Sheriffs Stand Tall For Constitution


Active Member

County Sheriffs are uniting throughout the west. They were sworn to protect and defend their citizens. They are not government employees but are public servants elected by the citizens of the individual counties.

A giant is being awakened!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-11-16 AT 04:42PM (MST)[p]Counties who believe they don't have to deal with federal authorities should reject all the PILT payments as well. Reject all Federal Highway funding for highways running through their counties, all Federal infrastructure projects and the Feds should remove every military base from such counties as well. No need for federal troops any where a county Sheriff believes he is supreme.

Those counties need to reject all federal aid for schools, all 874 program money, all impact aid money. The oppressive federal government should also suspend medicare payments and Social Security payments into counties who are so tired of the oppression. End all Tax credits for housing, tax credits for ACA plans and end all federal government support for law enforcement as well in those counties as well. I mean why would citizens of counties with a supreme Sheriff need anything from such an a government that does nothing but oppress them?

Funny that New Mexico claims they are oppressed by the Federal Government when the are number on welfare state in the Union. No other states gets more money from the federal government vs what they pay in.

This Ain't Me Talkin,You hear that NeMont & NVB?

And I Quote:

To Harney County Sheriff Ward - Take notes traitor!!

[font color="blue"]"This is the USA where people get Paid to Watch
People that are
Watching You!"[/font]
>AT 04:42?PM (MST)

>Counties who believe they don't have
>to deal with federal authorities
>should reject all the PILT
>payments as well. Reject
>all Federal Highway funding for
>highways running through their counties,
>all Federal infrastructure projects and
>the Feds should remove every
>military base from such counties
>as well. No need
>for federal troops any where
>a county Sheriff believes he
>is supreme.

Don't forget those sweet, sweet deals on used military hardware, and all that money from DHS.
Yeah I saw that. Think about what they are saying, if the majority of Harney county wanted the idiots gone and the Sheriff acted based on what the majority of the voters demanded then he is a traitor. However if the sheriff had went against the majority of the voters in his county and kicked the Feds out then he isn't a traitor.

They don't truly believe what they are saying about the Sheriff being the decider, what they mean is the sheriff is the decider as long as he shares their views. Anyone who voted for the sheriff and doesn't believe like Stoney does well that is just too bad for them. Any sheriff who doesn't believe like Stoney is a Traitor. Doesn't matter what the people of the counties want. See how that works.

They don't love the American Republic as they claim, they love a anarchist version of America where only the low hanging fruit of the militia movement gets to decide who is and who is not worthy of all the guarantees of the Constitution. Like a bunch of little kids, they believe in it until things don't go their way.

So there you have it. Bunch of tinfoil hat wearing public lands using, none fee paying freeloaders deciding for a the counties where their duly elected sheriff is or is not a traitor.

I say end all federal payments to the counties where the sheriff is supreme. See how long they can finance themselves.

>Yeah I saw that. Think
>about what they are saying,
>if the majority of Harney
>county wanted the idiots gone
>and the Sheriff acted based
>on what the majority of
>the voters demanded then he
>is a traitor. However
>if the sheriff had went
>against the majority of the
>voters in his county and
>kicked the Feds out then
>he isn't a traitor.
>They don't truly believe what they
>are saying about the Sheriff
>being the decider, what they
>mean is the sheriff is
>the decider as long as
>he shares their views.
>Anyone who voted for the
>sheriff and doesn't believe like
>Stoney does well that is
>just too bad for them.
> Any sheriff who
>doesn't believe like Stoney is
>a Traitor. Doesn't matter
>what the people of the
>counties want. See how
>that works.
>They don't love the American Republic
>as they claim, they love
>a anarchist version of America
>where only the low hanging
>fruit of the militia movement
>gets to decide who is
>and who is not worthy
>of all the guarantees of
>the Constitution. Like a
>bunch of little kids, they
>believe in it until things
>don't go their way.
>So there you have it.
>Bunch of tinfoil hat wearing
>public lands using, none fee
>paying freeloaders deciding for a
>the counties where their duly
>elected sheriff is or is
>not a traitor.
>I say end all federal payments
>to the counties where the
>sheriff is supreme. See
>how long they can finance

Like The F'N Federal Government Ain't Already F'N Broke?

