Rarest Animal Sightings

A couple close encounters with Mountain Lions in UT, Wolves in ID, and watched a Muley buck and Doe go at it 15 yards off my back deck. Not so Rare among us hunters but nearly unheard of in the rest of the world.

I killed a bobcat that we jumped when Lion hunting, we went back to where we jump him and found an adult white tailed Doe that he had killed. You could see the drag marks in the snow where he road her down the hill. What's even more amassing is the cat was missing half his teeth.

A couple close encounters with Mountain Lions in UT, Wolves in ID, and watched a Muley buck and Doe go at it 15 yards off my back deck. Not so Rare among us hunters but nearly unheard of in the rest of the world.

I killed a bobcat that we jumped when Lion hunting, we went back to where we jump him and found an adult white tailed Doe that he had killed. You could see the drag marks in the snow where he road her down the hill. What's even more amassing is the cat was missing half his teeth.

i pulled a spotted owl out of my truck grill...handed it over to a county vet!! seen lions and ringtails about every other year!


i pulled a spotted owl out of my truck grill...handed it over to a county vet!! seen lions and ringtails about every other year!


Thanks for the stories guys. Great stuff.

A few of mine.

One time I was hunting rock chucks in south east idaho along the south fork of the snake river on my aunt's ranch. It was a beautiful day as I recall so I set down in the grass with my rifle on my lap and just shut up and watched the lava rock sidehill for chucks. Not too much time passed when a family of foxes, a mom and three pups, came working their way down the hill. I was 50 yards out from the base of the hill out in a grassy pasture, and those pups spotted me sitting there. The whole family decided to come check me out. They cautiously made their way to me. The mom sat down about 30 feet away but the pups (almost full size at the time) came right up to me and sniffed my boots. Some days I would have hunted foxes but that day it seemed like we were friends. After they checked me out for a while they went on their way.

A couple of years ago while hunting elk near strawberry res I saw what I believe to be a wolf working his way through the pines. I pulled up my binos and checked him out for a few seconds before he disappeared. Near black in color and much bigger than a yote.

One time fly fishing on the weber river near wanship I fished up under a big tree that was hanging over the river. I had to cast side armed to avoid the brances. I heard a clicking above me and looked up to see a mature bald eagle about 10' away looking down at me. I could have touched him with my fly rod. I said, "well hello there". He made a clicking noise as if he was a little bothered that I had taken his fishing hole. That was pretty cool.
Thanks for the stories guys. Great stuff.

A few of mine.

One time I was hunting rock chucks in south east idaho along the south fork of the snake river on my aunt's ranch. It was a beautiful day as I recall so I set down in the grass with my rifle on my lap and just shut up and watched the lava rock sidehill for chucks. Not too much time passed when a family of foxes, a mom and three pups, came working their way down the hill. I was 50 yards out from the base of the hill out in a grassy pasture, and those pups spotted me sitting there. The whole family decided to come check me out. They cautiously made their way to me. The mom sat down about 30 feet away but the pups (almost full size at the time) came right up to me and sniffed my boots. Some days I would have hunted foxes but that day it seemed like we were friends. After they checked me out for a while they went on their way.

A couple of years ago while hunting elk near strawberry res I saw what I believe to be a wolf working his way through the pines. I pulled up my binos and checked him out for a few seconds before he disappeared. Near black in color and much bigger than a yote.

One time fly fishing on the weber river near wanship I fished up under a big tree that was hanging over the river. I had to cast side armed to avoid the brances. I heard a clicking above me and looked up to see a mature bald eagle about 10' away looking down at me. I could have touched him with my fly rod. I said, "well hello there". He made a clicking noise as if he was a little bothered that I had taken his fishing hole. That was pretty cool.
I guess I'll ad mine to this long list of good stuff.

This isn't a rare animal, but a rare sighting.

I was scouting for mule deer on the Paunsaugunt in 2000. I had found a buck that I wanted my hunter to try to kill the next day when the season opened. I was watching the deer bedded under a ponderosa pine about 8 am when all heck broke loose! The deer jumped up and ran like crazy and for an instant I thought another deer was running with it, but this deer had a much longer tail!

The other deer was a mountain lion in hot pursuit of this big buck.
The lion chased this deer around the mountainside just inches behind this buck's tail end. I couldn't find the deer that night, and was worried that he'd met his waterloo. Two days later we found the buck again and killed him, so I guess the lion wasn't successful in his attempt at some fresh venison.
I guess I'll ad mine to this long list of good stuff.

This isn't a rare animal, but a rare sighting.

I was scouting for mule deer on the Paunsaugunt in 2000. I had found a buck that I wanted my hunter to try to kill the next day when the season opened. I was watching the deer bedded under a ponderosa pine about 8 am when all heck broke loose! The deer jumped up and ran like crazy and for an instant I thought another deer was running with it, but this deer had a much longer tail!

