Setting it straight- Why I'm under attack?


Very Active Member
I need to set things straight.
After making a post on MM the other day and getting attacked by the same guys that threaten me and my group three years ago to stop hunting in ?their? area.
These guys have used several insulting adjectives to describe my friends and my character in the past few days.
Such as:
- Cutthroat
- Disrespectful
- Shady
- Untrustworthy
- Chicken ****
- Passive aggressive
- Wolf pack
- Dbag
It all started after my friend Corby killed a giant once in a lifetime buck on the last day of the 2012 season.
The buck had been wounded from the muzzy hunt.
Corby reached out to the MM crowd to see if anyone knew about this buck and the hunter that wounded it.
A guy came forward with info. about the buck and the area where he had wounded it.
Through a phone call, I even asked him if they were hunting the area again in 2013.
I was told that they didn't know where they would be hunting because they had several areas they hunt and had camps stashed away in those other areas.
In 2013, two of my friends through a lot of scouting of their own found another huge buck the week before the rifle hunt.
They then relocated the buck the night before the hunt and camped within a few hundred yards on the backside of the canyon it was in.
It just so happened to be directly across the canyon from these other guys camp. (about a ? mile)
We didn't know where these guys were camped at the time and they didn't see anyone that evening.
They ended up seeing the big buck at first light but didn't get a shot.
Meanly, the other hunter killed another nice buck which I shared trail cam pictures that I had of the buck.
I traded several pleasant emails with this other hunter over the next several months but then in July 2014, this other hunter?s partner sent me a couple threatening messages and the other hunter supported what his partner was saying.
Things really got nasty from there.
In 2014, we never hunted the same spot where we had seen the huge buck. In fact we only hunted the area once in 2014 and that was on day 7 of the rifle hunt.
In 2015, on the 4th day of the rifle hunt. I went back to the same spot where the buck was in 2013 and killed it.
Now these guys are mad as heck that I went in there and killed a buck they had been hunting for a few years now.
Now they are trying to smear mud on my friends and myself and question our character.
If any of you have seen the post, I'll admit that those guys have made the situation sound bad and that I'm not a very ethical hunter.
I'm embarrassed that the thread got so out of hand. Most of what they are saying is misleading and simple untrue.
If you haven't seen it, please don't go read the lies.
If anyone now has questions about my friends or my character, please PM me and I'll share the emails I exchanged with them but I won't do it over the open forum. (The real truth of what happened is in those emails)
This is a great example how trophy hunting can get totally out of control, which is very sad.
I hope most of you believe what I'm trying to say because it's the truth and I'm willing to answer any questions anyone might have. I have nothing to hide. (except the location of where I have been hunting) ha ha

