
Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON May-07-17 AT 06:20PM (MST)[p] Well!

I've Talked with Many Friends & Shed Heads about this Years New Shed Season/Closure!

The True Sportsmen Will Tell You in a HeartBeat they are all for it if it'll Help Our Deer Herds!

Problem is:

It Never Helped Our Herds!

It Helped the Illegals put More Bone/Money in their Pockets with Less Competition!

Talked to a Guy that Went in to the Roadless area on His Horse Opening Day & Didn't Find Squat!

Said He did see Several Old Horse Tracks in there that were Made a few Days/Week earlier!

Most Guys I talked with that went came Home with an Attitude!

You Can't Blame em!

The Honest Guys Lose again!

Don't know what the Answer is?

But this is one more Law that can't & Won't be Enforced!

Ya,They Caught a Handful of Law Breakin Bittcches but they never Scratched Em!

Post Up Your Experiences/Thoughts/What You Seen/what You didn't See/what You Found/what you didn't Find on This Years New Shed Season!

[Font][Font color = "blue"]I Changed My Signature Just for NVB!
Like 6 Damn Times Now!
LAST EDITED ON May-07-17 AT 06:17PM (MST)[p]You're so full of chit. If the tracks they saw were weeks old then the antlers were still on their heads when the tracks were made.

What did they blame for a chitty weekend antler hunting before there was a season? Too many lions, too many people without jobs, high antler prices, etc etc.

Cry me a river! WAAAAAAAA.

You guys are a bunch of p###ies!
>AT 06:17?PM (MST)

>You're so full of chit.
>If the tracks they saw
>were weeks old then the
>antlers were still on their
>heads when the tracks were
>What did they blame for a
>chitty weekend antler hunting before
>there was a season?
>Too many lions, too many
>people without jobs, high antler
>prices, etc etc.
>Cry me a river! WAAAAAAAA.
>You guys are a bunch of




[Font][Font color = "blue"]I Changed My Signature Just for NVB!
Like 6 Damn Times Now!
>>LAST EDITED ON May-07-17
>>AT 06:17?PM (MST)

>>You're so full of chit.
>>If the tracks they saw
>>were weeks old then the
>>antlers were still on their
>>heads when the tracks were
>>What did they blame for a
>>chitty weekend antler hunting before
>>there was a season?
>>Too many lions, too many
>>people without jobs, high antler
>>prices, etc etc.
>>Cry me a river! WAAAAAAAA.
>>You guys are a bunch of
>[Font][Font color = "blue"]I Changed My
>Signature Just for NVB!
>Like 6 Damn Times Now!

Nice try but no. Im sure you're crying in your pillow right now. Which is a change of pace since you are normally biting it...
>>>LAST EDITED ON May-07-17
>>>AT 06:17?PM (MST)

>>>You're so full of chit.
>>>If the tracks they saw
>>>were weeks old then the
>>>antlers were still on their
>>>heads when the tracks were
>>>What did they blame for a
>>>chitty weekend antler hunting before
>>>there was a season?
>>>Too many lions, too many
>>>people without jobs, high antler
>>>prices, etc etc.
>>>Cry me a river! WAAAAAAAA.
>>>You guys are a bunch of
>>[Font][Font color = "blue"]I Changed My
>>Signature Just for NVB!
>>Like 6 Damn Times Now!
>Nice try but no. Im
>sure you're crying in your
>pillow right now. Which
>is a change of pace
>since you are normally biting

Post #1 made by one of the Law Breakers!

[Font][Font color = "blue"]I Changed My Signature Just for NVB!
Like 6 Damn Times Now!
>I picked up 6 browns today
>all 6 point bulls besides
>one.was a good day

It would take bobcatbess actually logging off mm' to make his own conclusion on things.

All his posts start off with "I heard" or "Someone told". Dude has over 14,000 posts under elkass username. Gawd knows how many other the numerous other ones.

Feel sorry for the guy. This is all he's got. Lord help him if Brian ever shuts this site down...
Ban me from the sight or not, I don't care. Fault current, you're a joke. Those of us that actually know Bess and what he does for wildlife, and other people know what the real scoop is. The man would give you the shirt off his back. You have no clue how things actually are.
Anybody know who faulty current really is?

