

Long Time Member
At the time of year when many folks like getting their panties in a twist and complaining about our hunting system I thought I would show what all of us can be doing.

I headed to the panhandle and helped out some folks with their coyote problems.




Greedy double fister


This was our best day


There's adventures out there. Go get'em fellas.
Very nice Triatate.!! Thats quite a haul...

I do wish I knew a landowner with a similar problem. Ill take an opportunistic coyote on public land, but this kind of haul would be unbelievable.!!
Hey SS, you're welcome.

Somehow you don't understand there is a war going on within America. Its a real war with real enemies. Not some BS war against a word that they sell you on the news shows. Its not some war that will be won or lost or for right and wrong. Like all great wars its about WILL and MONEY.

Now I know you get to sit in your comfy warm house and send Mrs. SS to the grocery to get you some meat and think somehow these animals got to that grocery from an animal utopia where they go to sleep and magically appear on your dinner plate but that ain't reality. Meanwhile you chew your food without thought or conscience of the sacrifice of millions of people it takes to keep your self-righteous butt expanding in a chair.

Somehow its a horrible inconvenience for you to have to face the reality of how you got a hamburger a steak. The minute your bubble gets popped you have to look down your nose at the people feeding you and call them a "sick SOB" because you are to fragile to deal with the fact the YOU ARE CULPABLE FOR KILLING THOSE COYOTES because you pay for it.

I'm just the guy proud of a job well done.(y)
Hey SS, you're welcome.

Somehow you don't understand there is a war going on within America. Its a real war with real enemies. Not some BS war against a word that they sell you on the news shows. Its not some war that will be won or lost or for right and wrong. Like all great wars its about WILL and MONEY.

Now I know you get to sit in your comfy warm house and send Mrs. SS to the grocery to get you some meat and think somehow these animals got to that grocery from an animal utopia where they go to sleep and magically appear on your dinner plate but that ain't reality. Meanwhile you chew your food without thought or conscience of the sacrifice of millions of people it takes to keep your self-righteous butt expanding in a chair.

Somehow its a horrible inconvenience for you to have to face the reality of how you got a hamburger a steak. The minute your bubble gets popped you have to look down your nose at the people feeding you and call them a "sick SOB" because you are to fragile to deal with the fact the YOU ARE CULPABLE FOR KILLING THOSE COYOTES because you pay for it.

I'm just the guy proud of a job well done.(y)
@Tristate You playing predator management for one weekend has NOTHING to do anything you just threw up in your reply.

I apologize for not giving you the acknowledgement you desired with posting those dead coyotes. Congrats! I really do mean it. Coyote hunting used to be one of my favorite past times. I never tried to mask it by saying it was management because don't fool yourself. Going out for a weekend isn't predator management. Going on for a few weekends isn't either. Management is a year round effort.

You avoided the issue I had a problem with. Typical tristate. Its ok. There are plenty of trappers out there that show respect to what they pursuit. You are not one of them. And it is because of ones like you that lead to the restrictions on trapping. You turn people who don't care about trapping into voting for anti trapping regulations. YOU ARE CULPABLE FOR THE RESTRICTIONS WE HAVE ON TRAPPING BECAUSE OF YOUR SICK PICTURES.

Really who's first thought is to pull out a camera when there is an animal in distress?

Replying to you is pointless. It's obvious based off the couple pictures you posted you're a rookie. Head to toe in camo but the SxS barely has any camo. And standing up is hard from you, i suspect you don't get out and walk much. Hopefully the brake was set on the SxS if not it could roll forward and you'll have a hard time getting up.

Common problem with guys like you.

Again congrats on the coyotes. Looks like some prime texas fur there.
@Tristate You playing predator management for one weekend has NOTHING to do anything you just threw up in your reply.

I apologize for not giving you the acknowledgement you desired with posting those dead coyotes. Congrats! I really do mean it. Coyote hunting used to be one of my favorite past times. I never tried to mask it by saying it was management because don't fool yourself. Going out for a weekend isn't predator management. Going on for a few weekends isn't either. Management is a year round effort.

You avoided the issue I had a problem with. Typical tristate. Its ok. There are plenty of trappers out there that show respect to what they pursuit. You are not one of them. And it is because of ones like you that lead to the restrictions on trapping. You turn people who don't care about trapping into voting for anti trapping regulations. YOU ARE CULPABLE FOR THE RESTRICTIONS WE HAVE ON TRAPPING BECAUSE OF YOUR SICK PICTURES.

Really who's first thought is to pull out a camera when there is an animal in distress?

Replying to you is pointless. It's obvious based off the couple pictures you posted you're a rookie. Head to toe in camo but the SxS barely has any camo. And standing up is hard from you, i suspect you don't get out and walk much. Hopefully the brake was set on the SxS if not it could roll forward and you'll have a hard time getting up.

Common problem with guys like you.

Again congrats on the coyotes. Looks like some prime texas fur there.
Actually this is management. Just because I show you a tiny part of it doesn't mean you get the whole story.

Your post shows you know absolutely nothing of what it takes to kill coyotes in masses.