The other deer was a mountain lion in hot pursuit of this big buck.
The lion chased this deer around the mountainside just inches behind this buck's tail end. I couldn't find the deer that night, and was worried that he'd met his waterloo. Two days later we found the buck again and killed him, so I guess the lion wasn't successful in his attempt at some fresh venison.
I just remembered another one that made an impression on me as well.

Last year my dad, my uncle and I were driving north on 89 to the 1A region basketball tournament in Richfield Ut one afternoon. We were just south of Circleville, just leaving Cirvleville canyon when we noticed 4 coyotes right on the banks of the river. We stopped and was going to shoot them, but realized we had left the rifle at home.

As we were cussing our luck we noticed a yearling deer swimming in the river with it's head sticking out of the water. We watched as the deer swam towards the bank only to be met by two of the coyotes. Then it would swim back to the other side right into the mouths of the other two dogs.

We watched as this went on for about 5 minutes. Then the deer found a sort of island and climbed out of the water. We noticed the deer's back leg was dragging and it looked like the coyotes had hamstrung the poor little guy.

These coyotes didn't run like they normally do, as they were focused on the job at hand. I've never wished I had a rifle more in my life.

We left before they finished the job, but it was neat to see this, even though things would have changed if the 22.250 would have been on board.
I just remembered another one that made an impression on me as well.

Last year my dad, my uncle and I were driving north on 89 to the 1A region basketball tournament in Richfield Ut one afternoon. We were just south of Circleville, just leaving Cirvleville canyon when we noticed 4 coyotes right on the banks of the river. We stopped and was going to shoot them, but realized we had left the rifle at home.

As we were cussing our luck we noticed a yearling deer swimming in the river with it's head sticking out of the water. We watched as the deer swam towards the bank only to be met by two of the coyotes. Then it would swim back to the other side right into the mouths of the other two dogs.

We watched as this went on for about 5 minutes. Then the deer found a sort of island and climbed out of the water. We noticed the deer's back leg was dragging and it looked like the coyotes had hamstrung the poor little guy.

These coyotes didn't run like they normally do, as they were focused on the job at hand. I've never wished I had a rifle more in my life.

We left before they finished the job, but it was neat to see this, even though things would have changed if the 22.250 would have been on board.
Poated by 2lumpy in post 31. "Watching a huge black wasp drag a tarantula up the back of my sleeping buddy in an ground blind, archery hunting elk in New Mexico was pretty dang-gone cool too. At least I thought so, Kimball didn't see the humor in it a?tall."

You have no idea the memory this brought back for me. That huge black wasp was a tarantual hawk. They sting a tarantula, then hide it, lay their eggs in it's abdomen, and then the larvae eat their way out. I had an almost exactly similar experience with one, except I was the guy it was crawling on. I was sitting in a ground blind in unit 15, New Mexico. I'd been watching a tarantual hawk dragging a tarantula around in my blind for about 1/2 hour, and finally forgot about it. Shortly after, two nice 6 pt. bulls showed up for a drink, and as I drew my bow I noticed something on my left shoulder in my peripheral vision. I looked down, and that damned tarantula hawk was dragging that tarantula up my sleeve, soon to be at my collar. Holding at full draw, I leaned over to smash him against the tree trunk I was up next to. He STUNG my arse, I let out a scream heard all the way to Arizona, my arrow went into orbit sorta like the space shuttle, and as far as I know, those two bulls are still running away. It didn't seem so funny at the time, but kinda does now.

As far as I'm concerned, Nickman's story takes first place. That was funny as hell!
Poated by 2lumpy in post 31. "Watching a huge black wasp drag a tarantula up the back of my sleeping buddy in an ground blind, archery hunting elk in New Mexico was pretty dang-gone cool too. At least I thought so, Kimball didn't see the humor in it a?tall."

You have no idea the memory this brought back for me. That huge black wasp was a tarantual hawk. They sting a tarantula, then hide it, lay their eggs in it's abdomen, and then the larvae eat their way out. I had an almost exactly similar experience with one, except I was the guy it was crawling on. I was sitting in a ground blind in unit 15, New Mexico. I'd been watching a tarantual hawk dragging a tarantula around in my blind for about 1/2 hour, and finally forgot about it. Shortly after, two nice 6 pt. bulls showed up for a drink, and as I drew my bow I noticed something on my left shoulder in my peripheral vision. I looked down, and that damned tarantula hawk was dragging that tarantula up my sleeve, soon to be at my collar. Holding at full draw, I leaned over to smash him against the tree trunk I was up next to. He STUNG my arse, I let out a scream heard all the way to Arizona, my arrow went into orbit sorta like the space shuttle, and as far as I know, those two bulls are still running away. It didn't seem so funny at the time, but kinda does now.