Gotta be a PLICK!

Thanks Shummy!

[Font][Font color = "blue"]I Changed My Signature Just for NVB!
Like 6 Damn Times Now!
>I picked up 6 browns today
>all 6 point bulls besides
>one.was a good day

Nice Job Brian!

A Spot nobody Stomps out before Season Opens!

[Font][Font color = "blue"]I Changed My Signature Just for NVB!
Like 6 Damn Times Now!
>Ban me from the sight or
>not, I don't care. Fault
>current, you're a joke. Those
>of us that actually know
>Bess and what he does
>for wildlife, and other people
>know what the real scoop
>is. The man would give
>you the shirt off his
>back. You have no clue
>how things actually are.

Oh im sure hes a nice guy. And i believe everything you said about him. But the guy needs a mm' intervention....
Go watch part 2 of the wildlife board meeting listen to the kids name who got caught twice. Check out his IG page he makes a post saying glad he waited til april first.
Instafame as usual. Hope if he ever archery hunts on the wf in my zone he looks up for rolling granite??. That's when I wish the DNR would shut off the bodycam and bounce his head off the tailgate a couple of times. Glad his shed and IG likes were more important than the health of the source that produced them. Not sure I like shed seasons but I'm sure glad I can say I took a good F####ing being honest
>Go watch part 2 of the
>wildlife board meeting listen to
>the kids name who got
>caught twice. Check out his
>IG page he makes a
>post saying glad he waited
>til april first.
>Instafame as usual. Hope if
>he ever archery hunts on
>the wf in my zone
>he looks up for rolling
>granite??. That's when I wish
>the DNR would shut off
>the bodycam and bounce his
>head off the tailgate a
>couple of times. Glad his
>shed and IG likes were
>more important than the health
>of the source that produced
>them. Not sure I like
>shed seasons but I'm sure
>glad I can say I
>took a good F####ing being

Just like all other Honest Shed-Heads wstrn!

[Font][Font color = "blue"]I Changed My Signature Just for NVB!
Like 6 Damn Times Now!
I can't decide if Faultcurrent is Buzz or TrI or maybe a cross of the two. HMMMM.

He is making a ton of friends for sure.
But those of us that been around since MM started might have a few post like Bobcat.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Not sure about all areas but I know the delayed opening seemed to spread the wealth for my boy and his buddies. They all had a good year and didn't feel there had been anyone in their areas early. They felt it definitely evened the playing field with some of the guys that are able to be out on the hill fulltime from Feb thru May.
>Whats his instagram name westerntines?

Mr Olympia I'm guessin. Uuuuuge internet muscles!
The closure and the way the dwr enforced this new rule was complete bullshit. Every spot I hit after the opener had old boot tracks everywhere. I got screwed for waiting. I never left my truck all spring after the closure and just watched as others went "hunting/hiking/scouting". I reported several horn poachers and nothing was ever followed up with. I even had pics, video and license plates on an individual and NOTHING. So until they shut down all use of public and private property in this state from January to April, there's no way this will work. I'm not saying I'll go pick them up early next year if there is a shed season, but I'll definitely go walk around and "scout" just like everyone else did in Utah this past spring.

If you can't beat them, join them!
>If you can't beat them, join

AAAANNNNNDDDDD that's the mindset that leads to further regulation and eventual complete closures. How about instead of being so selfish and butthurt that you weren't able to find more antlers this year you just chalk it up as a loss and move on with your life. I'm sure a handful of animals benefited from closure and that's a positive in my book. All these people acting like spoiled brats that had their favorite toy taken away can't see the forest for the trees.
>>If you can't beat them, join
>AAAANNNNNDDDDD that's the mindset that leads
>to further regulation and eventual
>complete closures. How about
>instead of being so selfish
>and butthurt that you weren't
>able to find more antlers
>this year you just chalk
>it up as a loss
>and move on with your
>life. I'm sure a
>handful of animals benefited from
>closure and that's a positive
>in my book. All
>these people acting like spoiled
>brats that had their favorite
>toy taken away can't see
>the forest for the trees.

