SFW/MDF @ The Expo


Long Time Member
Record attendance Thursday. Friday is always bigger. This the line up for dinner tonight.


Come on down, the odds on the $5 tags are not 5 to 1 but the Expo is packed and nearly 80 vendors were put on waiting list because the Salt Palace is filled to over flowing.

A lot of money being donated for Utah's hunting and fishing wildlife this weekend.

And a lot more could be going if they gave 100% of that 5 dollar tag money back like was offered by another group.

Go figure.
One third of the dinner crowd. Good times, celebrating the hunting/fishing life style.


>Looks like a lot of satisfied
>willing customers to me...........................
......................that are uninformed as to the acts being committed by the MDF and SFW.
Yes big crowd. Good to meet trammer for a short visit, shake hands on some of our differences and agree to disagree on certain issues.
Yep, lots of sheep following the leader Jim Jones and people that have no idea what is really going on tagging along with them!
Looks like alot of sheep. Or as other said, un informed. Man, think of all the conservation money being pocketed right there. 70%, not bad if you ask me. A whopping 30% for wildlife.
>Record attendance Thursday. Friday is
>always bigger. This the
>line up for dinner tonight.

>Come on down, the odds on
>the $5 tags are not
>5 to 1 but the
>Expo is packed and nearly
>80 vendors were put on
>waiting list because the Salt
>Palace is filled to over
>A lot of money being donated to the pockets of Don Peay, et al, rather than 100% to wildlife and habitat. Such is the life in Utah!
Proof that sportsmen will do almost anything for a chance at a quality hunt. It's too bad the Expo, which could be a great event, has been marred by the groups' selfishness and refusal to account to the public.

Lee Greenwood, singing Stars and Strips. Now speaking on the value of conservation and freedom in America! 2nd Amendment baby!


"God Bless America"

LAST EDITED ON Feb-12-16 AT 09:06PM (MST)[p]Tara Kyle.....God, Country, and Family!

Chris Kyle's beautiful wife. So full of love for each of us, all of us, regardless, she is an amazing Ambassador for all Americans. Moved me to tears.


Made me appreciate each and "everyone" of you.

Oh my hell, how I wish everyone of you, every sportsman, sportswoman and child could have heard this woman tonight!


Thank you Taya Kyle!
So, other than the obvious background sign, how would any of this have changed if RMEF had been the ones who were marketing the Expo Permits? Would Lee Greenwood have sung off-key? Would the food have tasted nasty? Would Taya Kyle stutter or forget her speech? Would the attendees be frowning? While SFW/MDF/UFNAWS can put on a great Expo, they don't have a monopoly on that talent!

You're doing what Don, Byron, John, Jon, Troy and Chris (and Tristate, Birdman and Muley 73) and most of the SFW people at RAC's and Wildlife Board meetings do when this issue comes up. You spend your time and energy defending the whole Expo in an attempt to mis-portray our proposals and remarks instead of defending the issue or fixing the problem. Because we see problems with the Expo Permit Program and want to clear them up, you say and try to get us to say we want the Expo and/or SFW to be gone. What we want is for SFW & MDF to do what they said they would do when this program started and return the majority of the permit application fees back to wildlife. How far we may have to go to get that done is totally up to SFW/MDF/UFNAWS.
1.6 million for wildlife conservation raised tonight. Still two more auctions to go this weekend.

Great night!

>That's Cool!

