Rick's late Fishlake hunt


Very Active Member
Well, the week is over and the hunt is done, and not with the results that I was hoping for. :)

John made a post in his thread "how's it going Antlerrick?" He said, "As we get older Rick ( you and I ) We now the trophy part of the hunt is the memories and the time we spend with our familys. The rack big or small is a reminder for us to remember the shot (good or bad ) and the times we have had with our boys ,daughters and other friends and familys."

John, I agree with what you said, but even with our age, aches and pains, we want to harvest the best trophy possible. :D Looking back at the week and all the friends who pitched in to help me out looking for bulls, and the time I got to spend with them and my boys, it was a VERY successful hunt. Having to hike up that hill and back down with the elk and gear, I was wondering if I made the right decision for me with my bum knee and no ankle, but it made my boys happy to be able to help out their dad and be a part of the great memories that were created on that sidehill. To see those 2 boys push, pull, shove, tug, and fight that full bodied elk down the hill thru thick sage and rocks, working together, made me proud as a father, more so than harvesting any elk could ever make me. My pain and discomfort was worth every second of that experience. Those boys were so proud of their dad, for no particular reason other than we were all together. My youngest boy had never been able to be with us when we have taken other big bulls, so his being there was priceless. He learned how big these animals are, and how much work taking a mature elk can be. He has asthma and was having a hard time with his breathing both from the elk and from the climb and low oxygen, but he stuck with it and we all made it thru.
I am proud to say we hunted out butts off and never gave up.
We passed on many bulls, hoping for that magical bull that we hoped was around the next turn, or over the next ridge.
I want to thank Trevor, Layne T, Layne R, Scott, Dustin, and all those who kept texting me and wishing me luck, for the support. We covered many miles of the unit, and seen elk almost everywhere. We spent countless hours behind scopes and glasses, searching for a dream.
I thought of just shooting a bull to get it over with many times once the end of the week got closer, but I waited until the final evening to give up on taking a huge bull. Once the boys talked me into just shooting this bull, I was a little disappointed after I pulled the trigger, but now after what we got to experience, I don't think I could have written a better script.

I shot the bull up on the face above Fishlake so the setting was beautiful for photos. I only have a few on my camera but here are a couple. I shot my bear about 500 yards to the west of where we got the elk.
Though not a huge bull, it was a priceless memory I will never forget!!!
:p And then to have Barbie along, was a lot of fun and laughs. I will post some of her adventures shortly.


"To see those 2 boys push, pull, shove, tug, and fight that full bodied elk down the hill thru thick sage and rocks, working together, made me proud as a father, more so than harvesting any elk could ever make me. My pain and discomfort was worth every second of that experience."

Rick, I would say that you truly know the meaning of a trophy hunt. Congratulations, you are a fine man!


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
Great looking bull and it's always nice having family with you. Cool pictures with the lake behind you. You sure used the whole season and sounds like you had fun.
You gave it your all and you came out a winner.
Congrats Rick that's a nice bull.
Congrats Rick, It's the journey with family and friends that make the memories. I can't even imagine trying to drag that thing whole. You got a couple tuff boys.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-14-09 AT 10:19AM (MST)[p]Some beautiful photo's .Fish lake may not be know for big bulls but it is a special place !!
congratulations !!!!
When do we start ice fishing Rick ?
Congrats in a fine bull. Also, great post and even better pictures - that is a cool looking place to hunt elk.
Thanks for the story also!!
Mighty Fine Bull if you ask me! I am glad that you had a great time. I wish I could have been up there more. I hope the property worked well for your basecamp and you know that you are welcome any time!

I LOVE the pics with the lake in the background!!!!
ooooooh, Jeff is gonna be so mad at you for killin' his backyard sheds.........Way to go, Rick. I really love those dark-horned bulls.

You'll be glad you don't live with regret every dang day for NOT shooting the gift put before you. You cannot replace the memories and time spent with family and friends.

Barbie hasn't had that much fun, yet, I bet!


You did well boss. Every time you see that bull you'll remember the effort and the time spent with the best friends you will every have.........your children. Those boys will be telling their grandkids about Dad's Fish Lake bull elk hunt for the next 50 years. How can a few inches of antler top that kind of legacy.

We're so lucky to have Fish Lake so close to us, what a fantastic place to raise our families.

Modern medicine can build some new wheels for you and there still a lot of hunts left in us old boys so don't despair over a few bumps in the road. I'm betting your best hunts are still ahead of you.

Great bull! We camp just below that spot at Bowery Creek camp ground every summer and fish for a week. Glad you had a great experience. Just a question: I remember seeing a sign up there that says no hunting or discharging of fire arms in the fish lake basin. I thought that included the area you are in as well that is why I've never scouted those areas. anyways, congrats on a nice bull.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-14-09 AT 06:03PM (MST)[p]The sign says "No operation of ATV's in the Fishlake Basin", but the sign right past it says "no discharge of firearms within 600 feet of any camps or building". I made sure we were well away from any problems as the law was in there that day and actually sat at the bottom and watched us for a while as we worked the bull down the hill. I shot a bear on the ridge to the west a few years ago under supervision of the local DWR officer and so I was well aware of the law in that area.

