Rutting Deer


Curious what everyone is seeing during the rut? Are you seeing the amount of deer you normally have or the size of deer you have in the past?
LAST EDITED ON Dec-09-19 AT 10:55AM (MST)[p]>Curious what everyone is seeing during
>the rut? Are you seeing
>the amount of deer you
>normally have or the size
>of deer you have in
>the past?

Are you talking about a certain area or region?

Deer in Utah or Wyoming or Oregon or Idaho????

I am located in Utah but just curious what everyone is seeing. Where I am at things are pretty. Low numbers few does and even fewer bucks.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-09-19 AT 08:03PM (MST)[p]>LAST EDITED ON Dec-09-19
>AT 10:55?AM (MST)

>>Curious what everyone is seeing during
>>the rut? Are you seeing
>>the amount of deer you
>>normally have or the size
>>of deer you have in
>>the past?
>Are you talking about a certain
>area or region?
>Deer in Utah or Wyoming or
>Oregon or Idaho????

Oregon doesn't have any Deer anymore.
No one wants to talk about all the Big Bucks every where? Just want to know how and where to kill the ones we have left.
Numbers I usually observed over past several years in my favorite places to look have been waay down, and after a snowstorm hit on Thanksgiving, the deer really scattered...where I might have seen close to 100-200 deer, I've only seen a few. The biggest have just been nice three or four points- nothing really eye-catching.

The biggest was this one (an odd-antlered 6x6x1):

The biggest 4 point:

The biggest 3 point:

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