SPLAIN where they get their Money without Spending Money they Don't F'N Have!!

[font color="blue"]"This is the USA where people get Paid to Watch
People that are
Watching You!"[/font]
Don't Know How bad things will have to get?

(((Evidentally Perty GAWD-DAMNED Bad!)))

But One of These Days Americans are Gonna Pull Their Blind Heads out of there Asses & Rise again!

[font color="blue"]"This is the USA where people get Paid to Watch
People that are
Watching You!"[/font]
> Don't Know How bad things
>will have to get?
>(((Evidentally Perty GAWD-DAMNED Bad!)))
>But One of These Days Americans
>are Gonna Pull Their Blind
>Heads out of there Asses
>& Rise again!

Rise again?
>> Don't Know How bad things
>>will have to get?
>>(((Evidentally Perty GAWD-DAMNED Bad!)))
>>But One of These Days Americans
>>are Gonna Pull Their Blind
>>Heads out of there Asses
>>& Rise again!
>Rise again?

For You Young PUNKS or for those of you that Failed your History Classes!

[font color="blue"]"This is the USA where people get Paid to Watch
People that are
Watching You!"[/font]
Take the time to listen to all of the eight sheriffs on this video. These are very prominent and important counties in northern CA and one from OR. You have Lassen, Tehama, Del Norte, Trinity, Shasta, Siskiyou, and Plumas Counties from CA and Grant County from Or. The common theme is that their communities are dying or just a fraction of what they used to be. Unemployment in these counties is much higher than the average. School systems are drying up with just a fraction of the students they used to have. Another common theme mentioned by most of them is the Travel Management Plan that most Forests are implementing in all of the states.

These sheriffs live there and know full well what is going on and what has happened to their respective counties. They take their oath of office seriously. These are all informed, educated, well spoken and professional individuals. To pooh pa them borders on the insane. Go back and listen to these individuals. They have a resounding message.

This group of brave men are only a small part of the growing number of sheriffs in the west who are uniting and starting to work together to restore and uphold the peoples rights (liberty) in their counties.

Nemont you are so totally screwed up! You throw up a very weak and stupid defense to try and convince us that Federal rule is supreme. Why in the hell do you think we enjoy taking PILT payments. We wouldn't need them if we had logging, mining, grazing and industry to help the counties whom are primarily government owned. That is payment in lieu of taxes (PILT). Since the counties can't tax the public land they have to rely on the pittance of taxing private land to take up the slack to keep our county governments afloat. A portion of logging receipts and grazing fees comes or did come back to the counties. Radical environmentalism is the root of the problem and even hampers our government officials from doing their jobs properly.

When the people fear the government, tyranny rears its ugly head. We the people should understand that the government is the servant of the people and not the other way around.
>>Rise again?
>For You Young PUNKS or for
>those of you that Failed
>your History Classes!

Ah well, it so happens I have a degree in History. So basically you're advocating armed insurrection against the government of the United States. Let me school you on the lessons of the past.

People "rose up" once. They got their butts kicked pretty badly. So badly that the economy of the South was in depression for decades. The sequel to Sherman's March on Atlanta should be particularly entertaining.

Sedition and treason are not playthings, little man. The wages of such things are usually death. You may think it's cool to be provocative on the Internet and saying stupid stuff, waxing wishful about the rise of the South again, but I doubt you have the gumption to do anything about it except whine about it on a hunting board, one sentence at a time, ending each one with an exclamation point. Apparently good grammar and composition elude you, so I wouldn't expect you to know your history except from what toothless Uncle Bubba told you.
Incidentally, your Internet provider are a bunch of retards and their main webserver was tipped over a couple of days ago because they didn't patch. I even offered to help them, but their "IT guy" said he was on it. Apparently, updating some software is beyond his capabilities.

The malware encrypts the files on your hard drive and hold them ransom unless you pay the bad guys some silly sum in Bitcoins. A police department in Massachusetts had to pay the ransom to get the decryption key because they were stupid.