And right there is the entire problem in the first place. They keep creating more regulations when they can't even begin to enforce the original regulations to begin with! More laws won't fix the problem. Actually policing the original laws will, which would make further laws unnecessary. You may not agree with it and that's fine. The way I see it, any big game hunter that draws a tag can go scout for that hunt prior to opening day, weather it be by truck, atv, trail cams, hiking, flying, google earth, etc... they can look, but cannot touch OR HARASS. Shed hunters should not be any different. I'll bet most of the non shed hunters, huge big game hunters would throw a giant fit if they got told they couldn't go out hiking to "scout" for the tags they drew, until opening day. I know most are going to say "well that's different"! No it's not.
LAST EDITED ON May-08-17 AT 04:29PM (MST)[p]>>
>>>If you can't beat them, join
>>AAAANNNNNDDDDD that's the mindset that leads
>>to further regulation and eventual
>>complete closures. How about
>>instead of being so selfish
>>and butthurt that you weren't
>>able to find more antlers
>>this year you just chalk
>>it up as a loss
>>and move on with your
>>life. I'm sure a
>>handful of animals benefited from
>>closure and that's a positive
>>in my book. All
>>these people acting like spoiled
>>brats that had their favorite
>>toy taken away can't see
>>the forest for the trees.
>And right there is the entire
>problem in the first place.
>They keep creating more regulations
>when they can't even begin
>to enforce the original regulations
>to begin with! More laws
>won't fix the problem. Actually
>policing the original laws will,
>which would make further laws
>unnecessary. You may not agree
>with it and that's fine.
>The way I see it,
>any big game hunter that
>draws a tag can go
>scout for that hunt prior
>to opening day, weather it
>be by truck, atv, trail
>cams, hiking, flying, google earth,
>etc... they can look, but
>cannot touch OR HARASS. Shed
>hunters should not be any
>different. I'll bet most of
>the non shed hunters, huge
>big game hunters would throw
>a giant fit if they
>got told they couldn't go
>out hiking to "scout" for
>the tags they drew, until
>opening day. I know most
>are going to say "well
>that's different"! No it's not.

Justify it however you want. Limiting people in the hills before April 1 on years when winters are bad (or really most years) is a good thing in my book. Crying that your specific user group is being singled out doesn't help the animals. Complaining that you're being regulated heavier than the hikers doesn't change the fact that the activity of shed hunting does have a bigger impact on the animals than simply hiking the trails. Every argument I've seen against the shed season can basically be boiled down to the same thing, selfishness. Seems to me that a large number of people avoided the hills before April 1 this year and that has a net benefit, the shed season helped.
I feel the frustration of seeing boot tracks. The whole time you're thinking "i bet those guys killed it, had it all to themselves". Well you're wrong.

The competition was still there. Many times I came across boot tracks. Did I complain? No I continued on, with one eye on the ridge. And of course I turned in any competition I saw. Keep the karma on the even so to speak.

But to think there were antlers laying everywhere for the taking? Sorry. Its not like that. Still gotta earn 'em.

I will say this, its nice having two different opening days, I hope it stays that way!
LAST EDITED ON May-08-17 AT 05:37PM (MST)[p]Can't limit one group from using/accessing public lands while others are free to participate in other activities on the same land. Like I said, you can have your point of view and I'll have mine. I didn't start out attacking you or anyone in particular. I simply stated my observations from this year and what I plan to do moving forward. If you don't agree, that's your decision. As "unethical" as it may be moving forward, until they ban ALL human disturbance related activities on our public lands throughout the winter, I'm going to exercise my right to enjoy our lands in the form of freestyle hiking and/or hunting coyotes, chukar and rabbits. Don't like it? Call the UTIP hotline and report it. There's not a thing that can be done until they can prove I picked up and antler and collected/gathered it. Which I won't. I'm simply "scouting" for an up coming hunt.