Here is a photo of the sign I took during the archery hunt as I was driving by...it is blurred but you can read the sign..
I figured this would come up but I see where you are coming from..
Now it is all said and done, I'm glad I took him. He just happened to be in the wrong place at the right time!!
I told my grandkids in September I wasn't going to shave until I killed a bull...that is another good reason to have taken this bull... I may have never killed another bull and then I'd really look OLD! LOL... Now the beard can come off!!!!
FLEH, thanks so much for use of the property. It was awesome and was right in the middle of where we were hunting. I ran up today to get my trailer out and it was a little tough with all the snow. Let's get your brother a tag next year and do this again!
Eel..thanks for that comment! I appreciate it..The saying "a trophy is in the eye of the beholder" really hit home last night!
Predator...Jeff was about as frustrated as I was. I don't know if he ever killed but he passed by the camp daily. And they are not his sheds!!!!! LOL...
2Lumpy...that comment about the boys telling their kids about helping grandpa shoot an elk above the lodge is very true! Thanks for making my day.
Smalts..Fishlake is one of the most beautiful lakes I know of..It is about 7 miles long, 1 mile wide and is very deep and cold, and holds some monster lake trout. Next year I will be posting photos of some of those lunkers!
Bloodtracker, let me know when you are up at Fishlake and we can go for a fishing trip. I leave my trailer and boat up there all year and would be happy to take you out.
Thanks for all the comments guys!
Congrats Rick! I was getting a little nervous for you as the week went on. What a beautiful place to take a bull. Great memories.

Congrats on the bull Rick. Seeing those pictures reminded me of how bad I want to go back and I was just there hunting in September. I hope you know how much this means to your kids. I love hunting with my dad more than anything. Getting to hunt with the guy who teaches us the ways of the woods really means something when we are older. Some day they will be able to tell there grandkids about the hunt, and gross score wont matter a lick. My dad was with me when I took my Fishlake bull this fall and it made it really memorable for me. Good job on a great bull, you deserve it. Zach
You can officially have no regrets on that bull bro, he's a beauty and your pics of him with Barbie are PRICELESS!!! I cried reading that thread and just about wet my pants from laughing. You my friend may have had the best hunt of all of us; take it to the bank!! And I claim Barbie for next year's Muscle Milk Colorado foray.
Any hunt that gives some great memories is a awesome hunt, it just a bonus to kill a nice bull. Job Well Done

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Congrats again!!! Keep passing on what the hunt should really be about. Your welcome at my camp any time!!!
Congratulations, my friend, you obviously had an outstanding hunt. What you took away from those days afield are far more important than any number of inches. Well done in all regards.
Antlerrick's late Fishlake hunt

Thanks Dan, As I went thru my hunt I thought back to your hunt and your frustrations. I'm happy with the memories that I took away with my boys. It is something that no one can take away and I will never forget...
RE: Antlerrick's late Fishlake hunt

Way to hang tough rick!
I know there are still some good Bulls around but I'm a thinkin by the time that late hunt rolls around they might they mighta been thinned out a bit & pressured like no other!
Glad you held out as long as you did/could!

Way to go AR, I had a great time with you and your family on this adventure...I wish I could have been there for the finale, but I had a rodeo to judge in Heber...I know how hard we hunted and how frustrated we all were at times, but the memories and time spent with your boys will come to life everytime you look at that rack...thanks for inviting Riddle, Scott and I along for the ride, we had a great time....
Later, L.T.
Nice job Rick. Just wondering if you picked him off while having a cup of Joe at the Lodge? Probably within rifle range with todays standards. I remember as a kid, tracking a buck across that same sage flat. My dad stuck it with a arrow and we never did find it. Back in the days of 3 point or better.
Nope, the lodge was closed or I would have probably spent more time there...lol...
It was probably about 1200 yds above the lodge and we had to get away from any buildings and stuff. We hiked up to within about 350 yards or so before we could even see him due to where he was standing. It was a neat photo setting though.. My son has all the good pics and I'm hoping he gets them to me soon...
Rick, congrats! So happy for you and your family. What memories you'll have from this hunt. You talk about the hunt from your perspective. I'll tell you, I'm a little closer in age to your boys, and the perspecitve from son looking up to father is just as awesome of an experience. Getting to hunt with my Dad still is just something I cheris everytime we are out. From the sons perspective I'll tell you thanks for sticking it out, bummed knee and all and giving them a memory they'll never forget either.
Congrats on the bull. The PICs bring back great memories from my 2009 Muzzy hunt. Time spent with family and friends are really the true trophy.

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