S9 Colorado Sheep update


Active Member
Cheers fellow sheep enthuistists. Its been an un believeable run from the time I found out I drew the Sangres ram tag. Wanted to post a report on the hunt. Unfortunately, no sheep has hit the dirt, yet? Injury has taken us off the mountain for the time being. More on that later on the report. Me and my father have been in the Sangres back packing into different areas and hunting. Got into 1 area that was golden, seen 2 bands of rams. One group held 4 rams. 2 of which where very nice. 3/4 curl ram and another made that ram look like a dink. An un believable ram. The other 2 rams where little fella's. The other group had 5 rams, one of which was a nice mature ram worthy of harvesting.
I did have a shot at one of the rams of the first group referred too, 459 yards in holwing winds. Snow and ice made climbing down the ridge where they where impossible so had to go around the mountain for a cross canyon shot. Bullet drift was un believeable, held on the rams tail in terms of windage thinking it would drift into the chest and bullet went passed the chest about about 2 feet. Ive got my own personal range at home out to 500 at 50 yard intervels that I use alot, never seen drift like that before at the range or while hunting.
Anyways, the 2nd band of rams where living high on a north facing peak. Too much snow and ice to make a frontal assault and not possible to make a climb on the backside and come over top due to large rock faces.
So we decided to try a different area for a few days while we waited for the snow to melt off the north facing slope. This is when disaster struck. My dad stepped on a tree branch that snapped and flipped up and caught him in the eye. Eye instantly swelled basically shut, yellow puss all over, totally bloodshot and he couldn't see anything from him. So I did my best in first aid care, giving eye drops and patched it up. Did a quick examinization on my part. I made a climb into position to make a cell call to my mother and aunt who is a RN. Asked for advice with the circumstances, said to take it easy for rest of the day, give him my moisturizing drops every 2 hours, keep it banaged up and see what the next day would bring and then make a decision if to come off the mountain or stay put. Next day no improvement so we got off the mountain. Took him into the ER in Salida where they did an awesome job to get him in, less than 2 hours we where in and out. Which I thought was good considering it was on a Sunday night. And that they called the specialist on a Sunday night and gave him an appointment first thing the next morning. The ER Cleaned it out, examined it, and patched it up correctly He has to go back Wed morning to know more. Got antibotics for infection. No infection so far, however, his outer skin/flap of the eye has a big tear in it. The 2 big concerns at this point is infection, and weather the tear will repair correctly to regain his vision.
So that's where Im sitting right now, where waiting till Wed to know if I can head back onto the mountain or not??? I told him my sheep tag is important, but obvously his eye sight is more important than any hunt. If able will head back into the one area where we saw the group of rams where we didn't mess with them and hoping the snow has left the ledges good enough to make a climb into position. We saw them 3 different times within 200 yards each time.
So far its been a fun great run, hopefully circumstances gets me back on the mountain to finish this great adventure before season closes. If not, I accept my fate on this hunt. Too bad sh&t happens, just goes to show have to be prepared for anything to happen at anytime. Spend enough time in the wilds something bad will bound to happen no matter who you are.
Will report more on how things finish up.
Good report about tough circumstances.
Get back out there as soon as humanly possibly and be safe doing it!
Best of luck to ya,
Sorry to hear about your Dad, hope all turns out well with the eye.

Good luck on getting back on the mountain and getting er done.