As far as I'm concerned, Nickman's story takes first place. That was funny as hell!
On my buddies ranch on the central coast Ive seen zeebra and aoudad. I've also seen a white blackbird in a flock of about fifty blackbirds. Wonder how he felt?
On my buddies ranch on the central coast Ive seen zeebra and aoudad. I've also seen a white blackbird in a flock of about fifty blackbirds. Wonder how he felt?
I once saw four bull elk swimming across the snake river between hoback junction and Alpine WY. Have also seen elk swimming across palisades resivour between the alpine feedground and mccoy creek.
I once saw four bull elk swimming across the snake river between hoback junction and Alpine WY. Have also seen elk swimming across palisades resivour between the alpine feedground and mccoy creek.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-23-09 AT 04:21PM (MST)[p]I was by a pond over the hill from house when I was younger in the springtime. It was full of cattails and the blackbirds loved to nest in it. I was trying to catch frogs and noticed a blackbird hovering over the cattails abount going out of it's mind squawking. I looked closer and saw a nest with babies just under the hovering bird. Those babies were pretty young, no feathers or anything and they were begging like young birds do. A big garder snake was making its way up the cattail and that mother bird was having a fit. Well the snake got up to the nest, grabbed one of the babies and fell off into the water. I felt like I was watching one of those nature programs.

I was waiting outside the house on the porch for a ride, also when I was younger, and it was raining pretty heavily. Suddenly a huge ball of sparks appeared over the hill through the trees. I could hear it sizzling. It hovered for a moment, then fell to the ground. I had no idea what it was. The next day I went looking for the source. I found it under power lines down by the river about 3/4 mile away. A hawk had hit those lines and it was laying next to the pole. It was a charred mess. I couldn't believe how far away it was. I could have sworn it was just over the hill next to an old barn, not 3/4 of a mile away.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-23-09 AT 04:21PM (MST)[p]I was by a pond over the hill from house when I was younger in the springtime. It was full of cattails and the blackbirds loved to nest in it. I was trying to catch frogs and noticed a blackbird hovering over the cattails abount going out of it's mind squawking. I looked closer and saw a nest with babies just under the hovering bird. Those babies were pretty young, no feathers or anything and they were begging like young birds do. A big garder snake was making its way up the cattail and that mother bird was having a fit. Well the snake got up to the nest, grabbed one of the babies and fell off into the water. I felt like I was watching one of those nature programs.

I was waiting outside the house on the porch for a ride, also when I was younger, and it was raining pretty heavily. Suddenly a huge ball of sparks appeared over the hill through the trees. I could hear it sizzling. It hovered for a moment, then fell to the ground. I had no idea what it was. The next day I went looking for the source. I found it under power lines down by the river about 3/4 mile away. A hawk had hit those lines and it was laying next to the pole. It was a charred mess. I couldn't believe how far away it was. I could have sworn it was just over the hill next to an old barn, not 3/4 of a mile away.
I once saw a mallard duck sitting on a fence post.

Went out to get my cows in to milk one dark morning and thought it was a dog in the corall that had them bunched up. I yelled at it and it whirled on me and crouched and came slithering toward me so up a big plank fence I went. My heart was beating real fast as I saw it was a mountain lion. It just layed there looking at me with its tail switching from side to side. I was happy when it left. Had a hard time milking those cows that morning.

Saw an antelope on the Pine Creek Bench of Swan Valley Idaho all one summer. Always wondered where that came from.

The best post of them all is Nickmans.
I once saw a mallard duck sitting on a fence post.

Went out to get my cows in to milk one dark morning and thought it was a dog in the corall that had them bunched up. I yelled at it and it whirled on me and crouched and came slithering toward me so up a big plank fence I went. My heart was beating real fast as I saw it was a mountain lion. It just layed there looking at me with its tail switching from side to side. I was happy when it left. Had a hard time milking those cows that morning.

Saw an antelope on the Pine Creek Bench of Swan Valley Idaho all one summer. Always wondered where that came from.

The best post of them all is Nickmans.
I watched a lynx for a good long while in NW Colorado. I know the difference between a bobcat and a lynx. I've been a full time taxidermist for over 30 years.
I also saw a melanistic ( all black ) mule deer doe in the Warner Mountains of NE California. I got her on video, she was with other does in their rust colored summer coats, she really stood out.
I watched a lynx for a good long while in NW Colorado. I know the difference between a bobcat and a lynx. I've been a full time taxidermist for over 30 years.
I also saw a melanistic ( all black ) mule deer doe in the Warner Mountains of NE California. I got her on video, she was with other does in their rust colored summer coats, she really stood out.
I watched a calico cow elk in Idaho up near Stanley in the fading light one night 3 years ago... Got some video, but it didn't turn out very good

Saw a woodland caribou in the northern part of Saskatechewan about 12 years ago

Watched a garter snake pull about a 4-5 inch trout out of the Little Yellowstone River in UT once