Lump how can you get a quota of public game tags for sfw but in the Big Game regs they don't show them?
Congrats to the organizers. Having attended many banquets throughout the years, have you ever noticed that you can pick up premium hunts cheaper at RMEF banquets than say MDF banquets? I guess another reason that SFW/MDF are such plucks. It's rigged.
The last two sentences were tongue in cheek attempted remarks. I was dead serious about picking up hunts and merchandise cheaper at RMEF events. Congrats on a very well attended expo.
>1.6 million for Don Peay and friends pockets
>tonight. Still two more
>auctions to go this weekend.
>Great night!
>Congrats to the organizers. Having attended
>many banquets throughout the years,
>have you ever noticed that
>you can pick up premium
>hunts cheaper at RMEF banquets
>than say MDF banquets?
>I guess another reason that
>SFW/MDF are such plucks. It's

Naw, they wouldn't do such a thing, LOL!
Don't have to come into the show or come to the dinners or auctions to apply for the tags. Yet the expo hall is packed and all the dinner and auctions sold out....again
Next to Taya Kyle and Donald Trump Junior, the most impressive person I've seen at the Expo this year is our very own elkassassin aka The BobCat. Great gentleman, that one!
Arizona Mule Deer tag just sold for $400,000.00 Good things for hunting mule deer in Arizona headed your way gentlemen.

Thanks for celebrating with us tonight Arizona!

Lumpy, can you break down the $$ for the auction tags. 410k for AI and 400k for AZ!! What about the rest of the states?
>Next to Taya Kyle and Donald
>Trump Junior, the most impressive
>person I've seen at the
>Expo this year is our
>very own elkassassin aka The
>BobCat. Great gentleman, that

Hey Lumpy!

Good To See & BS You for a bit!

Good to Meet Cody & Others as Well!

Ya,I'll get mt Ass Chewed on here but that's OK,as long as it's the first & Last Time!:D:D:D

No,I Don't Agree with everything the SFW does,I Think everybody knows me well enough to know that already!

Let's leave the SFW out of this Post for just a Minute!

I Know for a Proven Fact,Deep Down,DeLoss is a GREAT Hearted Man that goes out of His Way Every Year to Help Others/Hunters/Sportsmen/People in Need spending who knows how many Hours & Money out of His Own Pocket to Help Others doing what He Loves!

I've seen Him do it Year after Year!

I can Also GUARANTEE You this,If He had Control He'd do His Best to Bring Quality Deer Herds Back to Utah,Unlike the Last 43 Years of PISS POOR Management & JUNK Deer Herds here in TARDville now!

OK,My RANT is over for now!

OK Boys,Now You can ATTACK Me!

[font color="blue"]"This is the USA where people get Paid to Watch
People that are
Watching You!"[/font]
Bess, it's Saint Valentines Day. I'm sure no one will send an arrow thru your big heart. K
>Bess, it's Saint Valentines Day. I'm
>sure no one will send
>an arrow thru your big
>heart. K

Don't be so sure YBO!

This an SFW Thread!:D:D:D

[font color="blue"]"This is the USA where people get Paid to Watch
People that are
Watching You!"[/font]
Don't really know all the politics behind this deal but I was at the Friday nite auction, where hundreds of thousands of $$$ were being spent on auction items, the seat cost $150 and apparently SFW decided to save a few bucks and serve something akin to cafeteria food...
LAST EDITED ON Feb-14-16 AT 09:42AM (MST)[p]>Don't really know all the politics
>behind this deal but I
>was at the Friday nite
>auction, where hundreds of thousands
>of $$$ were being spent
>on auction items, the seat
>cost $150 and apparently SFW
>decided to save a few
>bucks and serve something akin
>to cafeteria food...

How do you think they can put $500K or more in the Don's pocket every year? They have to cut back somewhere, LOL!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-14-16 AT 12:12PM (MST)[p]>Lol........ I'm sure Topgun knows.

