Shootin' Sticks

Phantom Hunter

Very Active Member
Has anyone ever used Pronghorn Bipod's shootin sticks? Was looking into buying their Coyote Buster model. Price is cheaper than other name brands but I don't know about the quality.

Phantom Hunter
I purchased a couple sets a few months ago and they work really well. I have the ones that you can shoot when sitting or kneeling, I believe they are 36" fully extended in three pieces. They are pretty basic but work well and you can't go wrong with the price. I bought them off of e-bay I believe for around $15 ea plus shipping. They are just fiberglass poles shock corded together with rubber caps on both ends. They have a nice velcro strap to hold them together. Once you open them up the basically connect together themselves in a couple of seconds. They are light and don't take up much room in a pack.
Is it a bipod or shooting sticks, attached to your
gun or not? I don't like shooting sticks, I would rather
use a bipod. I do a lot of coyote hunting and it's to hard
to adjust when you have one coming to the call, and a
coyote coming to a call will not stop or hold still for
very long. you need to be ready if they stop. with a bipod
that is attached to the gun, if you move the gun the bipod
moves to. the only downfall to a bipod is when trying to
move it in thick brush the legs can get hung up sometimes.
My .02

Thanks for the info. I logged on to ebay last night and bought a pair of Pronghorn Shooting Sticks, (sitting model) for 14.99. At that price I figured I can try them to see if I like them.

Phantom Hunter
If anyone wants some info on Pronghorn Bipods, let me know. You can email me directly or check us out on the web.


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