AND NO! I DON'T RESPECT COYOTES. People earn my respect. NOT VERMIN. I didn't avoid the issue, I SLAPPED YOU IN THE FACE WITH IT. You are living in a self-righteous, childish make believe land.

I post these pics to show you what you could be doing and helping people out instead of crying day in and day out about your state wildlife agencies, or outfitters, or an expo.

You actually believe that my pictures is what convinces law makers to outlaw trapping????????????? Are you a complete and total idiot? Do you know anything whatsoever about the animal rights movement????????????

By your logic if the price of beef gets too high I should just start posting pictures of cows in squeeze shoots.:rolleyes:
By the way I want you to go back and look at the picture of the coyote with both feet in that trap. What about that dog looks "stressed" to you?????????
Actually this is management. Just because I show you a tiny part of it doesn't mean you get the whole story.

Your post shows you know absolutely nothing of what it takes to kill coyotes in masses.

AND NO! I DON'T RESPECT COYOTES. People earn my respect. NOT VERMIN. I didn't avoid the issue, I SLAPPED YOU IN THE FACE WITH IT. You are living in a self-righteous, childish make believe land.

I post these pics to show you what you could be doing and helping people out instead of crying day in and day out about your state wildlife agencies, or outfitters, or an expo.

You actually believe that my pictures is what convinces law makers to outlaw trapping????????????? Are you a complete and total idiot? Do you know anything whatsoever about the animal rights movement????????????

By your logic if the price of beef gets too high I should just start posting pictures of cows in squeeze shoots.:rolleyes:
Oh I know trapping is way more effective on coyotes. You know what is even more effective? Planes. And blowing up the dens in the spring. Real easy to find the dens flying around. There were 100 coyote days. So that's cute you went out and went trapping for the weekend. I'm glad you got away from people crying about outfitters, expo etc. Thats sad you let that stuff get to you. I get it though. You're not going to hear any crying from me regarding that stuff.

Stay humble tristate. I’m sure it was a good time helping your buddy with his trap line. You should of wore buckskins and a fur hat. You’re a legend in the predator management world… in your own mind.
poison in the spring i'm pretty sure is the most effective. i'm a coyote hunter myself, not a predator manager. what i do doesn't make a dent nor am i trying to. that pile of coyotes i'm sure will help some calves a bit in the short term. but that population will be all of that or more in one breeding cycle.
Oh I know trapping is way more effective on coyotes. You know what is even more effective? Planes. And blowing up the dens in the spring. Real easy to find the dens flying around. There were 100 coyote days. So that's cute you went out and went trapping for the weekend. I'm glad you got away from people crying about outfitters, expo etc. Thats sad you let that stuff get to you. I get it though. You're not going to hear any crying from me regarding that stuff.

Stay humble tristate. I’m sure it was a good time helping your buddy with his trap line. You should of wore buckskins and a fur hat. You’re a legend in the predator management world… in your own mind.

I just gotta listen to you cry about coyote respect ???????

You really have no clue whatsoever about what is going on or how to kill coyotes.
poison in the spring i'm pretty sure is the most effective. i'm a coyote hunter myself, not a predator manager. what i do doesn't make a dent nor am i trying to. that pile of coyotes i'm sure will help some calves a bit in the short term. but that population will be all of that or more in one breeding cycle.
Can’t argue that.
I just gotta listen to you cry about coyote respect ???????

You really have no clue whatsoever about what is going on or how to kill coyotes.
You get off the couch one weekend and have to try to burn everyone else on here by trying to imply you’re doing your part. ?????
You're obviously a moron that will try and argue about anything. How old are you?
Not trying to argue. Tristate motivated me to help out. Just trying to get more info so I can help out.

How old am I? Creepy. I’m feeling stranger danger!
Not trying to argue. Tristate motivated me to help out. Just trying to get more info so I can help out.

How old am I? Creepy. I’m feeling stranger danger!
If I had to guess I would have to say you're about 16 based off the dumb shi* you post.


Can't wait to hear how a dude living in Houston, is a trapper in "the panhandle"

Long drive to check traps daily.

Plus you said "friends".

We are all aware of your "friends". The rest of us call them guides.

Tri, you don't tip your friends.

Glad you wore your cover all's though, does get cold this time of year?????.

Yes, I know, "boy, child, hate, blah, blah, blah"
Must have really hit a nerve with the keyboard commandos with this one.
Not at if you're the only person on planet earth that's ever set a trap?

Buddy and I ran a line over Christmas break in College...and also why I know you didn't set all those traps on a weekend.

I know how long flat sets and dirt hole sets take...and how long it takes to drive stakes, bed traps, rebait, re-set everything.

We would have12-14 dozen water/dryland and maybe another 5 dozen snares. Round trip line was about 110 miles. We also ran smaller lines for marten, fisher, and bobcats every other day...maybe another 2-3 dozen.

It takes 2 guys and usually a couple days to get that many out and in full swing. Once they're in, moving some around, re-setting, and skinning...there aren't many hours left to do much else.

I'll give you that all you're doing is coyotes sets and we had a lot more complicated line...but still....