It's odd that people say shed hunters cause so much stress on these poor wintering animals, yet literally within 2 days prior of this years ban, there were many cow elk late season and depredation hunts taking place, where people were in these winter ranges shooting rifles at these animals. Not to mention the chukar, rabbit and coyote hunters who were out on the winter range chasing animals around until mid February, shooting guns at them. I've personally never witnessed a hiker stress out a herd of animals anywhere near what a hunter shooting a rifle at them or even in the same area does, but I could be wrong. I've been wrong before
>AT 06:20?PM (MST)

> Well!
>I've Talked with Many Friends &
>Shed Heads about this Years
>New Shed Season/Closure!
>The True Sportsmen Will Tell You
>in a HeartBeat they are
>all for it if it'll
>Help Our Deer Herds!
>Problem is:
>It Never Helped Our Herds!
>It Helped the Illegals put More
>Bone/Money in their Pockets with
>Less Competition!
>Talked to a Guy that Went
>in to the Roadless area
>on His Horse Opening Day
>& Didn't Find Squat!
>Said He did see Several Old
>Horse Tracks in there that
>were Made a few Days/Week
>Most Guys I talked with that
>went came Home with an
>You Can't Blame em!
>The Honest Guys Lose again!
>Don't know what the Answer is?
>But this is one more Law
>that can't & Won't be
>Ya,They Caught a Handful of Law
>Breakin Bittcches but they never
>Scratched Em!
>Post Up Your Experiences/Thoughts/What You Seen/what
>You didn't See/what You Found/what
>you didn't Find on This
>Years New Shed Season!
>[Font][Font color = "blue"]I Changed My
>Signature Just for NVB!
>Like 6 Damn Times Now!

Been trying to tell you guys over regulation is not good. The ones that are doing stupid crap are gonna do it regardless of the laws. The honest guys get screwed and the bad guys get ahead. I can honestly say i followed the ban to much of my dismay, well lo and behold I havent found hardly anything. Just absolute bogus! Had a Le say he didnt fine anyone cause its almost impossible to enforce.
I sure hope there arent any plans for it again next year!
>AT 06:17?PM (MST)

>You're so full of chit.
>If the tracks they saw
>were weeks old then the
>antlers were still on their
>heads when the tracks were
>What did they blame for a
>chitty weekend antler hunting before
>there was a season?
>Too many lions, too many
>people without jobs, high antler
>prices, etc etc.
>Cry me a river! WAAAAAAAA.
>You guys are a bunch of

FOund one potential law break, got realllly defensive!
>>>If you can't beat them, join
>>AAAANNNNNDDDDD that's the mindset that leads
>>to further regulation and eventual
>>complete closures. How about
>>instead of being so selfish
>>and butthurt that you weren't
>>able to find more antlers
>>this year you just chalk
>>it up as a loss
>>and move on with your
>>life. I'm sure a
>>handful of animals benefited from
>>closure and that's a positive
>>in my book. All
>>these people acting like spoiled
>>brats that had their favorite
>>toy taken away can't see
>>the forest for the trees.
>And right there is the entire
>problem in the first place.
>They keep creating more regulations
>when they can't even begin
>to enforce the original regulations
>to begin with! More laws
>won't fix the problem. Actually
>policing the original laws will,
>which would make further laws
>unnecessary. You may not agree
>with it and that's fine.
>The way I see it,
>any big game hunter that
>draws a tag can go
>scout for that hunt prior
>to opening day, weather it
>be by truck, atv, trail
>cams, hiking, flying, google earth,
>etc... they can look, but
>cannot touch OR HARASS. Shed
>hunters should not be any
>different. I'll bet most of
>the non shed hunters, huge
>big game hunters would throw
>a giant fit if they
>got told they couldn't go
>out hiking to "scout" for
>the tags they drew, until
>opening day. I know most
>are going to say "well
>that's different"! No it's not.

exactly! YOu idiots should know better! this is similar to gun laws( i know its not an amenedentl to pick up sheds) but your logic is the SAME!!!! adding more laws isnt gonna stop the guys that are chasing deer around already, just like more laws wont prevent gun crime. ITs the sam sh1t just a different topic. Pull your heads out!
>>LAST EDITED ON May-07-17
>>AT 06:17?PM (MST)

>>You're so full of chit.
>>If the tracks they saw
>>were weeks old then the
>>antlers were still on their
>>heads when the tracks were
>>What did they blame for a
>>chitty weekend antler hunting before
>>there was a season?
>>Too many lions, too many
>>people without jobs, high antler
>>prices, etc etc.
>>Cry me a river! WAAAAAAAA.
>>You guys are a bunch of
>FOund one potential law break, got
>realllly defensive!