Don't be stupid and get infected now. Hate for that to happen to you.
>>>Rise again?
>>For You Young PUNKS or for
>>those of you that Failed
>>your History Classes!
>Ah well, it so happens I
>have a degree in History.
>So basically you're advocating armed
>insurrection against the government of
>the United States. Let me
>school you on the lessons
>of the past.
>People "rose up" once. They got
>their butts kicked pretty badly.
>So badly that the economy
>of the South was in
>depression for decades. The sequel
>to Sherman's March on Atlanta
>should be particularly entertaining.
>Sedition and treason are not playthings,
>little man. The wages of
>such things are usually death.
>You may think it's cool
>to be provocative on the
>Internet and saying stupid stuff,
>waxing wishful about the rise
>of the South again, but
>I doubt you have the
>gumption to do anything about
>it except whine about it
>on a hunting board, one
>sentence at a time, ending
>each one with an exclamation
>point. Apparently good grammar and
>composition elude you, so I
>wouldn't expect you to know
>your history except from what
>toothless Uncle Bubba told you.


You go from not understanding "Rise Again' in one Post!

And to a History Teacher in the Very F'N Next Post huh?

Do Tell Me?

Who's The Smartest MM'er?

You or NeMont?

[font color="blue"]"This is the USA where people get Paid to Watch
People that are
Watching You!"[/font]

How about we withhold all the money the evil federal government pays from those counties so you don't have to be oppressed by the over reach. You can let the county sheriff figure out how to get the bills paid.

You can't take with both hands and then cry oppression like a two year old when you don't get your way. How about you giving up your social security and Medicare so you can live oppression free?

Nemont I know you are smart enough to know that argument is as silly as if the county citizens refused to pay federal taxes and instead pay the taxes to the county to run their agencies.
The real problem we are facing is such a vast division of the people that has been accelerated during the past 7 years. The Obama administration has done more to divide this country in the past 7 years instead of pulling it together. Just look at the many diverse groups that are upset or feel they are being punished unfairly.

I agree with you that it is a stupid argument. About as stupid as saying the county sheriff is the decider above all others.


How come your Repbulican heroes didn't come in and save them when they had control of the Congress and the White House? You know like back when the arson first happened in 2001 and 2006?

Facts never matter to you so I don't ever expect an answer that makes any sense. If the mandatory minimum guidelines are so bad why did they get passed by the Republicans and signed by GWB?

Also you may want to check on your little Meme, it not only is stupid, it is also a lie, but you are are great liar.

Is it Siskiyou County where they are trying to take out the four big dams? The loss of the huge system of hydroelectric power and all of the farming and irrigation that will be lost will be a devastating blow to the people there.

But according to ole Nemo everything is just hunky dory!

So Nemo you would rather have the Federal Agency LEO's keeping peace in your county than the Sheriff. Oh I forgot where you live it is all private land and the LEO's aren't bothering you.

Do you know the USFS LEO's are a separate entity and are not beholden to the individual Forest Supervisors and District Rangers. They work with them but they take their marching orders totally from their superiors within their own agency within the larger agency.

Are these LEO's, USFS, BLM and USFWS elected by the people? Are they peace officers? No they are not. They are almost the exact opposite. They don't or aren't responsible for keeping the peace. They in most instances are there only to protect the resources from the people whom rely on them for their existence. They back up the onerous agency/enviro actions against the rural people.

Why do you think the movement among western sheriffs is growing daily and they are grouping together to help each other to protect their constituents from people like you Nemo?

I can cry oppression all day long because I live here in the middle of all of it and witness it daily. I am not crying or whining, but instead trying to make a difference by waking up the sheeple. Education is a key factor in waking up the people. You Nemo are beyond hope. All I get from you is how subsidized the whole lot of us are and how your basic hatred of the public lands rancher is very evident even when you actually say you support public lands grazers. What a crock of baloney. You will have to explain exactly how you support public lands ranchers. If you had your way and according to you, they could all go the hell, but if they were really smart they would go buy all private lands.

The whole fight is over how the land and the water is controlled and by whom into the future. It is not about the Spotted Owl, The Sage Grouse or the wolf. It is all about changing the way the public land (and private) is used. Hunting and hunters are in the crosshairs also.

