Russian disinformation


Long Time Member

DOJ further acknowledges Hunter Biden's laptop is real, contents match Apple iCloud backups​

Federal prosecutors filed court documents on Tuesday urging a judge not to grant Hunter Biden's request to dismiss charges against him​

The worse part of this coverup is the fact the intelligence agencies knew this information before Biden and crew cried out that it was only Russian disinformation and not to believe anything on the computer. 51 intelligent agents signed a letter that it was just Russian disinformation and they should have known that was not the truth as search warrants had already showed the information on the computer was generated by Hunter Biden.
It has gotten to the point you can not believe anything the Biden Democrat liberals regime tells you. They have lied to the voters on too many things.

DOJ further acknowledges Hunter Biden's laptop is real, contents match Apple iCloud backups​

Federal prosecutors filed court documents on Tuesday urging a judge not to grant Hunter Biden's request to dismiss charges against him​

The worse part of this coverup is the fact the intelligence agencies knew this information before Biden and crew cried out that it was only Russian disinformation and not to believe anything on the computer. 51 intelligent agents signed a letter that it was just Russian disinformation and they should have known that was not the truth as search warrants had already showed the information on the computer was generated by Hunter Biden.
It has gotten to the point you can not believe anything the Biden Democrat liberals regime tells you. They have lied to the voters on too many things.
Nobody will ever convince Mitt Romney and his followers. Every lie that’s ever been made up and published about Trump is true in their minds…………. and regardless of current or future evidence, in their minds, it will always be true…… and they’ll tell others it is, until the day they die.
Romney and John McCain have a lot in common. Both should have had a "D" in front of their name instead of a "R".

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