Saw a Greenland shark in Alaska when I was working in the Bering Sea... I was in a 12 foot skiff and the shark was about 14-15ft long... Unnerving to say the least... I also saw several minky whales, killer whales, Stellar sea lions (endangered), and the spouts from a few sperm whales

Saw an albino deer twice in Sardine Canyon 3 years ago
I watched a calico cow elk in Idaho up near Stanley in the fading light one night 3 years ago... Got some video, but it didn't turn out very good

Saw a woodland caribou in the northern part of Saskatechewan about 12 years ago

Watched a garter snake pull about a 4-5 inch trout out of the Little Yellowstone River in UT once

Saw a Greenland shark in Alaska when I was working in the Bering Sea... I was in a 12 foot skiff and the shark was about 14-15ft long... Unnerving to say the least... I also saw several minky whales, killer whales, Stellar sea lions (endangered), and the spouts from a few sperm whales

Saw an albino deer twice in Sardine Canyon 3 years ago
I saw a lynk, in Nine Mile canyon in northeastern Utah. I was out there working and saw it in the road right in front of us. It ran up the hill a little, stoped and stared back at us. It looked like a bobcat but it definitly wasn't. It was much larger and darker, with a radio collar around the neck. The guy I was with, said that it looked like a bobcat had mixed with a blue heeler. At the time I didn't think lynks existed in Utah, but the next day we met with a wildlife bioligist from the BLM about some wells in the area, and he told us that they had been tracking a lynx in that canyon that had come over from Colorado. He said that there were only two that he knew of in Utah, with those collars one in Nine Mile, the other was up by flaming george.
I saw a lynk, in Nine Mile canyon in northeastern Utah. I was out there working and saw it in the road right in front of us. It ran up the hill a little, stoped and stared back at us. It looked like a bobcat but it definitly wasn't. It was much larger and darker, with a radio collar around the neck. The guy I was with, said that it looked like a bobcat had mixed with a blue heeler. At the time I didn't think lynks existed in Utah, but the next day we met with a wildlife bioligist from the BLM about some wells in the area, and he told us that they had been tracking a lynx in that canyon that had come over from Colorado. He said that there were only two that he knew of in Utah, with those collars one in Nine Mile, the other was up by flaming george.
It was in the spring years ago, mating season for the geese. I was driving by the local sewer pond and seen a fully wild, Canada goose fly off the ground in a flooded field next to the sewer and land on top of a telephone pole that ran along the sewer property line.

Also, on the sevier river near Marysvale years ago, seen a pair of geese fly off the river and land up in the cliffs above the river. Right on the side of the cliffs, just a little outcropping just big enough for them to fit on probably 20 yards above the river.
It was in the spring years ago, mating season for the geese. I was driving by the local sewer pond and seen a fully wild, Canada goose fly off the ground in a flooded field next to the sewer and land on top of a telephone pole that ran along the sewer property line.

Also, on the sevier river near Marysvale years ago, seen a pair of geese fly off the river and land up in the cliffs above the river. Right on the side of the cliffs, just a little outcropping just big enough for them to fit on probably 20 yards above the river.
Saw two does swimming across lake shasta in N. Ca. one time. We had to stop the boat along with about 7 other boats to let 'em cross. They had to be a have a mile or more from the nearest bank. That same year we had a big 5X5 buck come right up to the house boat we'd anchored next to the beach. Almost got on the boat.

Also saw a hawk (not sure what kind) take a dove out of the air once. Amazing how many feathers flew.

Jumped a mountain lion out of a canyon in southeastern nm three years ago. It ran up the other side, and I assumed it was a coyote. It wasn't till I got my scope on it that I realized what it was. Surprised me to see him at 11 in the morning.

Saw two does swimming across lake shasta in N. Ca. one time. We had to stop the boat along with about 7 other boats to let 'em cross. They had to be a have a mile or more from the nearest bank. That same year we had a big 5X5 buck come right up to the house boat we'd anchored next to the beach. Almost got on the boat.

Also saw a hawk (not sure what kind) take a dove out of the air once. Amazing how many feathers flew.

Jumped a mountain lion out of a canyon in southeastern nm three years ago. It ran up the other side, and I assumed it was a coyote. It wasn't till I got my scope on it that I realized what it was. Surprised me to see him at 11 in the morning.

Eye to eye at about four feet with a spotted owl sitting on Volkswagon-sized boulder in NM--the thing about had me hypnotized with the way it slowly blinked (2006).

Two-point whitetail hanging around a little oasis in the desert just north of Delta, UT (1988). I've lived in TX, I know my whitetails.

Wolf at 30 yards in the Lone Peak Wilderness about half way up the slope between the Silver Glance and the crest. I know, I know, there's no such thing, but somebody apparently lost a very large wolf-like dog up there, that "high-tailed" it away from me and my little bro.

What we thought was an "F-19" circling directly over our heads in the West Desert south of Trout Creek in 1986. Turned out to be the F-117 when it was actually rolled out in 1988.
Eye to eye at about four feet with a spotted owl sitting on Volkswagon-sized boulder in NM--the thing about had me hypnotized with the way it slowly blinked (2006).