We are going to need good Constitutional Sheriffs to help us and I think with the above video it should be plain to you Nemo that the hand writing is on the wall, although you are glaringly in bed with the enviros, whom care nothing about you, and they will try to get your private land if they can.
I've been to your county many times. I bet we know some of the same people. I'm sure Hank4elk and I know some of the same people because the last 6 years I hunt closer to Quemado than the 7 years before when I hunted/explored in 23 near Glenwood and Reserve. It's not that bad, at least with the ranchers I deal with. There is only one person I know that works for a rancher that has a hard-0n for the sheriff like you, and he is in unit 12 closer to Quemado. Cheer up. The city, state, and Fed LEOs are sworn to protect too. I know they're not elected, but try to respect them a little. Your kind of lucky to live in such awesome country, that's why I keep going back.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-12-16 AT 10:11AM (MST)[p]

>Is it Siskiyou County where they
>are trying to take out
>the four big dams? The
>loss of the huge system
>of hydroelectric power and all
>of the farming and irrigation
>that will be lost will
>be a devastating blow to
>the people there.
>But according to ole Nemo everything
>is just hunky dory!

Stoner you go the same place for lying as you do for stealing. Show me where I say everything is hunky dory. Liars lie, they can't help and you sir are lying. Put up or shut up

>So Nemo you would rather have
>the Federal Agency LEO's keeping
>peace in your county than
>the Sheriff. Oh I forgot
>where you live it is
>all private land and the
>LEO's aren't bothering you.

Again a lie. Find where I said I would rather have the Federal Agency keeping the peace. Can you find it or are you just again lying out your @ss because you can't argue facts?

>Do you know the USFS LEO's
>are a separate entity and
>are not beholden to the
>individual Forest Supervisors and District
>Rangers. They work with them
>but they take their marching
>orders totally from their superiors
>within their own agency within
>the larger agency.

It's like that in almost every agency including your local police, They are separate entity with a Chief of Police. Even the County Sheriff is separate from the County Commissioners and an entity onto themselves.

>Are these LEO's, USFS, BLM and
>USFWS elected by the people?
>Are they peace officers? No
>they are not. They are
>almost the exact opposite. They
>don't or aren't responsible for
>keeping the peace. They in
>most instances are there only
>to protect the resources from
>the people whom rely on
>them for their existence. They
>back up the onerous agency/enviro
>actions against the rural people.

Do you really want BLM/FS LEO charged with "keeping the Peace". You can't argue straight on any issue. You hate the government but cash every check they send you. You want government making sure you have open space and want them regulating the free market but only if you get an advantage. You don't want FS LEO in charge of keeping the peace unless they should because they are not elected. Who elects your local police force? How many deputies in your county are elected?

>Why do you think the movement
>among western sheriffs is growing
>daily and they are grouping
>together to help each other
>to protect their constituents from
>people like you Nemo?

Because people are too stupid to see what that kind of power will result in from County Sheriffs. Also the people need protection from guys like you who want to get rid of 240 years of jurisprudence and make up pretend laws that don't really exists. That thinking is going to far more harm to the Republic then a capitalist like me could do in 100 years.

>I can cry oppression all day
>long because I live here
>in the middle of all
>of it and witness it
>daily. I am not crying
>or whining, but instead trying
>to make a difference by
>waking up the sheeple. Education
>is a key factor in
>waking up the people. You
>Nemo are beyond hope. All
>I get from you is
>how subsidized the whole lot
>of us are and how
>your basic hatred of the
>public lands rancher is very
>evident even when you actually
>say you support public lands
>grazers. What a crock of
>baloney. You will have to
>explain exactly how you support
>public lands ranchers. If you
>had your way and according
>to you, they could all
>go the hell, but if
>they were really smart they
>would go buy all private

I don't have explain diddly squat to you in regards to how I support public lands grazing and public land ranchers. I live it every day and almost all your oppression is just little girl crying because you can't live like it is 1885 any more.

