
Phantom Hunter

Very Active Member
I am afraid the Good Lord is about to punish this once great country for turning it's collective back on Him. God Help Us.

Phantom Hunter
Uncertain times are before us for sure.

No, the republicans are just getting spanked for being major screw ups, they'll regroup and get their act together then things will go back to normal in 2-4 years.

It's called politics, end of story.
It's going to be hard to undo three supreme court justice appointments, caps and taxes on carbon emissions, higher taxes, increased energy costs ........
Taxes??? what is our national debt and our annual deficit?
If you net over 20,000 per month you will pay higher taxes if not you will pay less those are the facts. Every independent tax organization agrees.

Rush and Sean are fuming as their taxes will go up. I can't wait to hear their shows tomorrow.
what has happened to your energy costs under Bush?
lowest popularity of all times.
I didn't say anything about our debt or deficit. The facts about whose taxes will be raised remains to be seen. How does every independent tax organization agree when Obama and Biden cannot repeat the same lies about who will get a tax increase. A few months ago it was only those making 250K or more. Last week it was stated by Biden as those making 120K or more. Energy costs under Bush are due to the Democrats, beholden to environmentalist cuckoos, not allowing legislation to pass that would allow increased drilling in such places as ANWR and off the coast. If you check, Congress has a much lower approval rating than Bush.
Was a knee jerk reaction. Bush just sucked so bad that America just had to make a statement.
You can't talk about taxes without talking about the debt. what conservatives have said is we enjoy spending money like Paris Hilton but when the bill comes we'll toss it in the trash. we've already spent the money we are going to pay higher taxes for, it's so out of control if Obama can even slow the debt he'll be a wizard.

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