Two-point whitetail hanging around a little oasis in the desert just north of Delta, UT (1988). I've lived in TX, I know my whitetails.

Wolf at 30 yards in the Lone Peak Wilderness about half way up the slope between the Silver Glance and the crest. I know, I know, there's no such thing, but somebody apparently lost a very large wolf-like dog up there, that "high-tailed" it away from me and my little bro.

What we thought was an "F-19" circling directly over our heads in the West Desert south of Trout Creek in 1986. Turned out to be the F-117 when it was actually rolled out in 1988.
I was out breaking horses with my cousin one day and we looked across the field about 500 yards away or so and seen an ostrich running as fast as he could through the sagebrush. It was strange at first, but we quickly realized that it must have escaped from our neighbor's house from up the road. We called him and he asked if we would come and bring a rifle.
I grabbed a .243 and a rope and we took off.
We finally caught up to that thing. It had sort of cornered its self in a corral. I grabbed my rope and those guys got its attention while I snuck up to one side of the corral. When it saw us, it ran strait for the gate so I gave that loop a swing and caught him right around his neck. I braced myself expecting a fight like a cow, but it just flung back like it got blindsided by Bill Romanowski! I stepped on the rope and pulled his head to my feet. The owner covered him with a hood and he chilled out.
Although it might have been fun to shoot an ostrich, at least I can say that I roped one now!
I was out breaking horses with my cousin one day and we looked across the field about 500 yards away or so and seen an ostrich running as fast as he could through the sagebrush. It was strange at first, but we quickly realized that it must have escaped from our neighbor's house from up the road. We called him and he asked if we would come and bring a rifle.
I grabbed a .243 and a rope and we took off.
We finally caught up to that thing. It had sort of cornered its self in a corral. I grabbed my rope and those guys got its attention while I snuck up to one side of the corral. When it saw us, it ran strait for the gate so I gave that loop a swing and caught him right around his neck. I braced myself expecting a fight like a cow, but it just flung back like it got blindsided by Bill Romanowski! I stepped on the rope and pulled his head to my feet. The owner covered him with a hood and he chilled out.
Although it might have been fun to shoot an ostrich, at least I can say that I roped one now!
While elk are quite common in many areas of the province, they are not in the area I live. Last year I saw my first elk in this area. I have lived here for 17 years. There were rumors for several years and last year I was finally able to see one for myself. Luckily, I had my camera with me too.

One of my goals has been to capture some of the rarer critters I see on film. While many encounters are quick flashes, every now and then everything works together and I've actually had my camera in hand and the critter has stuck around long enough for me to snap a few pics of take some video. Here's a young grizz that my son and I encountered while hunting moose a couple falls ago.


Last spring, while shed hunting on my birthday, I was able to have this close enounter with this wolf. Was cool that I was able to capture him howlin' on video. There were several other wolves around me that wouldn't come into view to film, but it was exciting when they answered my howls. Made for a day that I'll never forget.
http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v145/BCBOY/Wildlife Pics/?action=view&current=April12Wolf.flv

I still am trying to capture some good footage or pics of a wolverine. Seems everytime I get a good sighting of one, I never have my cameras with me. I did get one on video a few years back, but it wasn't much more than a second of footage as it entered the timber.
While elk are quite common in many areas of the province, they are not in the area I live. Last year I saw my first elk in this area. I have lived here for 17 years. There were rumors for several years and last year I was finally able to see one for myself. Luckily, I had my camera with me too.

One of my goals has been to capture some of the rarer critters I see on film. While many encounters are quick flashes, every now and then everything works together and I've actually had my camera in hand and the critter has stuck around long enough for me to snap a few pics of take some video. Here's a young grizz that my son and I encountered while hunting moose a couple falls ago.


Last spring, while shed hunting on my birthday, I was able to have this close enounter with this wolf. Was cool that I was able to capture him howlin' on video. There were several other wolves around me that wouldn't come into view to film, but it was exciting when they answered my howls. Made for a day that I'll never forget.
http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v145/BCBOY/Wildlife Pics/?action=view&current=April12Wolf.flv