Hey Ox?

You Run in to faulty?:D

[Font][Font color = "blue"]I Changed My Signature Just for NVB!
Like 6 Damn Times Now!
Reading this is comedy. So, the pissed off guys are pissed because they couldn't find horns to sell to a buyer because some other dude went and did it, illegally. There is zero discussion about how to change the ban, perhaps linking it to Wyoming season. Perhaps making it a little earlier. But nowhere do I see that tag numbers were cut down because of a heavier winter, meaning we did lose deer. Or that some good dudes, especially up north were bulldozing feeding lines in a desperate effort to save deer. NO, what we read is, "I didn't go chase deer around, and so then I didn't find any horns to sell". Or, "well skiers and snowboarders still get to go on the mtn". Really? This is the big concern, YOUR ABILITY TO SELL HORNS? Its a pretty sad commentary. Reading it kinda reinforces the idea that the DWR had that there is a segment of us, for whom EVERYTHING is ONLY ABOUT THEM. THe same guys bitching about it, ARE THE GUYS the ban HAD TO REGULATE. No one should have to tell a sportsman, that when they see a herd, snow to their chests, perhaps they might be struggling. No one should have to tell a sportsman that tying lines through trees and chasing elk around trying to knock off horns, might not be the best idea. Yet, the DWR had to. The guys that are bitching the loudest, YOUR the reason we have to have bag limits. YOUR the reason for shooting hours. No one stopped your from getting on the mtn, winter range isn't the whole mtn. No one stopped you from sitting on a road, looking at deer, elk. What they did attempt to stop was chasing animals in chest deep snow. Roping trees, running, etc.
I love Bess, he makes me happy generally. Sorry bud, but on this one your wrong, the loss of tags proves we lost animals, and frankly, you selling some elk horn isn't nearly as important to the vast majority of us, as having the herd, that had made strides, not lose ground. Some advice, keep it shut, or the DWR might figure out there is a bunch of you making money on horns, and you might get yourself a tag license to buy.

Hopefully we can continue being best buds who have never met!!

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
Not everyone does it for money. I do it for fun. Gets me off my a$$ and outside. Finding a couple horns is just a bonus. My pile gets too big about every 5 years or so, so I sell some. At a net loss...
The selfishness of some "outdoorsmen" is disgusting. Some of you are so upset about the idea of one more regulation you can't see the fact that maybe, just maybe, there's a bit of benefit to it. And the argument that other people aren't obeying the rules so you don't see why you should either is the most childish and simple mindset I've seen so far. I'm sorry you didn't find as many antlers as usual this year, maybe next year you'll do better.
For those that went out on the opener and only found old boot tracks...did it ever occur to you that you might have been in the wrong place?

I know people that just went out again last weekend and found a decent amount of sheds in Utah...over a month after the shed closure ended. They plan to go out again next weekend, and I can almost guarantee they will find more.

