Save Safaris buffalo


Long Time Member

I just returned from the Save valley in Zim on a buffalo hunt. Got a couple of very nice animals and thought I would share. First, I have shot many buffalo over the years and decided I would hunt this year with a 1895 Winchester chambered in .405. This began as a historic challenge of sorts but now that I am back I can tell you that the old 1895 is one of the absolute best packages for hunting Africa still today. I think the only reason it has become un-popular is because of its innability to be scoped. However if you shoot open sights well you will really enjoy that weapon. It has plenty of firepower for killing buffalo. I shot my buffalo with 400 grain Woodleigh solids. Penetration was more than adequate. The action itself is much faster than a bolt gun. Plus you have three more rounds at your disposal than a double rifle. Accuracy is on par with most of the african bolt guns I have shot and certianly better than any double I have shot. Plus it is very light weight. You can carry the 1895 all day easily.

Highlights of the safari included a four day track and follow up on a large bull that I shot poorly. The bull corked up after 36 hours but despite no blood we caught him days later as he set up an ambush for us. Proof positive that buffalo hunting is a team sport.



A couple of days later we ran into a big kudu bull in the truck. I jumped out and did a quick loop through a riverine area with the wind in my favor. I lucked out and caught him as he was stretching up eating fresh buds off of a tree. He was exceptionaly old and loosing condition. His horns were still in good shape and he is the largest kudu I have ever taken.


I also shot a very large grysbok. I have wanted to shoot one for years but luck never really found me. When I finaly succeeded I found one over 2 inches in length. However my camera screwed up and I have no pictures of him at this time. However my friend in Zim will hopefully e-mail me a pic and I will post it here later.

Overall the hunt was A+. There were tons of buffalo, and piles of plains game. I also happened across several leopards on this hunt and two cheetah. Lions were very thick and all but the last night I would listen to their call before I went to bed. Can't wait to go again.
Very nice report.

I am making a trip to RSA in '13. After that, I wouldn't mind hunting in another African country (like Zim).
Awesome hunt and great trophies Tristate. That buff wasn't going down without a fight. Thanks for sharing.

Great trip when you can take a Buff and a Gray Ghost. Congrats. Would love to see more pics if you have some you can share.
Congrats. Sounds like a great trip. The old 405 can still do it with the best of them!
Congratulations on a nice hunt, with some wonderful trophies. That grysbok is fantastic! Can you post up some more pictures?
Sorry guys I will try and get more pics. Right now all I have is pics of a giraffe, a tawny eagle we rescued from a water tank and a bat that was hanging aroung in the bar. Hopefully my buddy in Zim will get me some coppies of his pics.
Finally I have some more pics to share. Here is a pic of my grysbok and a better trophy type pic of my kudu. Cheers.



I hunted in the middle of October and the heat was extreme. The company I hunted with is called Save Safaris. You can find them at this website.

My Ph was Leon duPlessis. I have hunted in this same area several times and over the years I have taken some exceptional trophies. If you are coming to any of the big Safari shows in Jauary they have booths at all three and would welcome a visit.


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