I still am trying to capture some good footage or pics of a wolverine. Seems everytime I get a good sighting of one, I never have my cameras with me. I did get one on video a few years back, but it wasn't much more than a second of footage as it entered the timber.
Awesome stories and pics! Thanks for all that have shared. Got me thinking of a funny one that happened in 1995 when I was a college student at SUU in Cedar City, Utah. That fall we had drawn Antelope bow-tags for the area West of Delta. We were hunting out of a ground-blind on Swazey Springs when a nice antelop buck came in. My buddy had to take an awkward shot and his arrow ended up hitting the antelope right at the base of the horn. The arrow only went in a few inches and the goat took off and dissappeared into the brush. We never did find him. Two months later at SUU, my room-mate ended up being a kid from Delta, Utah. He showed me a picture of one of his good friends that had drawn an antelope rifle tag for the same unit we had bowhunted. Yep, you guessed it. In the picture there was his buddy with a nice big antelope buck and 1/2 an arrow shaft still sticking out of the base of the horn. I could hardly believe it! Made for a great story and a good laugh!!
Awesome stories and pics! Thanks for all that have shared. Got me thinking of a funny one that happened in 1995 when I was a college student at SUU in Cedar City, Utah. That fall we had drawn Antelope bow-tags for the area West of Delta. We were hunting out of a ground-blind on Swazey Springs when a nice antelop buck came in. My buddy had to take an awkward shot and his arrow ended up hitting the antelope right at the base of the horn. The arrow only went in a few inches and the goat took off and dissappeared into the brush. We never did find him. Two months later at SUU, my room-mate ended up being a kid from Delta, Utah. He showed me a picture of one of his good friends that had drawn an antelope rifle tag for the same unit we had bowhunted. Yep, you guessed it. In the picture there was his buddy with a nice big antelope buck and 1/2 an arrow shaft still sticking out of the base of the horn. I could hardly believe it! Made for a great story and a good laugh!!
not really a rare animal but a rare incident but my buddy and i were huntin doves in southern utah after i got a double kill went to go pick up my bird and a hawk came out of the trees(don't know what kind)and took it right out of my hands.

Another time mowing the lawn and a hawk busted a dove off my roof and ate it right on my front lawn in front of me haha
not really a rare animal but a rare incident but my buddy and i were huntin doves in southern utah after i got a double kill went to go pick up my bird and a hawk came out of the trees(don't know what kind)and took it right out of my hands.

Another time mowing the lawn and a hawk busted a dove off my roof and ate it right on my front lawn in front of me haha
i shot a half mallard/half pintail in washington, me and a buddy were heading home after a pretty unsuccessful duck hunt and we watched a flock of about 2000 ducks drop into a pond in this little draw, but my buddy had to go home, so I called up the landowner got permission and me and my grandpa went down there and jumped that flock we got 7 ducks total from 6 shots on my last shot i pulled on a duck and as it was dropping i noticed it had way to much white for a regular mallard, when we picked it up we had no clue what it was, but it had a lot of mallard features and a lot of pintail features so i looked it up on the net and found out it was possible, id post pics of the mount but it is at my dads house in washington
i shot a half mallard/half pintail in washington, me and a buddy were heading home after a pretty unsuccessful duck hunt and we watched a flock of about 2000 ducks drop into a pond in this little draw, but my buddy had to go home, so I called up the landowner got permission and me and my grandpa went down there and jumped that flock we got 7 ducks total from 6 shots on my last shot i pulled on a duck and as it was dropping i noticed it had way to much white for a regular mallard, when we picked it up we had no clue what it was, but it had a lot of mallard features and a lot of pintail features so i looked it up on the net and found out it was possible, id post pics of the mount but it is at my dads house in washington
Driving down the highway in eastern Mt. Had a herd of pronghorn running along the fence next to the highway an Eagle swooped down and killed one at full run. Just a small antelope but the eagle hit it and it piled up and didn't move.
Fishing the Green River spooked a couple of river otters out. They jumped in the river. My dog jumped in after them. Tell ya what. I swear that dog walked on water trying to get away. They were trying to drag him under. The water was deep. I was finally able to grab him. They bit him right on the testicals. He just wanted to play with them so he thought.
Had a black bear come through my window of my camp trailer to have breakfast with me. I killed him but not till he scared the hell out of me. 357 at 3 inches from his head. He was making noise and I couldn't figure out what the ruckus was. Just as I looked out the window his paw came through the window. I truly thought he was going to eat me. My 357 was sitting on a shelf next to the window. By the time I grabbed it and turned around he was half way through the window. 1 shot he fell back out the window.
Had a bear chase me to my truck where my 30-06 was on the gun rack I had my back to the bear running full blast I knew he was going to get me. Knowing a bear can out run me. I didn't dare look back. Crazy thoughts going through my mind. Seemed like it was in slow motion. I can't run fast enough I finally reach the truck I grabbed my rifle and could feel the bear tearing at my back before I could get turned and shoot but when I turned to shoot the bear was 200 yds running in the other direction. Guess I scared him bad has he scared me. Must have seen each other at the same time.