There's not always next year
Nobody cares about your drama. Neither should you. Hunt wherever you legally can and want to. Others will hunt there too or move. That's it.
>I need to set things straight.
>After making a post on MM
>the other day and getting
>attacked by the same guys
>that threaten me and my
>group three years ago to
>stop hunting in ?their? area.
>These guys have used several insulting
>adjectives to describe my friends
>and my character in the
>past few days.
>Such as:
>- Cutthroat
>- Disrespectful
>- Shady
>- Untrustworthy
>- Chicken ****
>- Passive aggressive
>- Wolf pack
>- Dbag
>It all started after my friend
>Corby killed a giant once
>in a lifetime buck on
>the last day of the
>2012 season.
>The buck had been wounded from
>the muzzy hunt.
>Corby reached out to the MM
>crowd to see if anyone
>knew about this buck and
>the hunter that wounded it.
>A guy came forward with info.
>about the buck and the
>area where he had wounded
>Through a phone call, I even
>asked him if they were
>hunting the area again in
>I was told that they didn't
>know where they would be
>hunting because they had several
>areas they hunt and had
>camps stashed away in those
>other areas.
>In 2013, two of my friends
>through a lot of scouting
>of their own found another
>huge buck the week before
>the rifle hunt.
>They then relocated the buck the
>night before the hunt and
>camped within a few hundred
>yards on the backside of
>the canyon it was in.
>It just so happened to be
>directly across the canyon from
>these other guys camp. (about
>a ? mile)
>We didn't know where these guys
>were camped at the time
>and they didn't see anyone
>that evening.
>They ended up seeing the big
>buck at first light but
>didn't get a shot.
>Meanly, the other hunter killed another
>nice buck which I shared
>trail cam pictures that I
>had of the buck.
>I traded several pleasant emails with
>this other hunter over the
>next several months but then
>in July 2014, this other
>hunter?s partner sent me a
>couple threatening messages and the
>other hunter supported what his
>partner was saying.
>Things really got nasty from there.
>In 2014, we never hunted the
>same spot where we had
>seen the huge buck. In
>fact we only hunted the
>area once in 2014 and
>that was on day 7
>of the rifle hunt.
>In 2015, on the 4th day
>of the rifle hunt. I
>went back to the same
>spot where the buck was
>in 2013 and killed it.
>Now these guys are mad as
>heck that I went in
>there and killed a buck
>they had been hunting for
>a few years now.
>Now they are trying to smear
>mud on my friends and
>myself and question our character.
>If any of you have seen
>the post, I'll admit that
>those guys have made the
>situation sound bad and that
>I'm not a very ethical
>I'm embarrassed that the thread got
>so out of hand. Most
>of what they are saying
>is misleading and simple untrue.
>If you haven't seen it, please
>don't go read the lies.
>If anyone now has questions about
>my friends or my character,
>please PM me and I'll
>share the emails I exchanged
>with them but I won't
>do it over the open
>forum. (The real truth of
>what happened is in those
>This is a great example how
>trophy hunting can get totally
>out of control, which is
>very sad.
>I hope most of you believe
>what I'm trying to say
>because it's the truth and
>I'm willing to answer any
>questions anyone might have. I
>have nothing to hide. (except
>the location of where I
>have been hunting) ha ha
>There's not always next year

Hey ridgetops!

I'd Like the Coordinates Please!

PM Me with them!

I'd Like to leave some Scent in that area!:D

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
You're right about one thing; Trophy hunting can get nasty (and overly emotional). So maybe you should quit doing it, huh?
Assuming it is public land, the only reason these guys would have to be upset with you is if they tipped you off to the area - took you there once, gave you some friendly tips, or in some other way intentionally shared information that resulted in you hunting in that area. If that is not the case they have no reason to be nasty - they do not have to be friendly either. If that is the case leave the area and go find an area on your own. If you kill a big buck they have been hunting for years - sucks for them, good for you. They have no more right to it than anyone else. If you did nothing wrong go hunt and ignore them as best you can.
So the only reason you "found" this spot is because jray told you where he wounded the once in a lifetime buck that your buddy killed.
Ok we get it and no one cares.
What post was it I would like to read it??? Its public land what ya gonna do, you have the same right to the areas as they do...

ridgetops, I dont know you personally but all of your posts that I've read have all been respectful...
Keep huntin "their area"
If they did tip you off of take you there once than it was their mistake. If you have an area you have been hunting or scouting & find a nice animal than you should probably not share it with others if you plan to hunt that animal!! Public is just that & nobody has anymore right to it than anyone else even if they have hunted there for years. This thread & the other thread is just drama. Both of you guys need to remember why you started hunting in the first place!!
LAST EDITED ON Sep-19-16 AT 06:36PM (MST)[p]You guys are right, I need to just let it go.
I knew the sleeping dog was rabid and I had to go and kick it anyway.
I should have known that I would get attacked over and over again.
I should have just ignored the lies in the first place.
I'm embarrassed that I got caught up in the back and forth.
It seemed like after I tried to defend each attach, another one would be right there to defend against.
I see why people usually won't come on here to try and defend their character when it been compromised.
It's a never ending battle.
It's just better to be silent about matters like these.