>The whole fight is over how
>the land and the water
>is controlled and by whom
>into the future. It is
>not about the Spotted Owl,
>The Sage Grouse or the
>wolf. It is all about
>changing the way the public
>land (and private) is used.
>Hunting and hunters are in
>the crosshairs also.

Who owns the land? The American people do. Who elects members of congress and the President, the American people do, Who is responsible for every politician in office? The American people are.

I agree that hunting is the cross hairs. It is in the cross hairs on State owned lands as well so don't pat yourself on the back too much.

>We are going to need good
>Constitutional Sheriffs to help us
>and I think with the
>above video it should be
>plain to you Nemo that
>the hand writing is on
>the wall, although you are
>glaringly in bed with the
>enviros, whom care nothing about
>you, and they will try
>to get your private land
>if they can.

GFYS, the only person in bed with anyone is you. You are in bed with people advocating civil war with fellow Americans and willing to kill to get their way.

The Constitutional Sheriff ploy is doomed to failure. What they are saying is a false interpretation of reality that appeals to people unable to adapt to the 21st Century or unwilling to participate in our Representative Republic.

Keep on making up stories if it helps you sleep at night. I will keep on paying my taxes so you can get your medicare and social security entitlements from that Oppressive government you hate so much.


So you believe that Social Security is an entitlement? Get real. We have paid into that all of our lives and most of us will never recoup what we paid into the system. We get paid back only based on what we paid in. No more no less.

My county Sheriff is sworn to uphold the Constitution. That is the oath he took. Did the oath mention the 200 some years of jurisprudence? He is has also publicly stated that he not only is here to protect the citizens but all others, in state and out of staters, who come to our beautiful county. He also states he has good working relationships with the Federal LEO"S and State Police but they also have an understanding that they recognize he is the top dog in the county. You cannot believe what has happened to some of us here by FS LEO"s overstepping their authorities. It is no wonder many people here have little use for them.

So you Mr. Capitalist smarty pants, you think that all of these fine elected sheriffs that were elected by their own people are all a bunch of traitors. This is not just a black and white issue that you make it out to be. Sure we realize that the centuries of jurisdictional jurisprudence has a big persuasion on the Constitution, and present day laws. 99% of the people here pay there taxes and abide by the laws ( and sign their federal permits) but that doesn't mean that we like what we see happening. Many of these sheriffs don't like what has and is happening to their citizens.

Do you think that the majority of the people making up the electorate even know or care about the issues here in the west. I guarantee you they do not. The people here are working hard to educate the masses but people like you make it hard to do so when you are more in tune with the CBD and WildEarth Guardians and those folks.

Do you think that all eight of the above Sheriffs in the video are all nut jobs? Far from it my friend. Wake up. Smell the roses or better yet take off your rose colored glasses and see what is really taking place on the paradigm shift of how the public land is managed. Try getting a subscription to "The Range Magazine" and maybe you can start educating yourself as to what is really going on in the west. Go to "The Westerner" blog site for some education. It probably wouldn't make any difference though because you wouldn't know the truth if it hit you between the eyes.

Oh I almost forgot, everything is hunky dory with "your" perfect world or so you would have everyone on this site believe. (emphasis on "your")
LAST EDITED ON Feb-12-16 AT 03:55PM (MST)[p]>Nemo,
>So you believe that Social Security
>is an entitlement? Get real.
>We have paid into that
>all of our lives and
>most of us will never
>recoup what we paid into
>the system. We get paid
>back only based on what
>we paid in. No more
>no less.

You may want to check how the system actually works and not believe what you hear at coffee. Social Security is a pay as you go system. Meaning you are getting paid out of revenues from people currently working. So yes it is an entitilement, period

>My county Sheriff is sworn to
>uphold the Constitution. That is
>the oath he took. Did
>the oath mention the 200
>some years of jurisprudence? He
>is has also publicly stated
>that he not only is
>here to protect the citizens
>but all others, in state
>and out of staters, who
>come to our beautiful county.
>He also states he has
>good working relationships with the
>Federal LEO"S and State Police
>but they also have an
>understanding that they recognize he
>is the top dog in
>the county. You cannot believe
>what has happened to some
>of us here by FS
>LEO"s overstepping their authorities. It
>is no wonder many people
>here have little use for

Good for you Sheriff. Watch how much control he has if their is a natural disaster or something that the Feds need done now and he will simply be a speed bump.