Were there people that violated the law and got away with it? Absolutely. But I've called BS before on those claiming no antlers were left in the mountains come opening day of the shed season, and I will do so again here. Just a bunch of drama drummed up by those that don't like the rule, in my opinion.
I do believe there is still sheds out there and I do believe there are still gold mines full of sheds. I think some areas may have got poached bad and others very little if at all. I sell very little in sheds mostly junk every few years and a few browns but I don't ever make a big payday on antlers especially how much fuel, groceries, ect. goes into a shed hunting weekend. Horn hunting is super competitive and I always try to wait til the snow isn't too bad which I don't find as many as alot of guys because of it. But I'm fine with that I look for new spots every year because my old spots aren't as good as they once were. Or I really suck at shed hunting anymore LOL.
>Reading this is comedy. So,
>the pissed off guys are
>pissed because they couldn't find
>horns to sell to a
>buyer because some other dude
>went and did it, illegally.
> There is zero discussion
>about how to change the
>ban, perhaps linking it to
>Wyoming season. Perhaps making
>it a little earlier.
>But nowhere do I see
>that tag numbers were cut
>down because of a heavier
>winter, meaning we did lose
>deer. Or that some
>good dudes, especially up north
>were bulldozing feeding lines in
>a desperate effort to save
>deer. NO, what we
>read is, "I didn't go
>chase deer around, and so
>then I didn't find any
>horns to sell". Or,
>"well skiers and snowboarders still
>get to go on the
>mtn". Really? This
>is the big concern, YOUR
>Its a pretty sad commentary.
> Reading it kinda reinforces
>the idea that the DWR
>had that there is a
>segment of us, for whom
> THe same guys bitching
>about it, ARE THE GUYS
> No one should have
>to tell a sportsman, that
>when they see a herd,
>snow to their chests, perhaps
>they might be struggling.
>No one should have to
>tell a sportsman that tying
>lines through trees and chasing
>elk around trying to knock
>off horns, might not be
>the best idea. Yet,
>the DWR had to.
>The guys that are bitching
>the loudest, YOUR the reason
>we have to have bag
>limits. YOUR the reason
>for shooting hours. No one
>stopped your from getting on
>the mtn, winter range isn't
>the whole mtn. No
>one stopped you from sitting
>on a road, looking at
>deer, elk. What they
>did attempt to stop was
>chasing animals in chest deep
>snow. Roping trees, running,
>I love Bess, he makes me
>happy generally. Sorry bud,
>but on this one your
>wrong, the loss of tags
>proves we lost animals, and
>frankly, you selling some elk
>horn isn't nearly as important
>to the vast majority of
>us, as having the herd,
>that had made strides, not
>lose ground. Some advice,
>keep it shut, or the
>DWR might figure out there
>is a bunch of you
>making money on horns, and
>you might get yourself a
>tag license to buy.
>Hopefully we can continue being best
>buds who have never met!!
>"The only thing that stops a
>bad guy with a gun
>is a good guy with
>a gun"

Could you provide a link where anyone typed their concern for lack of antlers to sell?
>Reading this is comedy. So,
>the pissed off guys are
>pissed because they couldn't find
>horns to sell to a
>buyer because some other dude
>went and did it, illegally.
> There is zero discussion
>about how to change the
>ban, perhaps linking it to
>Wyoming season. Perhaps making
>it a little earlier.
>But nowhere do I see
>that tag numbers were cut
>down because of a heavier
>winter, meaning we did lose
>deer. Or that some
>good dudes, especially up north
>were bulldozing feeding lines in
>a desperate effort to save
>deer. NO, what we
>read is, "I didn't go
>chase deer around, and so
>then I didn't find any
>horns to sell". Or,
>"well skiers and snowboarders still
>get to go on the
>mtn". Really? This
>is the big concern, YOUR
>Its a pretty sad commentary.
> Reading it kinda reinforces
>the idea that the DWR
>had that there is a
>segment of us, for whom
> THe same guys bitching
>about it, ARE THE GUYS
> No one should have
>to tell a sportsman, that
>when they see a herd,
>snow to their chests, perhaps
>they might be struggling.
>No one should have to
>tell a sportsman that tying
>lines through trees and chasing
>elk around trying to knock
>off horns, might not be
>the best idea. Yet,
>the DWR had to.
>The guys that are bitching
>the loudest, YOUR the reason
>we have to have bag
>limits. YOUR the reason
>for shooting hours. No one
>stopped your from getting on
>the mtn, winter range isn't
>the whole mtn. No
>one stopped you from sitting
>on a road, looking at
>deer, elk. What they
>did attempt to stop was
>chasing animals in chest deep
>snow. Roping trees, running,
>I love Bess, he makes me
>happy generally. Sorry bud,
>but on this one your
>wrong, the loss of tags
>proves we lost animals, and
>frankly, you selling some elk
>horn isn't nearly as important
>to the vast majority of
>us, as having the herd,
>that had made strides, not
>lose ground. Some advice,
>keep it shut, or the
>DWR might figure out there
>is a bunch of you
>making money on horns, and
>you might get yourself a
>tag license to buy.
>Hopefully we can continue being best
>buds who have never met!!
>"The only thing that stops a
>bad guy with a gun
>is a good guy with
>a gun"

Easy Hoss!

