting an act
>will not prevent a deranged
>individual. I also dont
>think its the laws that
>stops your average person from
>killing his neighbors dog when
>it craps on your lawn.
> I think it is
>a sense of decency and
>a society that says those
>acts are wrong that keeps
>most of us on the
>straight and narrow. I
>beleive the only way you
>can prevent a deranged individual
>from doing things like what
>happened in Connecticut is through
>treatment and by making it
>harder to get his plan
>accomplished. The second part
>is where the NRA should
>step in in my opinion.
> I also do not
>agree with bans on guns.
> I dont think bans
>on anything work well.
>Whether it is guns, alcohol,
>drugs, etc. Bans don't
>work but surely we could
>make it harder for the
>deranged to access the tools
>they need. The reason
>they use semi-auto guns is
>because it is the easiest
>most effective way to get
>there plan accomplished. If
>it didn't matter what the
>tool was then you would
>see at least one of
>these crazy bastards using a
>flintlock. If we can
>find a way to decrease
>the ease that the deranged
>can get these type of
>tools then we can decrease
>the level of occurance and
>severity. It wont wipe
>it out completely but its
>a start.

Or is it because the semi automatic weapon is the single most common platform?

Labs account for the largest number of dog bites in the US. Not because they are more aggressive than other breeds, but simply because they are more prevalent. When you look at AR sales vs other weapons types the AR regardless if it is bought as a complete package or home built is leading in the sales market. They use these weapons because they are the most common, if you get rid of ARs then the second most popular weapon will take its place or they will just use guns obtained illegally.

Also this type of deranged individual? What exactly is the definition of deranged? Where would you draw that line? What event or action would make a person loose their rights to the constitution? If I just lost my father in accident and I sought out counseling, would that make me loose my 2nd amendment rights? If I suffer from Aspergers Syndrome do I loose my rights even though my condition is only manifested in my obession with trains? Seriously people do not understand all the issues that re going to rise out of this firestorm. All because less than 1 tenth of a percent of all crimes committed involve a particular looking gun.
Rebels in Libya didn't have equal firepower either. Not even close in Afghanistan and two major powers have failed to win the war..

Perhaps instead of criticism towards the NRA or any other group for not coming up with a solution why not offer one of your own?
>If the NRA, yourself or anyone
>could show me where the
>NRA was going to act
>sensibly towards gun access or
>reducing gun violence in america
>then I would support them.
> We go through this
>year after year, the continued
>death of our children and
>all the NRA does is
>scream "they are coming for
>your guns, give us your
>money to help fight them".
>Don't you think you deserve
>more for your donations?
>I keep saying it but
>give me a sensible solution
>from the NRA and I
>will support it. Meanwhile,
>I will keep listening to
>the crickets from the NRA
>solutions group.

I have to agree with Mulecreek. I would love to see the NRA offer sensible solutions. I would be more willing to support their efforts. It is still amazing to me that gun safety is not taught in our public schools. Someone who meets the age requirement with no firearm education can purchase one. We don't do this with automobiles why not firearms. I would also like to see some type of tax credit for gun owners who purchase gun safes or locks. I personally hate selling guns online to someone I don't know, I simply don't want that liability, it would be worth an extra $20 to have the buyer verify a background check, even if there was a waiting period to have this done. I get it is a hassle and you are giving up some of your rights. Personally I am will to give up some of my rights and go through the hassle if it saves lives. Peace of mind has a price too. We all fear giving a little and the other side taking it too far. Unfortunately we are to that point where we need solutions and change the way we do things.

Something else to consider, it most likely will come from the private sector as well as the government. Don?t think your insurance company is not already considering requiring some type of limited liability coverage just because you own a gun.
The ONLY thing i personally would support on Obama's proposal is back ground checks at gun shows. I've always been dumbfounded as to why that hasn't happened yet. What a perfect place for a lunatic to purchase a firearm.

>We already have laws against this!
>Maybe we should start exposing kids,
>communities, schools, to that LAW.
>Get God, and Goodness back into
>society instead of Legislating it

I think your god fell asleep at the wheel this past week.
Who was it that filed a lawsuit to say that the 2nd Amendment was an individual right to bear arms and not, as the anti's say, a state only right for a regulated militia, was that you?
Who was it that took the city of New Orleans to court to stop the illegal confiscation of legally owned firearms after hurricane Katrina, was that you?
Who was it that took the District of Columbia to court to allow an individual to own a handgun in our nations capitol, was that you?
Those of us that are members of the NRA can say that we helped with these landmark decisions, those of you who are not members should thank those of us who actually contribute to the cause.
Anyone that owns guns and wants to keep the right to own those guns should be a member of the NRA period. No one else has the clout the NRA has, no one else can fight for our right to bear arms with as much tenacity and vigor.
We all need to join ASAP if we're not members already, and like already mentioned give memberships away as X-mas presents because I think its going to get ugly real soon.
Get this one, that I heard today!

"if I was to join the NRA the Govt would have my name on a list and KNOW that I had guns at my home"

This guy proudly admitted that he was a registered trapshooter, belonged to DU, RMEF and the Calif Deer Association.....and has bought a hunting license for the last 38 years!
But he dosen't think the Govt could find out he had guns at home.

"I could agree with you, but then we would both be
wrong......and stupid"

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