Driving down the highway in eastern Mt. Had a herd of pronghorn running along the fence next to the highway an Eagle swooped down and killed one at full run. Just a small antelope but the eagle hit it and it piled up and didn't move.
Fishing the Green River spooked a couple of river otters out. They jumped in the river. My dog jumped in after them. Tell ya what. I swear that dog walked on water trying to get away. They were trying to drag him under. The water was deep. I was finally able to grab him. They bit him right on the testicals. He just wanted to play with them so he thought.
Had a black bear come through my window of my camp trailer to have breakfast with me. I killed him but not till he scared the hell out of me. 357 at 3 inches from his head. He was making noise and I couldn't figure out what the ruckus was. Just as I looked out the window his paw came through the window. I truly thought he was going to eat me. My 357 was sitting on a shelf next to the window. By the time I grabbed it and turned around he was half way through the window. 1 shot he fell back out the window.
Had a bear chase me to my truck where my 30-06 was on the gun rack I had my back to the bear running full blast I knew he was going to get me. Knowing a bear can out run me. I didn't dare look back. Crazy thoughts going through my mind. Seemed like it was in slow motion. I can't run fast enough I finally reach the truck I grabbed my rifle and could feel the bear tearing at my back before I could get turned and shoot but when I turned to shoot the bear was 200 yds running in the other direction. Guess I scared him bad has he scared me. Must have seen each other at the same time.

Driving down the highway in eastern Mt. Had a herd of pronghorn running along the fence next to the highway an Eagle swooped down and killed one at full run. Just a small antelope but the eagle hit it and it piled up and didn't move.
Fishing the Green River spooked a couple of river otters out. They jumped in the river. My dog jumped in after them. Tell ya what. I swear that dog walked on water trying to get away. They were trying to drag him under. The water was deep. I was finally able to grab him. They bit him right on the testicals. He just wanted to play with them so he thought.
Had a black bear come through my window of my camp trailer to have breakfast with me. I killed him but not till he scared the hell out of me. 357 at 3 inches from his head. He was making noise and I couldn't figure out what the ruckus was. Just as I looked out the window his paw came through the window. I truly thought he was going to eat me. My 357 was sitting on a shelf next to the window. By the time I grabbed it and turned around he was half way through the window. 1 shot he fell back out the window.
Had a bear chase me to my truck where my 30-06 was on the gun rack I had my back to the bear running full blast I knew he was going to get me. Knowing a bear can out run me. I didn't dare look back. Crazy thoughts going through my mind. Seemed like it was in slow motion. I can't run fast enough I finally reach the truck I grabbed my rifle and could feel the bear tearing at my back before I could get turned and shoot but when I turned to shoot the bear was 200 yds running in the other direction. Guess I scared him bad has he scared me. Must have seen each other at the same time.

Driving down the highway in eastern Mt. Had a herd of pronghorn running along the fence next to the highway an Eagle swooped down and killed one at full run. Just a small antelope but the eagle hit it and it piled up and didn't move.
Fishing the Green River spooked a couple of river otters out. They jumped in the river. My dog jumped in after them. Tell ya what. I swear that dog walked on water trying to get away. They were trying to drag him under. The water was deep. I was finally able to grab him. They bit him right on the testicals. He just wanted to play with them so he thought.
Had a black bear come through my window of my camp trailer to have breakfast with me. I killed him but not till he scared the hell out of me. 357 at 3 inches from his head. He was making noise and I couldn't figure out what the ruckus was. Just as I looked out the window his paw came through the window. I truly thought he was going to eat me. My 357 was sitting on a shelf next to the window. By the time I grabbed it and turned around he was half way through the window. 1 shot he fell back out the window.
Had a bear chase me to my truck where my 30-06 was on the gun rack I had my back to the bear running full blast I knew he was going to get me. Knowing a bear can out run me. I didn't dare look back. Crazy thoughts going through my mind. Seemed like it was in slow motion. I can't run fast enough I finally reach the truck I grabbed my rifle and could feel the bear tearing at my back before I could get turned and shoot but when I turned to shoot the bear was 200 yds running in the other direction. Guess I scared him bad has he scared me. Must have seen each other at the same time.

A memorable event for me as a preteen. I was trout fishing with my dad in a creek and he hooked a nice one. While reeling it in a six foot water snake swam from the other side of the stream and took the fish in his mouth. Dad reeled them both in...what a fight for a little zebco reel and pole. He then shot the snake with his 22 revolver. I remember he did not eat the fish fearing something might have been wrong with it.

Thanks for the subject.


1 Corinthians 2:2
A memorable event for me as a preteen. I was trout fishing with my dad in a creek and he hooked a nice one. While reeling it in a six foot water snake swam from the other side of the stream and took the fish in his mouth. Dad reeled them both in...what a fight for a little zebco reel and pole. He then shot the snake with his 22 revolver. I remember he did not eat the fish fearing something might have been wrong with it.

Thanks for the subject.


1 Corinthians 2:2
I saw a four point buck in Utah a few years ago. :eek:

I know it sounds like BS but I saw it near strawberry resivor. It was eat'n leaves on a bush.

Archery is a year round commitment!!
I saw a four point buck in Utah a few years ago. :eek:

I know it sounds like BS but I saw it near strawberry resivor. It was eat'n leaves on a bush.