Good report, good use of paragraphs, makes the report readable.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
Sorry to hear about the accident. You are right about our adventures having risks. A good friend was gored in the neck with the antler of a bull he had killed and darn near died. He was hunting alone, so don't take on those slippery cliffs on your own!
You have shown great enthusiasm for this hunt and I am sure you will give it your all. Best of luck for the rest of the hunt, and your Dad's recovery as well!
Hey Beech18,
I know you're concerned about your dad but can't you make sure he's OK and find a friend to go on a sheep hunt with you? LBH is right, some country is just too tough to take on by yourself so find a tough buddy and get back out there!
I hope everything works out well for you.
Thanks fella's for the support. I hear ya Zeke, Im keeping my fingers crossed to get back on the mountain. Unfortunately, my hunt schuedule is alittle tied to his well being. We're NR's of CO (from Montana). So as you can see that puts us in kinda of a sticky situation. Today I drove him down to Alamosa from Salida for an appointment Wed morning. The eye doc works down her tomarrow or we had to wait for a Thursday appointment in Salida. Got to see what transpires in the morning before any decisions are made.
My back pack is loaded ready to go, hopefully I can put my mystery ranch on tomarrow and hike back in. Im saying prayers to the big guy upstairs everything works out in all aspects.
OIC, I thought you were a local to Colorado. It does put you in a bit of a bind.
Sorry to hear about the bad luck but it could always be worse. Wishing the best for your dad and good luck to you! Be safe up there!
I thought you were a resident as well!
Best of luck Beech
You've been so pumped about this hunt, I would hate to see it all end badly.
We are crossing our fingers for ya man!
Apparently the mtn. took something out of you. Your mind doesn't seemed to be going wild anymore. Hope you give it one last chance. Sounds like you were doing good. Your dad is in good hands. Sometimes you have to do it alone. If you don't get back out at least you don't have to wait the 5 years to apply again. Almost wish I missed so I didn't have to wait the 5 years and you will know the hunt much better again. Unit 9 is one of the toughest hunts from what I hear but I still hope you tag a slammer if you get back out. Good luck
I meant, season isn't over. Go kill a ram. You may never get that tag again. You paid a lot of money for that tag.
I hear ya. Trust me, my mind is going wild. Still hungery for a ram, mabey even more now since I got a taste of what sheep hunting actually is. Today was not a good day. He had the appointment this morning to see how its doing, not the report we wanted to hear, had to drive him from his Alamosa appointment to Paubelo for an immediate eye surgery today. The tear in the cornia flap came loose and needed surgery in hopes he doesn't lose his eye sight. Wish I could be on the mountain, however circumstances just didn't work out with the situation at hand.
Sorry fella sheep junkies. Wish I could have reported a sheep kill by this point. I had to do what needed to be done.
So sorry to hear of your dad's misfortunes. I pray all is well with his eye in time! Cherish him, and your shared (good) memories of the hunt!!
Thanks Camo. Its appicated. Since my last report hes gone through a 2nd eye surgery, that was last week. This week hes already seeing improvements so things are starting to look up.
We may have left the mountain eatting a tag, but we didnt leave the mountain empty handed. Sangres are a special set of mountains and I was able to get some good memories. Those mountains are memory makers.
Hey Beech18 I was only trying to motivate you to get back out in a couple of my posts. I didn't realize how serious the injury to your dads eye was. Of course you made the right decision not to return hunting. Hope everything turns out well there.
Hey Lambow, No worries. I know you meant well on your encouragement to get back onto the mountain.

Good news is he didnt loose his eye or get any infections. Hes still in limbo on the results of the surgery's he went through. He can see to make shapes out and outlines but yet still very blurry. They did tell him the recovery could take sometime for everything to heal, time will tell in that reguards. He goes back in for another check up later this week as they want to keep monitoring it. Last week's appointment they expected a better gain than what he showed the week prior, however they said its too earily to know yet to make any conclusions. They did tell him theres still a chance he may need a corinia transplant if eye sight isnt regained suffiently. We're hoping and praying for the best. To boot, injury is to his shooting eye, and hes not liking the idea of worst case senerio of learning how to shoot left handed.
Your experience puts a clearer perspective on our little hunting game. Some things are definitely more important than a tag, (even a sheep tag) We are all praying for a full recovery for your father. I'm afraid shooting left handed would be the least of his worries.
That being said, I am curious if you have contacted the CDOW to see if you could get any kind of variance with your permit? I have not idea what their response would be, but it sure doesn't seem fair that you had so much enthusiasm and put so much effort into this hunt to have it end this way.
Regardless of the results, I commend you for how you handled this whole matter.
You are welcome to share my campfire any time!
Best of luck and keep us posted

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