I'm Wrong about What?

I Haven't Been Shed Hunting 'YET' this Year!

I have got My Quota the Last Few Years though!

2 to 4 Shed Antlers per year for several years now!

Now if that Ain't Just Kickin some Serious Ass on Sheds I've Never seen it!:D

I've said for several Years hoss,Shed Licenses are right around the Corner!

I See the Legal Shed Hunters getting the Same Treatment as the Legal Wheeler Riders!

More Laws that Can't be Enforced!

I'm all for Relaxation for Our Deer Herds!

But Once again,The Honest Guy Loses again!

One More Thing Hoss?

You Know what I'd Rather have in My Hand Rather than the Sheds I've Found the last few years?

The Money/Wear & Tear that it took to get em!:D

I Got a Fresh Set of Deer Antlers the Night Before the Closure!

I Have Not Picked Up an Antler since!

So Don't Accuse me of Getting Rich on Elk Sheds!:D

[Font][Font color = "blue"]I Changed My Signature Just for NVB!
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So, u only find 2-4 a year. Whats your concern then? Should we just pretend there isnt any horn buyers around ( i share a name with one). We gonna forget that there is a market? We just pretending that guys are pissed cuz white is worth less than brown? Like i said, comedy. The guys that are out just getting in the hills for some fresh air, aint the issue, and we all know it. Lije you said on another post, folks need to use that round thing on their neck. Its may 10. They will be skiing 4th of july. If your round thing cant figure out snow was deep, all those deer standing on the road, hell for that matter so were chukars, then someone needed to explain it to you. If we have a weak winter this year, have at it. The snow was deep, came fast, and the animals needed a break, your round thing should have told you that.

But, my roind thing says im a fan, so no point in poking you any more.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
>So, u only find 2-4 a
>year. Whats your concern
>then? Should we just
>pretend there isnt any horn
>buyers around ( i share
>a name with one).
>We gonna forget that there
>is a market? We
>just pretending that guys are
>pissed cuz white is worth
>less than brown? Like
>i said, comedy. The
>guys that are out just
>getting in the hills for
>some fresh air, aint the
>issue, and we all know
>it. Lije you said
>on another post, folks need
>to use that round thing
>on their neck. Its
>may 10. They will
>be skiing 4th of july.
> If your round thing
>cant figure out snow was
>deep, all those deer standing
>on the road, hell for
>that matter so were chukars,
>then someone needed to explain
>it to you. If
>we have a weak winter
>this year, have at it.
> The snow was deep,
>came fast, and the animals
>needed a break, your round
>thing should have told you
>But, my roind thing says im
>a fan, so no point
>in poking you any more.
>"The only thing that stops a
>bad guy with a gun
>is a good guy with
>a gun"

My Concern is!(And You already know this!)

One More Law that Can't & Won't be Enforced!

You Think faultcurrent cares what the Law is/says?

He'll Work it to His Advantage & Probably Gather More Bone than He ever Has!:D

I'm All for the Law/Rule Hoss!

How You gonna Enforce it?

Not All Round Thangs are the Same!:D

[Font][Font color = "blue"]I Changed My Signature Just for NVB!
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And One More Thing!

I Don't Thing De-Valuing the Antlers is the Answer Either!

Sure it Would Help!

How The HELL You gonna do that?

There'd Still be a Bunch of TARDS doing it for Personal GREED!

"""Look at My Shed Pile!"""

"Look at Me!"

"Look What I Got!"

Sorry Hoss!

I Don't see an Answer that'll Work!

[Font][Font color = "blue"]I Changed My Signature Just for NVB!
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An online ethics course and corresponding certificate would solve this. Oh wait, that brain child was hatched years ago.

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