SFW Expo Tags


Long Time Member
Just a question not a bashing!
It was brought to my attention the other day that there are no NR Only Tag Drawings at the Expo this year! Does anyone know why? I mean HELL throw the NR that are supporting the Expo and bringing what I would guess to he tens of thousands of dollars if not more not only to the Expo but to the hotels, restaurants, etc, etc, a Bone! I mean Hell it’s 5 Tags out of 200!

I just left a couple of messages to the Hospitality Association to see if they have any numbers for the NR coming to Utah and the money spent for the Expo. Not sure if they would have that info or not.

What say you
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Wow! Don’t you people know that if it weren’t for our non resident dollars you wouldn’t even have an expo! You guys should be bending over backwards for us non residents and our dollars by giving out more non resident tags then resident ones at the expo. You guys would be living under a bride if it wasn’t for our big bucks being spent in your states expo.
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Hi Elkantlers, 77 tags is a good number. My question was more of why they didn’t have any NR Only Draw Tags this year? Anyone here know why?
If this is true then for what it’s worth they won’t get any of my NR money, upon verification I am canceling my plans to attend!
As a NR I am disappointed those tags are gone but I am not surprised. 10 years ago when I first started going to the expo there were about 650 applicants for each of the 5 tags. I believe two years ago that was 1300ish. I am going from memory here so if you want actual numbers I am sure you can find them.

For the size of the expo I think these numbers are low. I also think doing away with these 5 NR only tags will have very little effect on attendance.

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