Why are you always a victim? I swear you sound more like Rev. Al Sharpton mroe every day you whine about things. You ever man up and just stand up to somebody every or do you just take it and then whine like a little girl later?

>So you Mr. Capitalist smarty pants,
>you think that all of
>these fine elected sheriffs that
>were elected by their own
>people are all a bunch
>of traitors. This is not
> just a black and
>white issue that you make
>it out to be. Sure
>we realize that the centuries
>of jurisdictional jurisprudence has a
>big persuasion on the Constitution,
>and present day laws. 99%
>of the people here pay
>there taxes and abide by
>the laws ( and sign
>their federal permits) but that
>doesn't mean that we like
>what we see happening. Many
>of these sheriffs don't like
>what has and is happening
>to their citizens.

That is simple untrue and who ever is selling it to you isn't going to prevail in the long run. You are betting on the wrong horse but I guess as a fake conservative you are so used to losing that you can't see it any more.

>Do you think that the majority
>of the people making up
>the electorate even know or
>care about the issues here
>in the west. I guarantee
>you they do not. The
>people here are working hard
>to educate the masses but
>people like you make it
>hard to do so when
>you are more in tune
>with the CBD and WildEarth
>Guardians and those folks.

No but I know that the electorate are American citizens with all the rights and privileges that entails. So the system created by the founders means not everyone gets everything they think they should.

I don't like either of those outfits never have, but are they breaking the law or are they just better at using the law then you are. Pretty big difference. Up your game a bit and at least get into game.

>Do you think that all eight
>of the above Sheriffs in
>the video are all nut
>jobs? Far from it my
>friend. Wake up. Smell the
>roses or better yet take
>off your rose colored glasses
>and see what is really
>taking place on the paradigm
>shift of how the public
>land is managed. Try
>getting a subscription to "The
>Range Magazine" and maybe you
>can start educating yourself as
>to what is really going
>on in the west. Go
>to "The Westerner" blog site
>for some education. It probably
>wouldn't make any difference though
>because you wouldn't know the
>truth if it hit you
>between the eyes.

I don't look to the internet for education. I read and study. No I don't think they are nut jobs. I believe they will find out that they are not only wrong but not even in the same zip code as reality when push comes to shove. I don't pray for the chance to kill other American citizens like you just because you disagree with policy.

>Oh I almost forgot, everything is
>hunky dory with "your" perfect
>world or so you would
>have everyone on this site
>believe. (emphasis on "your")

I won't apologize for having a great life. If things are not hunky dory in your world there is only want person to blame, look in the mirror. If you are so tied up about policy that it makes you a miserable human stewing about it, then you are just like Manny and don't truly believe all the words in the Bible you profess to believe in. Read it some time and you will find out that God says he put Obama in power and you are to obey those in political office, not just the Sheriff.

Hey elevenbravo!

Check your PM Box!

[font color="blue"]"This is the USA where people get Paid to Watch
People that are
Watching You!"[/font]
LEO are law enforcement officers but the greatest threat to hunting is the desire by Repubicans to either sell off federal land or transfer it to state control. That is what should be the main issue in this forum.
Stoney check your medicare statement for me and let me know what you paid it. You are one broken wrist from being ahead of the system. If you paid so much in and say you will never get out what you paid in why is there not a huge surplus. It is because you get a lot more than you paid in.
Medicare is an entitlement and that is not the argument. Social Security however is like a savings account we have been paying into all of our lives and I am still paying in. The Social Security fund has been raided for ever and not currently operating like it was originally set up to do.

I have a good life and truly praise the Lord for my life and the opportunities I have been afforded. I have the best job on planet earth, and my office is out in the wilderness areas of the great SW. This does not mean that we are not under heavy fire from the enviros and some of the elitist federal agency folks.