Archery is a year round commitment!!
I was out trying to introduce my nephew to coyote hunting one September morning. On our third or fourth stand I got out of the truck and noticed a golden eagle flying all over the place. As it got closer I noticed it was chasing a rabbit. When it reached about 100 yards a coyote popped out of the bushes and caught the rabbit right in front of us. I had my .223 and didn't even fire a shot. I was in shock! The rabbit screamed while the coyote committed murder.

I snuck up and tried put the murdering coyote down now sitting under a tree eating his catch. It only took me 2 or three minutes to catch up to it. By the time I got to the coyote it had finished eating the rabbit whole and had left.

I couldn't believe what I just witnessed and asked my nephew what he thought. I thought this is your first time going coyote calling and we have seen coyotes driving around in the truck. We have called them in on every stand and have just witnessed this. All he had to say was can we go home now this is boring.

That was one of the best days coyote calling I have ever had.
I was out trying to introduce my nephew to coyote hunting one September morning. On our third or fourth stand I got out of the truck and noticed a golden eagle flying all over the place. As it got closer I noticed it was chasing a rabbit. When it reached about 100 yards a coyote popped out of the bushes and caught the rabbit right in front of us. I had my .223 and didn't even fire a shot. I was in shock! The rabbit screamed while the coyote committed murder.

I snuck up and tried put the murdering coyote down now sitting under a tree eating his catch. It only took me 2 or three minutes to catch up to it. By the time I got to the coyote it had finished eating the rabbit whole and had left.

I couldn't believe what I just witnessed and asked my nephew what he thought. I thought this is your first time going coyote calling and we have seen coyotes driving around in the truck. We have called them in on every stand and have just witnessed this. All he had to say was can we go home now this is boring.

That was one of the best days coyote calling I have ever had.
A few years ago I was working my way down a canyon in some junipers when this chipmunk looking thing was following me. He kept making loud warning sounds and was driving me crazy! After a while I just about to donate an arrow when A little hawk swooped down and snatched him from the tree! After that it was peaceful!
A few years ago I was working my way down a canyon in some junipers when this chipmunk looking thing was following me. He kept making loud warning sounds and was driving me crazy! After a while I just about to donate an arrow when A little hawk swooped down and snatched him from the tree! After that it was peaceful!
> I've also seen
>a white blackbird in a
>flock of about fifty blackbirds.
>Wonder how he felt?

like a Y2K white american???

i once met a girl that didn't have a stich of bitchyness in her! i was in such awe i forgot to get a phone number:(
> I've also seen
>a white blackbird in a
>flock of about fifty blackbirds.
>Wonder how he felt?

like a Y2K white american???

i once met a girl that didn't have a stich of bitchyness in her! i was in such awe i forgot to get a phone number:(
Sitting in some thick pines on a clearing predator calling. Had a hawk land in the pines above me. Dressed full camo all of a sudden wacko wacko wacko that damn thing hit me in the back of the head. Lucky for me he kind of got caught up in the branches just above my head.

Sitting in some thick pines on a clearing predator calling. Had a hawk land in the pines above me. Dressed full camo all of a sudden wacko wacko wacko that damn thing hit me in the back of the head. Lucky for me he kind of got caught up in the branches just above my head.

One time when i was just starting to go deer hunting, several of us we were riding up the road in the back of a truck right at daylight.

An OWL swooped down and took the thermal hat right off the head of the kid next to me..I cought a little bit of feather as flew off.
One time when i was just starting to go deer hunting, several of us we were riding up the road in the back of a truck right at daylight.

An OWL swooped down and took the thermal hat right off the head of the kid next to me..I cought a little bit of feather as flew off.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-28-09 AT 00:56AM (MST)[p]Well one time at band camp... no seriously though... I went for a hike looking for antlers in some pines and sat for a break for a minute... well I was wathing some eagles in the sky and on the cliff that was about 100 yrds behind me.. then I saw a shadow moving in a weird direction on the ground. Before I knew it something was falling from the sky and smackin into the pines until hitting the ground 50ft in front of me.. Ya i was cautious when i went to check it out.... go ahead take a guess.. IT was a FOX! wtf? it was a fresh kill but had been eaten to the bone. Just fur and bone. I was guessing that the eagle was just cleaning out the nest for the day...
LAST EDITED ON Feb-28-09 AT 00:56AM (MST)[p]Well one time at band camp... no seriously though... I went for a hike looking for antlers in some pines and sat for a break for a minute... well I was wathing some eagles in the sky and on the cliff that was about 100 yrds behind me.. then I saw a shadow moving in a weird direction on the ground. Before I knew it something was falling from the sky and smackin into the pines until hitting the ground 50ft in front of me.. Ya i was cautious when i went to check it out.... go ahead take a guess.. IT was a FOX! wtf? it was a fresh kill but had been eaten to the bone. Just fur and bone. I was guessing that the eagle was just cleaning out the nest for the day...

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