Shooter CO scouting pics


Active Member
Here are a couple deer Ive found that are shooter bucks for me if I can find them in a month when my season starts.

1st choice-"Kickers"

"The Tall One"

Nice bucks--best of luck with them.

Any reason you're waiting an extra week to hunt? Opening day is only 3 weeks away!
That's a tough choice between the two!!! Which to pursue????
Both a super bucks. That taller one looks really good to me. But, kickers are awesome too!
Hopefully their in the same area and either one could offer up a shot.
Good luck!!!

Brian Latturner
LAST EDITED ON Aug-09-08 AT 03:04PM (MST)[p]Is it me, or does "The Tall One" look like a 200" gross typ

The fronts are short, but the beams are great
Would take either one of these. Don't think the tall one will go 200" because of the short fronts. Think the first buck with the tall fronts might score higher than the second one.
Good luck!
Would be hard pressed to chose between those two, but I know one thing - if I had a chance at either of them - I'd be trying to give him the eternal wall nap.

Keep the Sun at Your Back and the Wind in Your Face
Either one will do WS.

Each buck has his strengths. I would not pass either looking for the other, both are very good.
I have been watching the tall one and he is bigger than the pictures show. Hate to say it but i have an archery tag. What were you driving this weekend i think i may have seen you.
I was in a 08 White Ford Supeduty. What were you driving??

If it is the same buck you probably know that he is going to be hard to get too.

He is a biggin though.
Both pretty deer. I would shoot the one with the tall rack. Nice pictures keep um coming.

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