Re-issued tags


Active Member
Is it even possible to get one of these tags online? I know there are lots of peeps trying for them but I was wondering if the guys in line at a point of sale or at CDOW office are the only ones getting them? I had 3 windows open and all my info pre set and nothing???? Just wondering how anyone else is doing online? Thanks
Seems like your odds are in the less than 1% range for the primo reissued tags and less than 5% for the average 3-5 point tags (if you tried 20 times you would have a decent chance to snag one). I know of a few people who have got them online for what it is worth and that is what I am basing my guesstimate of odds at, it could easily be worse than that though, maybe even 0.1% for the primo and 1% for your average tags. It is basically a lottery, but you have to be fast to even get into the lottery and then you need some luck.
Okay thanks for the info! Glad to hear online actually works and you know peeps that got tags that way. The famous words of Lloyd Christmas "So your saying there's a chance" LOL

This season is done probably but maybe next year??? :)
I went down to the DOW and bought one for my wife, went back a week later and traded it for the same tag i currently have. then the father in law got lucky and traded his for the same hunt my wife and I have.
I don't know if I would trust the on line. Can you call and buy it over the phone?
you have to keep in mind that there are people waiting at the door for the DOW to open. everyone is doing the same thing. some just get lucky.

I know of at least 2 of the high end tags being snagged on line. It can happen. I also know of a couple lower end tags as well. Seriously there is no way of knowing your odds etc. There are too many variables and too many unknowns. Even at a vendor and a machine it still relies on data transfer/speed and connection. Any issues at all and you miss the 5 second window to grab the tag.
I have done the same thing. I have had everything pre filled out and ready to go. Hit the submit button as the clock turned 9am and ......sold out. Most of the time their system hiccups and errors but regardless every time by 903am it is sold out.
One time I even went to local cabelas, was 1st in line and still sold out by 903am.

I also think there is a lot of inside stuff going on and some DOW employees are going to be on some great hunts this year. If they are going to keep this system maybe they will look into exempting dow employees from the days drawing
Thanks for the info guys I guess I was just curious if the Internet was even a true option over the vendors and DOW. For sure is a crap shoot with a lot of happy hunters going on unexpected hunts. Some might be a hunt of a lifetime with how points are now days, so hope they do well!!!
It is definitely possible to get reissued tags. I've personally picked up 3 tags, although none were for premiere units. I also picked up a tag for my sister-in-law and one of my brothers got a premiere unit buck tag as a NR after recently moving out of state.
I have tried online since early Aug. and have have 2 premium deer tags in the cart hit the purchase button and sold out! this past Monday hit the button at 9am and all my choices were sold out, a couple weeks back had a CDOW computer crash/glitch for 3-4 minutes and what I was after was long gone. It has been frustrating but fun all at the same time, its 2 hours one way to the nearest CDOW for me just for a chance at something, but i may just do that if there is tag that I want in the units I know.
This morning I was logged on to get a deer tag that I thought was an easy pickup (not a popular unit). At 9am I had everything entered and it immediately said sold out. I tried a few more times and even once with a private land only doe tag and still got sold out. I then logged off and logged back on, checked the leftover list and saw that it had not updated yet. I tried anyway only to get sold out.

Finally at 905 am I saw the leftover list update and the tag I originally wanted was on it. I tried several more times only to get the sold out screen and then at 910 am the tag I wanted was gone. Has anyone else had the issue with not being able to select a tag when you know it should be available?

It seems like the DOW system has a terrible lag with these tags going on sale.
YES , had the almost exact same thing today. all filled out ready to go and 9am sold out. There were 3 buck tags available for what I was shooting for . Hit submit 4 more times and sold out all 4 times. It seems almost like they are sold out before it hits 9am. I did pick up a cow tag though so I know the system works but Something doesn't seem right? Oh well its still fun to play every week
I am wondering if you start the process before 9 am and then at 9 am you finish it, if you are ineligible? When I did this, it showed sold out but I wonder if it is showing sold out because the reissued tags aren't queued up until 9 am? Just trying to figure this thing out.
Per CPW hunt planner yesterday, current reissue system will be completely revised for next year. The Wildlife Commission has not yet determined how to "improve" it. If you have input, send it to a Commissioner. I wrote to suggest an entirely online reissue method; and some way of using preference points on reissues to reduce creep.
Elkduds i'm curious as to your idea of using preference points in the reissue. How do you think that would work? Would you have to use the number of points it takes to draw the tag?

With most of these being last minute hunts I do not think that would work. I for one would not want to burn over 10 points on a last minute hunt. That is the one plus to Colorado's preference point system is you can plan your hunt, scout all summer and make a good hunt out of it.

I do think you should have to burn points to get a reissue but how many I don't know.
The best way to reduce point creep without changing the basic system is to use up the points already awarded.

Because CO zeros your points for drawing a license, it would have to cost all accumulated points to get a reissued license. Good, because that takes the most points out of the pool. An auction for reissues would use up the most points. This would give applicants who had enough or nearly enough points to originally draw the tag the best chance @ buying the tag, with almost the same amount of points coming out of the pool. In that way it is fair.

Say a license cost 10 p in the draw. It gets returned, and 9 points buys it in the reissue auction. The winning bidder still has that many points to spend because he drew his 2nd choice. He gets the tag he wanted in the 1st drawing, using all his points on the reissue. He may have a 2nd choice license to return for reissue, so that would also possibly cost points in a reissue auction. It is possible this could remove points from the pool faster than the current system!

Just thinking out loud. Other ideas?
I actually really like it!

One thing that concerns me is I think the DOW likes the point creek because they realize a lot of guys are only in the game until their points are gone. There are a lot of non residents just waiting to draw and then they will be out of the game and the DOW will miss out on all that application money.
Just have a draw every single week. The list comes out at 3 PM, you have until midnight to apply (or the next day) and then just run the draw immediately, those with the most points win and you use your points. Seems pretty simple to me. Only charge a card if they are successful and make it minimal to enter the draw, $5. If no one wants the tag sent it to the leftovers pile. If your credit card doesn't work, go to the next in-line.

If you have 2 months to plan the hunt, more people will use more points, if you have 1 day to plan a hunt or like last week (hunts had already started!), then less points will be needed.

This would be a lot less exciting than this year's system, but much more fair and you burn some points up at the same time.
I suspect their changes will be based on what is easier for them, not on what we really want, but they have to ask.... This method, as I had told them in emails last year, cost them lots in time and manpower

Still think they could just set it up where you could clink a link on the 1st drawing so that if you are not successful in that drawing it will automatically put you in for the reissue tags that you already applied for. In other words utilize computers to try and issue to the next guy on the list.

You get an email (or even a text Message) if you draw and you have 24 hours to respond


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
The new process is not great for re-issued tags, but I can't think of a better process that doesn't create more work. I liked when the tags were not issued at all if turned back in. Simple, and consistent.

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