Great response there Junior! I do know how the auction tag proceeds are set up and audited. If the same was done with the raffle tags and the $5 application fees were put on the ground where they are supposed to be and what we're asking for there would be no hassle like is going on right now. You and your lumpy papa are being a real pain in the ass posting this crap up on the site and literally gloating over the sorry way SFW got the bid again. I hope the two of you and Birdman end up eating crow down the road and choking on it! They say the company you keep tells a lot about a person and with the three of you backing the Don and his BS I'll say no more!
I was talking about your knowledge of the culaniary arts. I have no problem eating crow if it's served up down the road. I know the good thats been done in the real world up to that point. Guess I just don't look at it as gloating, I'm just as vocal with my support as you are with hate. You jump on your stump and I'll jump on mine. So I'll ask again do you feel like you're winning. Because I just experience record crowds and helluva good time this weekend......again. Thanks to all the hard work and dollars spent this weekend for the future of your wildlife.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-14-16 AT 06:22PM (MST)[p]>Top,
>I was talking about your knowledge
>of the culaniary arts.
>I have no problem eating
>crow if it's served up
>down the road. I
>know the good thats been
>done in the real world
>up to that point.
>Guess I just don't look
>at it as gloating,
>I'm just as vocal with
>my support as you are
>with hate. You jump
>on your stump and I'll
>jump on mine. So
>I'll ask again do you
>feel like you're winning.
>Because I just experience record
>crowds and helluva good time
>this weekend......again. Thanks to
>all the hard work and
>dollars spent this weekend for
>the future of your wildlife.

Winning? You're damn right I'm winning when I know I'm an honest, law abiding citizen that won't tolerate people cheating/stealing from the public system the way it's happening in your state. If you can't see what is happening IMHO you're as bad as the people you are backing when it's so obvious what is going on ! Just think how much more would go to wildlife and habitat if SFW/MDF gave the 10% they got from selling each of those auction tags that belong to the public along with 100% of the $5 application fee from each of the raffle tags that also belong to the public! We won't even count the 50% of all Expo proceeds that was in the bid offer from RMEF in this discussion. You, your Dad, and Birdman are good people trying to do good work and it's a damn shame that you can't see the forest for the trees and how you're being duped by the Don, who is clearly making more than chump change as a "consultant", LOL! What the hell is he consulting about to make a half million dollars a year that are actually shown on tax returns besides God knows how much more? Lets just lay it on the table that SFW/MDF would probably not exist to any real extent if they weren't raping the public of what is legally theirs. Maybe it will continue the way it has been with the corruption obviously going all the way to the Director, WB, and Governor. If this sham ever gets out to all of the public in Utah, which it hasn't, I would hope they will put a stop to it and make the needed changes. If not, then they deserve what they are getting right now and it's not much considering what it could actually be!
Well said $fw is a joke of a conservation organization. Without the cash cow that is the expo they would be flat out broke. Because their memberships and backing from the general public is laughable. Good luck to those of you that did apply and congrats to the businesses that had a booth there and did well.
Hi Bessy I totally agree with your comment of ole Lumpy, a true gentleman in every sense of the word.


"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora
Topgun your mention of "Forest through the trees" really got me thinking. Two psychological theories came to mind.

The first was stockholm syndrome. While many people are familiar with stockholm syndrome most only associate it with kidnapping or violence but the truth is that stockholm syndrome has a strong influence ove r large numbers of people in situations like this.

"One commonly used hypothesis to explain the effect of Stockholm syndrome is based on Freudian theory. It suggests that the bonding is the individual's response to trauma in becoming a victim. Identifying with the aggressor is one way that the ego defends itself. When a victim believes the same values as the aggressor, they cease to be perceived as a threat."


The other theory is transference.

"transference, the process by which patients displace onto their analysts feelings and ideas which derive from previous figures in their lives."


Impressive! So glad to have a group that is out front in protecting our western hunting heritage!

Meanwhile, while not contributing a dime to this scam this weekend, my son and I was going through the Utah odds/application for what should be his first Utah deer hunt (12 years old). Thanks to SFW and Option 2, he won't be able to draw a tag!

Not to fear, he'll hunt, and we'll have a great time in Idaho or Wyoming.

