Reward for Side by Side Criminals...


Long Time Member
The Uintah Cattleman Association and other private donors are offering a reward for the arrest and conviction of the owner/driver of a white Polaris 800 4 seat side by side with black doors a rear mounted spare tire and orange suspension components(coil springs).

This vehicle was seen on Saturday night on Taylor Mountain in the Grasshopper Flats area running down and running over live stock off the main the trail.

I have long pushed for an easily visible license plate on all ATV vehicles. With plates we could identify the vehicle a lot easier. Unfortunately for now we have a description as above.

They have video of the person doing this, just were too far away and were on foot. A plate may have made the difference.
Wow. What kind of livestock were they "running over" in their side by side? Calves or lambs?

Oh wow! It takes all kind.
I hope they catch them. This is ridiculous behavior.
It was calves. Hence the Cattlemans association.

I got this from a friends in Utah and thought I would share here as the activities would have been pretty detrimental to anyone hunting the area as well.

Hope they find em
...seems alot on MM hate cattle...surprised they're not trying to give the guy an award,
It's simply heart warming to know there are honorable people among us, who just quietly do good, without fanfare or recognition.

Where do we send the reward?
They're heros!
They deserve the conservationists of the year award!
Cows are our enemies.
Maybe the cows were hit on the hwy and stumbled to Taylor mountain.

We don't know if they were run over 6 minutes ago or 6 months ago.

If not for cows and whiney cattle ranchers how many more elk would there be? How many more tags could be issued for hunters?

Has a necropsy been done?
I have no sympathy for the cows or cattlemen effected by this. Cattlemen have far too much pull on our public lands and resources. I've had several very negative experiences with cattlemen on public land who feel like they have more right to that country than a hunter/angler/hiker or anyone else who enjoys the public lands we have. If they can't respect others who also use the land that they mooch off of, then I guess they get what they deserve. I understand these cows cost lots of money. But the activities others use the same land for require quite a bit of personal investment as well. And when they really don't give a ##### about them effecting you and your activities and personal time in these same areas, I don't understand where they think they get off being mad when someone plays their same game with them. I wish they would ban grazing of live stock on our public lands. The animals have more right to that country than some jackass on a horse. Yet they get to dictate how
Many of these wild animals live in these areas that have to share the same feed and water. Maybe they should invest in some private land for their animals to safely graze on so they don't have to worry about their "investments" safety
That is a separate argument than is it OK to run down baby calves with a UTV.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
And just when I was starting to get disappointed at the lack of stupid comments recently from deerkiller, he goes and redeems himself. Your a real class act deerkiller.
I'm having a hard time believing anyone would run over calves with a $20,000 side x side.

Sorry if I am not buying this elks, but I know your disdain for ATV's and your propensity to embellish when it comes to facts.
>The Uintah Cattleman Association and other
>private donors are offering a
>reward for the arrest and
>conviction of the owner/driver of
>a white Polaris 800 4
>seat side by side with
>black doors a rear mounted
>spare tire and orange suspension
>components(coil springs).
>This vehicle was seen on Saturday
>night on Taylor Mountain in
>the Grasshopper Flats area running
>down and running over live
>stock off the main the
>I have long pushed for an
>easily visible license plate on
>all ATV vehicles. With plates
>we could identify the vehicle
>a lot easier. Unfortunately for
>now we have a description
>as above.
>They have video of the person
>doing this, just were too
>far away and were on
>foot. A plate may have
>made the difference.

Post the video maybe someone will recognize the side by side
elks96 (1578 posts)
Aug-23-16, 07:20 AM (MST)
"Reward for Side by Side Criminals..."

This from Aug-23-16, ?

Did someone kiss a toad and wake up an angry princess?

Where were we when this was timely? relevant timelines needed here, some guy posts, "SICK" an sparks a convulsion of big pecker cloud seeding, regardless of the original date of the thread.

Never waste a good pissing for distance contest, even if you missed out on it the first go round. Revive that sucker and get after it. :) Gotta love it.

lol....this is a f..cking year old thread......the tard doesn't even own that sxs anymore.
A year old thread or not, my comments were pretty Utarded and asinine, right Lumpy?

Oh except for the fact that cows and cattle ranchers will take more elk tags out of your Utarded pockets than wolves ever will.
Just in case anyone is wondering, I talked to the rancher back in November, they caught the guy that did it.

As for the other stupid comments, they don't even deserve a response, there is no changing the mind of someone that stupid.

Jake H. BIG BONE HUNTING Page on Facebook.
++++++++++1000 Jake
Hope they gave him a beat down in the court system.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Geez shotgun, don"t judge every one in Utah by a couple of us ass-in-nines. That' only amounts to a hair over 11%. You sure the ratio is any better in your neighborhood?

Like I said, never miss an opportunity to whip it out and wave it around, relevant or not, you got a good one an every one needs to marvel and morn.

See ya in church, Sweet Pea.

>I'm having a hard time believing
>anyone would run over calves
>with a $20,000 side x
>Sorry if I am not buying
>this elks, but I know
>your disdain for ATV's and
>your propensity to embellish when
>it comes to facts.

I posted exactly what the rancher and the sheriffs office posted. Cut and pasted at the time. Yes I hate ATVs. Not because some guys use them responsibly, but because there is a growing number of idiots who make the trails unsafe and many who choose to violate the law with them...

But go ahead and make this about a pissing match with me...
>And just when I was starting
>to get disappointed at the
>lack of stupid comments recently
>from deerkiller, he goes and
>redeems himself. Your a real
>class act deerkiller.

I'm glad I can keep you entertained.

Every time I hear about a cow being shot or hit by a car or a cowboy upset over something that isnt "fair", I just laugh. If you had experienced what I have, more than once, you'd have the same opinion too. They do feel like they have more rights to our public land than anyone else does. And it's wrong. I really wish they would kick them off our mountains and make them find their own feed. To me they are no better than the guys on the corner holding a sign asking for a free hand out. Atleast most of the guys holding the signs say thank you when you help them out. These guys would just rather spit in your face. Which they have done multiple times

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