I am heavily involved in working to better the lives of my fellow citizens and neighbors. One of the main forces helping our two state area is the Arizona/New Mexico Coalition of Counties for Stable Economic Growth. This is a coalition of 16 counties in AZ and NM and we fight the battle against the enviros. Being the outfitter director I work heavily on issues that affect hunting. We have filed a lawsuit against the USFWS over the expansion of the Mexican Gray Wolf program that will more than triple the number of wolves here and expand their recovery area for everything south of I-40 through both AZ and NM. Remember this was an experimental non essential program to start with. It is morphing into a full blown recovery program. I am a co-plaintiff in the lawsuit and we have spent over $80,000 and it hasn't even had the first hearing yet. Remember the Center for Biological Diversity and Wild Earth Guardians? They don't want us public lands users out here. Not even the hunters. Mark my words, it is not about the so called endangered species it is about the change in how the public land as well as a lot of private land is managed in the future. The CBD wants all grazing off of the public land as well as any remaining logging, mineral and oil extractive industry, hunting and all other consumptive uses. But according to you Nemo you know these organizations, but it seems you are sitting idly by while they take the people off the land. Like I said before, you seem to be pleased with the state of affairs.

The AZ/NM Coalition of Counties has done a lot of work on the Sage Grouse issue with some of our affected counties doing a great collaborative effort to better the Sage Grouse habitat the last four years, only to have their work scuttled by the Feds.

We also have a lawsuit over the huge swath of country in southern AZ and NM for the Critical Habitat of the Jaguar.

We fought with several lawsuits over the so called Spike Dace/Loach Minnow and several more. We have won some and have lost some. The NGO's take in millions from us the taxpayers through the Equal Justice and Fairness Act for their lawsuits.

You see Nemo I don't set around and #####. I work hard at trying to save hunting, grazing and the multiple uses of our public land.

I love our public land and make my living off of it. I for one don't ever think the citizens of the US or the Congress will ever relinquish the public land to the states. The opposite is actually happening with Obama getting another 250 million dollars to buy up more private land in 2016. It is truly amazing how much property the Feds are buying. Not only the Feds but some counties are buying up so called green zones and in Pima County AZ (Tucson) they have spent millions buying up ranches and many not even close to Tucson. (Water is part of it) Private property is going public at an alarming rate.

Many of the conservation organization are whipping up a frenzy over the states trying to get back the public lands. One of the worst is the NMWF and they have pulled the wool over the unsuspecting hunters to get them to join their organization over what I feel is a non issue. Won't happen folks.

State lands are totally different. They were set aside to raise revenue for the school systems in each state and are managed completely different than the public federal lands. The State Lands Commissioner just raised the lease to the NMDGF for 2 million dollars and in return the Game Dept. got a little bit more relaxed scouting and camping policy on State Lands. Much different management scheme. And oh by the way the NM State Lands Dept. runs in the black on all of their programs and they only have a very, very small fraction of employees working there compared to the feds. They put millions into our school funds every year. So much different than the Federal Agencies and their bloated budgets and always running in the red.

I guess I am a fake conservative Nemo or whatever but I sleep darn good at night, but then I get up early the next day and try to better the world for my fellow citizens, neighbors and my family. Evidently your ox hasn't been gored yet.

I think the Western Sheriffs Association members will move forward in a unified front to protect the citizens of their individual counties. Most know the law and know the Constitution and right will prevail.

Oh did you see the Sheriff Department armored vehicles at Burns, Or the other day. I think the Sheriffs Departments are well enough equipped and smart enough to handle almost any situation that arises in the rural western states. If they don't have the resources, our State Police do. We don't need the Federal goon squads here. They only cause unrest amongst the natives. We got by just fine with out them for many decades. The FS and BLM LEO's have only been on the scene here a few years and they are pretty darn useless in my estimation. I've never witnessed any Federal LEO's keeping the peace here. But I have seen them disrupt the peace on a huge scale.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-13-16 AT 10:00AM (MST)[p]As always the fake conservatives don't understand the funding for their own government cheese. Do a little research on Social Security and then tell me again that you have a savings account with your name on it. Try using facts not emotions like a liberal does.

If you are in the arena and fighting back that is great, now stand up and be a man and stop whining like a little girl about oppression. Oppressed people don't get to take their oppressor to court and get open public support.

