ROY's 1K post!


Well I'm almost one fifth of the way to BESS! I guess now I am part of the 1K club! Not nearly as good as the mile high club but it will have to do.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Why do they call it the "mile high club" when its really like 7 miles???

:( Somebody didn't like bouncing betty :(
Nice yack'n there, Roy...

Is ever-body live'n 'an love'n in Denver members of the MHC??
Only 1000?? Just shows how much time you have been wasting in College. Here is where the true education lies!:)

Is that something to be proud of? Just goes to show how much precious time of your life you wasted?;-)
I enjoy reading Roy's posts.(except for that whole BYU and BSU thing). I agree with a lot of the things Roy says. Good Job!
Good job... lol I'm checking this post after i post it to see how many I have..

"What I could do, I was doing, and that was simply putting my butt on the line for my country, the country that I loved, so that all the protestors and the academics and the liberal intelligentsia back home could enjoy the right to protest against people like me, the hated middleclass." --Gary R. Smith, US Special Forces
Belated to ya Roy! Way to be!! Like winning the super bowl!! Now whatca going to do?? Disney Land eh?



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