Again, SFW thanks for putting on these amazing events to protect our hunting lifestyle and heritage and the ability to NOT have my son hunt with me and his grandpa in our favorite canyon we've hunted for decades...Thanks again Lumpy and the rest of the money driven political machine.
Your son isn't entitled to deer tags. I hope yall have better luck finding a deer tag for him in another state. Don't give up there are tons of hunting opportunities here in Texas for a young man looking for a deer hunt. Good luck.
Remember- there are a few options if he doesn't draw. If you or his grandpa draw a tag, you can use the "youth mentoring" program so he can carry a gun and hunt. Did that with one of my grandsons last year and was able to hunt with him and his dad. Great time, great memories. Also, he can buy a spike elk tag over the counter- lots of different opportunities. By the way-- SFW weren't the ones that put into place option 2-- the WB did that.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-16-16 AT 10:16AM (MST)[p]Who's on that board?? No worries Forky go to Id and he can hunt for the resident price. Wy K tag is good for youth also. Me and about ten buddies saved our expo $ and will hunt Id with it.
> Your son isn't entitled
>to deer tags. I
>hope yall have better luck
>finding a deer tag for
>him in another state.
>Don't give up there are
>tons of hunting opportunities here
>in Texas for a young
>man looking for a deer
>hunt. Good luck.

Nope, none of us are "entitled" to anything but dying! Yep, Texas is just like in Utah where if you have lots of money you can hunt. About the only difference is that damn near the entire state is private property where every year more and more of the blue collar workers are being priced right out of the sport for the almighty dollar!
Cockeye! You must loose sleep over these pics! What a awesome expo full of great people! Hunters supporting hunters, too bad this quest has turned you into such a lemon. Must be the attorney in you! You used to be a very cool dude that represented a big DIY hunting culture. Now you have let this so called "cause" of yours ruin you. Good luck dude! Spend you days, everyday, all day here on mm fighting your fight. One of these days you will realize why you hunt and what you used to get out of it. Hope this has not replaced that. You would think as an attorney you would know that some fights are not winnable. Especially when it's state government, power and money. You know how #Merica works, and you know the house always wins.
You sure about that Flopgun. I don't have a lot of money and my little girl killed her first buck this year. I think it cost about $20.

See what you still haven't learned is if you can drive up the supply it can usually drives the price down. We have a whoooooooooole lot of deer here. I have tons of customers who have to kill hundreds of deer every year just to keep the numbers in check. Yeah private land is horrible.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-16 AT 09:36AM (MST)[p]>You sure about that Flopgun.
>I don't have a lot
>of money and my little
>girl killed her first buck
>this year. I think
>it cost about $20.
>See what you still haven't learned
>is if you can drive
>up the supply it can
>usually drives the price down.
> We have a whoooooooooole
>lot of deer here.
>I have tons of customers
>who have to kill hundreds
>of deer every year just
>to keep the numbers in
>check. Yeah private land
>is horrible.

I know all about Texas, as I hunted down there for close to 30 years before leases got high and my Dad got too old to hunt. Nobody said private land is horrible IF you can get access without giving up your first born child down there! Sounds to me like you have some friends through your business that let your girl take a deer! So what and it was probably a pisscutter of a buck or more than likely a doe! Your quick economic lesson sucked like about all the rest of your posts do!
Learn the system and your son would have had no problem drawing a tag this year. Mine have drawn a general season deer tag in the state of Utah every single year since Opt 2 started. Mine hunted Utah, Idaho and New Mexico last year.

Way to blame it on SFW or even Opt 2 (Which if you knew what you were talking about you would know are not as related as you think) It is much easier to blame them than yourself. If it mattered that much to you there is no reason your son couldn't have a tag this year. Apparently it just wasn't a priority.
Have you ever wondered if it just costs you a lot of money to hunt in Texas. Maybe if you weren't such a pain in the ass people would accept a lot less money to be around you.

Who cares how big the deer is or if it is a doe. Its a kid out having fun learning the outdoors and getting to spend time with family. Valuing the experience is obviously a lesson you missed thirty years ago.

I literally have more offers for me and my kids to hunt for dang near free than is even remotely possible for me to take advantage of.

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