Elkfromabove, you nailed it.
Time to move on or hang it up.

There's always next year
>the stansbury mountain range has plenty
>of room for both of
I'll have to give them a try someday. Any honey holes to share?

There's always next year
Ridgetops- I'll have to give them a try someday. Any honey holes to share?

I don't care who you are, that's some funny stuff right there!
>>the stansbury mountain range has plenty
>>of room for both of
>I'll have to give them a
>try someday. Any honey holes
>to share?
>There's always next year

Yes that is some funny stuff right there.
Crappy stuff, having issues like this suck.
However, just move one.
No need to come on and explain yourself.
Some pretty simple takeaways from this.

1)Don't share a honey hole with someone you don't want hunting it.

2)Don't be a D bag and hunt someone's honey hole just because they shared it with you.

3)If others are hunting your public land spot, get over it. It's not only yours!

4)Get along, because hunters are still the minority and need to stick together.
Three things make men do stupid ##### and act like jackasses. In no particular order

Hunting spots

##### them other dudes go kill another critter and keep the pressure on them.
>Some pretty simple takeaways from this.
>1)Don't share a honey hole with
>someone you don't want hunting
>2)Don't be a D bag and
>hunt someone's honey hole just
>because they shared it with
>3)If others are hunting your public
>land spot, get over it.
> It's not only yours!
>4)Get along, because hunters are still
>the minority and need to
>stick together.


This is kind of petty even for MM.
Puffing up your chest to "set the record straight" did nothing for your cause, IMHO. It's all just internet teenage drama at it's best.
If this offends you... well then... hold a grudge or get over it. Either way, I don't care.
I just checked the Utah regs.....

It is called Public property....cuz anyone from the Public can hunt it.

I often try to hunt right on top of other dudes...they do it to me too. If they are pushing a canyon I would be an idiot not to try to get above and ahead of what they are pushing. I do...and it works....Timp Peak in Utah Valley gets hunted this way every year....guys get on top....idiots push them up over the top. They guys on top are taking advantage of the people below that dont realize or care that they are pushing all the bucks over the top.

If you are a member of the elite group know as.....THE PUBLIC....then you can hunt wherever and whenever you want if there is a hunt and you have a license. I have even gone up during a hunt I dont have a tag for and put on orange and hiked around. I want those dudes to get tired of seeing orange in the back country and leave.....and leave it all to me. It is my land as much as it is theirs.

I get being a nice guy but this is a joke. Dont email them...dont go to their tea parties....dont talk to them...dont text them....just go hunting!

Some guys on here are cool....great....but the rest of em'....ahhh who cares who they are and what they do. Do what you want with your life and move on. Your bucks you have taken are awesome. As long as you are hunting them legally....who cares what anyone else says. But, if you put pics and stories on here....some awesome guy still living for Friday Night Lights is gonna say something. Cuz day is jus dat smart.

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
no idea what all went down but its public land and to be consistently successful, a hunter needs to learn how to adapt from a yearly basis all the way down to instantaneously. A unit I used to hunt elk (Colorado), I learned to plan on hunters pushing elk my way. Worked great, as beetle kill affected elk movement, I adapted too.

One year I was hunting deer and used a guide and two hunters walking a ridgeline to push a buck back to me. I knew there would be deer on that ridge and due to wind direction which way they would run (most likely) when they winded the other 3 guys. I waited for them to get some distance on me then moved over and paralleled them. Within a couple minutes a very old buck (heavy and big ol roman nose with about 170 rack) come trotting right to me and my tag was punched.
Doesn't always work that way, one year I pushed deer to some other hunters unexpectedly (first time hunting that unit). Live, learn, adapt. Especially do NOT share honey holes with anyone! Family or not, honey holes are valuable and very very difficult to replace!


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

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