Sheep Questions… Is this normal?


Long Time Member
So my son drew a ewe tag in an area we know but have never really paid any attention to the sheep. Today we did a scouting hike. 1000 foot elevation gain in 1/2 mile then long ridges to glass many areas from.

We found 118 sheep. They are all in one big herd on a south facing saddle that had a strong breeze…

1. Is it normal for them to be in such a big group? I don’t recall ever seeing more than 10-15 in a single group.

2. Today it was like 85 degrees on the mountain. Will they not seek out shad and north slopes for cooler weather?

3. I am assuming that the wind had a a lot to do with where they were bedded as it kept the flies/bigs down. Anyone else notice this with sheep?

Despite seeing that many, there was only 1 decent Ram a lot of 3-4 year old rams. And a few babies..
A few years back, when I was over scouting on my S-32 Bow Ram tag in Colo, there were those big herds/flocks of ewe's, lambs and young Rams up above timberline.

At least you and your son saw some sheep for him to get excited about!

Yeah we have found sheep every trip so far. I just never saw that many together.

Any idea if they will seek out shade and the north sides as summer goes? They were out is a stupid sunny hot spot for sure…
All game animals tend to be in the BEST areas for THEM.

Maybe the breeze was more important for them right now than shade. Yes, sheep love shady slopes and rocky overhangs so never overlook those areas.

I know I'd rather be a bit hot than pestered to death by bugs.

PS: I'll have both issues to deal with this weekend in the desert of Utah looking for sheep. Damnation!

All game animals tend to be in the BEST areas for THEM.

Maybe the breeze was more important for them right now than shade. Yes, sheep love shady slopes and rocky overhangs so never overlook those areas.

I know I'd rather be a bit hot than pestered to death by bugs.

PS: I'll have both issues to deal with this weekend in the desert of Utah looking for sheep. Damnation!

Poor guy…..
True Homer!

It's only going to hit like 110 to 115 degreed each afternoon. Crap, the things we do for a damn desert mutton! haha

I hope we have a stiff breeze to keep the no-see-ums at bay.

I scouted Kaiparowits west for a sheep hunt 15 years ago…….in August. More than brutal…..
Sounds like a blast Elks96!
That's a lot of sheep to be in one place. It seems this time of year the ewes and lambs like to gather but obviously you hit the mother load! They may or may not be in the same location come hunting season and I doubt you will find that big of a band together then. At least that's my experience.
This time of year, the rams will usually be in "ram bands" until the rut kicks in, so it's rare that you would find many rams with ewes, especially older rams. My son had a Wyoming Ram tag two years ago and we only saw a couple of ewes, but rams were together.
I always look on the skyline for sheep because they seem to like bedding on top of rocks/mountains. I'm sure it has to do with the breeze and keeping the bugs away. They also love to see as much country as they can to keep away from predators.
They certainly don't always bed on the top, and they will go into the timber to shade up as well. They go where they want to go.
Keep us posted on how things go and best of luck to your son.
Those ewes will be in the wide open in the typical sheep country and bed in slight shaded areas. Pf course every area is unique and means different patterns. Most I have seen was 67 in a group with zero rams. The rams will timber up till mid or late September

Sounds like you are doing just fine.
+1 Zeke

The breeze to keep the bugs away prolly is better than some sunny heat.

I'm down west of St. George next week scouting/getting to know the lay of the land on my D-Ram tag and it's 110--115 heat predictions!
Those dang Desert Knats with be out of control!

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+1 Zeke

The breeze to keep the bugs away prolly is better than some sunny heat.

I'm down west of St. George next week scouting/getting to know the lay of the land on my D-Ram tag and it's 110--115 heat predictions!
Those dang Desert Knats with be out of control!

Robb, you and Zeke have been blindsided by the Sheep Disease.
Nobody purposely goes into the Desert during the hottest week of the year, unless they have very lofty ambitions.
I admire your resolve, but for this weekend, I'll enjoy my AC!
I'll pray for a stiff breeze for both of you to keep the gnats at bay.
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161? You go in from the southeast? That's pretty typical to find big bunches. Your hunt is in Oct right? Most of the sheep that are up there now will be there then too. It won't be hot though.
Here in Colo where I've spent time in sheep country the rams are pretty territorial and are found on the same ridges, benches, cliffs the same times of year. Some slopes are void of sheep (generally north slopes) and others tend to be their favorite hangouts (south and west facing).

Here in Colo you can look at data from sheep harvest reports. I'm not sure if these are available in Wyo? You may notice that ewes and rams are often harvested in the same drainages year after year. Once in a great while there may be some exceptions. Obviously the more common, advertised locations are likely hit more regularly by hunters.

Some sheep are a lot more territorial at different times of year than others. A great example is some alpine rams and ewes in RMNP may travel as many as 50 miles to their historic rutting zones.

With that said, food and water are generally pretty important. I'm sure bugs and other things may factor into where sheep spend time at different times of the day.

Glad to hear you are getting out scouting! You will likely see some amazing things in sheep country...I'm envious!
Hey Rob when are your son's hunt dates?

Is he still going to use the Bow he won @ the BOW (Bowhunters of Wyoming) banquet?

Hey Rob when are your son's hunt dates?

Is he still going to use the Bow he won @ the BOW (Bowhunters of Wyoming) banquet?

Yes, his goal is bow only until the very end and he really wants the first kill with the bow to be a sheep. Definitely using the Bow from Dan… We have archery only from Aug 15 to August 31. Then rifle from September 15 to October 31. We will be hunting mostly weekends but I have the entire last week of September and the first week of October off if we need. He has a pronghorn tag in the area as well. But our first priority will be the sheep.

I am just hopeful that the sheep don’t make a major change once the seasons start.
Yes, his goal is bow only until the very end and he really wants the first kill with the bow to be a sheep. Definitely using the Bow from Dan… We have archery only from Aug 15 to August 31. Then rifle from September 15 to October 31. We will be hunting mostly weekends but I have the entire last week of September and the first week of October off if we need. He has a pronghorn tag in the area as well. But our first priority will be the sheep.

I am just hopeful that the sheep don’t make a major change once the seasons start.

I think your biggest struggle will be to many eyes. I would be getting their patterns and setting up in front of them.

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