I do have a Social Security account and have had for a very long time. I know what I have paid into the account is directly in proportion to the check I get. The more you pay in the more you take out. I also know that most people never recoup what they paid into the system. If I paid directly into Social Security and receive only a portion of that back, I consider that, not an entitlement. You research the Social Security Act and come back and explain "entitlement" to me. Just because the money I am now being paid is not the same money "I" paid in, but by the newer generation, does not make it an entitlement. Most of the monies I paid in as a young man went to the old timers at that time.

You are the one whom needs to man up. All I am trying to do here is correct the volumes of hate speech here and help alert people to what is happening in the real world out here. You Nemo are the epitome of the truly uninformed, or have your head totally up where the sun doesn't shine. Not whining my friend just pointing out the real world here. Like I have said on several occasions, come down here and get a taste of the real world. You live in a fairy tale land wherever the heck you call home. Evidently a totally different world than here.

If you want a dose of reality come to Silver City, NM on Feb. 16 on Tuesday night for what the rural people here are up against. It is a panel discussion public meeting by several extremist radical environmentalists headed up by Kieran Suckling the main man for the Center for Biological Diversity, and they are going to discuss their so called fear over the Malheur Standoff spreading to Silver City and Grant County, NM. You can bet your sweet bippy they will only throw gasoline of the fire as they hate all public lands ranchers the worst, and all other consumptive users next. As I have tried to explain to you what these people really want and that is the total and complete change in the way the public land is managed and used. It doesn't include hunters either.

Oh I almost forgot. I am acting like a little girl and whining. Take a hike Nemo. How sad the human race has you as a member.
The sheriff is the decider. WTF kind of moron believes that?

If the feds withhold funding to Podunk counties like mine , Harney county or Stoner's clustershag county they'd be broke in a week. what bunch of dumbphuks we have around here.

The first thing hat would happen is Stoner would be speaking Spanish once El Chapo's goons killed Stoner's sheriff and the state and feds sat and watched. dipchit seditionists pizz me off. they want the services but they don't want rules or a bill.

Comprende Stoner?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Moron? Look who calling out Moron. Take a hard look at yourself fool.

Your "Podunk" County and my "clustershag" county. would do just fine without the pittance of PILT money they get.

I guess all of the so called Republican candidates for President of this United States are evidently seditionists according to your shallow view? What we are calling for are common sense reforms of regulation and an ever growing big government. We are calling for less government regulation and stifling of free enterprise and a more republican form of government. We are calling for the chance to stand on our own two feet and be able to make a living with out total and complete cradle to grave dependence on the federal government.

You might channel your hatred and vitriol into a more positive endeavor and look at what the real problem is here. It is the extremist movement by the many radical environmental ORG's that are changing the the way of life in the west. For you to be in a state of denial of this the real problem is ridiculous. You need a dunce cap my friend.

It is people like you that are part of the problem. You are crying about the wolves. What did you do to try and stop this big government backed extremist environmental movement to change the fabric of our very lives here in the west.

Most of our Sheriffs will do just fine and with the help of our State Police. We darned sure don't need the Federal agitators in chief Federal LEO's running around causing unrest.
? What we are calling for are common sense reforms of regulation and an ever growing big government. We are calling for less government regulation and stifling of free enterprise and a more republican form of government. We are calling for the chance to stand on our own two feet and be able to make a living with out total and complete cradle to grave dependence on the federal government.

Jefferson Davis would not be happy you plagiarized his speech. You sound a lot like Posse Commitaus, how'd that work out?
I guess the republican presidential nominees and myself and millions of other patriotic citizens of the US are all in the same boat. "plagiarized speech", what are you talking about? How did you come to that simple minded conclusion?

Give me a break.....Posse Comitatus not Commitaus. Have you ever heard me or any of these Sheriffs calling for a posse comitatis? I don't think so. No need for that I don't imagine. The pen is mightier than the sword. The armed takeover of the Malheur and the radical militiamen are mostly trouble makers and we warned Lavoy just four days before he was killed that they were going about their protest in totally the wrong way. We told him being armed and especially siding with the militia wasn't very smart. They would have had more support had they not tried to make an armed standoff.

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