You can try to BS the fans...but you'd be best served to change the title of your thread to bluffin'.
"They why this:

"This was our best day"

You got a turd in your pocket?"

I really don't know what a turd in my pocket means. Sounds like you are emotionally invested in this though.

"This was not a weekend at Bernies...and it sounds like there was a bunch of you.

No reason to lie about you setting all the traps, sounds like "our" did."

I haven't lied to you about anything. Apparently you are paying close attention and want details.

A close friend joined me on this trip. He was a great asset to have along with me. He helped with meals, loading and unloading the buggy, gear assembly and disassembly, tracking drags, emptying traps, etc....

I set %100 of the traps. I own %100 of the traps. I asked my friend if he wanted to try setting a few himself. He declined. He did however pick out 2 trap locations. One produced a coyote and one produced a badger. There was two of us and it was a dark til dark job. We had lots of discussions about trapping and we debated our successes and failures.

I hope this is enough transparency for you. If you want we can go into details on types of traps, drags vs anchors, baits and lures.
Oh, and mixed bag in about 5-6 days, my buddy and I:

130-140 rats, 6 mink, handful of coons, some beavers with only 4-5 traps out for them at one time, whatever coyotes and fox there are.

That's a lot of work in 5-6 days even for 2 guys.


Another shorter run, 3-4 days.

"They why this:

"This was our best day"

You got a turd in your pocket?"

I really don't know what a turd in my pocket means. Sounds like you are emotionally invested in this though.

"This was not a weekend at Bernies...and it sounds like there was a bunch of you.

No reason to lie about you setting all the traps, sounds like "our" did."

I haven't lied to you about anything. Apparently you are paying close attention and want details.

A close friend joined me on this trip. He was a great asset to have along with me. He helped with meals, loading and unloading the buggy, gear assembly and disassembly, tracking drags, emptying traps, etc....

I set %100 of the traps. I own %100 of the traps. I asked my friend if he wanted to try setting a few himself. He declined. He did however pick out 2 trap locations. One produced a coyote and one produced a badger. There was two of us and it was a dark til dark job. We had lots of discussions about trapping and we debated our successes and failures.

I hope this is enough transparency for you. If you want we can go into details on types of traps, drags vs anchors, baits and lures.
Doubtful you'd be able to teach me anything about trapping...probably setting traps when you were still pooping your pants.

Learned from a guy with 12-15K coyotes to his credit...doing just his day job.
"Buddy and I ran a line over Christmas break in College...and also why I know you didn't set all those traps on a weekend."

Hey Buzz, I never said I did it over a weekend. Go read.

Lay off the sauce. You're kind of an angry drunk.
Doubtful you'd be able to teach me anything about trapping...probably setting traps when you were still pooping your pants.

Learned from a guy with 12-15K coyotes to his credit...doing just his day job.
I didn't come on here saying I could teach you anything. Never came on here saying anything about you. Come to think of it this thread actually had nothing to do with you.

You are acting psychotic or on chemicals.
I didn't come on here saying I could teach you anything. Never came on here saying anything about you. Come to think of it this thread actually had nothing to do with you.

You are acting psychotic or on chemicals.
My buddy that I learned to trap from sure as hell didn't think he was saving the world trapping/shooting predators...

You sure do...for some odd reason.
My buddy that I learned to trap from sure as hell didn't think he was saving the world trapping/shooting predators...

You sure do...for some odd reason.

Maybe your buddy wasn't what you thought he was and I'm not trying to be your buddy.
Tristate I apologize for mucking up your thread. I know you have a lot of $$$$ tied up in your guided trapping trip and it was a low blow calling you out on your BS.

I’m sorry. Please accept my apology.
Tristate I apologize for mucking up your thread. I know you have a lot of $$$$ tied up in your guided trapping trip and it was a low blow calling you out on your BS.

I’m sorry. Please accept my apology.

Quit being sorry and go do something in the outdoors.
Actually this is management. Just because I show you a tiny part of it doesn't mean you get the whole story.

Your post shows you know absolutely nothing of what it takes to kill coyotes in masses.

AND NO! I DON'T RESPECT COYOTES. People earn my respect. NOT VERMIN. I didn't avoid the issue, I SLAPPED YOU IN THE FACE WITH IT. You are living in a self-righteous, childish make believe land.

I post these pics to show you what you could be doing and helping people out instead of crying day in and day out about your state wildlife agencies, or outfitters, or an expo.

You actually believe that my pictures is what convinces law makers to outlaw trapping????????????? Are you a complete and total idiot? Do you know anything whatsoever about the animal rights movement????????????

By your logic if the price of beef gets too high I should just start posting pictures of cows in squeeze shoots.:rolleyes:
Purely sane post here...^^^
Sure. Go start another thread.

Right after you man up and show one single thread that shows you actually hunt.

I already openly admit, I don't hunt.

No outfitters, no fences, no heated blinds, no corn feeders.

Not a single thread about what you consider hunting.
Good job buddy. Sorry, I missed the trip this time.

Did you eat any of them? Make some good stew.
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